[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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UPDATE 23/1/2024!

#586 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? My pulled muscle is all better now, but I can't say the same about my tooth :'D
I went to my 2nd dentist appointment today for 'nerve care' and my dentist found another hole just beside the one that needed care lol. Fortunately, I don't feel any pain from the treatment due to the anesthetics. I still need to go back 2 more times though.
Anyways, here's some good news from our proofreader, KiiAnima!
- Script 9 is done! ​Just one more script before completion! We're so close >_<
- I've checked, applied the proofread result, & polished the grammar of Script 1 + around half of Script 2. ​I stopped when I reached the end of Chapter 1 due to the toothache. I often read outloud when I'm checking the grammar but my back tooth is still hurting and it really distracted me Q_Q

I only checked the script though, haven't run it yet. I reckon it'll be better to run the game later and write the Walkthrough at the same time.

On the other hand, I got my hands on Palworld, a game that I've been eyeing for a very long time.
It's very similar to Pokemon Legends Arceus. I wish they hired a better monster designer--because the current one is very, VERY borderline plagiarism. I hope they don't get sued by Nintendo x_x But I have to hand it to the programmer for the fun system they've created; crafting, riding, flying, monster attacks/jumps/walk/run open world animation, working/making a base system with functioning subordinate system for all monsters. We can even catch humans/merchant and make them work in our base lol. The programmers really did a good jod; such complicated system but they made it work!

Okay, I'll stop rambling here x"D
I might get a bit distracted since I got pretty addicted with playing Palworld, but I'll make sure to finish at least 1 script per week! >_<

Cheers and here's hoping for another productive week!
Take care and stay awesome, guys!



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UPDATE 5/2/2024!

#587 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine is still as busy as ever, but fulfilling--still have one more appointment with the dentist though x'D
My coughing and sprained muscle are also doing better, but I'll refrain from saying too much because they might relapse like before lol.
However, Bermuda's proofreading checking is doing great!

- I finished checking & polishing Script 3! The polishing includes changing a set of secondary CGs that appeared at the end of chapter 2. I'm really glad that I managed to correct this small plothole >_<;

The good news is I haven't encountered any big bugs or errors, let's hope it stays that way :3

How about you? Did you have fun? Or did you have hard days at work/school?
When things are difficult, remember to take a step back and breathe. Maybe close your eyes, take a nap and refresh your mind.
When you're sad or angry, my best advice is to let it out by watching a horror movie/sad movies. Dog movies like Togo or Hachiko always gets me :') Also, don't forget to give small rewards to yourself! Whether it's for as big as finishing a project or as small as being patient with that jerk of a co-worker 😂

Alright, I'll stop rambling here >///<
Thank you as always for reading my update, it's not much but we're getting there, guys!
See you again next week <3



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UPDATE 12/2/2024!

#588 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was as busy as usual--oh, and I tried something new!

Have you heard about Air Dry Clay? I've been wanting to try and make something cute with it, can you guess what it is?
Here, I'll give you more hints~


Aaaand did you guess it?
Yes, I'm making a fake cake! X'D

It feels very relaxing, especially when I was sculpting the finer details:​



The figures 'melted' a little & is taking a long time to dry since I didn't use a sterofoam as a base. I'm a newbie in this field so I'm crossing my fingers, hoping they won't crack later when they're fully dry! Does this count as getting distracted? ^^; if yes, please forgive me, I can't resist the temptation when I saw a discount sign in one of my local stores and saw this air dry clay materials lying around Q_Q

Bermuda's proofreading check progress is doing quite well though!
- Currently, I'm in the middle of checking script 4! ​Please excuse me while I slowly making my way through the grammars >_<;
- KiiAnima said the last script, Script 9 is probably going to be finished this week! I'm so glad--we're one step closer to release! >///<

​How about you? Did you have fun? Did you touch the grass outside?
My mother has been trying to get me out of the house to touch the grass, but she picked a bad time. I'm really immersed with the air dry clay these days X'D

I'll update you with the finished product soon! I'm so excited, can't wait to paint & varnish it!



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UPDATE 19/2/2024!

#589 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, guys!
Did you have a good week? Mine is as busy as always, but I'm pretty satisfied with how things are going ^///^
I just wish I have more time to go out and touch the grass lol

But more importantly, there's some good news!
- Script 10's proofreading is finished! Shoutout to KiiAnima who has been a great supporter and an awesome proofreader <3 With this, we're all set! -^.^)/ I just need to check & apply them~
- Script 4's checking is done! ​I still need to test it, but I'll do the testing later so I can make the walkthrough at the same time. Also, shoutout to MermaidVictory who have sent me her personal walkthrough >///< it'll be a great help/a good start for the official walkthrough <3
On the other hand, I've also finished my fake cake!


I used acrylic paint to color the clay after it's fully-dried. I think I colored the Vulpixes quite well, but after I varnished them, they look very shiny 😂​ Making the fake whipped cream decoration is fun though! I should've bought more because I'm running out when I'm decorating the bottom part of the cake.


And after I decorated it with the fake fruits, we're done! I think the varnised strawberries and blueberries look good, the shine reminds me of candied fruits!


The figurines are heavy but as you can see, I can still open it! (Please excuse the slightly blurry picture, I can't seem to get a clear pic when I'm shooting with my left hand.)
I used a heart-shaped accessory box, but really, you can use any box that's available at home! Preferably something from plastic so you can clean the fake whipped cream easily if you're not happy with it and restart.

​That was fun~ Thank you for reading and I hope you guys also had a fun week :3
​Here's hoping we have another productive week~ However, don't forget to eat your meals and have plenty of rest!
Cheers and see you again next week!



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UPDATE 26/2/2024!

#590 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I finally got to touch the grass outside but I ended up with sores as usual. And it was a really a bad idea to wear high heels x_x Both of my pinkies are red and swolled now, but no regrets! It's been a while since I went out after all lol

With that said, Bermuda's progress is doing well!


We've reached Script 5; this script contains the transition from Summer Forest to Autumn Village and later, from Autumn Village to Winter Area. The events are very long--script 5 is the longest compared to the other scripts so I think I'll be staying here for a while 😂​​ I'm not sure if it's accurate to say I've finished around 1/5th of the script, so I took a screenshot to show you where I am right now.

Once again, I found myself wishing for another set of hands/eyes so I can work faster :( at this point, I envy the octopus who has 8 hands! I also need to report to the tax office sometime in March, so yeah, busy busy busy! X'D

How about you guys? Are you also busy? I'm sure you're tired, but are you having fun?
Don't forget to pat yourself on the shoulder and take some well-earned rest! -^.^)/
Btw, I'm out of ideas about what I should show you for the weekly updates (It's not fun to read a text wall without pictures, right?). Do you have any suggestions? If not, I'll keep taking screenshot like this until I find a better idea 😂

Welp, that's it for now and see you again next week!



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UPDATE 5/3/2024!

#591 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was pretty interesting; my office accepted an intern last week and I'm in charge of her now. She reminds me of my clueless self a few years ago lol. It's not an easy task since I need to guide her step by step, it takes a lot of patience but I'm sure we'll be fine =^.^)/

Meanwhile, Bermuda's progress is going steady as usual!

Almost halfway there! I also noticed a loophole & fixed it right away >:3​
We're at line 11k and the total for script 5 is 28k, so we still have a long way to go >_<

With that said, it's QUIZ TIME!
Since we don't have a lot of sneak peek these days, Tawni Meyer gave me some suggestions. The first one is for me to ask you some questions about the bachelors. You guess and I'll give you the answer next week, how about it? ^.^ OR you can give me some suggestions for a simple chibi drawing at the comment section! For example; "Guntur fishing".​ If I have some free time, I'll sketch the chibi & show it to you next week!

Now then, this week's questions are;
1. Who do you think get hurt the most in the story? Arya, Guntur, or Kahlil?
2. Who do you think has the most ex-girlfriend? ( I think this is an easy one x'D)

Welp, that's it for now and see you again next week!
Rest well, eat well, & let's keep working hard together! I look forward to read your answers or chibi suggestions in the comment section~



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UPDATE 11/3/2024!

#592 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, guys! What's up?
I had a tough week, in addition to guiding the intern in my office, I'm resisting temptation of playing Pokemon Violet too much--I also did a marathon for Death Mark 1, 2, and Spirit Hunter:NG walkthrough until I almost forgot about sleeping 😂​ If you don't know, Death Mark is a horror visual novel game, I'm too scared to play it by myself so I watch walkthroughs lol. If you have the time, I definitely recommend you check them out <3

Bermuda's progress is going as steady as usual though!

​I'm almost at line 17k! At this pace, Script 5 should be finished in 2 weeks!
It's really surprising how many typos I didn't notice, there are also some missing words here and there, it makes me appreciate my proofreader even more ​🥰

​Now then, last week I asked you guys a couple of questions, ~Y U U~, ColdCore, C, and Tawni Meyer have good answers, but not quite there yet ;) Are you curious? Here are the spoiler-free answers:

1. Who do you think get hurt the most in the story? Arya, Guntur, or Kahlil?
The answer is... Arya! Now then, I know the demo said he 'regained' his sight somewhat when he arrived in the Forgotten Isles, but let's just say he 'bumped' into quite a few things later (both literally and figuratively) and he constantly got into dangerous situations, which lead to him getting injured more than a few times. Personally, I like to think of it as retribution 😂 He got an attitude and rude most of the time, so he got punished for it lol​

2. Who do you think has the most ex-girlfriend? ( I think this is an easy one x'D)
The answer is... Guntur!​ Yup, he's the ladies' man. Kahlil does look more approachable than Guntur, but his unique preferences are usually a turn-off. On the other hand, while Guntur looks intimidating, women tend to be attracted to strong/bad boys. He has more experience with woman than Kahlil and Arya combined, but the relationships are usually fleeting due to his bad reputation and being constantly chased by cops doesn't help either.

What do you guys think? I hope you're having fun/satisfied with the answer ;)
Now then, here's this week's questions:
1. Which one of the bachelors are ticklish? (Answer can be more than 1)
2. Who do you think is most prone to impulsive buying?
I look forward to read your answers XD
Rest well, eat well, and cheers for another produtive week! See you again next week!

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UPDATE 18/3/2024!

#593 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, guys! How did your week go?
Mine was pretty painful because I got sick x_x it was quite an interesting story though.
So one day, I woke up to extreme cold--apparently I have kicked off my blanket sometime at night & it was raining so it was really cold. I didn't think much about it at first, but then my joints started to hurt. It's different from muscle pain, it especially hurts when I'm walking 😅 I was like, "Is my age catching up to me?"😂 I was still all smiles back then. But it stopped being amusing when the headache, fever, AND coughs followed soon after.

​The good news is I'm all better now, the headache and fever didn't stay for long since I treated them quickly enough. And the joint pains are also better now, my friend said it's because of the cold so I warmed myself up, wearing a jacket everyday and long pants, and the joint pains disappeared.

The bad news is the darn coughs stayed and my throat hurts whenever I swallow now😢​ dejavu? Yep, it's the same type of coughs that are stubborn and will take a while to heal.

Fortunately, this didn't hinder Bermuda's progress!

​We'll definitely get to 28k this week! *happy dance*
​Oh, please ignore the mosaic, the label title has a small spoiler so I censored it 😂

Now then, there are more people answering the questions this time so I'm really happy about it ^////^
Without further ado, here are the spoiler-free answers to last week's questions!​
​1. Which one of the bachelors are ticklish? (Answer can be more than 1)
The answer is more than one and they are... Kahlil and Arya! Kahlil being the goofy man he is, he likes both giving tickles and getting tickled. The reason being he likes to laugh and make people laugh in return :3 As for Arya, well... you might've guessed it, but he doesn't have skin contact often and due to his flaw, his other senses sharpened and have become more sensitive than normal. He is very ticklish, even more than Kahlil.

2. Who do you think is most prone to impulsive buying?

And the answer is... Kahlil! Congrats! All of you have answered this correctly! Kahlil has zero self-control when it comes to Hell'A Kitty merchandise. But other than that? If he sees cute or fluffy things, he will have an urge to touch it. If it feels as good as he though it would be or better, he'll check the pricetag. He'll buy it if he can afford it, but if not? He'll 'borrow' it 😂 He's a hopeless case, he needs someone to monitor him.

​What do you think of this week's answers? I hope they make you smile, because I'm going to step it up today!
1. Now that you know Kahlil & Arya are both ticklish, what will happen if we put those two in a room and they can't go out unless they tickle & make each other laugh?
2. Arya, Kahlil, and Guntur challenged each other to a movie series marathon. They picked the series at random--lo and behold! Jurassic Park is on! Who do you think will win this challenge and why?
(You can have some fun by describing what could've transpired during the marathon lol)

Remember, guys! This is all for fun so you can check out the others' answers at the comment section & let's have a good laugh together! XD
Welp, that's it for now and see you again next week! Stay awesome & let's be productive together!



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UPDATE 26/3/2024!

#594 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I'm really sorry for the late update, I got a bit distracted because I just got a new puppy last weekend >_<;


The name is Casper and he's 9 weeks old chihuahua puppy. He's quite a handful & need some special care so I've been busy!
He got a little flu (watery nose, and sometimes, when he's sleeping there would be little bubbles coming out from his nose) and each of his eye got a small white spot, I heard they got scratched a little by his littermates when playing. I was given the medication (Cendo Fenicol) so hopefully, the white spot will disappear overtime & won't affect his sight. He's so small, it'll be so sad if he lose his sight, right? Q_Q I hope I'm just overthinking it.

I have collected a few dog beds for Casper, but of course, he choose to sleep near my leg 😂​ He actually jumps out from the dog bed and it gave me quite a scare--I mean, those teeny tiny legs looks so frail. He eats a lot though (his meal is separated into 4 small meals perday) & while it's still a long way for the potty training, he seems active & healthy enough for now.

On the other hand, Bermuda's progress is doing well! I've finally finished checking Script 5!
​Things are looking great, Casper sleeps a lot throughout the day so except for the times where I need to constantly bring him out for pee/potty training, I'm still able to work as usual! Now onto Script 6! Let's continue to work hard together >:D
Last but not least, special thanks to ~Y U U~ and YourTrueLoveInBed for participating in answering the questions! It's really fun to read your answers, so thank you for brightening my day ^///^ now then, onto my answers~

1. Now that you know Kahlil & Arya are both ticklish, what will happen if we put those two in a room and they can't go out unless they tickle & make each other laugh?

​When this happened, Kahlil and Arya actually considered staying in the room for the rest of their lives 😂they low-key cannot stand each other though, so after much thinking, they immediately decided to do the deed and be done with it lol. Arya is sensitive because he he rarely come into skin contact with others so he will instinctively reject Kahlil's tickling attempts, so yeah, Kahlil will get out bruised due to the struggles lol​
2. Arya, Kahlil, and Guntur challenged each other to a movie series marathon. They picked the series at random--lo and behold! Jurassic Park is on! Who do you think will win this challenge and why?​

​The answer is... Arya and Kahlil! Guntur didn't have the patience & he already watched the movies so he quickly grew bored & fell asleep 😂 Meanwhile, Kahlil haven't watched them & have just learned that thriller is different from horror. He's quite engrossed but the ocassinoal jumpscares made him jump & it rained popcorn whenever he did that 😂 Arya was used to sit for a long time & haven't watched movies for a while so he enjoyed the marathon (he won't admit this if you ask him though). The only thing he found annoying was Kahlil 'throwing' popcorns around whenever there's a jumpscare lol. Fortunately, Kahlil would stick to Guntur's side and didn't annoy Arya too much, so the two of them considerably enjoyed themselves from beginning to the end.

​Whoa, there's quite a lot for you to read, eh? O_O;
I'll stop here before the text wall becomes too much lol, please take care and smile! Let's be productive again and see you guys next week! \(^.^)/​​


P.S. I'll take a break from the questions, still looking for interesting ones x'D
P.S.S. Juno, my mix pincher, has been introduced to Casper and the result is great success! Well, except for the first time where he poked Casper hard with his nose & Casper almost got flattened to the ground 😂 It'll take some time until they can truly get used to each other, but my goal is to take a photo of them snuggling/sleep together so wish me luck!


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UPDATE 1/4/2024!

#595 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi guys! What's up?
I hope you guys had a great time because I've been transformed into a mother hen by Casper last week 😂 and I think this will continue for a long while lol. The thing is, his eyes need time to heal but if I took my eyes off him for just a few minutes, he'll stick himself under the couch or house corners--there are lots of dust there so it's a big no!

​I also had a hard time going to sleep because I was worried about him sleeping in an iron crate and bump his head/eyes (because he likes to sleep very close to the corners or climb the fence when he doesn't want to go to sleep yet. Therefore, I went and bought him his own condo!


There's no sharp corners or anything that he can bump into and cause injury so all is good now 😂 feels like I'm taking care of a baby all over again, but no worries, I know what I got myself into when I decided to adopt him!

​On the other hand, Juno, my mix pincher has been a sweetheart throughout the week. I always monitored their interactions and I still feel a bit scared of accidents so I'm being really careful & make sure each of them have their own space! Of course, I showered Juno with as much love as I do Casper (>u<) don't want him to feel jealous, left out, or anything!

With that said, Bermuda's progress is still going strong!
I'm halfway through Script 6!

Looking good~ I should be able to finish Script 6 this week ;)
Here's hoping for a smooth & productive progress!
Oh, I also got a couple of questions that I thought will be interesting to ask you!
1.) When the guys woke up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, what do you think they'll do?
2.) If they could only eat one food for the rest of their lives, what would it be?
With that said, I hope all of you are healthy and doing great with work/school!
Drink lots, eat your meals on time, and don't forget to smile! Stay awesome, guys -^.^)/ I'll see you again next week!


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UPDATE 8/4/2024!

#596 Post by SweetChiel »

Morning, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was uneventful--can't say the same about Casper though, he's becoming stronger and stronger each day!

We've been feeding him eye vitamin with blueberry extract which was recommended by the vet, I can't see the difference yet, but I suppose it's a slow healing process :'3

He sure is active though! When he's not sleeping, he trots and jumps around the house like a little mouse 😂 I had to chase him all around the house lol, just in case he eat something he shouldn't or bump his head or slip under the couch and get dust in his eyes. I guess good for me since I need the exercise!

He hasn't found his bark yet, but he sure is smart! His potty training is almost completed and he has learned how to sit and shake hand! He is probably the fastest puppy I've ever taught. Juno & Casper's interactions are also having some progress, they can go outside and pee together now, with the occasional sniffing--but of course, I don't dare let Casper near juno when he's eating >_<; the little tyke has a sharp nose and often wanders off to the big bowl in search of food. He eats 4 times a day and, each time, he eats like I've never fed him lol.


Here's a photo of them sleeping together~
I also have a video where Casper learned how to sit before a meal. I can't post it here, but feel free to see it at my instagram: ceciliasabrina_s
OR you can check out my patreon, I posted the video there without the music tho, being cautious with copyright x'D
Okay, I'll stop here before I talk about my fur kids all day lol

With that said, Bermuda's progress is doing great!
I've finished Script 6! I'll start checking Script 7 this week! \(-^.^-)/ it was a bit of a challenge to work while taking care of Casper, but once I get a grip on his sleeping schedule, things fall into place!

Shoutout to ~Y U U~, ColdCore, and LainyBug for giving their best, answering the questions!
ColdCore almost got both questions right, but all three of them got the last question right about Kahlil lol

Now without further ado, here are the answers!
1.) When the guys woke up in the middle of the night and can't sleep, what do you think they'll do?
- Arya will get up, make a mug of coffee, and go outside for a bit to enjoy the quiet and the night breeze. Afterwards, he will check his emails (read to him by his laptop AI). And just like that, he will continue working until dawn or until he feels sleepy again.
- Kahlil will get up and check the refrigerator. It's fine if he doesn't find any sugar, but if he does, he will stay wide awake until morning 😂 Guntur usually hides the sweets though.
- Guntur will get up and also check the refrigerator. If there's a leftover, he will eat it as midnight snack. If not, he will cook up one and oftentimes, the delicious smell with wake up Kahlil lol. All is well after a meal and they will go back to sleep.

2.) If they could only eat one food for the rest of their lives, what would it be?
- Arya: Coffee or anything with caffeine (ColdCore got this right!)
- Kahlil: Sweets or sugar, I wish I have strong teeth like Kahlil, so I won't have to worry about cavities 😂(All three of you got this right!)
- Guntur: Beef! Especially A5 Wagyu beef, Guntur loves his meat! (ColdCore almost got this right!)

I hope all of you enjoyed today's answers! I will take a rest from the Q&A this week, taking care of baby Casper is not easy, but if you have any suggestions for the Q&A, don't hesitate to tell me! x'D

Here's hoping all of you had a great week! Happy Ramadhan to all of you who celebrates it!
Take care and see you again next week~



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UPDATE 15/4/2024!

#597 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys!
Did you have a good Ramadhan vacation? Mine was spent with taking care of a mini piranha called Casper😂​​
He's getting stronger every day and he got his first zoomie last week! Unfortunately, I have to cut it short since Juno, my mix pincher, also got excited & I'm afraid they'll bump into each other >_<; but it's really great to see they're getting along with each other <3 Juno can tolerate Casper getting close to his bowl/toys now, but whenever that happens, he'll give me this look 👀😂 ​I always say thanks & pet him when he behaves well like this lol​​​​​

Casper also got this playful small jumps when he got particularly excited, which my heart can't take. The only one thing I'm concerned with is he sometimes overestimate himself & bumped into things in the end :')

I'm planning to keep my eyes on him until he's at least 6 months old. I heard Chihuahuas are prone to bone breaking so better be safe than sorry! He's also going to get his second vaccine shot this 17th, I'm looking forward to see how much he weight now! (He's 0,45 kg during his first shot and 0,528 kg last time we checked his eyes, I hope he's gaining again. I want him to grow big and strong!)

With that said, Bermuda's script proofreading check is doing well!

We've started Script 7 and currently, we're at 6k!
​Script 7 have 30,9k rows so I think we have a good start and we're more than halfway to Script 10! *happydance*
Hang in there, guys! We can see the finish line >u<

Now then, while we wait, please enjoy today's Q&A!
1. If they can take one thing to a deserted island what would it be?
2. Who is the first to apologize after an argument?

​Have fun & I hope you guys are healthy and happy no matter who or where you are! -^.^)/
Stay safe and see you again next week!


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UPDATE 22/4/2024!

#598 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? Mine was as busy as usual--and I've just brought Casper back from his 2nd vaccination!
He didn't like having a thermometer up his butt & certainly didn't appreciate the shot. He really gave me and my mother a fright when he screamed & struggled with all his might x_x I hope nothing is wrong & he just acts like a drama king (or maybe it's hard/very painful for him since he has such a small body & the needle feels big to him?)
So far, he pooped & peed normally. I gave him honey water and is sleeping now. I'm going to keep my eyes on him really close this week! I imagine he will feel very sore & sluggish later. But the good news is he went from 0.450 kg (first vaccine), to 0.840 kg (second vaccine, at 3 months + 1 week)! I'm so happy to see him gaining weight! Grow up big & strong my little Casper ^///^

Another good news is Bermuda's proofreading check is also doing great!

we're now at row 11.5k! ​I think it'll take another 2-3 weeks until I can finish checking Script 7. I managed to find a section that I forgot to include a CG, so I'm quite satisfied with this week's progress!

Now then, without further ado, please enjoy last week's Q&A answers!
1. If they can take one thing to a deserted island what would it be?
Guntur: "I'll bring a Victorinox Ranger Pocket Knife! I wish I have one now, it's really expensive."
Kahlil: "Awww no fair! that's on top of my list to bring! Can I have the same answer? No? Dang, it's great to have a multi tool on a deserted island. You can cut, drill, scrape, and even picking locks!"
Arya: "How and where the fuck do you even pick locks on a deserted island? Anyways, what's your answer now that it's taken?"
Kahlil: "Hmm... does unlimited sugar counts?"
Guntur: "...I guess, sure? It is one item. Are you sure you only want sugar?"
Arya: *sigh*... "Of course it's sugar. The fox is ready to spend the rest of his life on the deserted island."
Kahlil: "Well what about you smarty-pants?"
Arya: "I'm not planning to stay there so I'm bringing my laptop. It can pick up wifi signals from over 50 miles away, I'll hack the password, and I'll be out of there before you can finish saying ' sugar'."
Guntur: "Over 50 miles away? Damn, Arya!"
Kahlil: *pouts & rolls his eyes*

2. Who is the first to apologize after an argument?
Kahlil: "It's certainly not Arya."
Arya: *glares*
Kahlil: "What? Did I hit the bull's eye?"
Arya: "Mind you that I never ​looked for trouble, they found me. I fucking get away from crowds, I hate loud noises, but someone is always asking to be scolded! Whenever I go out, men keep asking whether I need help, women keep asking for my number--"
Guntur: "--Whoa, whoa! You blew off women who tried to hit on you?"
Arya: "Hit on me? More like mocking me, I bet they're on a fucking ​dare or something. I mean, look at me! Who the fuck wants to date a blind man?"
Me: *in a small voice* "I do. You're not just any blind man. You have a job, diligent, and handsome on top of that."
Arya: "You don't mean that. You're just pitying me."
Me: "No, I'm not! I'm being serious!"
Guntur: "--Okay! That's enough, we're going off track here!"
Guntur: "You might've already guessed it, but the one who apologizes first would be Kahlil or me. Usually Kahlil first because he can't handle the guilt and I'm sometimes prideful."

​Welp, that's it for now and I hope you guys enjoyed today's Q&A answers!
Today, I also have a question to ask, but it's kinda personal. It involves Casper.

- Do any of you also have a Chihuahua? If yes, how did you vaccinate him/her? Full dose or half dose?
Casper got hald dose because he's smaller than average & I heard the risk is bigger if small breed dogs get the full dose >_<

I look forward to your answers!
Take care, eat your meals, rest well, & see you again next week!


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UPDATE 6/5/2024!

#599 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi guys! I'm back! I hope I didn't make you wait for too long, the dengue fever was a nasty experience and I'm very glad it's all over now! >_< and I actually forgot to post the emergency update continuation into the Indiegogo page D: please forgive me *bows*

*Small warning that there might be too much info on dengue fever & my experience about it, I just write to those who are curious or want full info on what I've went through, if you don't want to read it, please skip~*

I hope all of you are healthy, it was hell in the hospital; I couldn't eat much due to the nausea but I kept wanting to go to the toilet (they were pumping 2 IVs into me, because there is no medicine for dengue fever except our own immune system so the hospital is making sure I'm hydrated), but since I was on bedrest and the doc didn't allow me to get up from the bed, I had to use the chamber pot 😂 it was embarassing that I had to call the nurse every 2 hours to pee--and what's worse, my period came the next day! There were a lot more bleeding than usual because my trombosit count was still very low back then, so yeah, I had my own Red Sea for almost a week lol

Still, I recovered quite fast since I didn't throw up. I tried my best to keep eating even if I didn't want to and it paid off!

*explanation ends here*

The doc released me last Thursday but my liver was still swollen due to the aftereffects from the dengue fever so I went for another checkup today, and the good news is I'm almost all recovered now!

Another good news is since I felt well enough last week, I tried to do some work on Bermuda and I think I made some good progress!


I'm now at Script 7 line 17.5k! I'm very happy with the result and I can also get back to work tomorrow!

The lesson I learned from this is to keep an eye out for mosquitos and DRINK MORE WATER 😂 even more so in this hot weather. Have you seen the news? The world globe is all red/orange now due to the heat! I think we've reached record temperature or something--please take care and drink more water, and no, coffee/tea/milk tea doesn't count, it'll get you diabetes instead!

Alright, I'll stop nagging now x'D Jokes aside, I'm grateful to all of you who have been concerned & patiently waited for my recovery <3 thanks, really. It's at this time that I feel like a really lucky person :'3

I'm getting shy now so that's it for now and see you again next week! If you have any questions, type away in the comments section and I'll reply ASAP! I hope all of you are healthy and happy no matter where you are -^.^)/ xoxo,



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UPDATE 13/5/2024!

#600 Post by SweetChiel »

​Hi, guys! What's up?
I've been really busy last week, especially today! My mother is renovating our bathroom so there are lots of noise and we have to take turns watching the doggos.

As for my condition, I'm almost recovered! My liver is just tiny bit swollen now, I'm going to have another check up this 20th -^.^)/
My only suffering is I cannot eat hamburgers/pizza, fried food, or too many instant or oily food because my mother want to make sure my liver recover soon... The thing is, I'm an Indonesian, but I don't like rice :'D so yeah, I've been suffering, I hope the 20th come soon so I can eat pizza again! (Don't tell my mother, but I've started sneaking some instant noodles as midnight snack tonight--I just can't stand it anymoreee Q_Q)

Ahem, with that said, Bermuda's progress is doing well!

We're now at line 25.5k! ​I should be able to finish checking Script 7 this week. It's the longest one compared to Script 8-10 so yay! We're getting there!
I also have no problem with my office work so everything is back on track now!

How about you? I hope you didn't get sick like me, and remember to drink more water! The heat is getting unbearable, fortunately I just got some rain today, it's like a brief reprieve x_x

With that said, I'm glad that we're officialy back to our routine! 🥳​​
The only downside is I become easily sleepy (when I got sick, I slept earlier than usual so I'm sleepy now >_< maybe this is a good thing? As we get older, we need to take care our bodies better :'3), so that's it for now and see you again next week!

Eat well, rest well, and good night to you all!
Of course, if you have any question, feel free to type in the comment section and I'll reply ASAP -^.^)/



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