[PAID][OPEN]Programmer to Program Lipflap/Lip synch script

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[PAID][OPEN]Programmer to Program Lipflap/Lip synch script

#1 Post by otomelover23 »

I'm looking for someone to program a script that will add the lip flap animation and join it with audio. What I need is it switches between images depending on the audio. When the audio generates sound, the mouth opens/mouth animation (if we do live 2d) moves. When the audio is not generating sound (pauses, breathes, etc) the mouth closes and it closes at the end when the audio stops playing.

This is paid and am willing to negotiate payment. I want to negotiate a fixed rate.

If this is something that you know how to do, please reach out to me via email or on here. Thank you!

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Re: [PAID][OPEN]Programmer to Program Lipflap/Lip synch script

#2 Post by SypherZent »

Are you using Live2D animations for the idle animations, or are you talking about using Live2D to make the lip flap?
Lip flap just uses static images. Mouth closed, mouth partially opened, mouth opened. 3-4 images at most.
It doesn't require Live2D files. Same for blinking.

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Re: [PAID][OPEN]Programmer to Program Lipflap/Lip synch script

#3 Post by otomelover23 »

Yes, if we use live2d it will primarily be used for body movement (breathing, moving positions, etc). We're thinking of having the mouths on a separate image file and have the lips move while the audio is playing, same for the eyes.

Our main thing is getting a script that will play the mouth animation when the audio plays.

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Re: [PAID][OPEN]Programmer to Program Lipflap/Lip synch script

#4 Post by SypherZent »

If that is the case then you need to have Live2D versions of "speaking" animations. You can't just change the mouth. Live2D implies moving images, so the mouth isn't in the same place all the time like a static sprite. There's no way to just change the mouth on a moving image like that (at least, not that I know of).

If you have an "idle" animation, then you also need an "idle talking" animation. If you have a different animation for a different type of pose, like, an animated "surprised" pose, then you need "surprised" and you also need "surprised talking" versions. For each animated Live2D pose you have, you will need a talking animation created in Live2D.

After you have your "talking" versions created in Live2D, you can then have a script use character callbacks to detect audio playing and use the "talking" versions of the Live2D animations when audio is playing, and then swap to the normal stance versions of the Live2D animations when audio has stopped playing.

An additional consideration would be that the 'swap' between "talking" and "non-talking" animations might be a frame snap (from frame X in "talking" version to frame 1 in "non-talking" version). In such a case, the animations should be created in a way that looks elegant after the transition occurs. For example, a character that gestures with their hands as they talk, and then puts their hand down when they finish. This would make the transition look more natural/organic and seem less like a sudden robotic frame snap.

At least, this is one method.

The better method is to have many different talking animations, and have them continue without ending. Have them tailored to the duration of their respective dialogue lines so the mouth stops when the audio stops (measured by the animator, not by a script). For an example of that kind of method, just look at a playthrough of Potionomics. With this method, the frame snap only occurs when a new line of dialogue happens and the animation changes, instead of when audio ends.

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Re: [PAID][OPEN]Programmer to Program Lipflap/Lip synch script

#5 Post by nsa901 »

Ren'Py Lip Sync Plugin : https://github.com/Wendy-Nam/RenPy-Lips ... /tree/main

Hello, this is what I have accomplished. It offers quite realistic lip-sync with voice-over audio files in Ren'Py. and all the other things you have described on the post. It was originally designed for layered 2D images, so it may require a few adjustments for Live2D. However, I believe that making these minor changes is possible. If you are interested in commissioning this work, please email me at 42.4.senam@gmail.com.

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