[OPEN][Paid/Trade]Writer, Brainstorming, Outling, Project Management! [NSFW/SFW][LGBT+]

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Posts: 1
Joined: Sun Sep 01, 2024 10:33 pm
Completed: Tattoos and Tulips, Crabs & Cocktails, Cassie, Lord of Lies, Carnival of Shadows, Rectifier: In Bloom, The Inn Between
Projects: Carnival of Shadows, The Inn Between
Tumblr: flowersforjoy
itch: flowersforjoy.itch.i
Discord: flowersforjoy

[OPEN][Paid/Trade]Writer, Brainstorming, Outling, Project Management! [NSFW/SFW][LGBT+]

#1 Post by flowers4joy »

About Me

Hey hey! I’m Joy Founder/Creative Director/Lead Writer (among so many other things) for Meant to Bee Studios. I’m also a major chatterbox, and have an unbridled passion for storytelling especially romance.

I’m looking to work primarily in helping write stories and helping you develop them. I even offer services in Project Management and Beta Reading as I have a lot of experience in both.

I’ve worked as a writer for money since I was 19 (I’m 25 currently), though I’ve been writing since I was 8 years old.
The last 3 years I’ve managed lead a studio and produce 5 full length visual novels, (1 more by the end of the year) in addition to writing for 2 other projects. I am deeply familiar with all things indie visual novel development and am consistently putting out high quality work quickly.

Disclaimer: I am not an editor. Beta reading is providing feedback from a reader/writer perspective.


Games can be found https://flowersforjoy.itch.io/.

“Tattoos and Tulips” creative directed and written by myself in 3 weeks at a total of 60k words.

“Crabs & Cocktails” creative directed and written by myself in 2 weeks at a total of 30k words.

“Lord of Lies” written and solo developed visual novel/RPG by myself in 3 months at 100k+ words.

“Carnival of Shadows” wrote one route in 2 weeks at 10k words. Aurel’s route.

“Rectifier: In Bloom” creative directed and wrote 3/7 routes for the game. Greer, Glyph, and Percy’s routes respectively.

Cats on a Lilypad’s “The Inn Between”. Hired to write Leon’s route 50k in 10 weeks.

I am entirely a romance writer, if your project doesn’t have any romance in it I may not be the writer for you. On the contrary if you do have romance, than I am the ideal writer for you!

In addition to romance I am good at writing fantasy, scifi, slice of life, adventure, action.

I struggle quite a lot with mystery and thriller. Horror as well, however I would love the opportunity to write a dark romance/horror romance.
In addition, I am also a queer indie developer (I’m bisexual/polyamorous) I have a plethora of experience writing with and about queer relationships/people.
Whether it be otome, bl, yuri, amare, or anything in between I’m your gal!

I also have a lot of experience writing NSFW. Though certain dark themes, topics, kinks/fetishes I may not be willing/capable to write about. I’m open to discussing it however.


Services/prices are as follows:

Script Writing
0.03-0.05 USD per word, depending on the genre, if the project is SFW/NSFW, or if I am credited for my work.

Story Outlines/Idea Bouncing Consultations
$25 dollar an hour for a call via Discord or 0.01 USD per word if you want ideas and/or an outline in a written form rather than through call.

Project Management
Will heavily depend on the project, please contact me with as many details as possible.
Jam Projects/Free/Unpaid Projects will be less, and Commercial/Long Term/Paid Projects will be more.

I accept payments through Kofi, Paypal, and Venmo.

As a developer myself, I more than understand budgetary restrictions. However, I also intend to keep working on my own projects and can always use help with the services below.

So is money/budget an issue? Now worries! I’d happily work in exchange for one of the services below:
-Art (Sprite art, promo art, background art, CG art, merch art, etc…)
-Programming (In both Renpy and RPG Maker preferably)
-Video Editing (Mainly for trailers and promotional material)

Contact Me

The quickest way to get in contact with me is via discord: "flowersforjoy", feel free to email me at flowersforjoy@gmail.com, or here on lemmasoft.
I look forward to working with you! Let's work some magic!

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