Code: Select all
label start:
NPC1 "Do you want to fight?"
MC "Bring it on!"
NPC1 "You'll regret this!"
jump label fight1:
label fight1:
if dev_mode == True:
#Show X developer screen
#Do X developer action
#Show X developer stats
#Show X developer menu ---> Choices the winner and entirely skips the fight
#Show X normal player screen
#Show X normal player menu
#Do X normal player action ---> Starts the fight
#The story continues
Code: Select all
label start:
NPC1 "Do you want to fight?"
MC "Bring it on!"
NPC1 "You'll regret this!"
jump label fight1:
label fight1:
#Show X normal player screen
#Show X normal player menu
#Do X normal player action ---> Starts the fight
#The story continues
Code: Select all
label start:
NPC1 "Do you want to fight?"
MC "Bring it on!"
NPC1 "You'll regret this!"
jump label fight1:
label fight1:
#Show X developer screen
#Do X developer action
#Show X developer stats
#Show X developer menu ---> Choices the winner and entirely skips the fight
#The story continues
So in short, what I want is to delete the IF or the ELSE and its indentation when making the build. Thanks for reading.