[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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UPDATE 6/6/2023!

#556 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
My apologies, I forgot to write an update yesterday 😅
Things is really hectic at work, the programmer is really stubborn and getting on the artist team's nerves. He talked big about finishing the game in May but it got delayed again in the end. He put the blame on us, saying it's not high-quality enough (?), etc, despite the fact that he approved the game style in the beginning & we've finished ahead of him, just waiting on the programmer to apply them but he's not delivering expected results. The boss got into an argument with him and the fact that he's a co-owner & the boss' friend are not helping :')

My day job is not looking good, but at worse, I'll just get another job/return to focus on Bermuda 😂

​On the other hand, Bermuda's artbook progress is looking good!
- 10 pages are done! ​They cover the antagonist's design & CGs!
- Proofreading is still at a steady pace~ 3000 words away from finishing script 5 and KiiAnima said she should be able to finish it this weekend + a good chunk of script 6 (which is shorter than script 5)! If I remember correctly, script 5 should be the longest document so it's good to hear :'3

​To compensate for my lateness, I will post Guntur's Early Design page in HD quality for my $5 patrons on patreon~
Here, I'll give you a sneak peek of what's in it :3


It was not easy for me to think of an original hairstyle x'D
I think the easiest one I did back then is Kahlil's?

​As always, thank you for your patience & for sparing some time to read my update!
I gotta go back to work now, I'm sorry once again for being late & I hope all of you are well and happy no matter where you are \(>u<)/



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UPDATE 6/12/2023!

#557 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? How's work/school treating you?
As for me, I'm waiting for my fate to be revealed at the end of June :'D my office is in a bit of a crisis now, I hope the investor stays until the end of 2023, but who knows, right? I'll just do my best like usual, wish my boss luck, & go with the flow :'3

On the other hand, the artbook is doing great progress!
- 8 pages are done & waiting for approval! ​
These 8 pages are important, because they feature important characters exclusively made by & for patrons who have pledged during Indiegogo period! -^.^)/ ​Each character will have 2 pages; 1 for intro, 1 for early design. I have sent the pages to their owners & now I wait for their approval/revisions. From 4 characters, 1 is already approved~ I will wait until I almost finish the Artbook (should be in a month or two?).
This week, I'm going to make pages for the minor side characters & if things go smoothly, maybe I can also compile the NPCs?
Oh, and while rummaging through my old files, I found this:


I can't fit this into Guntur's early design page >_< (it's already full), so I think it's a good idea to share this with all of you~
Did you know that Guntur is the most time consuming character I made just because of his SKIN TONE?

It was borderline a nightmare when I can't decide what kind of TAN will look good on him. In Indonesia we have this skin tone called 'Kuning Langsat' (yellow-ish tan). At first, I want to make the color leaning towards yellow since a lot of Javanese people have that, ​but it makes him look... sick? :') So I tried every shade I could think of.

I also have to consider whether it will look good or not when paired with his clothes (jail version, casual no jacket, with jacket, or topless.), his hair, the VN's backgrounds, along with the compatibility with the other characters OTL I also considered against using black shirt in the end because it makes him look too dark.

Okay I'll stop my ramblings here x'D
As always, thank you for sparing some of your time to read my updates. I hope all of you are well and happy, no matter where you are -^.^-Rest well, don't skip your meals, & smile!



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UPDATE 20/6/2023!

#558 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi guys, what's up?
How did your week go? Mine got an office drama 😂
As you've been hearing from me, the programmer has yet to finish the game. He's been messing around with the gameplay too much and neglecting the rest of the features, like; shop, equipment enhancement, gacha system, patrolling system, and many more--all of them are not finished, he only put placeholder images there. When I expressed my disappointment, he said 'there's a lot of backend stuff I had to do first', then he proceeded to proudly show me his to-do-list (which is really miniscule and incomplete, heck the shop system isn't even in his to-do list). A lot of stuff are unlisted, I wish I can show it to you guys how ridiculous it is :') He showed talent, but what use is talent if he cannot use it properly & get nothing done...

With that said, Winged Ones' google play release is looking gloomy Q_Q
There's no way I'd hand over my baby to someone so irresponsible. The boss even has given up on him​, so... please forgive me if I end up having to cancel this until I can find a reliable programmer *bows*

On the other hand, Bermuda Artbook's progress is going steady as usual~
- 5 pages & a half are done! ​One page's description is still incomplete so I count it as a half x'D
Currently, I'm in the Side Character section. There's quite a lot of them, I even combined some characters into one page; like Maya's mother and the twins (because her sprite variant includes them), and Maya's father with Mawar (because Mawar doesn't have a lot of sprite variation so I have to fill in the blank spaces.

I think I'm around halfway done with the Side Characters? After that is the NPCs. They don't require much descriptions--except for some, like King Oswald and Chief Radit. I wish I had the time to upgrade their sprites by making them into a proper one instead of just silhouettes x_x but I was on schedule back then and I was out of time.

I think that's it? Other than the office drama, I've been spending my time focusing on work, a commission, Bermuda's Artbook, and sleeping x'D

​As always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update <3
I hope I don't overwhelm you with my ramblings but I just want to let you know what's been happening over here ><
Stay safe, don't skip your meals, and no matter where you are, I hope all of you are happy & healthy! -^.^)/


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#559 Post by Moon20 »

It's not your fault, programer decide to act stupid and ruin the game.
I feel bad for you since you have been working on this game for very long time now and worked hard on Winged One.
I hope you find another programer in near future.

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UPDATE 6/27/2023

#560 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How was your week? I'm very happy today - ^.^-
My office gave the artist team a long vacation! (1 week) and while I will still spend some time to do commission & working on Bermuda's Artbook, I can finally sleep longer and play some games! *happy dance*

​The artbook progress is doing well!
- 4 and a half pages are done! ​The side characters are done and now I'm entering the NPCs showcase, they're all silhouettes so I have to get creative :'))
It's been a while since our last sneak peek, so here's a preview of the newest page:


We have 60 pages now and still counting! We haven't even started on the background pages x_x I think the book will easily have 100+ pages, do you think it'll reach 200 after I include our Q&A sessions?

With that said, the Artbook might finish later than the script proofreading and when that happens, I will focus on proofreading the game & release it to you guys first. That way, at least you'll have something to do while waiting for the artbook x'D

As to how far the proofreading progress right now... KiiAnima should be still working hard on it, I just asked her today and considering our time difference, she usually will reply to me tomorrow (I will update this devlog when that happens!)

​Welp, that's it for now and I hope you enjoy today's preview! -^.^)/
Stay safe, don't skip your meals, and no matter where you are, I hope all of you are happy & healthy!​



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UPDATE 7/3/2023!

#561 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
Happy Eid Al-Adha Mubarak for those who celebrates it! Thanks to it, I got a long holiday from the office last week -^.^)/

I got a lot of things done last week--I was really productive, but I also managed to get some much needed rest~
- Update from KiiAnima: script 6 is halfway done! ​She's been very busy these days, but she always spare some time to proofread Bermuda Q_Q I'm very grateful to her
- 17 pages are done for Bermuda's Artbook! ​This covers all of Bermuda's silhouette NPCs! While they don't have as detailed info as the main characters, I think I did a decent job presenting them ^///^

Some NPCs have important roles, like Chief Radit, Killa, King Osmund... especially Killa, whom I sketched & almost become a full-fledged colored sprite. As today's exclusive preview, I will post Page 61 for my $5 and up Patrons on Patreon, featuring Killa and her scrapped sketch :3

I also finished a Youtube Thumbnail commission for Shiawase <3
While it took me quite a while to finish it, I had a lot of fun! If you're interested (she's posting Danganronpa fangame walkthrough right now), her channel name is @Rina Shiawase. Who knows, you might see the thumbnail she commissioned me x'D

With that said, holiday is now over & I'm back working in the office~
Thank you for reading this update and no matter where or who you are, I hope everyone is happy and healthy!
Don't forget to drink, eat your fill & rest plenty! Let's keep working together! >:)



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UPDATE 7/10/2023!

#562 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
Work has been busy and I'm afraid I'll forget to write an update again so here I am, extra early ~ ^.^)/

Last time, we're finished with the Character pages. I've been working on the Background pages and the good news is I managed to finish 15 of them! Each page will contain a background & its variations; day, night, afternoon, & cloudy if it has one! I'm also planning to include 'step by step' images for a couple of them.


Another Realm covers 'The White Room' & 'The Black Room', while Jakarta covers Maya's House and its surroundings.

Hmm... I want to post another preview for the Patrons on Patreon, but maybe next week? I'm saving them because only around 10% ​can be shown >_< after all, I wish for this book to have a special value for the ones who bought them <3

With that said, I gotta go back to work now!
Thank you for reading this update & no matter who or where you are, I wish everyone will have a great week! ^///^
Stay safe, drink lots, rest plenty, & eat your fill! Let's keep working hard together!


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UPDATE 7/17/2023!

#563 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys!
What's up? Did you have a nice week? Mine is still as busy as ever, I wish holiday can come faster 😂​​

Jokes aside, I finished 10 Artbook pages last week! ​Still in the Summer background section, there are lots of forest backgrounds to cover but we're not at page 101! And as promised, here's another sneak peek/preview for you \(-^.^-)/


Every background will be featured with its variations, in-game screenshots/application, ocassional fun facts, & sometimes, I will tell you whether it went through polishing or not. This really test my creativity because there are tons of Backgrounds to showcase X'D if you guys have any ideas on what I can do to improve the pages, please do tell me!

With that said, there is one sad news:
Our proofreader's uncle just passed away last Tuesday... She said she'll show me some progress by Saturday--but most importantly, I hope she's okay while taking some time off to grieve :'( don't worry though, she's tough and no matter how dark the night is, dawn will always come <3

I think that's a wrap for today's update. I gotta go to work now so see you again next week!
Take care, drink lots, don't skip your meals, have plenty of rest, and don't forget to smile :'3


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UPDATE 24/7/2023!

#564 Post by SweetChiel »

​​Hi guys! What's up?
How did your week go? How's work/school?
Currently, I'm having this delicate balance between work & personal project (Bermuda), the only downside is I don't have much time to play/read novels like I used to be X'D I wish there are 48 hours in a day instead of 24!

Now without further ado, here's last week's progress:
- 8 pages done for Bermuda's Artbook! ​Summer backgrounds section is all done! We're now moving to Autumn. I hope I don't miss anything, I will check up on them often :'3
- Our hardworking proofreader has returned & have just finished Script 6! She's working on script 7 as we speak, but I hope she's not pushing herself too hard Q///Q she's really my saving grace when it comes to grammar, typos, & loopholes

As always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update~
We're at 110 pages, guys! Let's keep going & stay strong until the very end!
Drink lots, eat well, sleep plenty, & don't forget to smile~ No matter where you are, I hope all of us are healthy & happy -^.^-



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UPDATE 1/8/2023!

#565 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I almost forgot to write an update again >_<;
please excuse me, things are hectic again with work lol, I wish long vacation will come soon Q_Q

Without further ado, here's what I did last week!
- Finished 13 pages for Bermuda's Artbook! ​We're at 123 pages now and Autumn backgrounds are all covered! (Unless I missed one? I hope not o_o;)
- Polished the fun facts and fun quizzes. It's not much, I still sometimes doubt myself whether the layout is good or not so I often look at the pages; both as individually and as a whole book--I pray that I'm doing it justice but I'll always for more ways to do more improvement!\

On the other hand, good news! KiiAnima, our proofreader said she'll be good to go again this weekend! But let's not put any pressure on her for now--I want her to work on the script only when she feels well enough to do it. She's the only proofreader who stick with me for so many years with its ups and downs, so I want to show as much appreciation as I can >_<

How about you? Are things going well with work/school? I'm really tempted to ask for a day of vacation just so I can sleep more X'D
But as always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update and see you again next week <3
Here's hoping your days are fulfilling & filled with smiles!



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UPDATE 7/8/2023!

#566 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi-ya, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I finally took some days off to rest :'D
Singapore's independence day is at 9th August and fortunately, my boss allowed me to take the 7th and 8th off--God bless him, I really need this >_<;
Bermuda's artbook is also doing well! Slow but steady as usual~

- Finished 7 pages covering the Winter backgrounds! The total now comes to 130 pages. I'm still opening my eyes wide in order to make more improvements (whether it's for the layout or if I can add something more), but for now, I'm quite satisfied ^///^
It's been a while since we have any sneak peek, so here's a preview of page 130:


All backgrounds, no matter how trivial, will be displayed and this is one example of that x'D​

- Proofreading of Script 6 is done! ​KiiAnima is now moving forward with Script 7!

My birthday (18th August) is also coming up so I'm planning to take a bit more rest here and there because I'm starting to feel a little burnt out and coffee can only help so much x'D My motto is "Work hard, Play hard", but it's getting to me at some point--oh how I wish there are 48 hours in a day instead of 24 so I can sleep more QuQ

Welp, that's it for now and I hope all of you had a nice week!
Don't forget your meals, drink lots, stay safe, and smile~ Let's continue to work hard together, we can see the finish line! Just a bit more!

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UPDATE 14/8/2023!

#567 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I'm still as busy as ever~ Office work continues to pile up and I wonder if I'll ever get to the end of it lol

The good news is Bermuda Artbook's progress is as steaf as ever!
- Completed 7 pages! The Spring Village has the most backgrounds and variations, there's still plenty more to go before we move on to Chibi Illustrations. The total now comes to 137 pages!
- Polished the layout; especially the way I showcase the screenshots and backgrounds. I made the mistake of sticking some images together--like, really close. Some of the backgrounds also have little to no difference (The Day & Afternoon version), so if I stick them too close, they'll look like they merged into 1 image so I have to make some space in between X'D

On the other hand, my birthday is right around the corner! So here I am asking for your permission again for time off next week *bows* m(_ _)m
Another year has passed yet again without my notice :'D I'm older but I still feel young inside!
But most importantly, I can't believe you guys are still here reading my updates :') Cheers for our dedication and commitment!


P.S. No matter where or who you are, know that you've made someone happy for years and you've also become the reason for a burning passion to last for so long and hopefully, for many more years to come! Here's a little something from me:



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UPDATE 28/8/2023!

#568 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
My dayjob is still not out of crisis yet, the boss is meeting more investors and I'm hoping to hear some good news next week but we'll see :'3
Bermuda Artbook's progress on the other hand is still going steady <3

- Finished 9 pages this week! ​Spring Village is going to have lots of pages so we'll be here for a while xD
- Polished the Winter section & re-arranged some pages for better flow.

​Last but not least, the proofreading is a bit slow this week because KiiAnima, our proofreader, is also having a hard time with her dayjob :'D
July was definitely not the best month for both of us lol. I hope August will give us some good news & space to breathe but I'm sure things will work out somehow :3

For my patrons on Patreon, I have an early artbook sneak peek prepared because you guys have been such angels during these hard times and honestly, my wallet appreciates it very much 😂 No worries for my itch.io/indiegogo/lemmasoft followers though! This sneak peek will be released next week so stay tuned!
Welp, that's it for now! As always, thank you for reading this update~
Eat well, rest well, & Smile! Take care and I'll see you again next week!



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UPDATE 4/9/2023!

#569 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I hope all of you are doing well, coz my dayjob is not out of hot water yet :'D
I'm waiting for good news this Friday, but if not, well... I guess I'll need to find a new dayjob. I hope I don't have to. I really like my current boss and co-workers, so I hope things will look up soon >_<;

On the other hand, Bermuda Artbook's progress is going steady as usual!

- Finished 8 pages this week! The total now is 154 pages. I almost made a big mistake when I was in the middle of polishing the NPC page.
I thought I forgot to include the monsters NPC, but turns out I forgot there's a special section for 'creatures' 😂

​- Good news from KiiAnima; script 7 is halfway done! Which means, the main 3 routes are almost finished with the proofreading. Script 8-10 is the antagonist route and they should be quicker to proofread OuO; I'm crossing my fingers!

Last but not least, here's the sneak peek I promised to you~


Honestly, I'm really happy with how the Spring Village turned out. I can proudly say, this is me >///<
And what I mean by that is... ​I wish I can say I'm a very colorful person, but I'm mostly an air-head. My imagination often brought me to faraway places and this is a piece that hopefully, can show you a bit of what's in my head 😂​​

Welp, that's it for now and as always, thank you for sparing some time to read this update!
I hope all of you are healthy and happy! Let's continue to work together and be productive!



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UPDATE 9/11/2023!

#570 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I hope you had a nice week, because I have good news and bad news to share x'D

The bad news is my dayjob keep delaying my salary, it's been due for 2 months now so my co-workers and I decided to protest; we're not working until we're paid. I might lose my job because of this but I'm crossing my fingers :'3

​The good news is I can now rest and focus more on Bermuda!
Honestly, office work has been wearing me out, there's a lot of stress so I could really use some rest >_<
On the other hand, the artbook's progress is doing well!
- Finished 11 pages! ​We're now in the middle of Step by Step section! It's where I share how I made my backgrounds + tips and tricks ;)
- The usual polishing, I'm thinking to add more fun facts~


We have a total of 165 pages now! Woooot! Will this book reach 300 pages? I'm not sure but there's a lot of Q&A 😂

​Welp, that's it for today's update. Thank you for reading and I hope all of you are happy and well ^///^
Let's continue to work hard and be productive this week. Don't forget to take some rest though. Like me for example, I'm going to cling to my bed for a few days before tackling the artbook again x'D



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