[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#391 Post by SweetChiel »

NekoKarasu wrote: Fri Oct 02, 2020 2:30 pm AAAAAA AAAAA I'M BLOWN! I'M BLOWN AWAAAAYYY!!! I'M BLOWN AWAY I TELL YA AAAAAAAAA!!! I LOVE ANGRY ARYA BUT SMILING ARYA IS SOMETHING ELSE!!! It's gonna be so bright right like REEAAALLLYYY SSSHIIIINNNEEEEE, this kokoro is very ready....


By The Way.... I want to ask some questions to our lovely boys:
1. How smart are you?
2. What makes you laugh?
3. If suddenly you wake up and find your sex changed, what's the first thing you do?
4. How do you handle cockroaches?
rofl, thank you, NekoKarasu!
I can certainly feel your enthusiasm! x'D
Yes, we're getting there! Slowly but surely QuQ thank you so much for being here and walking with me!

And wow, so many questions! I'll write them down and start answering them next week, because I have a special fun fact to tell today~
You made me smile for the first time today, so thanks again x'D
I hope to see you around!


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UPDATE 10/4/2020!

#392 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! SweetChiel here!
How was your week? Mine was pretty productive so I'm feeling great! ^.^)/

For one, I finished making 3 CG sketches for Arya!
I'm quite satisfied with how they turned out... except 1 of them (the pose still looks a little awkward). I also considered to make 1 CG for Kahlil and Guntur each but nah, they already have a couple at autumn and winter is the time for Arya to shine! 

Here's a little sneak peek for you~
For my $5 patrons on Patreon, you'll be able to see the full preview! *spoiler warning tho*

I also started making Guntur's past-life memory set of images!
10 of them! Kahlil has 36 images so... we're 1/3 way there!

Let me tell you, drawing weasels are not easy ^^;
At first, I kept making mistakes and they always seem a bit too similar with foxes. Later, I took notice of their S body shape, stubby tail, and... slightly long-ish paw fingers? For ferret/weasel lovers out there, I'm sorry if I can't draw them as good as foxes/Kahlil's set of images! I did my best! Q_Q

For now, I'll set aside the CGs and focus on making Guntur's and Arya's past-life memory images >< there's a lot to be done and it needs my undivided attention.

That's it for now and see you again next week!



Let's take a break from the Q&A session. I have fun facts to tell you:

1.) Did you know? Depending on the region and its climate, there are different kind of wolves with different shapes and sizes to boot!


Arya is based on Arctic Wolves, which usually have thicker fur than its other kins.
Take note of its fluffy ears, neck, and body. You can easily insert a finger through its fur before actually touching its body.

How do I know this? 
Because... I have a husky, Kiara. I have no way to access/touch a real Arctic Wolf, so I used her as second reference.


...See the similarities? 

2.) Did you know? A wolf looks mellower/cuter from the front and looks 200% more beautiful/handsome from the side.

So don't be surprised later when you compare Arya's first encounter CG with the Winter CGs and finding him more handsome x'D  

P.S. Arctic Wolves have white fur. There's a reason why Arya has black fur. Find out why in the game!


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UPDATE 10/12/2020!

#393 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
I was drawing all day last week and today, I'm finally finished with Guntur's past-life memory!
The total added up to 36 images, here's a sample:


Like I did with Kahlil's, his images were drawn with children's storybook style--though, not quite the same because the end is pretty dark and there are some blood splatters at the end ^^; I'll do my best to keep it mild!

I also started making plans with Arya's past-life memory images.
I've drawn the first page, but I still have to practice on how to draw a wolf without overdoing it x'D

Last but not least--I've just realized that it's been two years since I last tapped in with my semi-realism style O_O; that got me sweating, so with a little spare time left on Sunday, I decided to draw a small fanservice for you:


Why Guntur you ask?
Because I was drawing his past-life memory and thought of him first ><

I wish I could think up a better pose instead of the classic head-tilt--but I ran out of time and I could already imagine my mom glaring at me to go to sleep, so there you go!

For my $5 and up patrons on Patreon, you'll get to see the step by step GIF and download the raw .psd file -^.^)/ I've said this countless of times but--thank you for your support! Please accept this small gift from me! *bows

That's it for now and see you again next week!
I hope you enjoyed today's update!



Q&A session part 17!

1. If suddenly you wake up and find your sex changed, what's the first thing you do?-- by: NekoKarasu

Arya: "No. Fucking. Comment."

Kahlil: "Uhh... I dunno? Inspect my new lady bits? I've been mistaken as a woman once, I also have no qualms about becoming one so nothing will change much."

Guntur: "How the hell can you be so calm? I'd probably freak out. It would feel so wrong and weird to walk around with boobs and without junior to--"

Kahlil: "Guntur! Not in front of the kids!"

Guntur: "Oh. Sorry."

2. How smart are you? --by: NekoKarasu

Guntur: "Enough to go by."

Kahlil: "Smart enough to not get into any trouble! You're only in trouble if you get caught, right? Well, I've never been caught!"

Arya: "Smart enough to tell he's dumb."

Kahlil: "...Hey!"


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UPDATE 10/19/2020!

#394 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
I assume winter is coming for you? Is it already snowing outside?

For me, raining season is coming and I have a feeling that when it hits, it'll hit hard OuO;
Yesterday, it rains and the lightning was so big and loud, it lights up the sky--I could've sworn it strike somewhere close to my house!

But you know what? My neighbor scared me more than the lightning lol. She screamed bloody murder and my doggos were like, simultaneously tilting their heads before going to hide x'D

Well, weather aside, let's talk about progress update!

Um, remember what I told you last week? I practiced on how to draw a wolf without overdoing it, but... I think I failed in a good way? ^^;

Here, let me just show you a sample:


Arya's past-life memory illustration ended up with a total of 28 images. A bit less compared with Kahlil's or Guntur's but in return, the quality got better (my excuse at my poor quality control OTL).

What else can I say? I had too much fun coloring his fur ><;

*Ahem* In any case! We're finished with all 3 past-life memory illustrations and I will now focus on Arya's CGs for Winter Arc! *rolling up my sleeves* There are also a few things I need to prepare for the final Spring Arc, like touching up the worldmap (I foolishly forgot to draw the Spring Village on the worldmap) so yup, no programming for now!

That's it for now and see you again next week!
Take care and stay at home~



Q&A session part 18!

1. What makes you laugh?
-- by: NekoKarasu

Kahlil: "Sweets and my dad jokes!"

Guntur: *laughs*"Yeah, his dad jokes are the best."

Arya: "I don't know about laughing, but coffee and my bank account makes me happy."

Kahlil: "Looking at your bank account makes you happy? Me too--"

Arya: "It sometimes make me want to fucking cry and kill someone too."

Kahlil: "???"

2. How do you handle cockroaches? --by: NekoKarasu

*The bachelors are looking at each other in dismay*

Guntur: "We can handle cockroaches just fine, but it's an entirely different matter if it takes flight."

Kahlil : "Yeah, in that case, I'll... I'd probably do whatever it takes to take it down."

Arya: "Big talk coming from the one who ran away last time after throwing a fucking tumbler at it and missed. Maybe I should call you 'chicken' instead of 'fox'."

*Arya threw a look at disdain at Kahlil but before he could refute, Guntur suggested:*

Guntur: "How about we look for the nearest pesticide?"

Arya: "As long as you don't fucking aim it at my face, we're good."

Kahlil: "...Arya, you're still holding a grudge against me, aren't you? It was an accident!"

Arya: "Piss off!"


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UPDATE 10/26/2020!

#395 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! Sorry for being late ><
I drew a lot last week and today, I was polishing up stuffs but more importantly, we're officially done with Winter Arc!

- Arya's winter CGs are done well! The total is 3 CGs + 2 secondary (secondary as in slightly different pose/effects).
It's quite smooth-sailing, but there's this one time I encountered an awkward problem where I forgot to put Maya in her winter robe ^^; because the milk have been spilled and I had no energy to re-draw it, I... decided to change the programmed scene a little to accommodate the CG OTL (forgive me).

Why didn't I have the energy to re-draw the CG you ask?

Because I've been busy drawing the Spring Village on the worldmap!
I wanted Spring Village to look colorful and festive, but it's hard to catch the atmosphere when you looked at it from above... and there are so many trees to draw my wrist hurts OTL

- After struggling, twiddling, and countless brushing up, I finally came up with 2 designs for the Spring Village!
Which one do you think looks better?


Hmm... this shouldn't count as a spoiler, right?
I mean, I've posted a sample of Spring Village's background a long time ago OuO;

Personally, I think A looks better because less detail = more focus on the village + castle, but hey! If lots of people vote on B, I'll use B! ^.^
I really enjoyed last time where you guys helped me with the blizzard effect!

I think that's it for today~
I want to rest my wrist for a couple days before I start programming Chapter 6, so see you again next week!



*Taking a break with the Q&A session
I don't have the energy--all I can think about is my bed x'D

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#396 Post by crystalscm »

Wow, the spring village looks aesthetic! I can't wait to immerse myself into this big world. I like the simplicity of A, but I wouldn't mind B either. B looks more colorful, haha! Don't push yourself, but it's so close to being done! Fighting!

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#397 Post by SweetChiel »

crystalscm wrote: Mon Oct 26, 2020 2:31 pm Wow, the spring village looks aesthetic! I can't wait to immerse myself into this big world. I like the simplicity of A, but I wouldn't mind B either. B looks more colorful, haha! Don't push yourself, but it's so close to being done! Fighting!
So you choose A or maybe both? x'D
lol, thanks crystalscm! I'm glad you like them, you too, take care and stay healthy! Good luck over there! Let's both work hard!

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#398 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys!
Some of you told me great opinions and after taking careful considerations, I decided to add more options based on that ^.^~

I can't post the pictures here due to it being more than 800 pixels wide/height, so please go here to read it:
https://sweetchiel.itch.io/nusantara-be ... e-worldmap

Thanks for your time and for voting!
I look forward to see the result of the voting~



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UPDATE 11/2/2020!

#399 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
Last week I did lots of things~

After resting my wrist, I went out with my bf a whole day to look for my mom's birthday present. Her birthday is on October 30th, just in time for Halloween x'D

I also prepared to program Chapter 6, but like cooking, there are lots of 'ingredients' to prepare. Such as... new characters! For those who pledged 'In Game Cameo' at the Indiegogo, their OC characters will make an appearance!


- Chiron and Farren, the Warrior and Wizard, credits to Tabetha Aldridge
- Hototo, the Bard, credits to Aubrey Schultz
- Damaris, the White Mage, credits to Livia Jefferson
- Vivian, she's a new character I made and a key character~ Tabetha helped a bit with her, here and there!

I already started making some of their expressions, here's a sample for you:

These are just the tip on the iceberg! There are still lots of things to prepare!
Such as Vivian's and Damaris' special sprite when they visited the Hot Spring... (not naked, covered with towels you pervs x'D)
And yes, there's a Hot Spring scene! A fanservice just for you :'3

Sadly, Hototo and Chiron doesn't join the Hot Spring scene, but they're just as important!
I'm not in the mood to draw tho, I'll put aside Hot Spring scene for now and prioritize programming Chapter 6's other scenes ><

The vote result for Spring Village's Worldmap is also out!
A: 0 D: 5
B: 2 E: 6
C: 9 F: 12

F won
with quite a wide margin, C is in second place!
Thank you for everyone who has participated! *bows

Last but not least, here's a little something from me because you guys have been great supporters! Enjoy this precious, smol mascot of the Spring Village:


'Kyu! Kyuruuu~ krr~'
Aqua, a Water Dragon. Farren's friend and the first dragon to be revealed!

That's it for now and I hope you enjoyed today's update!



We'll skip the Q&A session 'coz I've posted more than enough treats for you today x'D

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UPDATE 11/9/2020!

#400 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey, guys! What's up?
I had a rough week and almost got a heart attack so hopefully yours is better than mine ^^;
Everyone has their bad days and if you read the emergency update on 11/7/2020, you know what happened. Here's a summary of last week's heart stopping incident:

So, my laptop's HDD got corrupted.
Fortunately I managed to recover Bermuda's files. The store guy was super nice and patient with me *kudos for him!

I still have to reinstall my macbook though. It includes other important applications such photoshop, microsoft word, etc... you know the drill.
I also have to reinstall java to do programming with my Ren'Py. There's also this problem where the new photoshop refused to save as to my USB/external HDD (something about I don't have permission to save in this location?). Turns out it's because the USB/HDD format (NTSF) is uncompatible with my macbook's newly installed Sierra. But we solved this problem after a few tries! I was afraid I need to change to a different macbook OS lol.

​Now that's out of the way, here's a list about what I did last week!
1. Polished Arya's and Guntur's past-life memory scenes. This took more time than I originally thought o.o Some of their images ended up got revised/completely not used.
2. Created 8 new NPC silhouettes + 2 Crowd silhouette groups for Spring Village! ​Lots of new characters~ Spring Village is based off medieval times with patriachy system so there will be a King, a Minister, nobles... but I'm no expert at this so please excuse me if I made some mistake ><;

Some sprites with important identities will be more detailed than others to make them stand out. Like the King and his Minister. On the other hand, a couple of sprites will only appear at one event. They're dedicated to the Spring Festival. Here's a sneak peek for you:


What's a festival without dancers, right? x'D

​3. After my macbook got reinstalled, I had to spare some time to make sure my Ren'Py works and settle down ^^;
4. Still a slow start with the programming:


I didn't get to do much this time. After I implemented the new Spring Village worldmap, I went back to polish Winter Arc + programmed in Arya's & Guntur's CGs--but at least 6/669 pages ​is a pretty number, right? //runs away

​I know! I went back and forth a lot!
It just feels like I can still make Winter Arc better, but I really should focus on Spring Arc next week x_x;
Okay, here's hoping for better days ahead!
See you guys again next week,


Q&A session part 19! ​

1. Have you ever brought home a stray animal?
Arya: "No."

Kahlil: "I have! Sadly, our lease doesn't allow pets..."

Guntur: "Yeah, I was really tempted when he brought home kittens and puppies. We had to bring them to a shelter after having them for a few days."
Arya: "If you're so hung up on it, get a big house so you can adopt one or two."

​Kahlil: "I'm planning on it! Hey, Arya, this is the nicest thing you've ever said in a long time."

Arya: *snorts*

2. If you can dye your hair, what color would it be?
Kahlil: "That's a tough one. I've dyed parts of my hair but never completely. "

​Guntur: "If you didn't notice, I've already dyed my hair." *points to his original undercut black hair* "I'm not thinking about changing to another hairstyle or dye color anytime soon. I like my current brown with a dash of red."

​Arya: "Unlikely. I don't like messing with my hair."

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UPDATE 11/16/2020!

#401 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I worked hard last week :'D

1. Made 1 new NPC silhouette, 1 new special effect, afternoon & night versions for 6 of Spring's Backgrounds!​
I also polished Autumn Village's afternoon backgrounds but there's not much to say about that ><

2. Programmed in 22 pages!


I think we're almost back on track!
I still need to program in the new characters' expressions but other than that, everything is going well!

I also started researching some references to use for the Spring's CGs. One of them will involve the crowd so it's gonna be complicated for me who usually only draw 2-4 people in one CG x_x maybe I should blur the crowd? x'D

lol in any case, let's continue to work hard!
While I'm jumping head first with the Spring Arc, here's a sneak peek of Winter's Arya Chibi animation! It's a mild spoiler but I figure you haven't seen much of Arya, so... here you go!


For my $5 patrons on Patreon, you'll be able to see a CLOSE UP of this chibi's CG version! If you're one of my $10 patrons, rejoice! You'll be able to see a FULL preview of this chibi's CG version! ​ -^.^)/
​​Well, that's it for now and see you guys next week!
Have an awesome day and thanks for reading!


Q&A session part 20! ​​No one posted any question for the bachelors, so Im going to have fun today~

1. *Puts a plate of cookie on a low table*

Kahlil: *walks in* "Huh? Is this today's snack? Yum!" *eats without any hesitation*

​Guntur: *walks in* "Who puts this here? They're going to attract ants." *puts the cookies away in a jar*

Arya: *walks in* "I smell something sweet."


Arya: "...Fuck."

2. "Do you guys have any wise words/quotes to share with us?"

Kahlil: "Hmm... Don't judge a person by their appearance and... oh! Live like today's your last day!"

Guntur: "Life will always try to make things difficult, but success is not final and failure is not fatal. It's the courage to continue that's counts."

Arya: "...People said that money can't buy happiness and it can't buy everything--but the fact is; everything needs money!"

Kahlil and Guntur: ".........Well..."
​Me: *facepalms*


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UPDATE 11/23/2020!

#402 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys!
According to Patreon, November 19th is a “Thank You Patrons Day” so... here's a little something for you <3


It's a bit late, but better late than never, right? >///<
Honestly, I can't thank you enough for allowing me to do what I love for so long work and at my own pace--I know that I'm repeating myself a lot but I really don't know what else to say to convey what I'm feeling for you all QuQ


Let's stop here and focus on telling you what I did last week before I get mushy and ramble forever ><;;

1. Polished an important scene of Arya's and Guntur's at the Winter Arc!

2. Polished the Super Backers' characters--as in programming their sprites & more expressions~

3. Last but not least, I programmed in 18 pages! I stumbled a little here and there due to the many sprites I have to control ^^; the early scenes involved many new characters and I had to re-check their position everytime I write a new line/action (so they won't block each other) so please bear with me for now~


Um, lastly... this is off topic, but I've been trying to reconnect with my semi-realist painting style! I hope I can improve myself--I really need to learn lighting and mixing low saturation into my palette :'D (I'm afraid of hurting your eyes with my bright palettes lol)

That's it for now and see you guys next week!
Take care and stay hydrated!



Q&A session part 21! ​​If you have any questions for the bachelors, type away!

1. How good is your singing?

Arya: "Don't even ask."

Guntur: "It can't be that bad, Arya. Even I can hold a tune."

Kahlil: *chuckles* "Step back and listen. You're looking at a pro."

Arya: "I don't believe you..."

Guntur: "He's good. He can even imitate a woman's voice."

Arya: "What the fuck--"

2. How good is your tolerance to spicy food?

Arya: "They're okay. I prefer sour or spicy than salty or sweet food."

Guntur: "I love them! If I can eat spicy food everyday, I'll be very happy. I'd like to try eating a ghost pepper someday."

Kahlil: *blanches* "Ugh, not for me. I can't handle spicy food, not even one bit."


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UPDATE 11/30/2020!

#403 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey, guys! What's up?
I hope your PC/laptop is doing fine and not causing any trouble like mine lately x'D

Yesterday, my macOS is lagging so bad, I considered going to the service store again. However, I decided not to because I discovered that as long as I don't open Safari, things are not as laggy and still tolerable. The strange thing is my Windows (which is also installed in my macbook), is doing fine so what's with my macOS Sierra? :S all I want is to work on programming with peace *sigh*

Let's put it aside for now and let me tell you what I did last week:


- 31 pages programmed in! Christmas is coming and before vacation season, I'll do my best to do more programming to cover my weekly quota~ I could've done 40 pages, but the lag got in my way QuQ I'm using Firefox now instead of Safari so I hope everything is okay now. I don't want to go outside if not really necessary (self quarantine. my town isn't looking so good).

- Fixed a hidden bug where readers are forced to enter Guntur's Route. At some point, readers will be locked to a bachelor's route. At first, I tried to do the 'conditional if' code like: if affection_arya > affection_guntur and affection_kahlil. But somehow, it doesn't work so I replaced the condition to 'if affection_arya > 100'. Therefore, you'll have to collect at least 100 affection points to enter a bachelor's route now ;)

Last but not least, I've been trying to reconnect with my semi-realism painting style and I think I improved!
It's been a long time since I do any illustration that's not involving my visual novel project :'D I also want to reward my patrons on my Patreon with more step by step GIF so... here you are!


Anyone know this character? It's Zhongli from Genshin Impact!
It's a new mobile game that have caught my attention. Their characters and environment designs mesmerized me at first sight :'3
Btw, the blurry background is actually from an ingame screenshot x'D

This week, my $10 patrons will gain early access to step by step GIF, HD raw .psd file, and the ginko leaves brush that I used for this piece! (Credits to the original brush maker, Fooblued. His name will be in the brush title~)

$5 patrons will gain access next week -^u^)/

That's it for now and see you guys next week!
Here's hoping my laptop won't get into any trouble anymore QuQ



Q&A session part 22! If you have any questions for the bachelors, type away!

1. What is your preferred mode of transportation?

Arya: "I walk."

Guntur: "Motorbike. With a helm on, I won't be easily recognized."

Kahlil: "By bus or walking is fine with me--oh! I've always wanted to try riding a tandem bicycle though! You know, the one with double seat?"

Arya: "...With Guntur?"

Kahlil: "Who else? Do you also want to try, Arya?"

Arya: *imagining two big men riding a bicycle, laughing* "...No thanks."

2. What would you do if your laptop/PC is lagging or crashed for no reason?

Guntur: "What's a PC?"

Kahlil: "I'll clean it up and try to tinker/repair it myself."

Arya: "Lagging? Crashed? Pfft, peasants."

Everyone: "............"


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#404 Post by crystalscm »

Oh, there is a lot of pages programmed in! Super excited, hehe.

Yo, I've literally stared at that drawing wondering for literally 10 minutes on who that guy could possibly be (since he looked so familiar, I swear) until I realized the name was right below! (ノ*°▽°*) Man, Genshin Impact is really becoming big right now!

Arya calling me a peasant... music to the ears, haha.

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#405 Post by SweetChiel »

crystalscm wrote: Mon Nov 30, 2020 1:35 am Oh, there is a lot of pages programmed in! Super excited, hehe.

Yo, I've literally stared at that drawing wondering for literally 10 minutes on who that guy could possibly be (since he looked so familiar, I swear) until I realized the name was right below! (ノ*°▽°*) Man, Genshin Impact is really becoming big right now!

Arya calling me a peasant... music to the ears, haha.
Hi, crystalscm!
Yup, on good days I program fast~

And yeah! Genshin Impact is the hype these days. I mean, the graphic is so goo, I can just stare at the sunrise/sunset and be content >///<

...ROFL! Oh crystal, you and Arya x'D
But I'm sure you're not the only one who feels that way *wiggles my eyebrows to the silent supporters out there

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