Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#16 Post by TNTiger »

episode 1 is written! :lol:
I've been revising it the last few days. The pacing is feeling off to me. Maybe it's just because it hasn't been programmed yet, so I don't know what kind of pauses there will be, but things are feeling too fast. I think some of the scenes were too short, so I've been expanding them.

Buuut I'm also considering something else.....
Explore Gif2.gif
Explore Gif2.gif (9.79 MiB) Viewed 3308 times
Can you tell I've been watching too many My Candy Love playthroughs?

I think adding gameplay could help the pacing, but I'm not sure if I'll do it or not. Episode 1 wasn't written with this kind of interactivity in mind, so it might feel incongruent. On the other hand, I DO love point & click mechanics, and I DO want some more experience making them, and it would be a lot of fun... I can't decide :cry: Weirdly, I think my subconscious was already drawing the backgrounds as if the game would work like this..?

But I know I need to work on drawing CGs and redrawing menus, so I'll focus on that for now haha. I'll try to show you some CG sketches soon!!

((I've still been posting things on Tumblr as well, like I recently shared a gif of a "talking animation" I tested out with Aloysius hahah :wink: ))

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#17 Post by TNTiger »

Hey hey I'm working on CGs!
I'm planning on doing 20+ for episode 1. Some of them full-screen illustrations, some of them just smaller pictures of items and stuff
I'm also going to animate some of them (by "animate" I mean, puppet tool in After Effects. Like the Live2D effect. No impressive frame-by-frame things haha). I already animated one with Frances and it was super fun! But now I'm starting to feel the burn out. I don't want to write or draw or do anything at all the past few days. Even playing a video game sounds like too much effort haha.

Also, I'm still figuring out if I'll add gameplay or not. I had a dream where someone told me I shouldn't. But then I also had a dream that Malca took a ski lift up to a castle and met a prince, who turned out to be Graham's twin. So maybe I shouldn't listen to my dreams :lol:

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#18 Post by TNTiger »

Hey hey sorry for the absence. I got busy in the summer, but I have also just been working quietly

I recently programmed episode 1, which means it's completely finished now
I'm super psyched to write & work on episode 2!

And did you notice that "hint" button?
It's a little feature I put in for when you have to make a choice:
just hover over it and it will tell you exactly what you're getting into 8) Best of both worlds?

I'll keep working quietly now, although I'll probably continue sharing little drawings and stuff on tumblr :D

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#19 Post by Voz »

I'm absolutely enamored with your rendering. ( That toucan!! :0 ) You have such a lovely sense of color and lighting, and I've been having a great time just looking all your pictures over and getting lost in the ambiance. Everything feels so warm. Your style also gives me vague Motorcity vibes? Very angular early 2010s cartoon look. Suits a comedy pretty well, I think.

Wishing you the best of luck and continued motivation!

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#20 Post by TNTiger »

Oh thank you so much :cry: Your words are so inspiring & kind
I always dream of being able to draw cartoons that look like TV, so to hear that comparison makes me super happy haha! Motorcity looks so cool, I love the linework especially
I'm so glad you like the ambience! The assets went through a lot of color adjustments to look right :lol: Hopefully the other elements in the game will be good too!

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#21 Post by TNTiger »

Heya. It's been a while but I've been working this whole time!
I finished episodes 2 and 3. Here are some screenshots:
it's hard choosing screenshots to share hahah. I have more pictures and videos on tumblr under this hashtag too: ... creenshots

I feel a little discouraged lately, but I am still antsy to see progress
Episode 3 was a little bit of a nightmare to make because it needed so many new assets (and the script ended up being 45+ pages long!)
but the next episodes will probably be faster to complete! I'm working on the script for episode 4 right now. Once that's done, I think all I have to do is CGs-- no new backgrounds or sprites thankfully :lol:

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#22 Post by TNTiger »

Heya, I finally finished writing episode 4. It's also mooostly programmed, but I still have to draw some CGs. Episode 4 alone ended up being 15,000 words long :( It's been a little bit of a struggle!
I also added a feature to change the dialogue font to Open Dyslexic. I kept getting the feeling that the default font might not work for everyone haha
Here are some screenshots for that & episode 4:
I think like each episode more than the last. I love all the characters and the relationships, but I am most excited for you to get to know Malca and watch her deterioration story :lol:

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#23 Post by TNTiger »

Hello again! It has been a while. I had a few ups & downs in my life, but I'm ready to commit to developing Funny Business again. I am once again working on it obsessively :wink:
I finished episode 4, here are some more screenshots:


I finished writing episode 5 today. The script for this episode is 58 pages long!


Like usual, it needs a lot of new assets. I've already finished most of the new BGs.
In this episode, Malca meets Trace's roommates, Tyler and Nolan.
I've always loved Tyler, but writing his introduction made me appreciate him even more. So I went to the trouble of giving him a second outfit:


Mr. Tyler Gogetter :!:

I've also drawn another outfit for Malca, but she won't wear it until the end of the game, so I won't show you :wink:

Once I finish the CGs for episode 5 and program it, I'll share screenshots!

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Re: Funny Business [GxB Otome] [Comedy] [Absurd]

#24 Post by TNTiger »

hello I don't have any big updates to share, but I did make some new promo art :wink:
These are some designs I have in mind for the future (natural hair Tom!), so this is a little bit spoiler-y :oops:
I'm definitely planning on doing some more Funny Business "TV Guides" because this was very fun to draw!

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