[Code] Jacks Or Better draw poker

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[Code] Jacks Or Better draw poker

#1 Post by plastiekk »

A classic draw poker game as a give back to the community have fun with it.

Customize your Level like this:

Code: Select all

label start:

    # set up a level 
    # in this case we start with 50 points and need 1000 to win,
    # a bad hand cost 10

    $ my_points = 50        # start with 50 points
    $ game_over = False     
    $ game_cost = 10        # bad hand cost must be divisible by 2
    $ maxlvl_points = 1000  # 1000 ends the round
    $ kappa = True          # debug informations on (cheat)
    "Level 1: Reach 1000 points, good luck!"
    call start_poker 

    if game_over:
        "You lose."

And here is the code.

Code: Select all

# Jacks Or Better poker game
# by plastiekk 
# cards images are public domain
# sound fx by SFBGames made with chiptone 
# (https://sfbgames.itch.io/chiptone)

# set up points
default rf_points = 4000            # royal flush
default sf_points = 2000            # straight flush
default fk_points = 1000            # four of a kind
default fh_points = 700             # full house
default fl_points = 500             # flush
default st_points = 300             # straight
default tk_points = 200             # three of a kind
default tp_points = 100             # two pairs
default jb_points = 50              # jacks or better

default my_points = 50              # start with 50 points
default game_cost = 10              # pay 10 points 
default maxlvl_points = 1000        # maximal points per round

init python:
    # function to count stuff
    def countX(lst, x): 
        count = 0
        for ele in lst: 
            if (ele == x): 
                count = count + 1
        return count 
    # function to add points    
    def add_points(n):
        global my_points, maxlvl_points
        if my_points >= maxlvl_points:
            my_points = maxlvl_points
        x = 0 
        while x <n:
            my_points += 10
            if my_points >= maxlvl_points:
                my_points = maxlvl_points
            x +=10
    # function to decrement points
    def dec_points():
        global my_points, game_cost
        x = game_cost
        y = game_cost // 2
        while x >0:
            my_points -= y
            x -= y

    # function to pick card images 
    def assemble_images(n=0):
        global player_image, player_hand
        while n < 5:

            if player_hand[n].startswith("♦"):
                player_image[n] ="cards/diamonds_"
            if player_hand[n].startswith("♥"):
                player_image[n] ="cards/hearts_"
            if player_hand[n].startswith("♠"):
                player_image[n] ="cards/spades_"

            if player_hand[n].startswith("♣"):
                player_image[n] ="cards/clubs_"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("A"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "ace"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("K"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "king"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("Q"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "queen"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("J"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "jack"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("10"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "10"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("9"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "9"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("8"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "8"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("7"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "7"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("6"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "6"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("5"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "5"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("4"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "4"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("3"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "3"
            if player_hand[n].endswith("2"):
                player_image[n] = player_image[n] + "2"
            player_image[n] = player_image[n] + ".png"
            n +=1

        return player_image
    # function to play a sound
    def button_snd(trans=0,at=0,st=0):
        global snd_file

default snd_file ="audio/button.wav"

default pl_hand = []    # just a tmp list used in a label

default shema =""       # used for straight combinations
default shemb =[]       # used for pairs and other combinations
default player_image = ["x","x","x","x","x"]

default kappa = True               # set to True to see debug informations (cheat)
default game_over = False

# slots hold/draw
default c_slot0 = True
default c_slot1 = True
default c_slot2 = True
default c_slot3 = True
default c_slot4 = True

default anim_slot0 = True
default anim_slot1 = True
default anim_slot2 = True
default anim_slot3 = True
default anim_slot4 = True

# create the default deck, 52 cards
default card_deck =[
"♥A","♦A","♠A","♣A",                        # aces
"♥2","♦2","♠2","♣2",                        # 2
"♥3","♦3","♠3","♣3",                        # 3
"♥4","♦4","♠4","♣4",                        # 4
"♥5","♦5","♠5","♣5",                        # 5 
"♥6","♦6","♠6","♣6",                        # 6
"♥7","♦7","♠7","♣7",                        # 7     
"♥8","♦8","♠8","♣8",                        # 8  
"♥9","♦9","♠9","♣9",                        # 9
"♥10","♦10","♠10","♣10",                    # 10 
"♥J","♦J","♠J","♣J",                        # jacks 
"♥Q","♦Q","♠Q","♣Q",                        # queens
"♥K","♦K","♠K","♣K"                         # kings

# combinations
default straight_combinations = [

# the play_deck
default play_deck = []
default cards_tint = "#f5e0a1ff"    # to make the cards looking smokier :)

# hands
default player_hand = []

# fancy outlines
define gui.name_text_outlines = [ (2.5, "#000000", 4, 3,) ]
define gui.text_outlines = [ (2.5, "#000000", 0, 0) ]

label new_deck:
    hide screen show_hand
    hide screen hold_draw
    with Dissolve(0.22)
    play sound "audio/shuffle.wav"
    $ player_hand.clear()
    $ play_deck.clear()
    $ shema =""
    $ shemb.clear()
    $ c_slot0 = True
    $ c_slot1 = True
    $ c_slot2 = True
    $ c_slot3 = True
    $ c_slot4 = True

    $ anim_slot0 = True
    $ anim_slot1 = True
    $ anim_slot2 = True
    $ anim_slot3 = True
    $ anim_slot4 = True

    $ i = 0
    while i < 30:                       # shuffle ~30 times   
        $ play_deck = card_deck[:]
        $ renpy.random.shuffle(play_deck)
        $ renpy.pause(0.001,hard=True)
        $ renpy.restart_interaction
        $ i+=1

label pop_cards(player="Null", count=0, deck="Null"):
    if player == "Null" or count == 0 or deck == "Null":
        "Error in label call."
    while count >0 :
        $ card_buffer = deck.pop(0)
        $ count -=1
        $ player.append(card_buffer)

# game loop

label start_poker:
    if game_over:
        # "Game over."
    if my_points >= maxlvl_points:
        # "Congratulations!"

    call new_deck 
    show screen debug_poker_screen
    $ player_hand = []
    call pop_cards(player_hand,5,play_deck)     # draw cards

    # if you want to "test" your combinations, this is the right place to do it
    # diamonds = ♦ (D)
    # hearts = ♥  (H)
    # spades = ♠ (S)
    # clubs = ♣ (C)
    # $ player_hand =["♥2","♥3","♥A","♥5","♥4"]   # straight flush
    # $ player_hand =["♣K","♣J","♣A","♣Q","♣10"]   # royal flush
    # $ player_hand =["♣K","♣J","♣9","♣Q","♣2"]   # flush
    # assemble image names
    $ assemble_images()
    call draw_cards 
    call make_sheme(player_hand) 

    jump start_poker
# split hand to a mashine readable sheme 
label make_sheme(pl_hand):

    $ shema = ""
    $ shemb.clear()
    $ c_aces = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("A"))
    $ shemb.append(c_aces)
    if c_aces >0:
        $ x = c_aces
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"A"
            $ x -=1
    $ c_kings = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("K"))
    $ shemb.append(c_kings)
    if c_kings >0:
        $ x = c_kings 
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"K"
            $ x -=1

    $ c_queens = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("Q"))
    $ shemb.append(c_queens)
    if c_queens >0:
        $ x = c_queens
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"Q"
            $ x -=1 
    $ c_jacks = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("J"))
    $ shemb.append(c_jacks)
    if c_jacks >0:
        $ x = c_jacks
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"J"
            $ x -=1 
    $ c_tens = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("10"))
    $ shemb.append(c_tens)
    if c_tens > 0:
        $ x = c_tens
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"T"
            $ x -=1 
    $ c_nines = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("9"))
    $ shemb.append(c_nines)
    if c_nines >0:
        $ x = c_nines
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"9"
            $ x -=1
    $ c_eights = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("8")) 
    $ shemb.append(c_eights)
    if c_eights >0:
        $ x = c_eights
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"8"
            $ x -=1
    $ c_seven = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("7"))
    $ shemb.append(c_seven)
    if c_seven >0:
        $ x = c_seven
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"7"
            $ x -=1
    $ c_sixes = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("6"))
    $ shemb.append(c_sixes)
    if c_sixes >0:
        $ x = c_sixes
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"6"
            $ x -=1 
    $ c_fives = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("5"))
    $ shemb.append(c_fives)
    if c_fives >0:
        $ x = c_fives
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"5"
            $ x -=1
    $ c_fours = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("4"))
    $ shemb.append(c_fours)
    if c_fours >0:
        $ x = c_fours
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"4"
            $ x -=1  
    $ c_threes = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("3"))
    $ shemb.append(c_threes)
    if c_threes >0:
        $ x = c_threes
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"3"
            $ x -=1
    $ c_twos = sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.endswith("2"))
    $ shemb.append(c_twos)
    if c_twos > 0:
        $ x = c_twos
        while x >0:
            $ shema = shema+"2"
            $ x -=1
    $ shema = shema[::-1] # reverse shema to compare with straigt_combinations

    # now compare the hand
    window hide # for some reason the window popped up (?) so we close it here again
    $ renpy.pause(0.22, hard=True) # a little pause because Ren'Py is too fast :)
    $ c_diamonds =  sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.startswith("♦"))
    $ c_hearts =  sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.startswith("♥"))
    $ c_spades =  sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.startswith("♠"))
    $ c_clubs =  sum(1 for x in pl_hand if x.startswith("♣"))

    if c_diamonds == 5 or c_hearts == 5 or c_spades == 5 or c_clubs == 5:
        # "A flush! Check a straight or royal flush here!"
        if shema =="TJQKA" and c_clubs ==5:
            hide screen xnotify
            "ROYAL FLUSH!"
            # add points and stuff here
            $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
            $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(rf_points)
            show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
            $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
            $ add_points(rf_points)

        if shema in straight_combinations:
            hide screen xnotify
            "STRAIGHT FLUSH!"
            # add points and stuff here
            $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
            $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(sf_points)
            show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
            $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
            $ add_points(sf_points)
        # it's a flush otherwise
        hide screen xnotify
        $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
        $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(fl_points)
        show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
        $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
        $ add_points(fl_points)

    # check for straight
    if shema in straight_combinations:
        hide screen xnotify
        $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
        $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(st_points)
        show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
        $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
        $ add_points(st_points)
    # "No flush or straight possible, let's check 4 of a kind."
    if 4 in shemb:
        "FOUR OF A kIND!"
        hide screen xnotify
        $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
        $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(fk_points)
        show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
        $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
        # add points here
        $ add_points(fk_points)
    # "No four of a kind, let's check a full house."
    if 3 in shemb:
        if 2 in shemb:
            "FULL HOUSE!"
            hide screen xnotify
            $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
            $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(fh_points)
            show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
            $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
            # add points here
            $ add_points(fh_points)
    # "No full house let's check three of a kind."
    $ x = countX(shemb, 3)
    if x == 1:
        "THREE OF A KIND!"
        hide screen xnotify
        $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
        $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(tk_points)
        show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
        $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
        #add some points here
        $ add_points(tk_points)

    # "Two pairs? Let's check:"
    $ x = countX(shemb, 2)      
    if x == 2:
        "TWO PAIRS!"
        hide screen xnotify
        $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
        $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(tp_points)
        show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
        $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
        # add some points here
        $ add_points(tp_points)
    if x == 1:  # pairs
        #check AKQJ because we need jacks or better 
        #      0123
        if shemb[0]==2 or shemb[1]==2 or shemb[2]==2 or shemb[3]==2:
            "JACKS OR BETTER!"
            hide screen xnotify
            $ tmp_txt = "+" + str(jb_points)
            $ snd_file = "audio/pickup.wav"
            show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
            $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
            # add some points here
            $ add_points(jb_points)
    # bad hand
    "Better luck next time."
    hide screen xnotify
    window hide
    if my_points >= game_cost:
        $ snd_file = "audio/arp1_down.wav"
        $ tmp_txt = "-" + str(game_cost)
        show screen xnotify(tmp_txt) with dissolve
        $ snd_file = "audio/button.wav"
        $ dec_points()
        $ game_over = True

label draw_cards:
    call screen hold_draw 
    if c_slot0 == False:
        $ player_hand[0] = play_deck.pop(0)
        $ c_slot0 = True

    if c_slot1 == False:
        $ player_hand[1] = play_deck.pop(0)
        $ c_slot1 = True

    if c_slot2 == False:
        $ player_hand[2] = play_deck.pop(0)
        $ c_slot2 = True

    if c_slot3 == False:
        $ player_hand[3] = play_deck.pop(0)
        $ c_slot3 = True

    if c_slot4 == False:
        $ player_hand[4] = play_deck.pop(0)
        $ c_slot4 = True

    $ assemble_images()    
    hide screen hold_draw
    show screen show_hand


#### transforms

transform cheat_glow:
    alpha 1.0
    ease 2.4 alpha 0.1
    ease 3.6 alpha 1.0

transform score_glow:
    alpha 1.0
    ease 1.2 alpha 0.7 matrixcolor TintMatrix("#fad15f")
    ease 1.4 alpha 1.0 matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)

transform cheat_move:
    xpos 0.5
    ease 2.0 xpos 0.48
    ease 2.0 xpos 0.5

transform trans_c1:
    matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)
    xpos -2.0
    ease 0.6 xpos 0.0

transform trans_c2:
    matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)
    xpos -3.5
    ease 0.5 xpos 0.0

transform trans_c3:
    matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)
    xpos -4.0
    ease 0.4 xpos 0.0

transform trans_c4:
    matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)
    xpos -4.0
    ease 0.3 xpos 0.0

transform trans_c5:
    matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)
    xpos -5.0
    ease 0.2 xpos 0.0

# screens
screen debug_poker_screen():
    if kappa:
        $ cards = len(play_deck)
        text "{size=-1}deck: [play_deck] - cards: [cards] {/size} "  
        text "{size=-1}next five cards: {/size} {size=+5}[play_deck[0]] - [play_deck[1]] - [play_deck[2]] - [play_deck[3]] - [play_deck[4]] {/size}" at cheat_move :
            yalign 0.18 xalign 0.5
    text "{size=+15}⚘  {/size}" style "score_style" at score_glow:
        xalign 0.82 yalign 0.85
    text "{size=+15} [my_points]{/size} " style "score_style" at score_glow:
        xalign 0.91 yalign 0.85   
style score_style is text:
    outlines [(4,"#000000",4 ,3)]
    bold True
    italic True

screen hold_draw():
    grid 5 1:
        spacing 30

        align (0.5,0.69)
        $ snd_file ="audio/button.wav"
        for i in range(0, len(player_hand)):
                background None
                $ content = player_hand[i]
                $ da_var = "c_slot" + str(i)
                $ da_var2 = "anim_slot" + str(i)
                    focus_mask None
                    idle "held_idle.png"
                    hover "held_ground.png"
                    action [Function(button_snd),ToggleVariable(da_var,True, False),ToggleVariable(da_var2,True, False)] 

    grid 5 1:
        spacing 30
        align (0.5,0.39)
        # card 0
        frame at trans_c1 :
            background None
            if c_slot0:
                $ content = player_image[0]
                add "[content]"
                add "cards/back.png"

        # card 1
        frame at trans_c2:
            background None
            if c_slot1:
                $ content = player_image[1]
                add "[content]"
                add "cards/back.png"
        # card 2
        frame at trans_c3:
            background None
            if c_slot2:
                $ content = player_image[2]
                add "[content]"
                add "cards/back.png"

        # card 3
        frame at trans_c4:
            background None
            if c_slot3:
                $ content = player_image[3]
                add "[content]"
                add "cards/back.png"

        # card 4
        frame at trans_c5:
            background None
            if c_slot4:
                $ content = player_image[4]
                add "[content]"
                add "cards/back.png"

        background None
            focus_mask None
            idle "done_idle"
            hover "done_hover"
            action [Function(button_snd),Return()]

transform swirl1:
    matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)
        ypos -2.0 xpos -1.0
        ease 0.15 ypos 0.0 xpos 0.0
        ypos -2.0 xpos 1.0
        ease 0.2 ypos 0.0 xpos 0.0
        ypos -2.0 xpos -1.0
        ease 0.18 ypos 0.0 xpos 0.0
        ypos -2.0 xpos 1.0
        ease 0.25 ypos 0.0 xpos 0.0

transform nonull:
    matrixcolor TintMatrix(cards_tint)

screen show_hand():
    zorder 2
    # fancy animation or stand still?
    if anim_slot0:
        $ gurk = nonull
        $ gurk = swirl1 
    if anim_slot1:
        $ gurk1 = nonull
        $ gurk1 = swirl1 
    if anim_slot2:
        $ gurk2 = nonull
        $ gurk2 = swirl1
    if anim_slot3:
        $ gurk3 = nonull
        $ gurk3 = swirl1 
    if anim_slot4:
        $ gurk4 = nonull
        $ gurk4 = swirl1  

    grid 5 1:
        spacing 30
        align (0.5,0.39)
            background None
            if c_slot0:
                $ content = player_image[0]
                add "[content]" at gurk

        # card 1
            background None
            if c_slot1:
                $ content = player_image[1]
                add "[content]" at gurk1

        # card 2
            background None
            if c_slot2:
                $ content = player_image[2]
                add "[content]" at gurk2

        # card 3
            background None
            if c_slot3:
                $ content = player_image[3]
                add "[content]" at gurk3

        # card 4
            background None
            if c_slot4:
                $ content = player_image[4]
                add "[content]" at gurk4

screen xnotify(message):
    text message style "score_style" at fancy_transform

    timer 3.25 action Hide('xnotify')

transform fancy_transform:
    alpha 0.0
    size (95,50)
    function button_snd
    xalign 0.93
    yalign 0.87
    ease 1.0 alpha 1.0 
    ease 0.5 yalign 0.87 xalign 0.93
        ease 0.9 yalign 1.1 
        ease 0.35 alpha 0.0
Or just try it by creating a new project and copying these files into it.
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Last edited by plastiekk on Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Why on earth did I put the bread in the fridge?

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Re: [Code] Jacks Or Better draw poker

#2 Post by Alex »

Uh, looks like audio files are missing - could you reupload archive?..

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Posts: 112
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Re: [Code] Jacks Or Better draw poker

#3 Post by plastiekk »

Alex wrote: Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:45 pm Uh, looks like audio files are missing - could you reupload archive?..
Of course, I had to forget something. ^.^
archive updated.
Why on earth did I put the bread in the fridge?

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