Videos played in-game do not have the same colors as the original file

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Videos played in-game do not have the same colors as the original file

#1 Post by elcharlo »

Hello, this is a problem I've had ever since I added animations in my game. After converting the original .mp4 video to .webm or .mkv so they can play in Ren'Py, the colors are more saturated/worse looking once they are played in-game.

The problem with that is the transition from a picture to a video, the color change is absolutely brutal. Is there any fix for this? Maybe another video format? Thanks in advance.

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Re: Videos played in-game do not have the same colors as the original file

#2 Post by Andredron »

I had this happen when I transcoded a video to webm. If you only open the video on a PC, it looks tough. It's horrible.

But when I played the video through the game, everything is clear.
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