Discuss how to use the Ren'Py engine to create visual novels and story-based games. New releases are announced in this section.
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Hi people, I just recently discovered this engine and I've got to say that it looks great.
So far I've been able to make everything I needed work just fine, but one thing keeps bothering me.
The problem is using {w=#n}, it does pause the text but it just waits for the user to click, it doesn't advance on itself.
$ t = Character('Tester', color="#c8ffc8")
label start:
t "Hello, {w=1} this {w=1} is {w=1} a test"
I tried this exact same script in two versions, and I found out that it doesn't work in 6.9.3c but it does work in 6.9.2.
Is there anything else I should do or change to make it work in the current version or is it just bugged?