Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

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Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#1 Post by Brimney »

Another Chance Logo.png
Hey all.

I’m a newbie taking on a bigger project which raises all sorts of red flags.

There are more red flags ahead though.

In fact, there’s going to be a few trigger warnings here: mainly rape, abuse, and pstd.

You see, I’m making a game about a character who’s gone through trauma and through the magic of romance, manages to get herself back up again.

Spoiler (trigger warning, abuse, rape)
After being raped by her then boyfriend, Jane sets to a therapy group to help heal.
Cliche I know.

What makes this different?

Not much. Not yet.

But I’m trying to be realistic, respectful, and put my own experience into it, so we’ll see how it goes.

So if you like

-Cute boys
-intimate but not necessarily sexy scenes
- at least 2 endings per cute boy

It’s not the worst option around. Hopefully.

Our MC:
23, still getting over ptsd, not letting that stop her.

Boys included:
24, Roger is a shy guy who’s had his own trouble with an abusive partner. He’s sweet but distant. Bit of a nerd.
27, Graduate Student, helps the professor. Not a frat boy, but could be mistaken for one. Isn’t sure how to relate to the main character at first. Can be childish.
35, the Support group leader. A trained psychologist. Sort of unethical I know. He’s very kind but can be over protective.

So I’m writing the script for nanowrimo and will be editing it. I have a programmer. Now, see those Sprites up there? THOSE ARE NOT FINAL. Those are things I whipped up in IIcharacter as place holders. I’m going to hire an artist to help me out with those, cgs, backgrounds, and a logo. And it’ll be paid. I’ll post in the recruitment area in a bit. A proofreader wouldn't go amiss either.

In fact, I apologize for the state of the demo - most of it (sprites, music, backgrounds) are placeholders, just to get an idea of how things will look. This is not the final product.

With that said, have a demo:

Updated demo here:

We have music

We have a tumblr:

So, mainly I’m posting to get an idea of interest, what people thing, if people hate it, etc. So came up with a few questions.

Do any of the characters interest you?

Do you think a subject like abuse can be cover by a visual novel appropriately?

Do you have any suggestions?
Last edited by Brimney on Thu Jan 04, 2018 2:17 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#2 Post by bluebirdplays »

Just wanted to pop in to say kudos at making a more serious, psychological romance. We need more of those in the community :> Haven't played yet but I'm planning on checking out the demo this weekend and letting you know what I think! Also, the MC looks sadly adorable! As for your questions, heck yes abuse can be covered in a visual novel. Think of all the other novels out there that have written about abuse and overcoming it! That's the great thing about visual novels as a medium- you can portray emotions through all different forms of media, even negative experiences.

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#3 Post by HarukaNami »

Hello! After looking over in this game, I'm pretty impressed with the genre of this game. One of them is abuse and romance, and it is also related to reality.

1. The characters are interesting in their own stories, everyone can be full of surprises when they say something that was a bit unexpected to everyone.
2. Yes, it's good to show a fiction story on games. Reality and abuse is one of them, so do it. I'm looking forward on how the game looks when it comes together. It is good for people to see reality on games, even when it's just a visual novel. You can write whatever you want, but just as long that it stays in that culture and you respect that culture.
3. I suggest that you make longer scenes after the player do choices. I felt that some scenes were rushed, but you said you were new. I understand that.

I hope that helps!

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#4 Post by Brimney »

Thanks for the answers! I definitely agree that I need to add more to the choices.

Here's a quick update - thanks to this forums own lovely Shadilyn/Floradrawz, sprites are being worked on!

Here's the prototypes (these have not yet been incorporated into the demo)

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#5 Post by MarkusLappalainen »

Like bluebirdplays said, traumatic experiences most definitely can be explored in a medium like a visual novel! I wish that those who do have creative tendencies — regardless of the medium of their choice — would use that to their advantage in the healing process. While being personal, creating can give perspective.

Have you talked with recovering/recovered victims? I'm thinking, it can be easy to have a bit naive or surface level touch to such a strong subject matter. Interviewing/doing some field work might give something very interesting and tangible to the story :)
Have a happy day! 8)
- Markus Lappalainen, composer & music consultant
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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#6 Post by Brimney »

I have, and
I am one, this is based on personal experience
Also, small update: I've put together a tumblr here to advertise the game:

Developments and updates will be posted there.

I'm still new to... all of this, so apologies in advance.

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#7 Post by Zelan »

I agree with what's been said above, there's no reason you can't focus on more serious subject matter in a visual novel. Just because it's "just a game" doesn't mean that it takes its subject matter lightly; it's a narrative game, after all.

I like the art. Jane is very cute and I also really like Roger.

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#8 Post by Brimney »

CrysetBase is providing the music. They're doing a great job, and the music can be heard here:

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#9 Post by Brimney »

Hey there, there's an updated demo! New art, new music, 4 cgs, and more await you. Please leave comments here or pm me. Your voice is desired!

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#10 Post by Mello-Knight »

Hey there! I played your demo a few weeks ago and I've been meaning to leave feedback. First off, I wanted to commend you for tackling such a difficult subject...I'm so sorry you had to experience such a terrible thing and my heart goes out to you. It's really brave of you to take that experience and try to channel it towards a creative pursuit. I'm sure it won't be easy so I wish you the best of luck in doing so. I'm sure your game is capable of delivering a powerful message and reaching out to many people.

Onto more lighthearted topics...I love the art, but I might be biased because Flora is doing art for my game too and she is PHENOMENAL! :) I'm sure you already know that though. Regarding the bachelors, Ben was my favorite. Those freckles are too cute! Though Roger also intrigued me. His story breaks my heart. I don't understand why there are so many people in this world that think men can't be abused by women, that it's funny if a girl hits a guy and that reflects on his masculinity, and that is just so wrong. Ugh. They also seem to forget emotional abuse is a thing too.

To be a little nitpicky, I did notice some small errors here and there so I would have an editor proofread for you. I can't remember specifics at the moment, sorry. X_X Also, I would urge you to get more creative with the MC's choices. I felt like they were all basically the same: Interact with the guy or be a loner and keep to yourself. Of course, every time I chose to interact because that's what I came here for. I'm sure most other people would be choosing the same. Maybe mix it up a bit so choices are more fun or difficult. :)

That's all I got! Again, best of luck with this game. Oh wait, one last thing...have more confidence in yourself! Don't be like "eh, it's nothing special" or "it's really not that great." It IS great. So many people are brimming with ideas, but they never take steps to make those ideas a reality, yet YOU are! Despite everything, you're putting yourself out there, combining art, music, and writing to tell a story and send a message that means a lot to you. So don't discount it. It is awesome. You are awesome. :)

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Re: Another chance [gxb][romance][psychological][demo]

#11 Post by Brimney »

Mellow - your post make me stupidly happy, more than I can really express. Thank you so much. That's very good advice too! Flora is pretty amazing, also.

But some good news - I've edited and cleaned up the demo a bit, and hopefully those typos should be gone.

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