Any working RenPy web updater?

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Any working RenPy web updater?

#1 Post by richycapy »

Hello, does someone knows how this works?

Or has a working script of it

This would be great to solve patch bugs which requiere one or two scripts so the player doesnt have to download the complete game again :/

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Re: Any working RenPy web updater?

#2 Post by Imperf3kt »

Here's a section ripped directly from my current project.

Code: Select all

screen navigation():

        style_prefix "navigation"

        xpos gui.navigation_xpos
        yalign 0.5

        spacing gui.navigation_spacing

        ## Updates via this button are for PC only
        if renpy.variant("pc"):

            ## If an update is available, present user with option to update
            if updater.can_update(base=None):
                textbutton _("Update") action updater.Update("http://your_web_server_here/updates.json", patch=True)
This code will place a textbutton in the navigation menu that will appear once an update is available. I plan to later move this, and if you want to, all you really need is the action action updater.Update("http://your_web_server_here/updates.json", patch=True)

You'll need to follow the documentation about building the updates and then upload the all files it produces to your web server (which has to be set up in http only, not https)
cloud services will not work, you will need to rent an actual web server or similar and set it up to be accessible from the internet.
I rented a server and installed and set up nginx on it, this works well for me.
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