[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
Deviantart: SweetChiel
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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 31/10/2022!

#526 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
Thank you so much for everyone's concern & replies! QuQ
This is why I kept coming back here. Reading your advices did wonders to my nerves, I can calm myself better & sort out the facts.

When they visited, there are some things I forgot to tell them because there's just too much to say/remember... But like some of you said, I don't think it's worth it when the man himself doesn't want to fight for me. It's exhausting. Especially when I found contradictions with the relatives words, like; they said my mom in law told them that my ex-husband have tried to fetch me but I didn't want to. When clearly, no one came to fetch me. I don't know who lied, my ex-husband or the mom-in-law? They also told me I forced my ex-husband to buy a house/apartment or I won't come back, like... ??? I clearly told him to rent/buy/even come move to my house. I was even prepared to use the gold I received from Sangjit as downpayment. But no, he didn't want to. (if there's ever a chance/ if they still have the courage to meet up with me, I'm planning to show them our chatting history as proof).

Sometimes, I found myself praying, apologizing to my grandma & God because I'm weak and can't hold on to this marriage. For Catholics, there's no such thing as divorce because what God has joined together, no human being must separate. I'm quite religious and like midichats said, what if it leads to a long, unhappy marriage? In addition, when midichats said she went back to re-read the updates to get to know my situation better (God bless you for being so thorough for my sake Q_Q), something she said struck deep within me; 'Your marriage is not the priority to him'. It struck me. Because what she said is very likely be the truth and I was very sad. Sad, because I might've been grasping on a small hope; that he might turn for the better but as time passes, it becomes clear that I was never the priority for him. The wedding vows we exchanged held different weights... In any case, I would like to thank you for this. Otherwise, I wouldn't know about my feelings better ^///^

On the other hand, no one from my ex-husband's side visited me again since then.
I think it's good news? Because I've told my side of the story, so if he/his family have anything else to say or fight for, I was ready to face them. But since they're not here, does that mean I'm finally free? 😂 *sigh* oh well, whatever happens, I will be okay because I have you guys here. Not to mention my mom, who have been quite irritated because every time she's out of the house, someone visited and she missed out lol (first was when they brought back my things, second was this visit from the relatives).

Now then, let's wrap this up before I write more textwalls and forget to tell you about Bermuda's progress last week 😂


- 18 pages got programmed in! I'm finally finished with the programming, but the last scene still needs some intensive polishing. I will work on it slowly while I work on Chapter 4 part 2's CGs!

- Programmed in 2 new side character sprites, 1 new item!

- Minor Polishing of 2 CGs~ nothing big, just something involving body proportion x'D

My plan for this week is to focus on making CGs! Chapter 4 part 2 should have at least 3 CGs, 4 if I change my mind on one scene... Hmm, I'll need to make up my mind >_<

That's it for now and see you again next week!
Please take care of yourself! Don't skip your meals, drink lots, and rest plenty! :'3


P.S. If I didn't reply on your emails/messages, you can find me here. I will be busy writing replies to each and every comment I've received last week <3


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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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UPDATE 7/11/2022!

#527 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was very peaceful :3
Do you know? Cooking feels like healing for me these days. It's calming and eating something I successfully cook definitely feels more yummy than usual! Of course, I need to take responsibility for any fails lol.

- Finished coloring 2 CGs for chapter 4 part 2!
I spent most of my time drawing & coloring, but I still need to find references for 1 or 2 CGs ^^; (can't make up my mind about whether to make 2 or just 1 more, I'm also thinking about polishing some scenes). Unfortunately, I can't show you a sneak peek without spoiler...

However, for my $5 patrons on Patreon, do you remember the last full-preview CG sketch I've showed you? For those who have seen it/doesn't mind the spoiler, I'm posting another full-preview of the CG again today so I hope you like it! (fully-colored) ^///^

​My only concern is my pitiful quality-control 😂​ 6 years of development is showing its toll now. While I'm glad the CGs are getting better, if you put a CG side by side, you can definitely see the difference in quality-control so... please forgive me *bows* m(_ _)m

​There are still 1 or 2 CGs to go, so let's keep the spirit up! >:)
That's it for now and see you again next week! Take care, drink lots, and don't skip your meals, okay?



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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 14/11/2022!

#528 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
I hope you had an awesome week! -^.^)/
I got a little sick last week and the reason is a little silly ^^;
So my mom have had enough of me staying home, so she brought me out to touch the grass, walk, and just have a good time. But the next day, I had a fever and sore throat 😂​ I guess it's too much for my pitiful stamina? I was out of commission for 4 days. Gosh, I need to start exercising again!

Fortunately, I managed to finish the Antagonist route's Chapter 4!

After contemplating, I ended up not making more CG--because I realized that in one particular scene, it's better to have a close up sprite instead so you can see the variety of expression & emotions involved! I might go back and change my mind though 😅​ inspiration sometimes hit me at inconvenient time and places.

​The usual polishing is doing great but I have a feeling that I can do it better, especially about the timeline of some events... hmm, should I leave it to the proofreaders to check and see what's not quite right with it? In any case, one step at a time! Nothing is stopping me to go back and forth like usual >:)

For this week, I'll start programming Chapter 5! I'm excited but also a little sad--sad because it's the last chapter and my baby is almost finished Q_Q I know I've said this many times, but I hope I can do this story justice. It's more complicated than I've planned it to be but now that we've come this far, let's just do it and do my best so there won't be any regrets! ><

Let's keep working hard, y'all!
Cheers for another productive week! Still, don't skip your meals, drink lots, and most importantly, don't overexert yourself, okay?



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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 21/11/2022!

#529 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
I hope you had a great week, I was really productive OuO)b

Other than doing commissions, Bermuda's last chapter programming is off to a great start!


- 23 pages got programmed in! Lots of actions and conversations are going on here, I had a hard time polishing them, but it's all worth it in the end QuQ

- Tweaked several of the Antagonist's sprite expressions! I think I need to make new ones for him soon. I'm also thinking about making a new background for one of his important scenes :S it's a bit late, but better late than never, right?

The scenes are going with a pretty quick pace in this chapter. I'm having a headache arranging the BGMs 😅
But fortunately, I got enough BGMs to rotate with! Have I told you that in addition to using free sources like Kevin Macleod, I also have 2 original BGM composers? They're Alcaknight and Sinakhai--now, I've shown you several of Alcaknight's so today is Sinakhai's turn!


I hope you enjoy today's BGM preview -^.^)/
Well, that's it for now and I hope to see you again next week!
Cheers for another productive week! But don't forget to eat your meals and drink lots, okay? Health is still number one!



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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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Location: Indonesia

UPDATE 28/11/2022!

#530 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Holiday season is nearing, but I'm quite busy these days because I got hired by Anne to do her new game's character concept art ^.^ If you're curious, come and take a look! https://dripstylish.itch.io/aeterna

She's doing a very good job considering it's her first time and I think the first goal is to make a demo <3
Other than that, Bermuda's progress is doing well! I'm taking my time polishing the last chapter because I found a few problems in the plot--please bear with me ><


- 17 pages got programmed in! I'm preparing myself for the fighting scene & last minigame! I'm also planning to make 1 new background!

- Fixed a small bug found in one of the Antagonist's sprite expression.

- The usual polishing ~

Welp, that's it for now & let's continue to work hard together, everyone! >:)
But don't forget to drink lots, wear your mask while outside, and most importantly, don't skip your meals!



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UPDATE 5/12/2022!

#531 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I can't believe it's already December o_o
I hope work is going well for you, because I'm a bit stuck with this one scene 😅​​


- 15 pages got programmed in! ​Take this with a bit of salt, because currently, I'm re-arranging the sub-scenes before I can get to the big scene! It's been so long since I've written this chapter, so sometimes, I'm caught by surprise/wonder why and how I've written it this way ^^; please give me a bit more time to reconnect with it~

- Added a couple new miscellaneous sound effects & special effects! (For running & searching scenes)
- Added a few more expressions for the side characters involved in Chapter 5!

My plan for this week is to continue polishing Chapter 5! I know it's silly to get caught off guard by something that I've written a long time ago--but I think Chapter 5 really need some serious editing/polishing so please bear it with me :'(​

Welp, that's it for now! Here's hoping for some big improvement before Christmas! ^.^)/
See you again next week! Take care and let's keep working hard together!



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UPDATE 12/12/2022!

#532 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Hi guys! What's up?
Today is a beautiful date, isn't it? I'm sorry for the late update, I was buying tickets for Avatar 2 while browsing the upcoming merchandises >///< I'm really looking forward to it and so many people are booking seats already! The merchs are a bit disappointing, I wish there's a plush/tumbler shaped like the Banshee/new creatures, but oh well, I will see what I can add to my collection x'D
On a more important note:

- Bermuda's polishing was a great success last week! It was amazing how a different sentence/grammar/placing can cause such difference Q///Q I'm really pleased because some events has become so much better!

As for the programming... I have arrived at a point where I need to make the new background ><


- 12 pages got programmed in! ​I'm still in the middle of collecting medieval references & texture for the background. It has... how should I say this... quite the gruesome material ^^; so I'm a bit picky with what I'm putting in the background--I just hope I have enough.

Which is why, I'm focusing on making the background + special effects this week! The special effect involves the Antagonist's sprite. It will appear one by one as the plot progresses :'3 it's quite the hassle but I'm sure it'll be worth it!

Last but not least, I can smell holiday season already, so let's enjoy ourselves and have fun! \(-^.^-)/
But don't forget to be safe, drink lots, and don't skip your meals!



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UPDATE 19/12/2022!

#533 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, guys! Or good morning, wherever you are!
Are you prepared for Christmas? What's your plan for holiday?
Whether you're having a family gathering or going out, don't forget to wear your mask and stay safe! ^.^

Last week, I dedicated myself to making the additional special effect & background (for the antagonist's and the main plot's sake).
Here's a sneak peek through a keyhole for you~


Honestly, the researching part is a bit rough but I think I did well? ^^; I'll definitely come back and check on it again later!
For my Patrons on Patreon, I'll upload a .gif file to show the step by step digital painting!

Last but not least, I can't believe 2022 is ending already... time went by really fast. For me, this year is probably the most colorful one I ever had ^^; still, let's welcome the new year with a smile! I'll continue to work hard so I won't have any regrets >:)

With that said, I'm having a family gathering next week to celebrate both Christmas and New Year! So please let me have the week off & I will probably be unavailable until the 1st January m(_ _)m *bows* ​​I will use this time wisely to rest and have some family bonding

That's it for now and see you again next year! -^.^)/
Take care and cheers to celebrating a fresh new year!


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UPDATE 1/1/2023!

#534 Post by SweetChiel »

​Happy New Year, everyone!
I hope you had a wonderful year! Whether we've shed tears of sadness or joy, I'm sure all of us did our best, so good job to us all! -^.^)/
May this 2023 year brings us new happiness, new achievements, new goals to look forward to, and many wonderful blessings to come!

But most importantly, Thank You for your support and love :')
I will not be here without you and you don't know how much you've helped me. Be it through giving me your advices or by pledging through my Patreon. You've been there when I was at my best and at my lowest. I can pay my bills, feed my doggos, and lots of other things.

It's not much, but here's a little gift from me for you:


Let's greet the new year with a smile and do our best, living each second to our fullest ^///^
But whatever you're doing tonight, I hope you have a great time!
​Now please excuse me because my mom is calling me and my doggo, Juno, is panicking because he's afraid of fireworks ><

​SweetChiel <3

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UPDATE 9/1/2023!

#535 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, because mine did!
Good things are happening these days and I start to get scared because usually, bad things will follow soon after :'D (I'm quite timid), I guess but we'll cross that bridge when the time comes ><

Anyways, resting and getting away for a while, Bermuda's progress is doing really well ^///^


- 20 pages got programmed in! I'm very pleased with the result of this week's polishing, it's been a while since the right words came to me so quickly and no writer's block either! OuO)b
- Added 2 new simple backgrounds (involving plot)
- Added 1 new expression for the Antagonist (more will come)
- Added 1 new important NPC sprite with 3 variations. His sprite is very simple to make, but I hope it leaves an impression on you :')
- 3 new exclusive BGMs for the Antagonist! You had no idea how long I've been looking for these particular BGMs--thank you Kevin Macleod! Your library is my saving grace!

Are you curious about the new BGMs? Don't worry, because I'm posting one for you to hear and sample -^.^)/
The title is A Singular Perversion. You can find it on youtube, filmmusic.io, or incompetech.com!

I hope you enjoyed today's sneak peek -^.^-
Welp, we're going to start getting busy again. Let's do our best and work hard together!
Oh, but don't forget to take care of yourself though! Stay healthy, okay? >_<



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UPDATE 16/1/2023!

#536 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening/morning, guys!
How did your week go?
I was a bit distracted because it's almost Chinese New Year again and my mother, who went to Singapore for three days, started a live video shopping and I just had to join in the fun 😂​​
Therefore, unfortunately, Bermuda's progress is a bit lacking


- 15 pages got programmed in! We've entered the part where we discovered the truth, and there are many paragraphs/dialogues I need to polish :'D

I also have some good news--or is it bad news?
I mean, I got myself a day job where I meet again with a friend from college. This means I will be more active but also tired, I don't think this will affect Bermuda much except that I will write updates a little later than usual, but if it does, do tell me >_<;

Other than that? I will get busy preparing for Chinese New Year~ ^.^)/
That's it for now and I thank you for sparing some time to read this update!
If you have any questions, please go ahead and ask in the comments! Take care and see you again next week~



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UPDATE 23/1/2023!

#537 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I'm sorry for being late, I've been busy running around because of Chinese New Year 😂
But I have some very good news for all of you! Winged Ones is coming to Google Play!​

​​Remember when I said I have a new day job now? I got accepted at a small game company and now, they're helping me to publish Winged Ones into Google Play! *happy dance* Unfortunately, it won't be free-to-play on Google Play >_< In return of helping me, we've made a contract to share the profits. But no worries! the itch.io version will still be free-to-play because they respect my feelings -^.^)/

We've been working on the bugs since last week, hopefully, we can release it soon! I will keep you updated!

​On the other hand, Bermuda's progress is going well!


- 18 pages got programmed in! ​Currently, I'm contemplating whether to make a new CG or a side CG to complete a very important scene--I haven't gotten the right refs for it so I'm a little worried... I also seriously need to stop overthinking because I've spent too much time pondering on what BGM to use and staring at each and every dialogue😂

- I also made 1 new side CG (a simple one) + 1 new item image + 1 new variation for the Spring Village CG!

I'm slowly but surely making my way through Chapter 5--I hope you'll walk with me because this is a very important time for me :'D

With that said, I hope all of you had a great week!
Gong Xi Fa Cai for those who celebrates Chinese New Year! I wish you're all healthy and happy no matter where you are ^///^
Let go of the past and let us work hard for a brighter future~

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UPDATE 30/1/2023!

#538 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go?
I'm slowly getting used to my day job~ it feels like I'm working on two projects at the same time, but it's fun! :'3

There are still lots of things to prepare before we can release Winged Ones on google play though, like the promotion images with specific sizes for google ads, to display on my company's website, fixing the bugs--but I'll definitely notify you when it's close to being released ^.^)/

Meanwhile, Bermuda's progress is steadily rising~

- 8 pages got programmed in! Hear me out, I have a good explanation for this 😂 we're reaching the climax, but before that. there are 2 minigames that I have to program in and I've finished those~!
- Programmed in 2 puzzle minigames, you can choose whether to challenge it with a time limit or without it (if you want to take your time)
​This is quite a challenge because while the other minigames have some white edges to indicate its location, this one have all black ones & you literally need to look around in the dark for the pieces :'D Here, let me just show you:


​And here's what it looks like with a time limit! The text will change to red when there's less than 30 seconds left... or is it 1 minute? I forgot :'D
But yes, the pieces will look like they're hidden in the dark!


​- 1 CG sketch is on progress! This CG is not planned, but I can't resist >_< the timing is just right, I will tweak it around until I nail the expression!

​And that's it for now!
Honestly, I feel a little scared these days because good things are happening around me--I mean, it's too many! Bad things will usually follow soon after, right? Or am I being too skittish? ><;

But in any case, I hope all of you are doing well and healthy no matter where you are :'D
Drink lots, don't skip your meals, and smile! Let's continue to work hard together and live our life without regrets! >:)



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UPDATE 2/6/2023

#539 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was a bit chaotic because my body clock and stamina are still getting used to my day job 😂
But I'm happier than ever because I'm spending all my time doing what I love! It's a little tough but nothing I can't handle!


-16 pages got programmed in! But please take this with a grain of salt 😅 We're entering the last events and oh boy, there are so many changes happening, not to mention the polishing. There are lots of dialogues that I know I can arrange better.

- Due to Bermuda being 2 or 3 times longer than Winged Ones, I adjusted the difficulty and make it relatively easier to get the happy endings.

- I'm planning to have 2 more CGs (1 for Antagonist Good End & 1 more for Epilogue), but lo and behold, I find myself stuck/indecisive about the Epilogue CG :'D I might need to scrap it and write a new Epilogue... but we'll see.

Last but not least, due to still having to draw CGs and preparing the Mini Encyclopedia, I don't think I'll be able to finish Bermuda in this month of love, but I'll do my best! \(>_<;)/For now, here's a BGM sneak peek!

As always, thank you for reading and sticking with me to the end!
I hope all of you are healthy and happy no matter where you are ^///^ drink lots, don't skip your meals, and see you again next week!



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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#540 Post by NekoKarasu »

Hey how's it going, I'm one of the silent admirer that rarely visit this forum lately because life has been busy, I missed a lot of development then suddenly the game almost finished now. Hope you doing well, congrats on your new job!

I've been watching a lot of unfinished VN and many of them ended up hiatus. I'm glad this VN keeping its pace. I was still in college when this VN started its development, also still in high school when I played Winged Ones. Now I'm finally have stable income, definitely waiting to purchase Nusantara Bermuda Triangle.

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