Rhythm Game (minigame 101) Not Returning to Screen

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Rhythm Game (minigame 101) Not Returning to Screen

#1 Post by sophiag »

So here's the code

screen rhythm_game(audio_path, beatmap_path):

default rhythm_game_displayble = RhythmGameDisplayable(audio_path, beatmap_path)

add Solid('#000')
add rhythm_game_displayble

# show the score heads-up display (HUD)
text 'Hits: ' + str(rhythm_game_displayble.num_hits):
color '#fff' xpos 50 ypos 50

# return the number of hits and total number of notes to the main game
if rhythm_game_displayble.has_ended is True:
# use a timer so the player can see the screen before it returns
timer 2.0 action Return(
(rhythm_game_displayble.num_hits, rhythm_game_displayble.num_notes)

init python:

import os
import pygame

class RhythmGameDisplayable(renpy.Displayable):

def __init__(self, audio_path, beatmap_path):
super(RhythmGameDisplayable, self).__init__()

self.audio_path = audio_path

self.has_started = False
self.has_ended = False
# the first st
# an offset is necessary because there might be a delay between when the
# displayable first appears on screen and the time the music starts playing
# seconds, same unit as st, shown time
self.time_offset = None

# define some values for offsets, height and width
# of each element on screen

# offset from the left of the screen
self.x_offset = 400
self.track_bar_height = int(config.screen_height * 0.85)
self.track_bar_width = 12
self.horizontal_bar_height = 8

self.note_width = 50
# zoom in on the note when it is hittable
self.zoom_scale = 1.2
# offset the note to the right so it shows at the center of the track
self.note_xoffset = (self.track_bar_width - self.note_width) / 2
self.note_xoffset_large = (self.track_bar_width - self.note_width * self.zoom_scale) / 2

# since the notes are scrolling from the screen top to bottom
# they appear on the tracks prior to the onset time
# this scroll time is also the note's entire lifespan time before it's either
# hit or considered a miss
# the note now takes 3 seconds to travel the screen
# can be used to set difficulty level of the game
self.note_offset = 3.0
# speed = distance / time
self.note_speed = config.screen_height / self.note_offset

# number of track bars
self.num_track_bars = 4
# drawing position
self.track_bar_spacing = (config.screen_width - self.x_offset * 2) / (self.num_track_bars - 1)
# the xoffset of each track bar
self.track_xoffsets = {
track_idx: self.x_offset + track_idx * self.track_bar_spacing
for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars)

# define the notes' onset times
self.onset_times = self.read_beatmap_file(beatmap_path)
# can skip onsets to adjust difficulty level
# skip every other onset so the display is less dense
# self.onset_times = self.onset_times[::2]

self.num_notes = len(self.onset_times)
# assign notes to tracks, same length as self.onset_times
# renpy.random.randint is upper-inclusive
self.random_track_indices = [
renpy.random.randint(0, self.num_track_bars - 1) for _ in range(self.num_notes)

# map track_idx to a list of active note timestamps
self.active_notes_per_track = {
track_idx: [] for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars)

# detect and record hits
# map onset timestamp to whether it has been hit, initialized to False
self.onset_hits = {
onset: False for onset in self.onset_times
self.num_hits = 0
# if the note is hit within 0.3 seconds of its actual onset time
# we consider it a hit
# can set different threshold for Good, Great hit scoring
self.hit_threshold = 0.3 # seconds

# map pygame key code to track idx
self.keycode_to_track_idx = {
pygame.K_LEFT or pygame.FINGERMOTION or pygame.MOUSEMOTION: 0,
pygame.K_UP or pygame.FINGERUP or pygame.MOUSEDOWN: 1,
pygame.K_DOWN or pygame.FINGERDOWN or pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: 2,

# define the drawables
self.track_bar_drawable = Solid('#fff', xsize=self.track_bar_width, ysize=self.track_bar_height)
self.horizontal_bar_drawable = Solid('#fff', xsize=config.screen_width, ysize=self.horizontal_bar_height)
# map track_idx to the note drawable
self.note_drawables = {
0: Image('left.png'),
1: Image('up.png'),
2: Image('down.png'),
3: Image('right.png')

self.note_drawables_large = {
0: Transform(self.note_drawables[0], zoom=self.zoom_scale),
1: Transform(self.note_drawables[1], zoom=self.zoom_scale),
2: Transform(self.note_drawables[2], zoom=self.zoom_scale),
3: Transform(self.note_drawables[3], zoom=self.zoom_scale),

# record all the drawables for self.visit
self.drawables = [

def render(self, width, height, st, at):
st: A float, the shown timebase, in seconds.
The shown timebase begins when this displayable is first shown on the screen.
# cache the first st, when this displayable is first shown on the screen
# this allows us to compute subsequent times when the notes should appear
if self.time_offset is None:
self.time_offset = st
# play music here
renpy.music.play(self.audio_path, loop=False)
self.has_started = True

render = renpy.Render(width, height)

# draw the vertical tracks
for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars):
# look up the offset for drawing
x_offset = self.track_xoffsets[track_idx]
# y = 0 starts from the top
render.place(self.track_bar_drawable, x=x_offset, y=0)

# draw the horizontal bar to indicate where the track ends
# x = 0 starts from the left
render.place(self.horizontal_bar_drawable, x=0, y=self.track_bar_height)

# draw the notes
if self.has_started:
# check if the song has ended
if renpy.music.get_playing() is None:
self.has_ended = True
renpy.timeout(0) # raise an event
#;_;##########return render
# the number of seconds the song has been playing
# is the difference between the current shown time and the cached first st
curr_time = st - self.time_offset

# update self.active_notes_per_track
self.active_notes_per_track = self.get_active_notes_per_track(curr_time)

# render notes on each track
for track_idx in self.active_notes_per_track:
# look up track xoffset
x_offset = self.track_xoffsets[track_idx]

# loop through active notes
for onset, note_timestamp in self.active_notes_per_track[track_idx]:
# render the notes that are active and haven't been hit
if self.onset_hits[onset] is False:
# zoom in on the note if it is within the hit threshold
if abs(curr_time - onset) <= self.hit_threshold:
note_drawable = self.note_drawables_large[track_idx]
note_xoffset = x_offset + self.note_xoffset_large
note_drawable = self.note_drawables[track_idx]
note_xoffset = x_offset + self.note_xoffset

# compute where on the vertical axes the note is
# the vertical distance from the top that the note has already traveled
# is given by time * speed
note_distance_from_top = note_timestamp * self.note_speed
y_offset = self.track_bar_height - note_distance_from_top
render.place(note_drawable, x=note_xoffset, y=y_offset)
# we will show the hit text later

renpy.redraw(self, 0)
return render

def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
print (ev)
if self.has_ended is True:
# refresh the screen
# check if some keys have been pressed
if ev.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
# only handle the four keys we defined
if not ev.key in self.keycode_to_track_idx:
# look up the track that correponds to the key pressed
track_idx = self.keycode_to_track_idx[ev.key]

active_notes_on_track = self.active_notes_per_track[track_idx]
curr_time = st - self.time_offset

# loop over active notes to check if one is hit
for onset, _ in active_notes_on_track:
# compute the time difference between when the key is pressed
# and when we consider the note hittable as defined by self.hit_threshold
if abs(curr_time - onset) <= self.hit_threshold:
self.onset_hits[onset] = True
self.num_hits += 1
# redraw immediately because now the note should disappear from screen
renpy.redraw(self, 0)
# refresh the screen

def visit(self):
return self.drawables

def get_active_notes_per_track(self, current_time):
active_notes = {
track_idx: [] for track_idx in range(self.num_track_bars)

for onset, track_idx in zip(self.onset_times, self.random_track_indices):
# determine if this note should appear on the track
time_before_appearance = onset - current_time
if time_before_appearance < 0: # already below the bottom of the screen
# should be on screen
# recall that self.note_offset is 3 seconds, the note's lifespan
elif time_before_appearance <= self.note_offset:
active_notes[track_idx].append((onset, time_before_appearance))
# there is still time before the next note should show
# break out of the loop so we don't process subsequent notes that are even later
elif time_before_appearance > self.note_offset:

return active_notes

def read_beatmap_file(self, beatmap_path):
# read newline separated floats
beatmap_path_full = os.path.join(config.gamedir, beatmap_path)
with open(beatmap_path_full, 'rt') as f:
text = f.read()
onset_times = [float(string) for string in text.split('\n') if string != '']
return onset_times

This code is missing "return render" in the bolded place above. Because with it, the script won't run the beats (notes to hit). But I can't do a return without it. I don't want to do a timer return because every song is going to be different but I will have to if there's no other way.

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