I can't get the path to the folder right

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I can't get the path to the folder right

#1 Post by Andredron »

I prescribe for the cookbook of this forum recipe for creating a race and character by the rules of dnd. and encountered a problem when I kind of prescribed in the code to take a file from the race or class folder, but instead it complains constantly that in the folder game, does not see the file, when I throw it in the folder gameb it sees everything perfectly, but malady does not want to take any file from the folder.


Code: Select all

screen race_selection():
        has vbox
        label "Choose your race:"
        textbutton "Elf":
            action [SetVariable("race", "Elf"), Jump("class_selection")]
        textbutton "Human":
            action [SetVariable("race", "Human"), Jump("class_selection")]
        textbutton "Dwarf":
            action [SetVariable("race", "Dwarf"),Jump("class_selection")]
screen class_selection():
        has vbox
        label "Choose your class:"
        textbutton "Bard":
            action [SetVariable("character_class", "Bard"), Jump("age_selection")]
        textbutton "Rogue":
            action [SetVariable("character_class", "Rogue"), Jump("age_selection")]
        textbutton "Fighter":
            action [SetVariable("character_class", "Fighter"), Jump("age_selection")]
        textbutton "Wizard":
            action [SetVariable("character_class", "Wizard"), Jump("age_selection")]
screen age_selection():
        has vbox
        label "Choose your age:"
        textbutton "Young (18-30)":
            action [SetVariable("age", "Young"),Jump("alignment_selection")]
        textbutton "Adult (31-50)":
            action [SetVariable("age", "Adult"),Jump("alignment_selection")]
        textbutton "Elderly (51+)":
            action [SetVariable("age", "Elderly"), Jump("alignment_selection")]
screen alignment_selection():
        has vbox
        label "Choose your alignment:"
        textbutton "Lawful Good":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Lawful Good"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "Neutral Good":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Neutral Good"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "Chaotic Good":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Chaotic Good"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "Lawful Neutral":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Lawful Neutral"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "True Neutral":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "True Neutral"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "Chaotic Neutral":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Chaotic Neutral"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "Lawful Evil":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Lawful Evil"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "Neutral Evil":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Neutral Evil"), Jump("confirm_character")]
        textbutton "Chaotic Evil":
            action [SetVariable("alignment", "Chaotic Evil"), Jump("confirm_character")]

screen character_info(player):
        has vbox
        text "You have chosen the [player.race] [player.character_class]."
        add player.image
        text player.description
        text "Your ability scores are:"
                has vbox
                text "Strength: [player.strength]"
                text "Dexterity: [player.dexterity]"
                text "Constitution: [player.constitution]"
                has vbox
                text "Intelligence: [player.intelligence]"
                text "Wisdom: [player.wisdom]"
                text "Charisma: [player.charisma]"
                text "alignment: [player.alignment]"
        text "Your race traits are:"
                has vbox
                for trait in player.race_traits:
                        import json
                        trait_data = json.load(renpy.file("traits.json"))[f"{player.race.lower()}_traits"]
                        trait_info = next((t for t in trait_data if t["name"] == trait), None)
                    if trait_info:
                        text "[trait_info['name']]: [trait_info['description']]"
                        text f"[trait]"
        text "Your class traits are:"
                has vbox
                for trait in player.class_traits:
                    text f"[trait['name']]: [trait['description']]"
            has vbox
            label "Confirm your character:"
            textbutton "Confirm":
                action Jump("play_game")
            textbutton "Go Back":
                action Jump("race_selection")

label start:
        race = None
        character_class = None
        age = None
        alignment = None
        additional_traits = []
        player = None

label race_selection:
    call screen race_selection()

label class_selection:    
    call screen class_selection()

label age_selection:
    call screen age_selection()

label alignment_selection:
    call screen alignment_selection()

label additional_traits_selection:
    call screen additional_traits_selection()

label confirm_character:
    $ player = create_player(race, character_class, age, alignment, additional_traits)
    call screen character_info(player)
    call screen confirm_character(player)

label play_game:

    "text test"


Code: Select all

init python:
    import json
    import os

    def load_data(data_type, name):
        # Get the current game directory
        game_dir = os.path.dirname(renpy.config.gamedir)

        # Determine the base path to the directory with files
        base_dir = os.path.join(game_dir, "game")

        # Determine the file path depending on the data type
        if data_type == "race":
            file_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "race")
            file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, f"{name.lower()}.json")

        elif data_type == "class":
            file_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "class")
            file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, f"{name.lower()}.json")

        elif data_type == "additional_traits":
            file_dir = os.path.join(base_dir, "traits")
            file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, f"{name.lower()}.json")
            raise ValueError("Invalid data type")

        # Check if the file exists
        if not os.path.isfile(file_path):
            raise FileNotFoundError(f "File not found: {file_path}")

        # Read data from the file
        with open(file_path, "r") as f:
            data = json.load(f)

        return data

    def create_player(race, character_class, age, alignment, additional_traits):
        race_data = load_data("race", race)
        class_data = load_data("class", character_class)
        additional_traits_data = [load_data("additional_traits", trait) for trait in additional_traits]
        return Player(race_data, class_data, age, alignment, additional_traits_data)

    class Player(object):
        def __init__(self, race_data, class_data, age, alignment, additional_traits):
            self.race = race_data["race"]
            self.age = age
            self.alignment = alignment
            self.strength = race_data["strength"]
            self.dexterity = race_data["dexterity"]
            self.constitution = race_data["constitution"]
            self.intelligence = race_data["intelligence"]
            self.wisdom = race_data["wisdom"]
            self.charisma = race_data["charisma"]
            self.race_traits = race_data["race_traits"]
            self.size = race_data["size"]
            self.speed = race_data["speed"]
            self.image = race_data["image"]
            self.description = race_data["description"]
            self.character_class = class_data["class"]
            self.class_traits = class_data["class_traits"]

        def apply_racial_modifiers(self, race_data):
            modifiers = race_data.get("ability_modifiers", {})
            self.strength += modifiers.get("strength", 0)
            self.dexterity += modifiers.get("dexterity", 0)
            self.constitution += modifiers.get("constitution", 0)
            self.intelligence += modifiers.get("intelligence", 0)
            self.wisdom += modifiers.get("wisdom", 0)
            self.charisma += modifiers.get("charisma", 0)

        def apply_additional_traits(self, additional_traits):
            For trait in additional_traits:
                modifiers = trait.get("ability_modifiers", {})
                self.strength += modifiers.get("strength", 0)
                self.dexterity += modifiers.get("dexterity", 0)
                self.constitution += modifiers.get("constitution", 0)
                self.intelligence += modifiers.get("intelligence", 0)
                self.wisdom += modifiers.get("wisdom", 0)
                self.charisma += modifiers.get("charisma", 0)
As you can see from the picture, when the files are in the game folder, everything works, but when they are not in the game a let's say race, the error pops up
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