[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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UPDATE 8/8/2022!

#511 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I was really busy last week--and I'm talking about a family getting sick together 😂

It started from one person to another. Remember when I said my coworker got covid?
Soon after, I got flu + phlegm coughing + sore throat + mild fever. Fortunately, my mom acted fast and gave me some really effective meds. But it was too late, the disease spread to my mother & father in laws, and currently, my husband has started to cough lol.​
The test result I got is I'm negative covid though, so I'm not sure where I got it from. Maybe it's the seasonal sickness?
Anyways, after recovering, I spent a lot of time tinkering with the puzzle minigame.
​So the problem is... I got the programming code from a freesource in Lemmasoft forum, so when I have to tweak it, it took a lot of mindpower ^^;
But the good news is Chapter 4 part 1 is now just a step away from getting done!


- 16 pages programmed in! ​I'm really happy today and the reason is just below -^.^)/
- ​Successful polishing on Chapter 4's Antagonist character development event! I always felt like something is not quite right and I finally found the cause! It was amazing how something can change with just a difference in sentence/grammar. This is why I admire my proofreaders. Once I pass the baton over to them, I'm sure it'll become even better!
I'm planning to finish programming Chapter 4 part 1 next week & start sketching the CGs, but I'm crossing my fingers since I still haven't found the right pose/reference ^^;
Welp, that's it for now and I hope you guys are all healthy over there!
Drink lots, eat plenty, and wear your mask!


P.S. I haven't finished playing Digimon Survive yet 😂

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#512 Post by Moon20 »

I have played Digimon Survive and I love it very much, I have not finished playing Digimon Survive myself 😉 did you enjoy playing Digimon Survive?

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UPDATE 15/8/2022!

#513 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Good evening, guys!
I'm really sorry for the late update, I've just returned from my monthly grocery shopping and I didn't expect to come home so late ^^;
Bermuda's Chapter 4 part 1 CG progress is doing great though!


- While a scene still needs some editing & fine-tuning, I think it's safe to say the programming is all done! ​The antagonist has started to show himself to me. His image is getting clearer by the day and guided me little by little through his character setting--which is great news! I can't ask for more ^///^
​- 2 CGs for Chapter 4 part 1 is in progress and currently in the basic color phase! I hope I did them justice!
Here's a little sneak peek through a key hole for you:
Of course, it's spoiler-free -^.^-

Other than that, my mother-in-law is still sick and I suspect the disease will rotate to me again because my working quarters are next to hers @@ I hope I'm wrong.

Last but not least, my birthday is coming soon~ (18th August)
I'm not planning anything grand, I'm just hoping I can eat something yummy with my hubby :'3 We'll have many birthdays ahead so I'm pretty chill about it!

As always, thanks for dropping by and sparing some time to read my update!
I hope all of you are well and healthy, please don't overexert yourself and rest plenty!

P.S. I haven't had the time to finish Digimon Survive Q^Q

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#514 Post by SweetChiel »

Moon20 wrote: Mon Aug 08, 2022 12:28 pm I have played Digimon Survive and I love it very much, I have not finished playing Digimon Survive myself 😉 did you enjoy playing Digimon Survive?
Hi, Moon20!
So far, I'm really enjoying myself ^///^ I didn't expect the digimon franchise to try their luck with visual novel--it's really great for me!

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UPDATE 22/8/2022!

#515 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
Thank you for all the birthday wishes! You've made me a happy gal ^///^

I had a busy but fulfilling days last week, the cough is still cycling around us though and I think I got it again x'D
My poor mother-in-law can't seem to get rid of it and seeing we're sharing a bathroom, talking face to face, working side by side, and all that jazz--I think it'll take a while before we're healthy again ><

Still, there's good news! I had enough time to finish Chapter 4 part 1's 2 CGs!
There's a small bump where I made a mistake with one CG background; it's supposed to be drawn at night time but silly me used daylight instead 😂 Fortunately, it's not that big of a mistake.

The CGs have also been programmed in so I'm ready to start programming Chapter 4 part 2! >:3

Another good news is there's going to be a special sneak peek for my Patrons on Patreon!
Even though it's a mistake, I think it's a waste to not show off the daylight version of the CG, so yeah, please go and see it at your own discretion~ The spoiler is pretty mild since there's no context, but if you don't wanna know who the antagonist is, please don't see it ><

Last but not least, I hope you guys are all well and healthy over there!
Drink lots of water, don't skip your meals, and rest plenty, okay? ;)
See you again next week!



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UPDATE 29/8/2022!

#516 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey guys! What's up?
I had a pretty tiring week, it was fun though!
My husband and I went to a friend's wedding and one of the dishes they served was sushi -^.^-

We had a beautiful time and dare I say, the most fun we ever had in a while. May happiness and blessing go their way <3

Now then, while I'm a bit tired these days due to increasing daily chores, Bermuda's progress is still going strong! >:3

- 18 pages got programmed in! ​Take it with a grain of salt though. The usual polishing is underway and while re-reading Chapter 4 part 2, I think some scenes will either be revised or entirely scrapped >_<;

Anyways! To celebrate Chapter 4 part 1's completion, here's a little CG sneak peek for you~

I'm planning to make some bonus images for Chapter 4 part 2, hopefully, it will go smoothly ^.^)/

Speaking of images... apparently, there's a side CG I forgot to draw ^^; I think I will make it alongside with Chapter 4 part 2's CG.

As always, thanks for reading the update and I hope all of you are doing well wherever you are!
Cheers and let's continue being productive this week, too! >:'D


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UPDATE 5/9/2022!

#517 Post by SweetChiel »

Good evening and I'm sorry for the late update! >_<;
I've been really busy last week!

If I was working as an admin before, sorting out sales notes, I started working at the storefront just 4 days ago! The reason being; I need to know the items we're selling + to motivate my husband to smile more at the customers lol. The cherry on top is I still have my other daily chores x_x My body and mind is a bit overwhelmed, trying to adapt, but my poor stamina can barely handle it :'D

Now before I tell you Bermuda's weekly progress, I'd like to apologize because I failed to meet the quota... *bows* m(_ _)m


- 11 pages programmed in!
I'm still in the middle of re-reading and editing winter's scenes.
I have no excuse other than feeling a tad exhausted, I've never been so active before in my life and with my body spent, I kinda ran out of brain juice ><;

Seriously though, kudos to those who are working as cashiers/those who constantly have to face customers & smile. It was a really taxing job, we need to work fast or the queue will build up. Not to mention we have to keep our temper when we're facing a picky customer/when they're the particular kind.

- The usual polishing is on progress!
It's getting harder to find time to polish my grammar Q^Q usually, I would have time to think & find better words/sentences to enhance Bermuda--but now, I could barely find any free time to open my phone & browse novels. And when work is done, I'm usually too exhausted to re-open my laptop OTL

- 1 New Side CG, which I've forgotten to make is now finished!
The good news is I'm free from any store related work from 8th to 12th September so I will have plenty of time to work on Bermuda! Think of it as a vacation of sorts, I need to go back to my mom's house to take care of the doggos because she's going to Bali for work.

With that said and done, all I can say is... dang, I wish I have better stamina :')

As always, thank you for reading and I hope you can give me some time to adjust to my new schedule.
I'm happy that the store is always full with customers, but at the moment, it feels like they're not giving me some space to breathe x_x
It's fulfilling but also suffocating at the same time. I hope I can find a middle ground and recover my inner peace...

In any case, here's hoping you're all well and healthy wherever you are ^///^
Drink lots, don't skip your meals, and rest plenty!



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UPDATE 12/9/2022!

#518 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
Last week was supposed to be relaxing but it was far from that 😂​​

I've posted an emergency update in my itch.io page and Patreon, but for those who didn't know: My house had a leak again at the same place where the roof caved in. ​Needless to say, my mother was very concerned because it happened when she was about to go to Bali. I had to go there to watch the house and the doggos, but because of the leak, I was afraid water would suddenly drip on my laptop so I wasn't able to do much work/programming Q_Q

Fortunately, the roof didn't cave in like last time. I called someone and he said it had something to do with the pipe in the walls. It kinda cracked and water was dripping from there every time it rains. We had to replace it with a new one and I think it's fixed pretty quickly, but we'll see. The next time it rains, I'll call my mom and hopefully, there won't be any holes we missed and problem will be solved just like that *crossing my fingers*
​With that said I'm ashamed to say that there's only a small progress on Bermuda...


- Only 4 pages got programmed in this time :'( Take this with a grain of salt because I'm planning to scrap some scenes.

- Polishing the winter scenes proved to be a difficult challenge >< I'm doing my best, but I have a feeling that I can still do more!
- Fixed some bug with the antagonist's Close Up sprites' expressions!

I wish there's 48 hours a day instead of only 24 hours Q_Q I feel like I have less and less time these days. Maybe I'm still not used working at the storefront?
Don't worry though, I will always do the weekly updates so you'll know what's happening over here and no matter what, Bermuda will still make some each week progress no matter how small it is >:) For now, please bear with me while I'm trying to find a comfortable balance between my new job and Bermuda <3



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UPDATE 19/9/2022!

#519 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey, guys! What's up?
I hope you're doing well over there. Life has been... a big headache for me last week ^^;

My husband and I had our first big fight and while I can't tell you in detail... let's just say it got something to do with store work, him being stubborn about something that can be solved easily, mother-in-law, and because I worry incessantly about our future... I kinda exploded *sigh*...

​Anyways, the problem is far from being solved since I ran back to my original house, but the good news is Bermuda's progress is better than before!


​- 17 pages got programmed in! ​There are still loads to polish, but I think it's better to program them first and edit later x'D
- CG references are coming nicely! There's just this one left!
- Polishing sentences/conversations are coming great! OuO)b

With everything said, I always try to be transparent with you guys, which is why I sometimes tell you what is happening with my private life. However, do tell me if it's making you uncomfortable ><;

That's it and see you guys again next week!

P.S. A word of advice to those who is planning to get married; don't live with your mother-in-law lol

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UPDATE 26/9/2022!

#520 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hey, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine is still the same old~

So I'm stuck in a stalemate with my husband, I guess you can say both of us are being stubborn right now?
I'm not backing down because it involves our daily lives + working ethics and the way he handles it, it makes me really worried & uncertain about the future. If he can't see the big picture and step up to what he originally promised, well... let's just say that I might have chosen the wrong person :')

​On the other hand, I'm actually glad that I'm away atm.
I discovered a big plothole with Chapter 4 part 2 and I think I'll need a lot of time to re-write some scenes. Don't worry though, nothing can take me away from this project or stop me from making progress, not even marriage crisis lol


- 16 pages got programmed in! ​I'm having a little trouble with the Antagonist's character development, but it's a push and pull. Sometimes I got inspired, sometimes I wonder what I was thinking when I wrote Chapter 4 part 2 :'D

- The usual polishing is doing well! You know me, I'm always going back and forth between chapters just to polish some grammars/conversations x'D

- Added a side CG/bonus image with 2 variations for a certain event! ​I'm doing my best to do less repetition and more new scenes for the antagonist route for you >< ​Showing you is better than explaining it, so here's a sneak peek!


Welp, I think that's it for now.
As always, thanks for reading and I hope all of you are healthy no matter where you are ^///^
Drink lots, don't skip your meals, and have a fun week!



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UPDATE 3/10/2022

#521 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
Last week was really something, wasn't it? :')

After the storm, I've had a lot of time to think.
I kept coming back here to re-read your comments and the more I read, the clearer my mind became. I guess sometimes, some things are not meant to be. Like many of you said, a marriage is between two partners, who understand, respect, & compromise. If only one side compromise or if only one side work on the problem while the other underestimates/ignore said problem, it won't work.

​So I suppose, this is for the best.
Let me thank all of you who got my back during one of the hardest time in my life. I've come to accept this life lesson and I'll seize it as a chance to build myself stronger. Thank you for giving me strength. I'm a lucky person to have all of you in my life -^^-

​*cough* ​Okay, let's stop here before I say too many corny things & cringe ><;
Here's Bermuda's progress last week!

- I had a great time polishing some of the more emotional scenes in Chapter 4 part 1 and 2! ​Instead of immersing in sadness, I forced myself to stand up and said to myself, 'use this moment to write better scenes, better sentences. Use these emotions, let it inspire you'. And to my surprise, it worked. In that state, I had a better grasp on the antagonist's character.
- I wrote more of Maya's musings for the antagonist's route. Remember the small feature where you can read what Maya is thinking if you right-click?
- Polished 1 CG of Chapter 4 part 1. Nothing big here, just small enhancements.
- 2 CGs of Chapter 4 part 1 are in progress! (Sketch Phase)​ Aside from the polishing, I got a little stuck on programming because I'm planning to re-organize the small scenes/fillers before the big event >< so I picked up my pen and started drawing for a change of pace.
Here's a little sneak peek I've prepared for you~


This is the spoiler-free version. For my $5 patrons on Patreon, you can see the full-preview if you're not afraid of spoilers ^.^)/​

​With that said, I'll try to work on more programming this week~
Chapter 4 part 2 is a little boring in the middle so I'm trying to find an inspiration in order to write more interesting small events >< a little stuck, but I'll manage somehow!

Lastly, thanks for reading and thanks again for being here when I was at my lowest :')
I hope all of you are well and healthy! Please take care, drink lots and don't skip your meal!

P.S. ​I'd also like to thank my mom and my doggos who have become my rock during these hard times. Even though the fur babies are exasperated at me now because I kept coming for a hug lol.

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UPDATE 10/10/2022!

#522 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How was your week? Mine was so-so, nothing unusual happened.

If anything I'm grateful because a lot of people have shown me their concern over what happened 2 weeks ago...
Ever now and then, I'll feel a little sad or disappointed whenever I recall those memories, but never regret, which is why I'm slowly getting better. I look forward to where life brings me next--and of course, I'm not going anywhere near my ex-husband.
Currently, I'm trying to gain weight because I've lost quite a bit because of stress. I also need to work on my stamina again but other than that? Same old, same old~ Let's walk forward one step at a time, okay? ^.^)/

​In any case, Bermuda's progress is doing well!


- 17 pages are programmed in! ​I'm still in the middle of polishing and re-arranging the small events! It's a little difficult because I'm planning to rewrite some small scenes to better ones/more amusing ones >_<

- 2 CGs for Chapter 4 part 2 are at Lineart Phase! ​I primarily focused on the hands/body proportion. It's coming up great!

​Well, that's it for now and thanks for reading as usual!
No matter where you are, I want you to know that thanks to your comments/encouraging words, someone is able to look up and move forward quickly :')
Please take care of yourself! Don't skip your meals, drink lots, and smile!



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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#523 Post by Avellana »

Hi! I hope everything will be good for you. Wish you luck! I admire your dedication to make this game, thank you very much for that!

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UPDATE 17/10/2022!

#524 Post by SweetChiel »

Good evening, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I'm still trying to gain weight x'D

Other than that, I'm busying myself with Bermuda and it didn't disappoint. Inspiration struck me at the strangest hours and a scene, which was giving me a headache/blank mind, suddenly becomes better overnight! We're almost at the end of Chapter 4 part 2, but the last scene, the big scene, still needs some serious polishing though.


- 17 pages got programmed in! Tweaking scenes on and off~ just the usual~

- 2 CGs are at the basic color phase! Their progress is doing well, but I'm thinking about putting them on a temporary halt, just until I finish the programming so I can focus on making the CGs.

- 2 new exclusive BGMs for the antagonist & the usual polishing~

Last but not least, I'd like to announce that I'm Opening Commission again~
It'll keep me busy, help me pay the bills, save for retirement/get my mind to focus instead of thinking about unnecessary things *cough*
If you have a long term job for me/personal commission, whether it's Backgrounds or Character illustrations, hit me up at Discord! SweetChiel#6894! I can only do 1 per week tho, but you know me, I'm good with discipline & will update you regularly OuO)b

Well, that's it for now and thanks for reading!
I hope you're happy no matter where you are, but take care of yourself, okay?
Don't skip your meals, drink lots, and stay healthy!



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UPDATE 24/10/2022!

#525 Post by SweetChiel »

Good evening, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I'm still trying to gain weight x'D

Other than that, I'm busying myself with Bermuda and it didn't disappoint. Inspiration struck me at the strangest hours and a scene, which was giving me a headache/blank mind, suddenly becomes better overnight! We're almost at the end of Chapter 4 part 2, but the last scene, the big scene, still needs some serious polishing though.


- 17 pages got programmed in! Tweaking scenes on and off~ just the usual~

- 2 CGs are at the basic color phase! Their progress is doing well, but I'm thinking about putting them on a temporary halt, just until I finish the programming so I can focus on making the CGs.

- 2 new exclusive BGMs for the antagonist & the usual polishing~

Last but not least, I'd like to announce that I'm Opening Commission again~
It'll keep me busy, help me pay the bills, save for retirement/get my mind to focus instead of thinking about unnecessary things *cough*
If you have a long term job for me/personal commission, whether it's Backgrounds or Character illustrations, hit me up at Discord! SweetChiel#6894! I can only do 1 per week tho, but you know me, I'm good with discipline & will update you regularly OuO)b

Well, that's it for now and thanks for reading!
I hope you're happy no matter where you are, but take care of yourself, okay?
Don't skip your meals, drink lots, and stay healthy!



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