How to add ability points to screen?

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How to add ability points to screen?

#1 Post by DewyNebula »

Hello. I recently got a character creator working with the ability to name and change the character's appearance on one screen. I would also like to add an ability point system, where you would have eight default points in Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. You would have 27 points to spend, with the stats reaching 15. I've looked through various guides on how to do this, but they do not cover how to do it on a screen.

What I would like to achieve is the ability point spend amount (27) to be shown at the top right of the screen, decreasing when spending points. Below would be the list of attributes, with image buttons increasing or decreasing the points. Below is my current code. Feel free to comment on other improvements I should make.

Code: Select all

label player_name:
    init python:
        def name_func(newstring):
            store.myname = newstring
        default myname = ""

label characters:
    # Characters
    define k = Character("Kelsey")

label character_creation:
    # Asset variables
    default skin = 1
    default mouth = 1
    default nose = 1
    default irises = 1
    default eyes = 1
    default haircolor = 1
    default hair = 1

    # Layered Images
    layeredimage player:
        # Skin color
        if skin == 1:
        if skin == 2:
        if skin == 3:
        if skin == 4:
        if skin == 5:
        if skin == 6:

        # Mouth and color
        if mouth == 1 and skin == 1:
        elif mouth == 1 and skin == 2:
        elif mouth == 1 and skin == 3:
        elif mouth == 1 and skin == 4:
        elif mouth == 1 and skin == 5:
        elif mouth == 1 and skin == 6:
        if mouth == 2 and skin == 1:
        elif mouth == 2 and skin == 2:
        elif mouth == 2 and skin == 3:
        elif mouth == 2 and skin == 4:
        elif mouth == 2 and skin == 5:
        elif mouth == 2 and skin == 6:

        # Nose and color
        if nose == 1 and skin == 1:
        elif nose == 1 and skin == 2:
        elif nose == 1 and skin == 3:
        elif nose == 1 and skin == 4:
        elif nose == 1 and skin == 5:
        elif nose == 1 and skin == 6:
        if nose == 2 and skin == 1:
        elif nose == 2 and skin == 2:
        elif nose == 2 and skin == 3:
        elif nose == 2 and skin == 4:
        elif nose == 2 and skin == 5:
        elif nose == 2 and skin == 6:

        # Irises color
        if irises == 1:
        if irises == 2:
        if irises == 3:
        if irises == 4:
        if irises == 5:
        if irises == 6:

        # Eyes and color
        if eyes == 1 and haircolor == 1:
        elif eyes == 1 and haircolor == 2:
        elif eyes == 1 and haircolor == 3:
        elif eyes == 1 and haircolor == 4:
        elif eyes == 1 and haircolor == 5:
        elif eyes == 1 and haircolor == 6:
        if eyes == 2 and haircolor == 1:
        elif eyes == 2 and haircolor == 2:
        elif eyes == 2 and haircolor == 3:
        elif eyes == 2 and haircolor == 4:
        elif eyes == 2 and haircolor == 5:
        elif eyes == 2 and haircolor == 6:

        # Hair and color
        if hair == 1 and haircolor == 1:
        elif hair == 1 and haircolor == 2:
        elif hair == 1 and haircolor == 3:
        elif hair == 1 and haircolor == 4:
        elif hair == 1 and haircolor == 5:
        elif hair == 1 and haircolor == 6:
    screen dollmaker(): 
        # Name text
            yalign 0.1
            xalign 0.05

            text "player name:"
        # Name input           
            yalign 0.1
            xalign 0.21
            xsize 1000 
            add Input(default=myname, changed=name_func, length=10)
        # Player body
            yalign 0.5
            xalign 0.5
            spacing 100

            add "player"
        # Left arrow buttons
            yalign 0.7
            xalign 0.045
            spacing 10

            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-left" action Function(change_player, "hair", "-")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-left" action Function(change_player, "haircolor", "-")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-left" action Function(change_player, "eyes", "-")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-left" action Function(change_player, "irises", "-")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-left" action Function(change_player, "nose", "-")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-left" action Function(change_player, "mouth", "-")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-left" action Function(change_player, "skin", "-")
        # Body text
            yalign 0.67
            xalign 0.145
            spacing 130

            text "hair" xalign 0.5
            text "hair color" xalign 0.5
            text "eyes" xalign 0.5
            text "irises" xalign 0.5
            text "nose" xalign 0.5
            text "mouth" xalign 0.5
            text "skin" xalign 0.5
        # Right arrow buttons
            yalign 0.7
            xalign 0.25
            spacing 10     
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-right" action Function(change_player, "hair", "+")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-right" action Function(change_player, "haircolor", "+")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-right" action Function(change_player, "eyes", "+")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-right" action Function(change_player, "irises", "+")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-right" action Function(change_player, "nose", "+")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-right" action Function(change_player, "mouth", "+")
            imagebutton auto "ui-arrow-%s-right" action Function(change_player, "skin", "+")
        # Finished character
            yalign 0.9
            xalign 0.8

            textbutton "Done" action Return()

    init python:
        def change_player(aspect, way):
            global hair
            global haircolor
            global eyes
            global irises
            global nose
            global mouth
            global skin
            if aspect == "hair":
                if way == "+":
                    hair += 1
                if way == "-":
                    hair -= 1
            if hair > 1:
                hair = 1
            if hair < 1:
                hair = 1

            if aspect == "haircolor":
                if way == "+":
                    haircolor += 1
                if way == "-":
                    haircolor -= 1
            if haircolor > 6:
                haircolor = 1
            if haircolor < 1:
                haircolor = 6
            if aspect == "eyes":
                if way == "+":
                    eyes += 1
                if way == "-":
                    eyes -= 1
            if eyes > 2:
                eyes = 1
            if eyes < 1:
                eyes = 2
            if aspect == "irises":
                if way == "+":
                    irises += 1
                if way == "-":
                    irises -= 1
            if irises > 6:
                irises = 1
            if irises < 1:
                irises = 6

            if aspect == "nose":
                if way == "+":
                    nose += 1
                if way == "-":
                    nose -= 1
            if nose > 2:
                nose = 1
            if nose < 1:
                nose = 2
            if aspect == "mouth":
                if way == "+":
                    mouth += 1
                if way == "-":
                    mouth -= 1
            if mouth > 2:
                mouth = 1
            if mouth < 1:
                mouth = 2
            if aspect == "skin":
                if way == "+":
                    skin += 1
                if way == "-":
                    skin -= 1
            if skin > 6:
                skin = 1
            if skin < 1:
                skin = 6

# Game Start
label start:
    scene bg black
    with fade
    show friend-kelsey-neutral
    with dissolve

    k "welcome to the game!"

    scene bg creation
    with fade

    #Character Creation
    call screen dollmaker with dissolve
    k "hello [myname]"

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Re: How to add ability points to screen?

#2 Post by Kia »

You can use the `Function` action to run a python function when your button is clicked, and that function can check your variables, and change them if the conditions are met.
The harder alternative is using `If` in your actions. You have to study screens a bit more and get familiar with the actions.

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