Deeplake - Demo v 1.3 Released! 22/09/07

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Sapphire Dragon
Posts: 119
Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 7:52 pm
Location: UK - south normanton

Re: Deeplake - Demo v 1.3 Released! 22/09/07

#196 Post by Sapphire Dragon »

And to finally show what the new style will be like heres part of a cg done in the style. I had to crop it to avoid slight spoilers though.

Doing it this way actually takes longer than the old one because it takes longer to do the linework. Should be worth it in the end though.
Deeplake: backgrounds= 45 (0 en) frames=149 (0 en)
fullscreen pics= 38 (0 en) Character pics= 191 (15 en) Trailer:
Portfolio: iDreams Game:

Sapphire Dragon
Posts: 119
Joined: Fri May 11, 2007 7:52 pm
Location: UK - south normanton

Re: Deeplake - Demo v 1.3 Released! 22/09/07

#197 Post by Sapphire Dragon »

Ok its delays time again. This time I can't draw much because I got a full time job saving for when I go to start a business in august so its only secondary in my mind.

So sorry again, short of another artist the drawings themselves will be done very slowly for now. I might have to get renzel to post ruris routes with some missing gfx and use already existing stuff. Prioratise the most important things that need being drawn to get a decent picture and fill in the blanks when I can. On the bright side theres plenty of gfx that can be used as a placeholder its mainly the Full cg's that wont be there.

Even in my list up to date I have a backlog of 21 Fullscreen CG's need being done for ruris route.

Edit: forgot to mention frames too, theres probably over 100 of those that need doing, thankfully they dont take too long bwecause they are in B+W.
Deeplake: backgrounds= 45 (0 en) frames=149 (0 en)
fullscreen pics= 38 (0 en) Character pics= 191 (15 en) Trailer:
Portfolio: iDreams Game:

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