Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#136 Post by SweetChiel »

Fuaime wrote:Hello!^^ I just wanted to leave a quick feedback. Sorry if my english sounds a bit odd. It's not my native language but I really wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed this game.^^
1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Well if I have to choose I wold say Reksa because I loved his character and his appearance. Especially his eyes. I have a thing for green eyes and bad boys. The interactions between him and Tamara had a great chemistry and I loved how protective he was in the end.
Right after Reksa is Rama. He was a really interesting character. Twisted, dark but also beautiful in his his own way. Maybe it's because I see a certain kind of beauty in broken things but something drew me to him... Well, Rama reminded me a bit of Icarus from the Greek Mythologie. A really dark and sad Icarus after the crash... I can't really tell why.. I think it could be because he ignored nearly every warning Tamara or Mitra gave him or maybe because of the broken wing...
Well last but not least there is Mitra. I can't say I didn't like him but his character just didn't caught my attention like the others. It's just my taste but I like the dark, slightly bad characters more than the nice guys. But I enjoyed his route despite this things because I laughed quite a lot.
Especially the scene in which Tamara helped him with his wings after the rain. I laughed quite a bit because Mitra got so embarrassed in this scene. Maybe it was just my dirty mind or he enjoyed it a bit too much because he went running afterwards.
2. What makes you consider to play this game?
I have to be honest: Reksas design. I fell in love with his design and wanted to play the game because of that. The second thing that made me download this game was the genre. I love fantasy-novels and the story sounded very interesting
3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I think the characters stand out the most. They were very well balanced, believable and unique. None of them was a Gary stue or Mary Sue. They all had their struggles and flaws and weren't just hollow stereotype like in other games.
4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
It's just my personal opinion but the story was a bit too slow for my taste in the end. There was a point when I was like >Okay, this is the end...< and it still kept on going.
The question I have is a simple one. I maybe over read it but is it explained how Ramas Wing broke? I thought it would be important to know why he can't fly anymore and that this was the thing that made him so depressed.
Hi Fuaime! I'm glad to hear you enjoyed playing! :"3 and no prob, your english is fine ~ I also apologize if there's confusing sentences in the VN; english is not my mother tongue too ><;

1. Thank you for giving them all a chance :") lol now I'm convinced that everybody loves bad boys here x'D hahahah. But I agree. I also find broken things more beautiful; in real life too! It makes me want to know how and why it's broken. You can expect more of them in the future!

And I really should look into Icarus O.O I like a little twisted/dark stories too you see x"D

2. Aww thank you! Reksa is one of the reasons why I started making this VN so yeah, he played a huge part and I'm glad he makes you interested :")

3.aww thank you! I'll make sure to make more interesting characters in the future! XD

4. Wow its too slow? O.O more people said its too fast or just fine lol so I think I gotta revise my mental-calendar x"D
I'm thinking about learning that skill-training per day though. They will really help with the time-passing
illusion, yes?

About Rama's broken wing:
it was explained in the event where Mitra binded his arms and legs. It was a result of his fourth suicide attempt >< the nightmare Tamara had was about Rama breaking his wings if you didnt realize it :"3 sorry for the confusion!
Once again, thank you for reviewing and see you around!


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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#137 Post by Letitia_L »

Hello !
First: English is not my native language so I am sorry if my english is not very good ><
So : I played your game, and I have to say : I really REALLY liked it !

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Without question : Reksa. I really liked how he was cold and all at first and then open himself to the protagonist :D
And I have to say, the animated part with the bandages and the stick was just soooo good, I laughed so hard when I saw it xD ( And his good end is soooo adorable :D )
Then...I can't choose between Mitra and Rama. I liked both, but Mitra was a little too gentle and kind for me xD I like bad men :p
And for Rama, his character was a little too..." crazy " for me ? I don't find the right word, but his changes of mood were really dark sometimes and if I was the protagonist, I would have wanted to run away at these times xD But the story behind him is really well done and it made me change my mind about him :)
2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The artwork catched my eyes, and when I looked at the story I thought " It seems interesting ! " so I gave it a try :p
3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
So like I said, I really loved it. I think that the element that stands out the most is the story. It is really unique and I felt immerged in it. And again, the art is really good looking !
Hmmm and when I think about it, I have to say that Rama is a very unique character too and good written !
4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Nothing to say !
5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
Yeah I would totaly consider buying it !

Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see an other VN from you :)
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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#138 Post by CrimsonTeaWitch »

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
I absolutely love the Reksa route I did on my first play through. Made me laugh so hard, especially with the bandage scene. Plus it was really touching towards the end. He was aggressive and mistrusting, but he seemed kind of sweet, if lonely.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The art style and the story, but especially the story - intrigued me to want to play and I'm happy I gave the game a try.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
The characters stood out the most to me, along with the gorgeous art. But it was the characters and the story that made me love the game, and how it was written to be played.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

No, not really. I've only finished my first play through, so not yet.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Yes! Absolutely.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#139 Post by salammbo »

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Definitely Reksa. Mitra was nice but I felt like he was ugh... idk, too good to be true? As for Rama... If it was up to me he would be dead halfway through the game and not because of suicide :evil: . I would have killed him for his reckless behavior with children. He taught them to disregard their safety for the sake of "having fun" (what if they tried some of the stunts he showed them, without ANY supervision?) and it infuriated me so, that I pretty much stopped caring what happened to him next. I have a five year-old daughter so I think that my maternal instincts kicked in :lol: .

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
Umm... Nice character designs?

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I liked pretty much all parts of this otome (minus Rama's dumb behavior around kids).

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
No questions right now :wink:

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Idk it depends on so many different factors that I can't promise anything.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#140 Post by Makina1994 »

I've played through this game several times now, and I absolutely love it. The story is original, the characters are loveable- even the MC, if you can believe it, she's got a heck of a personality- and I seriously would love more of something like this, perhaps in this world, even. Anyway, the only problem I had with the game at all was the grammar, and those problems were pretty small in that it never stopped me from understanding what was going on. I really liked Rama and Reska, by the way. Some real character growth there, although Mitra was amazing too.

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#141 Post by SweetChiel »

First of all, I'm sorry for the very late replies guys!
I had my plate full with office work and preparations for my next project >.<;
As always, I'm really happy to read your reviews about my baby here :'3 Without any further distractions, here we go!

Letitia_L wrote:Hello !
First: English is not my native language so I am sorry if my english is not very good ><
So : I played your game, and I have to say : I really REALLY liked it !

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Without question : Reksa. I really liked how he was cold and all at first and then open himself to the protagonist :D
And I have to say, the animated part with the bandages and the stick was just soooo good, I laughed so hard when I saw it xD ( And his good end is soooo adorable :D )
Then...I can't choose between Mitra and Rama. I liked both, but Mitra was a little too gentle and kind for me xD I like bad men :p
And for Rama, his character was a little too..." crazy " for me ? I don't find the right word, but his changes of mood were really dark sometimes and if I was the protagonist, I would have wanted to run away at these times xD But the story behind him is really well done and it made me change my mind about him :)
2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The artwork catched my eyes, and when I looked at the story I thought " It seems interesting ! " so I gave it a try :p
3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
So like I said, I really loved it. I think that the element that stands out the most is the story. It is really unique and I felt immerged in it. And again, the art is really good looking !
Hmmm and when I think about it, I have to say that Rama is a very unique character too and good written !
4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Nothing to say !
5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
Yeah I would totaly consider buying it !

Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see an other VN from you :)

Hi Letitia!
Don't worry, my english is not that good either x'D I'm really glad to hear you enjoyed my game tho!

1. lol, that part is also my favourite! It's a suggestion from my friend when we discuss silly things about our OCs and I jumped at her idea about this xD -and who doesn't love bad boys? ;') hahahah, I think we have same preferences!
I agree that Mitra is... sometimes a bit too kind; but if you're wondering, he is supposed to balance Rama (which is I admit, a bit of a nut-case x'D)
My next project will be... slightly more dark than this one tho. I hope you prepare yourself :')
I'll release more details in November/December and I'll look forward to what you think about it x)

2. YAY! hurraah for first impressions! x'D

3. D'aww you're spoiling me >///< there's still so much to learn and improve but thank you!

4. Okay <3

5. Woooot! thanks for your support!

I'm still preparing things for my next project; but I can say it's much MUCH more longer than Winged Ones :') the title is Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle <3 a bit info can be seen in my facebook page if you're interested!

CrimsonTeaWitch wrote:1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
I absolutely love the Reksa route I did on my first play through. Made me laugh so hard, especially with the bandage scene. Plus it was really touching towards the end. He was aggressive and mistrusting, but he seemed kind of sweet, if lonely.

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The art style and the story, but especially the story - intrigued me to want to play and I'm happy I gave the game a try.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
The characters stood out the most to me, along with the gorgeous art. But it was the characters and the story that made me love the game, and how it was written to be played.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

No, not really. I've only finished my first play through, so not yet.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Yes! Absolutely.
Hi CrimsonTeaWitch, thanks for reviewing!

1. lol, I'm so happy to see people like this scene so much like I do x'D I was thinking so hard not to make their first meeting cliche -and then my friend came up with this brilliant idea lol.
Thank you and I'll definitely deliver your love to Reksa <3

2. Aww thank you! I'll do my best to create more interesting story in my next project! >:) It's still in progress but I really enjoy polishing it!

3. You guys are spoiling me to bits here >////< notthatI'mcomplainingmindyou!

4. I hope you like the rest of the guys <3

5. YAYYY! Thanks for your support!


salammbo wrote:1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Definitely Reksa. Mitra was nice but I felt like he was ugh... idk, too good to be true? As for Rama... If it was up to me he would be dead halfway through the game and not because of suicide :evil: . I would have killed him for his reckless behavior with children. He taught them to disregard their safety for the sake of "having fun" (what if they tried some of the stunts he showed them, without ANY supervision?) and it infuriated me so, that I pretty much stopped caring what happened to him next. I have a five year-old daughter so I think that my maternal instincts kicked in :lol: .

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
Umm... Nice character designs?

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)

I liked pretty much all parts of this otome (minus Rama's dumb behavior around kids).

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
No questions right now :wink:

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

Idk it depends on so many different factors that I can't promise anything.
Hi salammbo, thanks for visiting!

1. lololol, I agree that Rama tend to be reckless :')) I think Mitra will agree wholeheartedly with you -except for your idea to *cough*punishhim*cough*; but he did take care of the children so they're not hurt (he literally protect them with his own body since he didn't care of his own health) Hmm, but this alerts me that I didn't convey this message very well O.O thank you for telling me this!

2. Okay! I see your first impression is on the characters~

3. lol double noted x'D

4. Okay!

5. Yup, so it depends -but still, thank you for your support and reviewing! I'll look forward to see you again sometime in the future ;)

Makina1994 wrote:I've played through this game several times now, and I absolutely love it. The story is original, the characters are loveable- even the MC, if you can believe it, she's got a heck of a personality- and I seriously would love more of something like this, perhaps in this world, even. Anyway, the only problem I had with the game at all was the grammar, and those problems were pretty small in that it never stopped me from understanding what was going on. I really liked Rama and Reska, by the way. Some real character growth there, although Mitra was amazing too.
Hi Makina!
Yup, I agree that there are a lot of grammar mistakes in it x'D I have beta-reader candidates for my next project so I hope this will go better next time!
I'm also very touched to hear you enjoy this game until you played for several times :') the welcome and appreciation I've received in here always make my day <3 Oh and don't worry, I'll be making more VN in the future; with prayers that players will love it too like Winged Ones x')


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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#142 Post by erikoillustrations »


1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Okay so I was originally go for Mitra...but Reksa..THE BASTARD TOTALLY STOLE MY HEART! I ultimately ALWAYS fall in love with the tsundere lmao But each and every one of the love interests have their own quirks. But if I do my ranking of who I like best to least: Reksa - Mitra - Rama (though Rama's bad ending was PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL)

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

I automatically play games that are of otome genre...but a legend/folklore of a different culture (and something I am immensely not educated on) is what really pulled me in. I haven't had time to actually play it until now even if it was released a long time ago due to it constantly crashing when it was first released.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most?

The art is definitely pretty. But the story writing is what made me stuck this whole time! Though I'm not familiar with Indonesian legend/folklore, this was a nice playthrough. I really love the way the characters are fleshed out and the pacing was great.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

Well, this is more a personal taste and something REALLY minor, but I wondered why everyone else has normal hair colour except Tamara? LOL

The grammatical errors were not abundant but some of them were noticable. It didn't really affect the storytelling (because, damn! The storytelling is amazing!) but it was sort of distracting sometimes. Also, I'm not sure if it was mentioned at all...but why was Tamara the chosen one? I don't know if I missed it but was she given a clear answer rather than her just being told that she's the descendant of the Avians/Komodo???

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)



Anyway! Thank you so much for sharing this VN! I totally enjoyed it and I'm going to spread the word to my peers and make sure they fall into Nusantara hell like I did hehe
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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#143 Post by thegreendomitia »

Hello! I apologize in advance if my English doesn’t make any sense. I’m a Frenchie and still learning :D
First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to make Nusantara! I knew right away I was getting into something I would really enjoy, but I didn’t know it would become one of my favourite visual novels of all time!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Okay. Short answer is Rama. Rama. Ramaramarama. Rama all the way. Rama is the best. Long answer is this :
The first time I played, I decided to go by looks. So I obviously choose Mitra. (‘Cause… you know. He’s by far the hottest.) And while I really, really liked his route and his personality (he’s so sweet I got cavities), he ended up being my least favourite because I liked the two others even more. Still, he was cute (the awkward moment on the couch when he visits her... aaaaw!) and I liked that he was still a very present character throughout the other routes.

The second time, I decided to go with personality. And so Reksa it was (I’m a sucker for bad boys.) At first, I found his route redundant since all Tamara did was feeding him at the same spot week after week, but once she confessed her lie to him, it got very interesting. I particularly liked to see his relationship with his father, his attitude towards the villagers (from both sides) and the whole conflict with Purba (or, as I call him, “Evil Kiba”). I would have liked to see more of him during the other routes, but I don’t really see how that would have been possible...

But Rama. Rama. Oh man. I’m glad I kept him for last. At first glance, I knew right away that I was getting into something more intense than the two previous routes. He can be damn frustrating at times (I mean all the time) but I just grew so attached to him. All I wanted was to give him a big hug and tell him everything was going to be alright. I feel like Tamara’s relationship with him went way deeper than, let’s say, during Mitra’s route, even though it took much longer for Rama to warm up to her. I just love him so much, even more knowing that he is far from the type of character I usually enjoy. Just shows how special he is ^^

His backstory gave him so much dept. I cried during the flashback where he witnesses Ayu's death... Because of what happens to him if you don’t choose his route, I feel like out of all the bachelors, he is the one Tamara is truly meant to be with. I also think he has the best ending (THE KISS. He is so, so cute. He turns my brains into a puddle of mush. Even though he’s a creepy stalker.) I’ll never be able to play any other route than his again, because I can’t bear his death. And also because his route is just so good. I'm so glad he found Tamara :)
2. What makes you consider to play this game?
It was the art that caught my eye first. After briefly looking at the character designs, I just knew I had to play it. I also liked the Indonesian theme.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I was suspicious at first: some really good-looking games sometimes end up lacking in story, but while I found the war and the crystal to be kind of cliché at times (I feel like war and "magical artifacts" to be kind of redundant in fantasy), the characters’ stories entirely made up for it, including all the secondary characters.

Nusantara! Where you come for sexy men, but you stay for the story!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?
I only have one problem with this visual novel… Not NEARLY enough CGs :D (I’m kidding. I know you made a lot. They are a-mazing!) I wouldn’t mind more ;) My favourites were two of Rama’s :
When he cried and Tamara hugs him from behind and the one during his bad ending. A bit disappointed that there wasn’t any one where they kissed though ^^
I liked that you took the time to make some CGs for the bad endings. It wasn’t like *choose wrong answer* BAM YOU’RE DEAD! Try again! The bad endings are actually worth playing through 
Also, I liked the fact that you took the time to properly introduce Tamara’s character and personality before we meet the bachelors. I feel like too many visual novels tend to throw their main characters into the action right at the beginning without explaining anything.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
Of course! I really look forward to seeing more of your work!
Especially since my first name is Maya ;)

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#144 Post by Zelan »

@thegreendomitia This is not at all related to this game, but the English outside of your spoiler tags is completely flawless. (I skipped the spoiler tags because I haven't had a chance to play the game yet. *sigh*) Your sentences are not only grammatically correct, but you also use words very naturally. It's pretty much indistinguishable from the way that native speakers use them. c:

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#145 Post by zedsdead »

Here goes:
1: Rama. Felt morally obligated to hate him. Couldn't.
2: All of the comments i read were positive and the art attracted my attention. Hope I understood the question :)
3: The plot didn't bore me once. The characters struck me as very real. You have a talent for bringjng characters to life. Keep it up :)
4: I really loved your novel, so can't really think of any constructive criticism.
5: Would definitely if i had the money. If I do when you release another game I would be more than happy to pay for it.
(Hope this positive reaponse encourages you to continue making more works)

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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#146 Post by SweetChiel »


1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?

Okay so I was originally go for Mitra...but Reksa..THE BASTARD TOTALLY STOLE MY HEART! I ultimately ALWAYS fall in love with the tsundere lmao But each and every one of the love interests have their own quirks. But if I do my ranking of who I like best to least: Reksa - Mitra - Rama (though Rama's bad ending was PERFECT AND BEAUTIFUL)

2. What makes you consider to play this game?

I automatically play games that are of otome genre...but a legend/folklore of a different culture (and something I am immensely not educated on) is what really pulled me in. I haven't had time to actually play it until now even if it was released a long time ago due to it constantly crashing when it was first released.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most?

The art is definitely pretty. But the story writing is what made me stuck this whole time! Though I'm not familiar with Indonesian legend/folklore, this was a nice playthrough. I really love the way the characters are fleshed out and the pacing was great.

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?

Well, this is more a personal taste and something REALLY minor, but I wondered why everyone else has normal hair colour except Tamara? LOL

The grammatical errors were not abundant but some of them were noticable. It didn't really affect the storytelling (because, damn! The storytelling is amazing!) but it was sort of distracting sometimes. Also, I'm not sure if it was mentioned at all...but why was Tamara the chosen one? I don't know if I missed it but was she given a clear answer rather than her just being told that she's the descendant of the Avians/Komodo???

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)



Anyway! Thank you so much for sharing this VN! I totally enjoyed it and I'm going to spread the word to my peers and make sure they fall into Nusantara hell like I did hehe
Hi, aRLegOdDesS! Thanks for visiting & reviewing <3

1. Ah Reksa triumph once again at stealing someone's heart x'D thanks for giving all of them a chance! and lol, I'm happy to hear you like Rama's bad ending! I usually don't like to write bad ends, but somehow, his bad end is written better than I thought it would be >< it was one of the best scenes I wrote in Winged Ones!

2. Thanks! I also have a soft spot for legends/new cultures -especially if there's a fantasy element mixed in it. Glad to hear we share the same interest! And I'm pleasantly surprised that you came back despite the many crashing of the old version >///< thank you for being patience! The new versions with ren'py shouldn't have that problem anymore ~

3. Aww thank you >< I was a little uncertain at first since there's little to no visual novels telling about Indonesian culture, but I'm glad I tried! I still have much to learn though about writing & quality-control, but I'll do my best to improve! >:')

4. lol, Tamara's blue hair has something to do with 'Main Characters should be notice-able & recognized with a glance' -but I think I overdo it when I give her blue hair x'D *cough*

As for why Tamara was chosen... (Wow, there's quite a lot of people asking this these days o.o;)
It has something to do with Tamara as a whole person. Her past, her habit, attitude, everything!
If she doesn't have the patience with Reksa, he will definitely die. If she doesn't have the patience and somewhat similar past experience with Rama, he won't open up. If she doesn't like kids or determination to get along/accept new things, Mitra won't like her.
And so on, and so on.
Also, the Goddess chose her because she is an outsider -someone who doesn't have a real link to Her 'world'; who can change the future posibilities & fix the problem the Goddess created Herself. No one is able to touch the Pink Crystal besides Tamara and her chosen one remember? Because She cannot directly interfere with fate and that's why She needs some help from 'outside'.

Um... do I explain well? I sometimes have a hard time with how to explain this particular element ^^;; more information will be explained in my 2nd project; Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle though. It will explain the whole island's history & I think you will understand better after you play it in the future. I'm in the middle of making it now ~ :'3
5. YAY! Thanks for your support! <3

Last but not least, you're welcome! I'm always happy to see more people coming & reviewing Winged Ones despite it being more than 2 years old now x'D

Hope to see you again!


thegreendomitia wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2017 8:26 pm Hello! I apologize in advance if my English doesn’t make any sense. I’m a Frenchie and still learning :D
First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to make Nusantara! I knew right away I was getting into something I would really enjoy, but I didn’t know it would become one of my favourite visual novels of all time!

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Okay. Short answer is Rama. Rama. Ramaramarama. Rama all the way. Rama is the best. Long answer is this :
The first time I played, I decided to go by looks. So I obviously choose Mitra. (‘Cause… you know. He’s by far the hottest.) And while I really, really liked his route and his personality (he’s so sweet I got cavities), he ended up being my least favourite because I liked the two others even more. Still, he was cute (the awkward moment on the couch when he visits her... aaaaw!) and I liked that he was still a very present character throughout the other routes.

The second time, I decided to go with personality. And so Reksa it was (I’m a sucker for bad boys.) At first, I found his route redundant since all Tamara did was feeding him at the same spot week after week, but once she confessed her lie to him, it got very interesting. I particularly liked to see his relationship with his father, his attitude towards the villagers (from both sides) and the whole conflict with Purba (or, as I call him, “Evil Kiba”). I would have liked to see more of him during the other routes, but I don’t really see how that would have been possible...

But Rama. Rama. Oh man. I’m glad I kept him for last. At first glance, I knew right away that I was getting into something more intense than the two previous routes. He can be damn frustrating at times (I mean all the time) but I just grew so attached to him. All I wanted was to give him a big hug and tell him everything was going to be alright. I feel like Tamara’s relationship with him went way deeper than, let’s say, during Mitra’s route, even though it took much longer for Rama to warm up to her. I just love him so much, even more knowing that he is far from the type of character I usually enjoy. Just shows how special he is ^^

His backstory gave him so much dept. I cried during the flashback where he witnesses Ayu's death... Because of what happens to him if you don’t choose his route, I feel like out of all the bachelors, he is the one Tamara is truly meant to be with. I also think he has the best ending (THE KISS. He is so, so cute. He turns my brains into a puddle of mush. Even though he’s a creepy stalker.) I’ll never be able to play any other route than his again, because I can’t bear his death. And also because his route is just so good. I'm so glad he found Tamara :)
2. What makes you consider to play this game?
It was the art that caught my eye first. After briefly looking at the character designs, I just knew I had to play it. I also liked the Indonesian theme.

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
I was suspicious at first: some really good-looking games sometimes end up lacking in story, but while I found the war and the crystal to be kind of cliché at times (I feel like war and "magical artifacts" to be kind of redundant in fantasy), the characters’ stories entirely made up for it, including all the secondary characters.

Nusantara! Where you come for sexy men, but you stay for the story!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques?
I only have one problem with this visual novel… Not NEARLY enough CGs :D (I’m kidding. I know you made a lot. They are a-mazing!) I wouldn’t mind more ;) My favourites were two of Rama’s :
When he cried and Tamara hugs him from behind and the one during his bad ending. A bit disappointed that there wasn’t any one where they kissed though ^^
I liked that you took the time to make some CGs for the bad endings. It wasn’t like *choose wrong answer* BAM YOU’RE DEAD! Try again! The bad endings are actually worth playing through 
Also, I liked the fact that you took the time to properly introduce Tamara’s character and personality before we meet the bachelors. I feel like too many visual novels tend to throw their main characters into the action right at the beginning without explaining anything.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)
Of course! I really look forward to seeing more of your work!
Especially since my first name is Maya ;)
Hi, thegreendomitia!
Thanks for visiting & reviewing -and don't worry about your english, it's good! Mine is not better than yours -in fact, it's sometimes disastrous lol (ask my proofreaders, they have a LOT in their plates x'D this is why I took so much time just editing the script)

1. Aww thank you Q///Q Rama definitely needs more love. I'm so happy to see how much you understand his circumstances & willing to be patient despite him being frustrating (all the time). His route was the most complex & heaviest one from all three routes so I was pretty worried about how people will accept him or not ><

Also, thanks for giving all of my boys a chance! Your thoughts & warm welcome here makes me smile this morning x') It's something like this that makes me keep going!

2. Thanks! I also thought there should be more VNs with Indonesian themes in it x'D

3. Aww, now you make me blush >///< thank you, but I still have a lot to learn about writing & art quality-control. I noticed that there's still some loopholes inside Winged Ones so I'll do my best to improve! >:'3

4. Thank you! I also thought there should be more CGs lol, but my energy bar got depleted & I got impatient x'D -and yes, I think bad endings is as important as good endings so sudden death is a no-no, except for horror RPGs maybe where there's a lot of death traps ><

5. YAY! Thank you for your support <3

I hope to see you again in the future~


zedsdead wrote: Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:36 pm Here goes:
1: Rama. Felt morally obligated to hate him. Couldn't.
2: All of the comments i read were positive and the art attracted my attention. Hope I understood the question :)
3: The plot didn't bore me once. The characters struck me as very real. You have a talent for bringjng characters to life. Keep it up :)
4: I really loved your novel, so can't really think of any constructive criticism.
5: Would definitely if i had the money. If I do when you release another game I would be more than happy to pay for it.
(Hope this positive reaponse encourages you to continue making more works)
Hi, zedsdead! Thanks for stopping by & giving me a review!

1. lol, I know how that feel x'D I was a bit conflicted too about him at first -that's why his route was so challenging to write!
2. Yes! Thank you for giving Winged Ones a try!
3. O///O That is some high praise over there, tell me more -*cough* please give me a moment to deflate my huge stroked ego.
Thank you! I still have a lot to learn but yes, I'll do my best to keep it up & improve! x'D

4. Aww thank you >////<
5. I'm currently working on 'Nusantara: Bermuda Triangle' ~ It's not a sequel, but a whole new story set in the same world with wider horizon. It will explain the island's history ^.^- the Indiegogo campaign is over, but you can still buy 'Early Bird' pack in my Paypal store!

Indiegogo page >>> ... x/16687918#/
(Forgive my shameless promotion *cough*)

Hope to see you again in the future!


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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#147 Post by NemiGal »

i know this game was realeased a time ago, i played back when there was no renpy version, but i was never able to finish any route because it crashed every time in every single route, glad is now on renpy, it played smoothly.

I just finished playing this game and i absolute adorelove it!
My favorite was Rekza followed by Mitra i was scared to go for Rama he smelled to yandere or some psycho, i was like: no way! no gonna give you Tamy! i wont let you hurt her! But the guy was alright
i am glad he wasnt what i thought at first, also loved that Tamara told him how his behaviour was dumb (she was a really awesome heroine i love her!) . His bad ending was really something i did not see that coming,i was like what the shit!! he murderer everyone!! he really loves deeply huh?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also i love it when Tamara called purba sexist, Tamara best girl

gonna answer the questions i am late to the party but feedback is always welcome for developers?

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Reksa because i got a lot of vibes of Van Fanel from him (Van is my eternal anime boy crush, like him since i was a child lmao i am so lame)
But i am not saying he is a copy of him!! no! no! i am just saying he remind me of him, i couldnt help but like him.
I cried in his good ending XD yes you made me cry girl! your writing is really good!! this game give me so many feels ;_: And i am usually really apathetic when playing visual novels|watching romance kdramas XD. When Tamara was crying i could not help but cry with her, i was like: no way is this the bad ending? omg noooooo!! , then goddess to the rescue. And the scene in his house ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) that was 10/10, i love his whole route, when he licked her wound that was so good. I love when i find a story with chars that do that (there was one manga i read once that the wolfguy licked the protagoinst wounds since them i am fan of those types of scenes, btw was a r18 manga xD).
And when he was training with his weapon at the beggning, was it because he was begning to like Tamara? thats was really cool and subtle, good stuff.
And the hugs! i love how he reacted to that! was so cute!! Well all his lines where really nice. The kiss scene was really good i did not saw that coming! but i love it!
Also his ending was so cute adorable and sexy at the same time love it! now they are my OTP, Thank you for creating this adorable bishie and sharing him with us.

Reksa best bishie!

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The first time i tried to play it was because the artstyle was not generic anime style or some free resource sprites.
And i played it again because i was sick on bed and i was browsing for something to kill time that did not take to much effort or energy.
and i saw this had a renpy version now, so i thought on see what i could not see with the other version ;_;

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
So far, This is my favorite indie otoge.
You have your own artstyle and thats really refreshing to see, (BTW i like your artstyle) and your writing is really good! Good chars they feel alive more then just tropes, girl! the feels!!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Yes! please use renpy to build your visual novels, novelty crash too much on my pc ;_; also i have no idea where the skip button is in novelty or i dont remember well cause i played that version long ago xD. i just remember it crashed too much could not finished the game because of that reason, Also my pc lags with novelty while renpy does not.
And i am sure i am not the only one with a crap pc.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

I saw your new project i am going to give a try to the demo, but since i like what you did with the first, i think i would buy it.

I hope you succes with your commercial one and keep creating otoges!

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Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#148 Post by SweetChiel »

NemiGal wrote: Fri Apr 06, 2018 9:44 pm i know this game was realeased a time ago, i played back when there was no renpy version, but i was never able to finish any route because it crashed every time in every single route, glad is now on renpy, it played smoothly.

I just finished playing this game and i absolute adorelove it!
My favorite was Rekza followed by Mitra i was scared to go for Rama he smelled to yandere or some psycho, i was like: no way! no gonna give you Tamy! i wont let you hurt her! But the guy was alright
i am glad he wasnt what i thought at first, also loved that Tamara told him how his behaviour was dumb (she was a really awesome heroine i love her!) . His bad ending was really something i did not see that coming,i was like what the shit!! he murderer everyone!! he really loves deeply huh?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also i love it when Tamara called purba sexist, Tamara best girl

gonna answer the questions i am late to the party but feedback is always welcome for developers?

1. Which bachelor you like the most? and why?
Reksa because i got a lot of vibes of Van Fanel from him (Van is my eternal anime boy crush, like him since i was a child lmao i am so lame)
But i am not saying he is a copy of him!! no! no! i am just saying he remind me of him, i couldnt help but like him.
I cried in his good ending XD yes you made me cry girl! your writing is really good!! this game give me so many feels ;_: And i am usually really apathetic when playing visual novels|watching romance kdramas XD. When Tamara was crying i could not help but cry with her, i was like: no way is this the bad ending? omg noooooo!! , then goddess to the rescue. And the scene in his house ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) that was 10/10, i love his whole route, when he licked her wound that was so good. I love when i find a story with chars that do that (there was one manga i read once that the wolfguy licked the protagoinst wounds since them i am fan of those types of scenes, btw was a r18 manga xD).
And when he was training with his weapon at the beggning, was it because he was begning to like Tamara? thats was really cool and subtle, good stuff.
And the hugs! i love how he reacted to that! was so cute!! Well all his lines where really nice. The kiss scene was really good i did not saw that coming! but i love it!
Also his ending was so cute adorable and sexy at the same time love it! now they are my OTP, Thank you for creating this adorable bishie and sharing him with us.

Reksa best bishie!

2. What makes you consider to play this game?
The first time i tried to play it was because the artstyle was not generic anime style or some free resource sprites.
And i played it again because i was sick on bed and i was browsing for something to kill time that did not take to much effort or energy.
and i saw this had a renpy version now, so i thought on see what i could not see with the other version ;_;

3. Overall, what do you think about this visual novel? and what element stands out the most? (art? story? character?)
So far, This is my favorite indie otoge.
You have your own artstyle and thats really refreshing to see, (BTW i like your artstyle) and your writing is really good! Good chars they feel alive more then just tropes, girl! the feels!!

4. Do you have any question or constructive critiques? I will read all the comments and reply to them like I do in Lemmasoft.
Yes! please use renpy to build your visual novels, novelty crash too much on my pc ;_; also i have no idea where the skip button is in novelty or i dont remember well cause i played that version long ago xD. i just remember it crashed too much could not finished the game because of that reason, Also my pc lags with novelty while renpy does not.
And i am sure i am not the only one with a crap pc.

5. Last but not least, if I make another visual novel, will you consider buying it? via patreon or kickstarter that is (since I need to eat, electricity, and such things when I make VNs xD)

I saw your new project i am going to give a try to the demo, but since i like what you did with the first, i think i would buy it.

I hope you succes with your commercial one and keep creating otoges!
Hi, Nemigal!
Thanks for returning and telling me your thoughts!

First of all, I want you to know that you made my day by writing this! I'm really happy to see there are still people giving attention to my first child! And yes, I remember the bugs and crashes in the novelty version :')) thank God for Ren'Py!

I'm also glad to see you've finished all the routes! You made me blush by saying you like all the characters >////<
Hahahah, yes, Rama tend to give off that 'either-love-or-hate-him' vibe x'D I was testing the water to see what people think about dark-themed characters and the result is 50-50 :'))

1. Aww thanks! I might be a bit bias myself to Reksa since he was the first bachelor I made and he was one of the reasons why I started making this novel, but yup, definitely happy to see him able to make you cry :'D thank you for enjoying his route thoroughly! As for the romantic scenes... *cough* I'm really embarrassed when I re-read it so no comment! >////<
I haven't watched Van Fanel from Visions of Escaflowne (this one, right?) though o.o but I'll take note of this and watch the anime later ~ I've been wanting to relax these days so thank you for the recommendation!

2. Aww thank you! It means a lot to hear people like my artstyle :'D I know mine is not generic and still need a lot of quality-control, but I'll do my best for you! And if you're still laying in bed when you read this, I wish you to get well soon! Take plenty of rest and don't forget to eat! I hope you didn't play WInged Ones until dawn like one of my readers though O.o;

3. Thank you...! I was quite worried about the story at first since it's quite high-fantasy themed and different from anyone else -but reading the comments here like yours, I'm glad I took the risk!

4. I will! I love to use Ren'Py now and I think it's the best software I ever found for VNs :'D Honestly, I was thinking on moving on to Unity, but to think I will have to re-learn about the codes... Meh, fat chance :'))

Last but not least, thank you for your support! I'd love to hear your thoughts on my new project's demo, but take your time on it!
Thanks again and see you around!

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Miko-Class Veteran
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Joined: Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:53 am
Completed: Nusantara: Legend of the Winged Ones
Deviantart: SweetChiel
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Location: Indonesia

NusantaraLoTWO is coming soon on Steam!

#149 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! What's up?
How did your week go? I did a lot last week, especially about Steam x_x

So Kii*Anima is done with her proofreading and it sent me spiraling down the path of SteamSDK nightmare as I struggle to upload the game build to Steam :')

Really now, it's like learning programming all over again? The video tutorial Steam provided was vague and it didn't teach me the first important thing: How do I login using steamcmd.exe? It's a simple question, but I'm originally an artist and not a programmer so it took me a while just to figure this out :'D and then comes the actual nightmare: the game build uploading.

Now don't get me started on how I almost pulled my hairs out when Steam couldn't detect my game file. It took me 2 days -almost 3 just to get SteamSDK to properly detect it and not uploading Empty Steam Folder -you know why? because I missed the '*'. I only missed this star sign and Steam refused to upload my game folder just because of this :'D

Later, after being approved by Steam Staff for release, I also found out that we cannot test the Achievement system because of this:


...But at least Steam is now showing the locked images of the achievement when I installed it. It should be a good sign, right?

In any case, I'm very glad and proud to announce that Nusantara: Legend of The Winged Ones, is now coming soon on Steam and will be officially released at December 7th, 2018!


Click here to visit the store page: ... es/?beta=0

I will also start the steam key giveaways as soon as Steam approved my request for the keys! Including my backers, patron, and loyal supporters, I have 150 keys to giveaway so drop your email down below the comments if you want it ^.^- These keys can be redeemed by users anytime, but they will only allow users to play the game once it has been released on Steam.

Important Note: For those who have played the game before through lemmasoft or, some of your progress may be shown in the Steam version due to the persistent data files. You may find that the encyclopedia and CG gallery are pre-filled and your old save files may display. This can be solved by finding any old Nusantara files on your system and deleting them before installing the Steam version.

And so, I spent almost the entire week creating and polishing Winged Ones on Steam. Kii*Anima especially worked very hard on the grammar, trying to whip me into shape x'D I definitely gained a lot from her detailed notes! She's an awesome proofreader and an even more awesome friend!

Alright, I'll stop rambling here. I'm sure you want to see some sneak peeks, right? Here, I'll show you what awaits you when Winged Ones is released and its other features unlocked:


We have a total of 24 achievements! It looks a lot but most of the achievements could be unlocked just by playing the routes!




Trading Cards! Badges! Emoticons! And more!
We have 10 trading cards, 5 badges, 1 foil badge, 5 emoticons, and 5 profile backgrounds to collect!

I don't know how many players we much reach to unlock the Achievement and Trading Card system, but given enough time and review/comment, I'm sure we'll reach it ^.^-

I'm pretty beat though. I practically zoomed through Steam's checklist so I can release Winged Ones quickly and focus on Bermuda.

I'll rest until Tuesday or Wednesday before I touch scriptwriting again ^.^;

Please give a warm welcome on Winged Ones on Steam!



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Re: Nusantara [GXB] [Fantasy] [Romance] [Comedy] - FULL VER!

#150 Post by Naomi1 »

It awesome to see that The Winged Ones will be on steam soon! Btw you say to post the email in the comments to a steam key, but wouldn't it be safer to directly send you a message to your lemmasoft? So others won't have a strangers email.

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