Your Stereotypes

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#16 Post by Aurelia-Aurora »

I'M SKINNY, so I MUST be anorexic. - Uh, no. I'm skinny, yes, but definitely not anorexic...

I SPEAK MY MIND, so I MUST be a bitch. - I have no comment on this. I can be a jerk at times, but everyone can be one... I do speak my mind, but I let others speak theirs too unless their opinion is just downright wrong or completely stupid.

I'm ATHEIST so I MUST hate the world. - I love the world. If I hated the world, why would I even be still living?

I'm a WHITE GIRL, so I MUST be a nagging, steal-your-money kind of girlfriend. - I don't steal money, let alone have a boyfriend.

I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS, so I MUST be looking for attention. - I like to express myself, and if that's wrong, well... I must say whoever wrote these stereotypes must have all of these apply to them!

I HAVE A BUNCH OF GUY FRIENDS, so I MUST be fucking them all. - I am a virgin, thank you very, very much...

I have BOOBS, so I MUST be a hoe. - All women have breasts, none are hoes. It's a natural part of the human body, males have them too.

I WEAR WHAT I WANT, so I MUST be a poser. - See I DRESS IN UNUSUAL WAYS, so I MUST be looking for attention.

I'm a VIRGIN so I MUST be prude. - Nothing wrong with being a virgin. I plan saving my virginity until I'm married.

I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy. - Ugly, no, crazy... yes?

I'm SINGLE so I MUST be ugly. - I just never go outside.

I'm WHITE and have black friends so I MUST think I'm black - I must think I'm a negro, Egyptian, German, Indian, and a vampire then.

In my opinion, stereotypes are just stupid made-up classifications of a group of people. It's kind of like how you think
every Nazi is evil but some didn't even want to take part in the Holocaust.
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#17 Post by LVUER »

Aurelia-Aurora wrote: I'm a VIRGIN so I MUST be prude. - Nothing wrong with being a virgin. I plan saving my virginity until I'm married.
AH! I'm glad there's someone in this forum who is agree with me. In other talk (in different thread), many people disagree (or simply didn't get it) with this idea that I wrote (about being virgin).
Aurelia-Aurora wrote: I'm a FEMALE GAMER, so I MUST be ugly.. or crazy. - Ugly, no, crazy... yes?
Why female gamer must be ugly? There are lots of handsome male gamer, why not female one... BTW, I've watch a pro gamer program (from South Korea) regularly. Right now the championship season is between female gamers... and some of them are really pretty. And most of them while don't have a model face, not ugly either.
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#18 Post by Aurelia-Aurora »

LVUER wrote: AH! I'm glad there's someone in this forum who is agree with me. In other talk (in different thread), many people disagree (or simply didn't get it) with this idea that I wrote (about being virgin).
A lot of people have different opinions on being virgins... I think it's better to save your virginity until you're married and know you can trust your body to someone you love... rather than just giving your body to a person you're not married to and hardly even know...

A lot of persons do that nowadays, especially teenagers, usually age 14-17... they do not seem to understand that sex is a very serious thing and you should trust your body to ones you love, not strangers... but curiosity may support them to try out new things... along with the fact that many teenagers think their parents are crazy and don't know what they're talking about... most ignore their parents and listen only to friends and give in to peer pressure... media probably contributes to this (many reality shows show teenagers giving in to peer pressure and forcing it on others, and some shows don't end very good, e.g teaching a moral like to never drink and drive).
LVUER wrote:Why female gamer must be ugly? There are lots of handsome male gamer, why not female one... BTW, I've watch a pro gamer program (from South Korea) regularly. Right now the championship season is between female gamers... and some of them are really pretty. And most of them while don't have a model face, not ugly either.
Yes... a lot of people even think females can't be good at games, but this is not true, I've seen many pretty and good female gamers.
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#19 Post by LVUER »

@ Aurelia-Aurora:
Yes, yes, all you wrote are exactly what's in my mind ^_^
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#20 Post by Jake »

Meems wrote: I'm an art student, therefore I must be into drink and drugs
Oh, that's not just art students - students in general!
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#21 Post by Aurelia-Aurora »

Jake wrote:
Meems wrote: I'm an art student, therefore I must be into drink and drugs
Oh, that's not just art students - students in general!
Oh, that's not just students - teenagers in general!

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#22 Post by LVUER »

No, no, no. Who said it's teenager in general... it's a little bit overboard, don't you think? If it's drink and girls... then perhaps yes (and then again, I think it's for teenagers in developed or western countries).

Teenagers who loved alcohol (and likes to alcohol party) have mostly died in my country... due to alcohol poisoning. I think low quality of the alcohol is to blame.
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#23 Post by pkt »

I'm black so people might assume the following.
-I'm uneducated
I dropped out of highschool but I got my GED and got accepted into college. Also scored good enough to get into a university.
I also study many subjects everyday even though I'm not in school right now. One of the most knowledgeable people most I know.
-I'm poor
This is true but I've recently been trying to get help but I don't have ID so I can't get a job or the like.
-I get laid a lot
Lol not really that type of person
-Does drugs or sells them
I see people who do of many races and upbringings but I don't

Now with the anime fan thing
-I want to be Japanese
I wouldn't mind living there but I would mind leaving my friends, family and other things I'm used to here in the US.
I know anime and the stuff I want from Japan costs a lot less there comparatively. I'll probably visit but not stay.
-I'd like to be an anime character
I don't really think it'd be fun fighting all of the time or having so much drama in my life.

Christian stereotypes...
-Hating gays and lesbians
I don't hate many people unless they've done something to me personally.
-Trying to convert people all of the time
It's one of the duties of a Christian but I only try to ask a few times and explain why they feel that way while trying to be respectful of their views.

Bisexual Stereotypes
-Pretty much go for anyone
Like the one gay guy in the thread, I don't really like everyone but I am attracted to both genders. Not one for sleeping with either though.
I get a lot of confused people with those two.

Psychic/Magic User stuff
-I have to prove it first
This one pisses me off a lot. Either you'll believe someone or you won't. Some people won't believe something right in front of them.
This goes with anything.
-You do magic so you worship Satan
Not true but I don't blame Satan for everything that happens in people's lives.
-You should be able to predict the future or something else with 100% accuracy
Some people can do things with high accuracy while others can't.
Like anything practice makes perfect. And some people have natural talent.

There's plenty more but I don't have time right now.
Most of the time they come from people seeing things one way and making assumptions that all are that way because of it.
People follow some patterns but not all.
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#24 Post by Dark »

I'm Asian - Shame I do not have the super stellar GPA of one. Then again, I complain too much. It may not be what I think is the best, but that's just for me.
I'm Chinese, so I obviously have to make my family proud and pirate everything in sight. This is one that I probably follow >_>
I'm Asian, so I have to be really, really good at math and science - I love science, but hate math. Even though I am in honors doesn't mean I am good at it.
Asian people speak with an accent - American Born Chinese, and yet I still have engrish in my sentences.
I am pretty liberal, yet that apparently means I am communist for supporting certain bills.
My mother is scary - True that.
Chinese people can't write! Well, I can...
Apparently being agnostic or atheist means that people think that you do not respect other religions...
I'm a teenager - So I apparently cannot talk in complete sentences or possess rational thought.
I cook - That obviously makes me a women.
I like to bake - Maybe I need to stay out of the kitchen?
I like to clean - Housewife in the making?

I can't think of others for now...
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#25 Post by The Nightlinker »

I'm a male flute player. I must be homosexual. - Actually, i'm a straight man.

I'm a writer. I must be depressed and sad all the time. - Also false, I'm very upbeat and I get depressed when there's reason to be.

I'm an atheist. I must hate god and the establishment of religion. - I find people who can dedicate themselves to a religion respectable, if they keep to their beliefs without hypocrisy, that is.
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#26 Post by Ceraby »

Meems wrote:I'm Scottish, therefore I eat haggis - never tried the stuff.
lol =)
Dark wrote: I'm a teenager - So I apparently cannot talk in complete sentences or possess rational thought.

I can't think of others for now...
Ohhh I feel you on this one. While my teenage years are WAYYY past me now, I kind of dislike how today's society, especially people my age and older, think they have the right to complain and lecture about how today's youth are being " dumbed down ". Which doesn't seem right to me as there are grown-ups that act 'stupidly'.

Anyway, I'll give this a go...

I'm Filipino - therefore when speaking to a foreigner who has had a Filipino maid work for them, I must know the maid. Or have met them.

I like staying at home - meaning I am a loser that has no life or friends.

I haven't watched or read Twilight - being female and not even bothering about it, must mean there is abnormal about me. :?

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#27 Post by Fluffycrow »

Being a very quiet person who gets straight A's, I hear that a lot of people think I'm mentally disturbed/always serious/creepy. Usually, though, I don't mind. It's funny to see some of my classmates' reactions when I do so much as walk up to them.

One thing that does piss me off is when I get stereotyped as a teenager. Therefore, apparently, I'm an irresponsible idiot who spends her free time having sex. I'm quite intelligent, wish I could be irresponsible (so I could get more video game playing done. XD), and I've never even kissed a guy. Of course, the latter leads into an entirely different group of stereotypes...

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Re: Your Stereotypes

#28 Post by Chansel »

once kissed two guys in one night, so I must be a slut ---
NOT true. Alright, it wasn't very... un-slutty.. But I kissed one guy because I liked him and the other on a dare. But that doesn't mean I'm a slut 24/7 Besides, we all laughed because of it. No one got hurt (except this one guy who fell from his bike, but that's another story)

I'm Dutch, so I must smoke a joint a day and be an alcoholic ---
No, and no. I've had one joint in my entire life and didn't like it. And I drink 2 nights a month or so?

I like games, so I'm a computer nerd ---
O.o Who ever came up with this one? I couldn't fix a computer if it would save my life. (though I'd definitely give it a shot) (and fail miserably)

I'm playing magic the gathering, so I don't have a social life and I'm a big loser ---
I don't think of myself as a loser O.o And I DO have a rather large social life ^^ Really, just check my schedule/phone.

And that's about it what I can come up with XD
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#29 Post by HiroC »

i never dared talk to a guy except for my i must been in love with him with extreme complex....
------which in my opinion not true. I love my brother as a brother but never see him as a man(or so what i think). Relating to not talking to any guy, it's my bro's idea and i don't want to see a bloody scene too least point made that instead of me, he has the complexes. ^^)

I've turned 19 but still i'm in love with anime, games and manga charas.
------well, let's just say, i'm 19 years old in age but not in mind.

My room is full of nothing but games, gaming consoles, pets(or as my bro calls them pests), manga, manhwa, posters and i'm most certainly an obsessed otaku...
-----well, i won't deny it. my room is messy, i have lots of games and posters, i have bulk of drama cds and etc. but its work related(since i'm a soon-to-be seiyuu) and hobby. Its not that my room is full of if not, useless things. I also have books about math(i love math) and some language books(a must in my life perhaps.), i also have some books i've bought during my travels etc. though yeah, it's just 1/4 of my room's population.

I never dated a guy, but dated a girl....I do think i'm not a bi though....
---------Would there be a bi who is obsessed with bishies and otome games? shoujo manga and reverse harems? I don't think so. Yep, i've dated a girl but for fun, since its just a consequence after losing a bet...and i dressed up as a guy anyway....(which i'm not really proud to say but fits me) and reason for not having a boyfriend is my brother.

I have strong impression to others but actually on the inside i'm really weak....
----Some says that i always look so high and mighty but when they get to know me, i'm actually not. I dunno but i'm really emotional, there is even two songs that when the first time i heard it, it really made me cry.... so strong a X.

That's all i guess. ByeZ!
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Re: Your Stereotypes

#30 Post by kantocan1 »

I'm a:

Asian and people reckon i look like someone else because they say we have the same eyes ( i mean like, WTF is wrong with them if they're thinking that)?
Person who reads and plays games alot so i must be a nerdy guy who gets taken advantaged on (i showed them though)!
Tall and muscly guy who beats everyone else at arm lifting etc so some people reckon that i'm uncool because i'm also the above
Asian (again) so NATURALLY everyone assumes i'm CHINESE goddammit i'm not (sorry but i don't like being something i'm not and i want to show my real heritage thanks)
A tall, big person AND a teenager so i'm some layabout kid who likes vandalising, bullying small kids and dumb ( i get A's in 80% of my subjects thanks)
Atheist so i'm some godless heathen who will surely go to hell and rot in flames or die horribly
Asian so NATURALLY i fluently speak mandarin and can get mobbed by people who want help or the teacher giving me extra stuff (i'm hopeless at mandarin and didn't know it before).

thats all i can think of, though i'm sure theres more


Actually, i am a sterotype in some ways, namely:
Asian, so i'm good/like (at) computers and maths
Like computer games and books, so i don't like to be in huge crowds, or outdoors that much
(though the sterotypical nerd does NOT apply to me, i'm easily one of the tallest, biggest, strongest guys in my grade bwahaha)
Last edited by kantocan1 on Tue Jun 08, 2010 6:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
I love GxB/Otome games! (Same thing really).

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