Blood For the Blood God: A Dating Sim [BxB][GxB][DEMO]

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Re: Blood For the Blood God: A Dating Sim [BxB][GxB][DEMO]

#106 Post by CrimsonChains »

Zelan wrote:Oh, jeez. That's gonna be tough, I've gotten so used to this name.

Hmmm, I'm really not good at naming things, but maybe something like Summoned by the Blood God? I feel like it shouldn't be a problem to keep his name in there as long as the title's different.
Sorry I'm so late in replying to everything, things got hectic ;;
anyway, that's an interesting suggestion! :D
I've been going back and forth between whether I want to change the name or not lately...
Part of me kinda just wants to not care about the warhammer people, and part of me thinks it's best not to stir the pot
I'll decide eventually!
Kitty wrote:♡ Hey there ! I checked out the demo and I laugh the whole time. It's so funny and nice and the art is amazing. Keep on the good work ! ♡

1. Is the art acceptable?
I personally thought it was gorgeous!

2. Which character seems the most appealing so far?
Blood God and Lucifine for me, but the other two are very nice as well. I can't wait to play all their routes!

3. Would you kill any of them?
Sure. I like to get every ending possible and if to achieve that I have to kill them all, I'll kill them all!

4. Are there any questions you have about the game?
Where do all these puns come from? You're a genius. I can't wait until the full version is out to romance these pretty boys!
Awwww, I'm so happy that you enjoyed the game!!! ;w;
Hehehe, Lucifine and Blood God are pretty sexy, yes!!!
But, Beelzebabe and Ass will reveal their true charms on their routes~
I'm not a genius by any length ^^;;;
It helps that I have some kick ass writers with me to help come up with dumb puns!! XD
Unfortunately due to delays the full game will not be out for a while, but, I hope you do not forget about the blood god!!!
Ladythief1997 wrote:This game looks fun and I'm very picky with the visual novels I play. I like the idea of this I think asstaroth and beelzebabe's personalities are a bit close but other wise nice. The art is cute too. I think the only route I will play however is lucefine and blood gods as they are specifically my types lol. But nice work on the overall game dudes. So... props to you all.
Thanks very much!!! OuO
I'm happy that this dumb little game was able to meet your standards!!! :D
Hahaha, I can't blame you, Lucifine and Blood God are preeettty sexy!!!
The full game won't be our for quite a while, but, when it is I hope that you will enjoy it! <3
sakurakimuchi wrote:Hey! Long time no see! There's so many characters and they all look super interesting and also super hot (my favorites are the ones in the Blood God route, but the God himself is my ultimate bae lol).
I'm really looking forward to this game!
Hurray, I'm glad that you think the characters look cool!!! OuO
Blood God does have a fine arsenal of ppl on his route!!!
But, yeah, Blood God himself is hard to beat, huh? X3

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Re: Blood For the Blood God: A Dating Sim [BxB][GxB][DEMO]

#107 Post by whitty-boo »

First off, I'm getting some STRONG "Robin" (Fire Emblem Awakening) Vibes from the MC Like.... VERY Strong haha. I don't quite mind, as a fan of the series, but it's something to think about since the design of the coat is disturbingly similar.

Is the art acceptable?
I love the art! Very fitting for the setting it seems, and Its pleasant to look at!

Do the rewards and goal seem achievable?
I'm not familiar with rewards from a production standpoint, but I would make sure to consider budget and time alongside stuff like shipping for physical rewards.

If you could donate, which tier would you go for?
Probably Bloodhound, since I'm a sucker for stickers LMAO

Which character seems the most appealing so far?
Asstaroh, gotta have that ass.

Would you kill any of them?
Im a sadist, I'd kill all of them for the hell of it. Slowly. Because they're hot.

Are there any questions you have about the game?
Not that I can think of?

I LOVE games with a sense of humor, especially dark humor. I personally can't wait for this one, good luck to everyone on the team~

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Re: Blood For the Blood God: A Dating Sim [BxB][GxB][DEMO]

#108 Post by Ibitz »

Is the art acceptable?
Do the rewards and goal seem achievable?
Which character seems the most appealing so far?
The Blood God >.>
Would you kill any of them?
The Butler. <.<
Are there any questions you have about the game?
I hope you plan on releasing the full game someday. I really loved playing it. :)

Ibitz is a self-taught coder/artist who works alone on their games. All games I create are freeware. If you need any help with coding or creating your game, just let me know. I'd be more than happy to help.

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