Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#16 Post by PyTom »

There are a lot of changes in this prerelease. The biggest one is a rewrite of how the Android presplash screen works. Previously, the presplash was loaded in C using SDL2's 2D rendering mode, which caused problems when Ren'Py would start up OpenGL. Now, the presplash is displayed in a new layer on top of an empty OpenGL window, which means that there isn't the mode change that was causing problems.

The new renpy.screenshot_to_bytes function makes it possible to store a screenshot into a bytes string, that can be displayed with im.Data. Note that this could be very large.

The new function returns a list of sound files (or AudioData objects) that are being looped, making it possible to store and resume the current music.

The input displayable supports a new mask argument, that makes it possible to mask the characters of an in-game password.

A gl2 memory leak has been fixed, and Ren'Py does less work when drawing text.

Ren'Py will save into _quit_slot when going to the main menu.

I've changed the GL properties to all have gl_ names (the old names still work), and added a new gl_texture_wrap property that allows you to control how mesh textures are wrapped. (These are both very advanced changes.)

Downloads of 7.4.5 can be found at:

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#17 Post by Imperf3kt »

Nice, impressive list there.

You forgot to mention that you also fixed the Android export issue that was caused by a missing online repository.
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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#18 Post by PyTom »

iOS 14.5.1 introduce an issue in Safari that prevents the web version of Ren'Py from starting. As there is no way for me to fix this issue in Safari, Ren'Py now detects this problem and encourages the player to report the issue to Apple, rather than the game's creator or myself.

An issue introduced in the Ren'Py 7.4 series meant that who_prefix/what_prefix/who_suffix/what_suffix would interpolate its argument twice, rather than once, requiring '[[[[' rather than '[[' to get a single '['. That's fixed.

A couple of issues involving autoreload and the launcher have been resolved, as have a few documentation typos.

Thanks to everyone who tested this.
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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#19 Post by PyTom » prerelease)

I'm happy to announce Ren'Py 7.4.6, the sixth patch release for the 7.4 series. This release contains a number of fixes for 7.4.5, both to improve platform compatibility and to extend some to the features added for the new 3D Stage.

This release include a new camera statement, which is used to introduce transforms that will persist until changed. This allows the show layer statement to revert to the behavior it had in 7.4.4, improving compatibility with projects in production. At the same time, it allows more concise control of the camera in 3D productions.

This release introduces the Model displayable. While right now focused on allowing multiple textures to be combined (it's now possible to implement dissolve-like transforms without a creator-defined displayable), it will in the future serve as a way to access 2D and 3D model functionality.

This release fixes a mistake in the 7.4.5 that prevented builds from working on iOS, and gets the model-based renderer working on that platform.

In addition, there are a number of bug fixes and other improvements.

Ren'Py 7.4 is the the product of over a year of development, and one of the biggest releases of Ren'Py to date. This series of releases focuses on updating Ren'Py's internals so that Ren'Py is ready for its next 15 years.

Downloads of 7.4.6 can be found at:

A full list of changes to Ren'Py can be found at:

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#20 Post by PyTom » prerelease)

An issue with loading older games has been fixed.

There have been a number of fixes to the launcher:
- The Mac icon has been increased in resolution.
- The launcher now stays inside the Build Distributions screen after a build finishes.
- butler support has been fixed.

An issue with ATL transforms using the animation timebase displaying old images has been fixed.

Pausing without a delay now always causes a checkpoint, allowing rollback to work.

Unless there is an especially glaring issue, I'm planning on releasing this as Ren'Py 7.4.6 tomorrow.
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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#21 Post by PyTom » prerelease)

I'm happy to announce Ren'Py 7.4.7, the seventh patch release of Ren'Py 7.4. This release includes many fixes, and some major improvements.

Perhaps the biggest set of changes was to the Web port of Ren'Py, which has been rewritten to use the web browser's native audio processing. This prevents expensive operations, like decoding image files, from interrupting audio playback. (However, an issue with Safari still exists.) Self-voicing has also been added to the web plaform.

There have also been improvements to support for the iOS platform, that allow Ren'Py games to run on the latest iPhones without aggressive pillarboxing.

The input displayable has grown quite a bit of functionality, with more keys being supported, and the caret blinking to indicate that text can be edited.

The Atom editor has been updated.

There is quite a bit of new functionality in this release, please check out the changelog for some of the new things that can be done.

Ren'Py 7.4 is the the product of over a year of development, and one of the biggest releases of Ren'Py to date. This series of releases focuses on updating Ren'Py's internals so that Ren'Py is ready for its next 15 years.

Downloads of 7.4.7 can be found at:

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#22 Post by PyTom »

Fixed a few regressions introduced by
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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#23 Post by PyTom »

Added a way to access the accessibility (shift+A) and renderer (shift+G) menus from buttons - Preferences("accessibility menu") and Preferences("renderer menu"), respectively.

Fixed an issue with Model().texture().

Documented renpy.IgnoreEvent(), tweaked some custom theme things, and in general fixed the documentation.
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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#24 Post by PyTom »

I'd like to announce Ren'Py 7.4.8, the eighth patch release of Ren'Py 7.4. This release is focused on fixes, and especially fixes a problem introduced in Ren'Py 7.4.7 that could, in some circumstances, cause data to become corrupt during rollback.

Everyone on 7.4.7 should upgrade.

In addition to that fix, there are multiple other fixes, and a single new feature - the ability to pause playing movies like any other sound channel. Please see the changelog for a complete list of what has changed.

Ren'Py 7.4 is the the product of over a year of development, and one of the biggest releases of Ren'Py to date. This series of releases focuses on updating Ren'Py's internals so that Ren'Py is ready for its next 15 years.

Downloads of 7.4.8 can be found at:

A full list of changes to Ren'Py can be found at:

A list of changes that may require you to update your game can be found at:

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#25 Post by PyTom »

(Still a prerelease, for now.)

I'd like to announce Ren'Py 7.4.8, the ninth patch release of Ren'Py 7.4. The largest amount of work was done to update the Android version of Ren'Py to keep pace with Google Play's requirements. Ren'Py now uses the Android App Bundle format, and uses Play Asset Delivery to download assets to the player's device.

In addition to the Android improvements, some of the major changes are:
  • Improvements to the web updater, providing a less efficient mode that works with https web servers.
  • A new option in the launcher that can tell you if a new Ren'Py release exists.
  • Improvements to the 3D stage, so that the camera statement and perspective work with transitions and transforms.
  • Transforms now can take fractional sizes.
  • The shift+A accessibility menu now has a new high-contrast mode, to make text more readable.
These are just some of the improvements in this release, so please read the changelog to find everything new.

everyone who's tested this release, and myself, Tom "PyTom" Rothamel.

Downloads of 7.4.9 can be found at:

A full list of changes to Ren'Py can be found at:

A list of changes that may require you to update your game can be found at:

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#26 Post by akakyouryuu »

Thank you, Updates.

I have some problems about 3D stage.

1. The behavior of rotate transform property depends on whether perspective is True or False in v7.4.9.2065.

Applying below transform properties to camera rotates master layer around the center of screen.

perspective False
align (.5, .5)
transform_anchor True
rotate 45

But, If perspective is True, applying below transform properties to camera rotates master layer around the not center of screen.

perspective True
align (.5, .5)
transform_anchor True
rotate 45

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#27 Post by PyTom »

akakyouryuu >>>

I don't think that it makes sense for properties involving anchors (like anchor, center, or align) to be used in conjunction with perspective. That's because once perspective is True, xpos and ypos move the conceptual camera, which isn't positioned as part of the screen.

I do think it makes sense to enable rotate to work, but only as a rotation around the center. If you want something more complicated, it makes sense to supply a non-perspective transform inside the perspective one. Also, rotate with perspective True should rotate the camera, in the same way that xpos and ypos move the camera. (The effect is that the sign of the rotation is reversed.)

I've made the change, and it'll be in the next nightly - I'll add some documentation for it, and how perspective and anchors don't mix, tomorrow.
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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#28 Post by akakyouryuu »

Thank you, Pytom.

But I founded that rotate transform property mightn't rotate around the center of scree in v7.4.9.2073n.

1. Use below transform
perspective True
zpos 1000
matrixtransform RotateMatrix(30, 0, 0)

2. Using camera RotateMatrix like below rotates around the center of screen, but rotate transform property doens't rotate around the center of screen.
matrixtransform RotateMatrix(30, 0, 0)
linear 10 matrixtransform RotateMatrix(30, 0, 360)

rotate 0
linear 10 rotate 360

This is sample movie.

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#29 Post by akakyouryuu »

I found another problem in v7.4.9.2073n

Camera blur hides the image zpos of which is not 0.

First, setting perspective to True and show the image zpos of which is not 0.
perspective True
show eileen:
zpos 100

Setting blur of camera hides that image.

blur 1

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Re: Ren'Py 7.4.x Prereleases

#30 Post by PyTom »

akakyouryuu wrote: Sun Sep 19, 2021 11:21 am I found another problem in v7.4.9.2073n

Camera blur hides the image zpos of which is not 0.

First, setting perspective to True and show the image zpos of which is not 0.
perspective True
show eileen:
zpos 100

Setting blur of camera hides that image.

blur 1
There were two issues here. I've fixed the more pressing one, which is that perspective and mesh/blur were incompatible. That fix will be in the 2021-09-20 nightly.

The second thing is that, right now, camera resets properties between invocations. (This might change eventually, but it's a hard problem to make work right, so for now it's a documented limitation.) To fix this, you'll have to write:

Code: Select all

    perspective True
    blur 1
To enable the blurring at the camera level.
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