Code: Select all
## When False, the mute indicator will not show. Useful when you want to add the ability for the
## mute indicator to be disabled from preferences.
default persistent.show_mute_indicator = True
## If you want to do that then you should add this to the preferences screen, inside the first hbox.
## Check the indentation.
# vbox:
# style_prefix "radio"
# label _("Show mute indicator?")
# textbutton _("Yes") action SetVariable("persistent.show_mute_indicator", True)
# textbutton _("No") action SetVariable("persistent.show_mute_indicator", False)
init python:
def toggle_mute():
if preferences.get_mute("main"):
## This unmutes the game."all mute", "toggle")),
## `renpy.restart_interaction` to ensure that the mute indicator is updated.
## This mutes the game."all mute", "toggle")),
## `renpy.restart_interaction` to ensure that the mute indicator is updated.
## Append the 'M' key to the RenPy keymap, and call toggle_mute() when pressed.
## This can be changed to whatever key of your choosing.
## The key combination Shift+M would be `shift_K_m`
## Alt + M would be `alt_K_m`
## M is `K_m`
## See for all the keysms you can set it to.
config.underlay.append(renpy.Keymap(K_m = toggle_mute))
## Tell RenPy to always show our indicator screen in game when the overlay has not been hidden.
## (Just like the quick menu)
## You might also want to add this new keybind to the list of keybinds in the help menu under
## `keyboard_help()` in screens.rpy
## On a default, unaltered screens.rpy, simply insert the following on screens.rpy at line 1050
## Keep an eye on the indentation.
# hbox:
# label "M"
# text _("Mutes the game.")
## Mute indicator. (Optional)
## This shows a small little icon in the top left, when the game is muted.
## This only shows when in game, and not in the menus, but you can modify screens.rpy to show in
## menus (Which I recommend you do.)
## To do that insert the statement `use mute_indicator` inside the main_menu and game_menu screen.
screen mute_indicator():
if persistent.show_mute_indicator:
if preferences.get_mute("main"):
## Change the path below to the path to your icon.
image "images/mute_icon.png":
xalign 1.0
yalign 0.0