pygame_sdl2 and pygame 2

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pygame_sdl2 and pygame 2

#1 Post by Beuc »


I was contemplating some contributions to pygame_sdl2 (such as direct access to pixels) and I saw that the official pygame project is announcing SDL2 support.

I couldn't find information on how the two "pygame+SDL2" projects are related on either website, so I'll ask here :)
- Is there collaboration between these two projects?
- Will one be obsoleted by the other, or will they be separate forks?

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Re: pygame_sdl2 and pygame 2

#2 Post by PyTom »

Pygame_sdl2 came about when I was porting Ren'Py to SDL2. Since Ren'Py was based on the pygame API, and I didn't want to rewrite Ren'Py more than I had to, I (and Patrick Dawson) rewrote pygame_sdl2 instead. I gave the project that name since I hoped that the pygame project would adopt it going forwards. They chose a different choice, which is their right. Pygame_sdl2 supports some but not all Pygame features - it supports those Ren'Py needs, and some select other ones.

I don't plan to change Ren'Py's dependency on pygame_sdl2. It's working well, and has good stories for all major desktop and mobile platforms. And after a several-year gap without a pygame release, I don't want to put Ren'Py's future in the hands of another project. So I plan to keep pygame_sdl2 around, but perhaps rename it (maybe to renpygame), to make it clear that its primary intent is to support Ren'Py, and it's not the future of pygame.

To some extent, this is my fault - Ren'Py is already a huge community to support, and I don't have time to support pygame, also.

I'm hoping that some of the technologies introduced in Ren'Py will be useful on the pygame side. For example, I think Uguu is turning out to be a very good cross-platform, cross-api GL abstraction.
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Re: pygame_sdl2 and pygame 2

#3 Post by trajano »

I also see Pyglet as another GL library for Python, but the API looks so drastically different than that of Pygame

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