How to make a character zoom in a bit when talking, just like in DDLC

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David Santos
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How to make a character zoom in a bit when talking, just like in DDLC

#1 Post by David Santos »

I need the character to have a little zoom animation when talking, just like in the game doki doki literature club

David Santos
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Re: How to make a character zoom in a bit when talking, just like in DDLC

#3 Post by David Santos »

It's confusing, and it's in Russian

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Re: How to make a character zoom in a bit when talking, just like in DDLC

#4 Post by Andredron »

David Santos wrote: Thu Aug 04, 2022 11:32 pm

It's confusing, and it's in Russian

Code: Select all

init python:
    # automatic declaration of sprites
    config.automatic_images_minimum_components = 1
    config.automatic_images = [" ", "_", "/"]
    config.automatic_images_strip = ["images"]

    # brightness and scale of selected character
    default char_brightness = .15
    default char_zoom = 1.025

    # time to select a character
    default char_t = .25

    # the position of the sprite on the screen
    transform xpos(x=.5):
        anchor(.5, 1.)
        pos(x, 1.)

    # smoothly turn off character selection
    transform mark_off(t=char_t):
        ease_quad t matrixcolor BrightnessMatrix(0) zoom 1

    # smoothly turn on character selection
    transform mark(t=char_t, z=char_zoom):
            matrixcolor BrightnessMatrix(0)
            # for flash
            ease_quad t*.25 matrixcolor BrightnessMatrix(char_brightness * 2)
            # for permanent selection
            ease_quad t*.75 matrixcolor BrightnessMatrix(char_brightness)
            # increase - move to the front
            ease_quad t zoom z

init python:
    from functools import partial

    # find an image on the screen that starts with the given tag
    # (so that the selection does not take into account emotions and other additional tags)
    def img_by_tag(tag):
        if tag:
            imgs = renpy.get_showing_tags()
            for i in imgs:
                if str(i).startswith(tag):
                    return str(i)
        # if there is no talking character on the screen, then we do not show it
        return None

    # last speaker
    speaking_char = None

    # show the same character if it's already on the screen
    def char_show(char, at_list=[]):
        i = img_by_tag(char)
        if i:
  , at_list=at_list)

    # remove selection
    def char_off(t=None):
        # if you need to wait, then take the pause set in the settings
        if t == True:
            t = char_t
        # deselect
        char_show(img_by_tag(store.speaking_char), at_list=[mark_off()])
        store.speaking_char = None
        # pause if necessary so that the character has time to deselect
        if t:

    # highlight the speaker
    def char_blink(char, event_name, *args, **kwarg):
        # if a new character starts talking
        if event_name == "begin" and char != store.speaking_char:
            # then deselect the old one
            # remember the new speaker
            store.speaking_char = char
            # put a selection on it
            char_show(char, at_list=[mark()])

    # reduce writing when declaring characters

    # function with parameters as one parameter
    def c_b(*args, **kwarg):
        return partial(char_blink, *args, **kwarg)

    # replacing the usual Character with a new one, where the second parameter is a sprite
    def CH(name=None, sprite=None, *args, **kwarg):
        return Character(name, callback=c_b(sprite), *args, **kwarg)

    # narrator deselects last character due to sprite=None
    narrator = CH()

    # the second parameter is the first tag of the sprite associated with the character
    g = CH(_("Girl"), "girl", color="#f88")

    # other parameters can be the same as in a regular Character
    b = CH(_("Boy"), "boy")

    # if you do not specify a sprite, then the character will simply deselect the last speaker
    v = CH(_("Inner voice"), color="#f88")

label start:
    scene bg street
    with dissolve
    # show characters
    show boy ok at xpos(.33)
    show girl ok at xpos(.66)
    with dissolve
    pause .5

    # start a stupid dialogue
    g "Hi."

    b "Darof!"

    "*glow fades*"

    show boy wat
    b "Did you see? I just got jocked and sparks came out of my eyes. I glowed like a light bulb in a refrigerator."

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Re: How to make a character zoom in a bit when talking, just like in DDLC

#5 Post by Remix »

A simpler, though less versatile, way might be to pass the relevant image tag into an ATL and then use that within a transform function that grows/shrinks based on speaking character...

Code: Select all

init python:

    def pop_character(trans, st, at, tag=None):

        ## Check get_say_image_tag() and adjust up if tag matches else down
        adjust = 0.005 if tag == renpy.get_say_image_tag() else -0.005

        ## The 1.1 here is the max zoom, adjust as needed
        trans.zoom = min(1.1, max(1.0, trans.zoom + adjust))

        return 0.0

transform pop_char(tag=None):
    ## we pass the tag directly into the repeating function above
    function renpy.curry(pop_character)(tag=tag)

### Example images just using coloured blocks
image eileen = Solid("#F00", xysize=(200, 400))
image eileen happy = Solid("#F44", xysize=(200, 400))
image lucy = Solid("#F4F", xysize=(200, 400))

define e = Character("Eileen", image="eileen")
define l = Character("Lucy", image="lucy")

label start:

    ## at transform (with specified tag reference) and positional data in block
    show eileen at pop_char("eileen"):
        anchor (0.5, 1.0)
        pos (150, 1.0)

    show lucy at pop_char("lucy"):
        anchor (0.5, 1.0)
        pos (650, 1.0)

    # get_say_image_tag is None

    # Now get_say_image_tag is "eileen"
    # eileen image now zooming larger
    e "Me"

    # get_say_image_tag now "lucy"
    # lucy image now zooming larger AND eileen shrinking 
    l "Me"

    # still works when showing "eileen happy" as the "eileen" tag is present
    e happy "Me"

    l "Me"
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