[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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UPDATE 21/5/2024!

#601 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
I'm really sorry for the late update x_x I was really busy yesterday, but there's some good news!
I went for another check up and my doc said my liver is 95% recovered! He gave me more meds, sent me away, and I'm finally free! QuQ
No more bland food! *happy dance*

​It was already night when I got everything settled though, and... I forgot to write an update until it's time for me to sleep--so here I am, first thing in the morning, writing a love letter & apology ​ an update to you <3
​Another good news is I'm done checking Script 7!

​The main routes are all done now & the antagonist route is next!
Script 8-10 are relatively shorter, around 10k-13k lines each, so I should be able to work through one in 2 weeks the latest. It's a bonus route that you can get access to once you finished all 3 main routes. It might be not everyone's cup of tea though >_<; so here's some early warnings for you: some Gore description, Tragedy, Dark Fantasy, and there might be some suicidal thoughts if I remember correctly? I'll check & come back to you again after I finish checking it!

Now then, another thing I've forgotten is our Q&A session.
Can you remind me where we stopped at? 😂​ because it completely escaped my mind.

Other than that, I hope all of you are healthy and happy! Casper and Juno is getting along really well. Casper is really greedy with toys (he wants all of them) and often barks & runs circles around Juno when he took possession of one, but thankfully Juno ignored him and didn't pounce/bark/fights with Casper Junior :'D It's like watching an old man ignoring a kid lol. Of course, I supervise all of their interactions & often praise Juno for being so gentle/ignoring Casper's mischiefs.

​Ok, I'll stop rambling about my doggos x'D
Take care, drink lots, eat your meals, don't forget to smile, and see you again next week!



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UPDATE 27/5/2024!

#602 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
It's still very hot over here :'D
The temperature is no joke, it feels like I'm in an oven and it's still morning!
But other than the weather, everything is fine~ Casper just got his 3rd vaccine and he's recovering really fast. He still need to get the rabies shot later in 2 weeks & the cough one in a month afterwards (The doc recommended we separate the rabies shot because she's afraid Casper can't handle it since he's so small). But the good news is he's gaining weight! 1.3kg+, 500 grams more than before -^.^)/
What about you? Is it also hot over there?
I hope something happened that makes you happy or smile X)
On the other hand, Bermuda's proofreading check is doing well!

I'm halfway done with Script 8 and it's scheduled to be finished this week! >:D

I'm also touching up some scenes, here and there. There were things I didn't notice before, loopholes, or even typos, like the player name is still Maya or incomplete sentences.

​Cheers for another productive week! Here's hoping all of you are well and having fun with work/school--Let's continue to work hard together! ^///^ Don't forget to drink lots of water though, eat your meals, and rest plenty!
See you again next week!


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#603 Post by SweetChiel »

​Morning, guys! What's up?
Are you still fighting the hot weather? Because I still am😂​ the heat is getting ridiculous and I heard it'll get worse in August? God, I hope not x_x any hotter and I think my house will become a steam house.

It's been rough but the good news Bermuda's progress is still going as steady as ever!

I've finished checking Script 8 last week, just as planned!
​If things keep going like this, I think I'll be finished with all 10 scripts this month! 🥳​​ yay! Let's keep working hard together, everyone!
Meanwhile, Casper and Juno is doing very well! Casper is now at least twice his size compared to when I first I adopted him, and Juno is very gentle--even when he's chasing after the little kiddo x'D I think it's safe to say he has accepted Casper into our family/pack <3

With that said, cheers for another productive week!
Let's keep this up and we'll be done in no time--just don't forget to drink your water, guys! Eat your meals, stay healthy, and most importantly, don't forget to smile! ^.^)/
See you again next week!


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UPDATE 10/6/2024!

#604 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi, guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I finally got some much needed rain over here, it's still hot but at least it's bearable now ^u^
Casper got his rabies shot last week and we're going to have one last vaccine for him in July (it's called Bordetella or something, the doc said it's to prevent respiratory problems).

On the other hand, Bermuda's progress is doing well~

Script 9 is only around 11k words so we're halfway there! I should be able to finish it this week \(-^.^-)/
Honestly, I can't wait to test the game & quickly make the official walkthrough so I can finally send this baby to your hands! It's long overdue and I feel excited but, at the same time, I'm terrified--what if I'm unable to meet your expectations? I certainly did my best but there were so many good games with good stories published out there while I was busy making Bermuda...

...Well! I guess there's no use contemplating about the future >_<; I will just do my best as usual, double check everything and hopefully, Bermuda will be able to at least deliver my messages ,to you and to the world!

Let's continue to work hard, everyone! ^.^
Eat well, sleep well, and cheers for another productive week!



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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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UPDATE 17/6/2024!

#605 Post by SweetChiel »

​Good evening, everyone!
How did your week go? Mine was very good! I have no big problems last week, I'm getting a new glasses soon, and Bermuda's progress is going as steady as ever! So I'm very happy and content right now ^.^)/

​I've finished checking Script 9! There are only 5k lines in Script 10 so if things go smoothly, I should be able to finish it this week! From there, I think I'll just need another week or two at most to check all the routes + making the official walkthrough!

Here's hoping I'll be able to deliver this baby in July! QuQ *happy tears

​On the other hand, I'd also like to share some small joys with you:
Casper can play fetch now and while he still likes to steal one or two kibbles from Juno, he's learning to stop/get away from Juno's bowl whenever I say 'Heh' or 'No' 😂 (Heh is kinda like a slang for No, it's what I say/exclaim whenever I was caught unprepared).

​With that said, cheers for another productive week!
Here's hoping all of you are also happy--don't forget to eat your meals, drink lots, and smile!



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