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Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 5:08 am
by monele
Get fake ones then X3... There's *always* a solution to please the meganekko-lovers crowd ;)

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 7:49 am
by Sapphire Dragon
Mines just on my avatar to the left. <---
Als Albido! my pet bird.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:19 am
by mikey
monele wrote:Get fake ones then X3... There's *always* a solution to please the meganekko-lovers crowd ;)
Yes, those would be the fanservice bunch. The true meganekko lover appreciates the short- (or far-)sightedness - it's important that the glasses actually skew the eyes behind them when viewed from an angle. So plain glasses are useless kind of fashion objects and have nothing to do with a true meganekko who needs them. You love a meganekko because of this whole thing about their eyes... right?

Hmmm, I suspect that the kind of people who like fake glasses, are also the sorts of people who like high-heeled shoes or the whole "accessory for accessory's sake" thing - probably the kind that likes the "takes of glasses and turns sexy" stereotype as well. Blah. Glasses aren't "cute", they are great. That's my point. :evil:

Anyway, just recently I've actually come up with a theory :P why (true) meganekko have a more romantic view of the world. Because of their blurred vision, when they take off their glasses, little details disappear and the significance of colors is much bigger - therefore for instance their perception of a real-life street is like other people's perception of a street in any given anime - because they only see the street, not the actual detail (litter on the ground), meganekko are able to have this more global, abstract and more romantic view of their surroundings. :oops:

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:33 am
by DaFool
As long as its not sunglasses, any kind of glasses (even fake ones) are fine. Because sunglasses obscure the eyes completely. And as you know, eyes are windows to the soul.

I like certain things because of rarity in real life, whereas in anime they are prolific. Like miniskirts. Few people outside of nightclubs wear them on a regular basis, just like few girls wear glasses in favor of contacts.

In the end, these are just signals. Glasses are symbolic of intelligence (or at least nerdiness), which is a sign of compatibility. And Man is a symbolic animal. So it pains me to see so many girls who dress up like Britney Spears, convinced that that is how they will look pretty, unaware that that look will only attract the wrong kind of men, the players. I don't know if being social chameloens plays a sort of evolutionary advantage for the female species -- basically you take a cross-section of men and a cross-section of women, and it will be easier to separate the freaks, geeks, and jocks among the men than it is for the women.

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:59 am
by Septimus
mikey wrote:Anyway, just recently I've actually come up with a theory :P why (true) meganekko have a more romantic view of the world. Because of their blurred vision, when they take off their glasses, little details disappear and the significance of colors is much bigger - therefore for instance their perception of a real-life street is like other people's perception of a street in any given anime - because they only see the street, not the actual detail (litter on the ground), meganekko are able to have this more global, abstract and more romantic view of their surroundings. :oops:
Well I wouldn't consider myself to have a 'romantic' view of the world and I'm blind as a bat without my glasses... Or does this only apply to women? Or anime characters? Or both?

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:09 pm
by mikey
Septimus wrote:Well I wouldn't consider myself to have a 'romantic' view of the world and I'm blind as a bat without my glasses... Or does this only apply to women? Or anime characters? Or both?
It was definitely meant for both genders - but out of the various thoughts I've had this is one of the least practical. But I like it, because everytime I explain it, it makes people smile. :P

Posted: Tue Jun 12, 2007 1:21 pm
by monele
You love a meganekko because of this whole thing about their eyes... right?
I'm utterly beaten... :(...
I think for me it's more about adding something to the face. I don't like all kinds of glasses, so there is a fashion aspect. Then, there's also the fact that I wear glasses myself... that it's always associated with geekiness/nerdiness, often in a degrading way... so there's a "go against the crowd who thinks glasses = dull" thing too ^^;...

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:33 am
by Mirielle
I just don't like the stereotype that glasses automatically indicate smart. It makes me feel inferior since I have good eyesight and don't need them. Does this imply that I am not as smart as one who does wear glasses? Does it automatically mean that a person with bad eyesight is "nerdy"? I guess I just don't get why people find glasses so attractive.

Damn...maybe I'm more of "tsundere".

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 6:44 am
by monele
Well, just read the previous posts. We've given a few reasons already ^^.
And tsundere should be good too... seems like it's very demanded รด_o.

And it's not like you're losing something by not wearing glasses... but you have something more if you do. At least for those who like it!... not everyone does. I'm sure some people hate glasses. Why would so many people wear contacts?

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 7:30 am
by Dragon

Posted: Wed Jun 13, 2007 12:16 pm
by mikey
Mirielle wrote:I just don't like the stereotype that glasses automatically indicate smart. It makes me feel inferior since I have good eyesight and don't need them. Does this imply that I am not as smart as one who does wear glasses? Does it automatically mean that a person with bad eyesight is "nerdy"? I guess I just don't get why people find glasses so attractive.
Hmmm, I don't associate glasses with the nerdy stereotype, and I don't find all women in glasses attractive. Similarly, I don't associate glasses with intelligence. I simply like the problem as such, that you have to have help to see properly. The whole thing behind it - probably the fact that people who need to wear glasses are aware of that problem, and that awareness is an extra "worry" to have on their minds. It's not symapthy or some erotic attraction, it's somehow... I don't know, interesting, I suppose. :?

Re: Show your face, around these here parts

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:56 pm
by MoonlightBomber
Sorry for using a Phoenix Down on this topic, but I've gotta post my personal pic.

This was taken minutes before my college thesis defense, which happened almost 1.5 years ago. I really looked like our national hero Jose Rizal, no?


Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:46 pm
by Ordog
monele wrote: Anyway, just recently I've actually come up with a theory :P why (true) meganekko have a more romantic view of the world. Because of their blurred vision, when they take off their glasses, little details disappear and the significance of colours is much bigger - therefore for instance their perception of a real-life street is like other people's perception of a street in any given anime - because they only see the street, not the actual detail (litter on the ground), meganekko are able to have this more global, abstract and more romantic view of their surroundings. :oops:
Well, instead of coming up with theories just ask us !!
When I don't wear my classes, it's like the world was painted with... a sponge instead of a brush. If you want to get an idea, take a painting and tap it with a wet sponge. Plus to see, we have to squeeze eyes, and we look either angry, either sceptic...
Actually it's not cool at all xD
(Sorry if I destroyed your illusions)

But !! I love my glasses, and going out without them, it feels like being naked, right guys ? Plus wearing glasses adds something to your face.
I won't be able to replace them by contacts.

An other inconvenient: Glasses are damn expensive !! T^T I always freak out when someone touches then, or when I see someone throw his/her glasses in movies (Oh! Gokusen! Each new episode Yamagushi throws them. But she's a Yakuza so I guess she doesn't care about the price ?)

Hey, what about making a recap' of everyone's faces on the first post ? It would be easier to check everyone's face and the pics wouldn't disappear this often...

Re: Re:

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 1:39 pm
by TrickWithAKnife
Ordog wrote:Hey, what about making a recap' of everyone's faces on the first post ? It would be easier to check everyone's face and the pics wouldn't disappear this often...
Not sure that's needed on a thread that died 7 years ago.

Re: Show your face, around these here parts

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:27 pm
by Ordog
xD Sorry !!
I Didn't notice !
I'll be more careful next time... OTL (Thanks for letting me know)