WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

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WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#1 Post by $inker »

This is just to say that I have started a soon to be freeware Ren'Py game called Space Walk -First Contacts- It's going to be a PG13or16 BxG Scifi romantic comedy with 3-4 females, some alien in origin. The novel will be dynamic(girl of choice by choice). Got the concept down, artwork being done by a friend (can't draw people worth beans), I'll be doing the BG myself, music I'll find later to fit (got some already), and I've got a good base down for the story so far(1000 lines of story). This is my first VN, and my first game since I used to write in QBasic o' so many moons ago... I'm just hoping for some encouragement, a little guidance, and alot of luck from the community. I'll keep you updated thru Lemma, so keep looking!

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#2 Post by $inker »

Also... Any artwork, bg or otherwise will be greatly appreciated, same with music of a spacy theme. If I can't use it in-game it will be added to my credits/extras menu options; I just can't pay anyone for their work, It's going to be freeware game and I'd like to keep it that way. But a thanks and street creds are always good right? If I had my way I'd be a millionaire and pay all of you $500 for a pic or song... but I'm broke so this will have to be a game made of love and generosity. Thanks for your time, hope to have some juicy tidbits soon... -$inker

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#3 Post by monele »

We can't have enough space games... and alien girls :3. Thus, this seems like something I'll keep an eye on. It's a bit lacking in "juicy bits", as you say, though :).

I've just put up this page, with tips from another thread, on how to make a good presentation. Hopefully it will give you some ideas when you're ready to give some details ^_^

http://wiki.renai.us/wiki/Tips_for_Mark ... ur_Project

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#4 Post by $inker »

Thanks! I can use all the help I can get. Will have some of those "juicy tidbits" come tomorrow, I need to scan some art.

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#5 Post by $inker »

Oops, my bad on the scans, I dug my scanner out of storage and it was not pretty. The cord had gotten chewed somehow, gotta be a week before I can get another scanner. I guess it gives me an excuse to buy something other than a 256 grayscale handheld. Looks like I get to make a color game after all... Woo Hoo!!! I'm doing some more script writing over the week, and this old ibm laptop eats juice w/ the wifi card in, so you won't see much of me for a week, but after that expect a little something in return for waiting. Oh, and lest I forget Kudos to rocket for Starlight and the good laugh his game gave me when I just finished it. And to Elven Relations and chronoluminaire for the inspiration to think i can actually make a good game someday... Moving on, what do you think about this... Ammonia based life forms... Sulfer based, carbon based... Telepaths, and a few worlds traveled in the game too? Not too long of a game though, I 'm into the first few menus/branches so far and hope not to have to be involved in criss-crossing story lines to much... Anyway have fun all, keep it surreal... :D

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#6 Post by monele »

Good luck with the device troubles ^^;

As for life forms, I'm a fan of variety and you mentioning minerals is very interesting. One of my references for "cool races" was Star Control II and it certainly didn't stick to the boring "all humanoids" scheme :).

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#7 Post by blakjak »

seems like it will be fun, good luck with your game

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#8 Post by Ramidel »

Heh. I have to wonder if we're going to see VUX girlfriends. ^_^

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#9 Post by $inker »

Hello all,
Thought I'd give you the first few lines of script out of my game as a "teaser", just a bit o' copy and paste while I wait for my scanner to show up; had to opt for the cheap delivery. Just to let everyone know, this game will be under CC license, but I'm showing this bit here in good faith to the blog to give you an idea as to what I'm up to. I've changed music names in order to stay legal as nothing is finalized yet, don't mind any spelling errors; is there a spellchecker for JEdit? Anyway... Enjoy!
#show planet earth
n "Mankind has a path all it's own, unique among the cosmos for it's willingness to change and adapt. Anyone can see adversity and uncalculatable odds but humans are prone to seeing it as a challenge to be overcome."
n "This is a story of one of these times..."
n "The year of first contact between our two species, by the human calander 2163. We had known of them for a little while thru their tellvision brodcasts, and again when they barely broke lightspeed."
#fade to alien planet in same spot as earth at same time as Luminar 4 is mentioned
n "Little did we know they would advance and adapt so well, and be on our door step in a mere 50 years time. A little planet called Luminar 4 is where our story unfolds..."
n "Or should I say just above it..." #display ship in high orbit around Luminar 4
stop music
#New scene inside spacecraft w/ alarms going off and lights blinking
#dread & suspense music
play music "battle"
k "That Plasma storm damaged most of the systems on the ship!"
f "We're dropping out of Hyperwarp sir, HELM WON'T RESPOND!"
#enter Pilot left
c "Stay calm Ferris, try facing us away from that planet, helm 10 mark 180, on thrusters if you got too."
f "The thrusters are out too, and trajectory estimates say were heading right for it, planet fall in 120 seconds."
c "I need those engines back online, I don't even have thrusters chief!"
#enter Chief Right
k "I have repair teams on it, but it's gonna take a minute. All I can give you is the ion drive, it's the only thing fully charged and working after that plasma storm we went thru!"
c "I need something that'll work in an atmosphere chief, pilot maneuver us on iondrive, try and slow us down a little. {p}Damn Stellar Cartographers and their safe lanes for exploration my ass."
f "Aye sir, it'll slow us down but its a M class, almost earth like, wow close to it actually, more water though. But the shields are down; we'll burn up if the ships structural integrity field can even hold out that long."
c "Crewman Guy, snap out of it and send a signal to HQ.{p} Distress priority alpha one, unrepairable damage to U.F.S. Hawking, forced to abandon ship and land on unknown M class planet. Coordinates as follows 3760 by 7890 by 1024 from Sol. Send in a becon on 4 hr repeat."
#enter Crewman right bump chief over to middle
g "...{w=1} Sir... {w=1}Yes, Sir........... {w=3}Becon Away!"
c "Okay, off the ship first crew, no arguments! I'll run helm Ferris, don't worry, I won't be any longer than I need to. This is an order!"
"They all turn to leave, Ferris takes one last look at me from the pod before it closes as I hit an icon on the helm datascreen."
"My god, a captain's worst nightmare, I speak through the ship wide intercom..."
c "ALL HANDS TO THE EMERGENCY LIFEPODS...{p} I repeat ALL HANDS TO THE EMERGENCY LIFEPODS! This is not an exercise, go to your nearest pod wait for crewmen that are injured or nearby, and eject as soon as possible, we'll meet up at the southern tip of the largest continent.{p}I repeat ALL HANDS ABANDON SHIP!"
#Scene of outside of ship

And that's all I'm willing to give ya till I get more work done, feel free to tell me what you think good or bad ok? Thanks for the support!

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#10 Post by PyTom »

$inker wrote:is there a spellchecker for JEdit?
Yes, please see:

http://lemmasoft.renai.us/forums/viewto ... f=8&t=4643
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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#11 Post by $inker »

My game is progressing at a slow but steady pace. I received my scanner with no problems, the BG art I've scanned looks good. I've had a change of direction with the CG though, I'm looking for a skilled artist who may be looking for a project outside the norm, what with alien lifeforms and all. My previous artist said she couldn't come up with anything good as a non-human so she is backing out in hopes of working on a smaller, less active project of mine. I'm willing to send an artist sketchpad LARGE size, and a few artist supplies to the person willing to help out on such a nifty project as mine. Any art, from contributing artists, that doesn't make it into the game will go in a special "concept art / credits" section of the game; not to mention being viewed at the end of the game. The person actually doing the game art will have their own section in the credits under Lead CG artist / Sprite Artist / savior of the game title. :lol: I thank this board greatly for the help you have all given, especially to PyTom for the hint where to find the Jedit spellchecker, it's helped SO much. Your in the credits too PyTom! :) If you have any questions, or constructive comments, post em' here. I'm always available. HF & GL all!

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#12 Post by Samu-kun »

Well, love in space is always good, but from what I'm seeing from the excerpt, your writing needs a lot more work. Too many of your sentences are awkward, have incorrect grammar, and lack overall fluency.

n "Mankind has a path all it's own, unique among the cosmos for it's willingness to change and adapt. Anyone can see adversity and uncalculatable odds but humans are prone to seeing it as a challenge to be overcome."
For as long as mankind has existed, it has had a unique path among the cosmos. Whereas the other beings of the galaxy have struggled under the weight of adversity, humanity has viewed it as merely another challenge to overcome.

n "This is a story of one of these times..."
This is a story of one of those times...

n "The year of first contact between our two species, by the human calander 2163. We had known of them for a little while thru their tellvision brodcasts, and again when they barely broke lightspeed."
It is the year 2163 by the human calender, the year of first contact between our two species. We had learned of their existence only recently through their television broadcasts and their first successful attempt at reaching light speed.

The problem is that the language is actually broken enough that I don't really think even an editor will be able to fix everything. My recommendation is to practice writing more and slow down and actually read what you're typing.

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#13 Post by $inker »

Just wanted to say hi, and let you know the dream of love in the cosmos is not forgotten.
Things move along as they should with a partial rewrite of sections of script that were done in 15 to 20 min. of typing on my laptop, and a little of the beginning as well. I was thinking about it Samu-kun, thanks for giving me that nudge in the right direction.
I'm about as far as I was a month and a half ago, but with more backgrounds and menu choices. Taking my time with it on days I have off from work. It's all good with the scanner, but I still can't draw people at all. I'm still looking for a good artist but this is a worry free project, so I'm not worrying about it.
I'll just have to learn to draw people better, as for my writing, I feel it is about as good as it's going to get for a first draft from a dyslexic anyway. It takes me forever to read my own work and properly correct it too. I just want a working script with menu choices for the moment, rewrite where needed, then art, shine up the project a little more then release it unto the world for free. Please don't expect too much, too soon. It may take a year or more before this is done well enough that I'm willing to release it.
As always, thanks for your support!

BTW, FYI, it took me about 45 min to write this.
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Re: WIP, Space Walk -First Contacts-

#14 Post by TheGreyWarlock »

Just to let everone know, I lost my password a while back, and my email account had issues so I could never get it. I have put this project on hold for the time being due to a severe writers block and other reasons. I will come back to it eventually, but it's just to big for me to deal with right now. Oh, and btw, I'm no writer but I do read what I write, and last I checked the english language has a few issues in it's own right. What someone says and writes are open to different ideas and perspectives depending on past ideas and writings inside the realm of the english language. Nuff said.

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