[IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle Genre [GxB]

#136 Post by kistnerelizabeth »

Arya and Kah'Lil are by-far my most favorites. Arya is just mysterious and Kah'Lil reminds me of my husband so much! I forgot to comment on here to tell you that I tried out the demo and loved it a lot. It was really fun. :) I can't wait til it's fully done! As for critiques, I can't really think of anything right now. I did find the stage dancing part with the main character and her friend to be surprising. Not in a bad way, I just totally didn't know that was her career, so when it showed up, my brother flipped and was like "Play that part again." =P

1. Which character caught your attention the most?
Arya and Kah'Lil
2. What do you expect to see in Bermuda?
Lots of mystery and adventure. The same vibes I got from your first game.
3. Will you guys be happy if I add a route to romance the antagonist? xD
Uh, yes! That would be a very interesting spin on things. :)

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle Genre [GxB]

#137 Post by SweetChiel »

Kikaharu wrote:I love the demo. Definitely longer demo than Legend of the Winged Ones. I was surprise how long too because it felt like I was getting so far into the story but it's also makes it feel like there is a lot more to explore when the game is finished. I loved the characters everyone is so lively in their own way and can't wait to see more of them.

Characters: I love Maya; she is so interesting to play as. I was surprised about her job; I didn't think that was her job but it was fun experience. I love Maya's sister and twin brothers, so cute. I like the more adult like jokes Maya had with her parents, oh my. Haha. Bayu is such a cutie and it's adorable how he acts. :) I love that Seri? (white dove/bird) & the goddess talked about Tamara and how she didn't let go of the fact that the goddess dropped her from the sky. Like I was surprised there was even a little talk about her but I really like the fact that it was. It really does make it feel like it's the same world even if it's not the same environment.

Love Interests: First, I want to talk about who I think the last love interest will be and then I'll talk about the other love interests in order of who I like the most first. So the last love interest I think is Dio, that could be wrong but I just feel like it might be. The little time we had in the demo meeting him was interesting. It didn't give much to know but it definitely makes you think about what is to come. So if he is the last love interest and even if he isn't the last love interest, I'm just curious to know more about him, who he is, what he does, why he is on the Forgotten Isles, just what his whole being is about.

Favorite love interest: Guntur. I usually just by a short description and image I can tell who my favorite will be. How I met Guntur was definitely not how I expect not even when the radio was talking about him escaping recently. Didn't think much about it, just oh I'll see him around town sometime totally normal-ish like. Nope! He is climbing over the fence WHAT! haha I love the CG there and it was ahh what happens now. Haha. I wish Maya would of jumped into the portal first be like: I'm not scared. Even if I am, I'm still going head first into this place and show you nothing can hold me back. She acting tough even if she is scared because she knows she has to go through with it and isn't letting anything stop her from saving her family. A little side track, but I just remember Guntur taking the spot of jumping in first hits a nerve a bit grr Guntur why!! Other than that, not much to say about him just know he is my favorite so far and I thought it was interesting how he brought a All-In-One cooking pan. And yeah, I love his looks, his piercings, pointy ears and his tattoo; I would if we will ever see more of that tattoo. One last thing, loved absolutely loved the scene where he shows us his power. Haha I was cracking up.

Arya: His looks are great. I want to see what's under the mask. I don't plan on it being a big thing like omg so shocking that that is what is under his mask. But like I was to be able to see his eyes and just see what his face looks like behind the mask. I wonder what is so important with his laptop. Also what program, possible, did he terminate? I wonder how he can type without seeing like did someone teach him when younger or when he was younger was he not blind. Is there Braille on the keys? Just so much curiosity around his laptop. And last thought about him, I love his wolf form. I love wolves and it just makes him adorable.

Kah'lil: I don't have too much to say about him. It's not that he isn't interesting, it's just I haven't had enough time with him. He a bit reminds me of a hyperactive kid. I wonder if Maya will ever get to touch his tail looks so fluffy.

Overall, I am excited to just see how the world and the Forgotten Isles and everyone's life turns out. Also super excited to see all the art work. Love the art it's always so pretty and majestic!
Hi Kikaaa ~ so glad to see you back!
Finally my internet is stable enough for me to reply the comments ><

I'm very happy to hear you like the demo & the characters!
I was quite nervous about how people will accept Maya when they know what is her job, but the reception is better than I thought! and yes lol, Sari made another appearance along with some itty-bitty detail about Tamara x'D I guess I love them too much hahahah ~

As for the last love interest... This... might surprise/shock a lot of people later, but I won't spoiler you :'p but yes, you will learn a lot about Dio later. All of this is just the tip of the iceberg~
-and lol, I have to admit that Guntur's first meeting scene is the most absurd x'D he is so much fun to write! Poor Maya got scared silly of him though lol. I thought about that scene where Guntur take the limelight from Maya, but then again, there are times where we want to be brave but cannot. I guess this means Maya is more timid than Tamara :'3

It's very relieving to see you're excited & interested with all the bachelors :'D I've been worrying a lot but now I'm up & eager to finish Bermuda faster x'D Aah, but there's still so much to do so I'll take one step at a time like usual. I hope you'll be patient with me until it finishes!
kistnerelizabeth wrote:Arya and Kah'Lil are by-far my most favorites. Arya is just mysterious and Kah'Lil reminds me of my husband so much! I forgot to comment on here to tell you that I tried out the demo and loved it a lot. It was really fun. :) I can't wait til it's fully done! As for critiques, I can't really think of anything right now. I did find the stage dancing part with the main character and her friend to be surprising. Not in a bad way, I just totally didn't know that was her career, so when it showed up, my brother flipped and was like "Play that part again." =P

1. Which character caught your attention the most?
Arya and Kah'Lil
2. What do you expect to see in Bermuda?
Lots of mystery and adventure. The same vibes I got from your first game.
3. Will you guys be happy if I add a route to romance the antagonist? xD
Uh, yes! That would be a very interesting spin on things. :)
Hi, kistnerelizabeth! Thanks for visiting & dropping your thoughts!
I'm happy to hear you like the demo -and you played it with your brother? lol! He sure got a surprise! x'D it made me laugh imagining his reaction hahahah.
1. Oooh, Arya & Kah'lil. That is an interesting combination x'D is your husband as playful as Kahlil? ...where do I find one for myself? //hammer
2. Yuup, definitely!
3. I think you will be surprised! x'D

I have a lot in store for you guys, so stay tuned and stay with me until it finishes! :'3


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15 days have passed, 15 more to go!

#138 Post by SweetChiel »


After 15 days, we're 51%+ funded guys! the total is $1972 if we add the ones who paid with Paypal :'3
We still have 15 days before the campaign closes and I hope we can reach the main goal by then or I'll have to pay another 4% tax to indiegogo >< (don't ask me why, it's the rule *sobs*)

Still, I'm grateful for reaching this far! Thank you for the love, guys! :'D For now, I'll just hope for the best while progressing with the WIPs & script!


Bermuda, progress

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UPDATE 06/19/2017

#139 Post by SweetChiel »

It's Monday & I'm happy to say that last week was pretty smooth!

What I did last week:
- Finished 3 creatures sprites
- Finished 1 background for winter
- Chapter 3 part 1 progress: 4311 words, don't mind the pages, I promise it's only the spacing x'D

I'm in the process of getting my muse back while collecting materials at the same time. If I have to summarize the plot points, they would be:
- Summer 1
- Summer 2
- Autumn
- Winter
- Spring
- Climax 1
- Climax 2
Currently, we're in Summer 1 with a prediction of Spring, Climax 1, & Climax 2 being the longest chapters.

Meanwhile, the SuperBackers are doing a great progress with the early concept for their cameo OCs! I'm very excited to work with their characters next month! I still have a few minor character sprites to make, so next month will be the time where I focus on SuperBackers, minor sprites, & a little writing OuO

Oh and here's today's sneak peek; the lake in the autumn area.

This background is the one I revised last week.
I will post the full view next week, but my $5 patrons will get to see it today ^.^-

Hopefully, things will stay smooth next week!


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Small misunderstanding!

#140 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! I have a small announcement to make regarding Paypal backers and the Artbook Tier! Don't worry, it's nothing bad x'D

Ahem, first of all, I'm happy to say that the Early Birds! Tier have all sold out! Congratulations to those who managed to grab one, but for those who is late, there's still a chance to grab one through Paypal!

As for the Artbook Tier, I noticed that it said Estimated July 2017. It's a typo ^^; it's supposed to be July 2018. I apologize for this clumsy mistake.

As for Paypal Backers, I know that I wrote "I will send you an e-mail to confirm your payment" in my shop at wix site, but what I mean was the email Paypal sent you (Transaction Details) >< I had one Paypal backer asked me about this and I noticed the small misunderstanding. Again, I'm sorry for making such clumsy mistake! However, I already made a list for the Paypal backers & if you want, you can send me an e-mail & I can help you double check ^.^

I'm really sorry for causing such discomfort u.u; I'm quite bad at explaining things; this is why I spent so much time on editing the script before I'm satisfied with it ><;

I will do my best to not make the same mistake! Thanks for reading and see you next week!



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Happy Idul Fitri & 7 days left for campaign!

#141 Post by SweetChiel »

Happy Idul Fitri for those who is celebrating it! x'D We're also 7 days away until the campaign is over!
We're at 58% now, but the real total is $2265 so maybe around... 64%? We're still pushing so keep sharing the words, guys!

Meanwhile, as today's special bonus, I have a fun fact to share :D
Did you know that some background I made is based off real photos? If you can guess which one, they really exists! xD
Like this one for example:


Hakim Road's background is based off Jaksa Road which is a short street approximately 400 meters long in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. It's popular among locals & backpackers since 1960 because the street offers a selection of services helpful to the average budget tourist including travel agencies, second-hand bookstores, money changers, laundries, pubs, etc.

Hahahah, I can't help but to insert tid bits about Indonesia here and there x'D you will find the complete list in the Mini Encyclopedia feature later! That is... if I still have the space for it ^^; if not, I will have to put the information in the Artbook.

Alright, that's it for now & see you again at Monday!


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UPDATE 07/26/2017

#142 Post by SweetChiel »

Hey guys, June is already ending before I knew it O.O time really moves fast!

Last week's progress was... not so satisfying for me u.u my internet got worse since Tuesday and I can't browse anything in the morning 'till late evening -even now, it's still PMS-ing!

The main problem is that I can't open thesaurus.com or google translate. I use those two really often, especially for synonyms or when I forgot a particular English word. I usually get really disturbed if I can't finish a sentence because of just one word ^_^;)a

Anyways! The result is:
- Edited a scene in Chapter 3 part 1 + more writing (Around 40%-ish done)
- Finished 4 old storybook illustrations (Refer to Winged Ones' opening illustrations about the Blue Crystal)

I really hope my internet will get better this week u_u; other than that, I think I will spend the last 4 days sketching more backgrounds or edit Chapter 3 part 1 before I focus on the SuperBackers~

Also, here's the promised full-view background sneak peek!

Currently, it is the biggest background in game x'D It should look like this later:

I hope it doesn't look weird? O.o I'm trying to show you how the lake look like without making it too flat ><

Lastly, I'm very excited to see we're nearing the end of the campaign! I'm not sure if we're going to be 100% funded, but it has been an amazing experience :'D
Whatever happens, happens! I will keep updating every Monday!

Thanks for reading and see you at the end of campaign! x'D



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Important Notice!

#143 Post by SweetChiel »

Good morning! Did you notice something different in Bermuda's Indiegogo page?
Yes! After a lot of consideration, I decided to give my last effort & extended the campaign for a week. Therefore, it will end at July 7th, 11:59 PM PDT.

For today's special occasion, I decided to apply some of the sprites poses for the bachelors into the game. I already make the rough sketches, so it's a waste not to use them u.u
Hmm... I think the fighting pose is a must, but I'm not sure about the other one x'D I guess depending on the script, I'll consider applying all the sprites I already prepared or not. I always give my all for my projects so even if Bermuda is not 100% funded, I will do my best to push it! Don't worry about a thing guys x'D I won't cut corners if I can help it!

Lastly, I want to promote another amazing fantasy otome visual novel made by Naive Sprites team!
>>>> CLICK HERE to see their awesome Kickstarter! x'D they have a total of 9 suitors (8 males & 1 female) and their spin-off VNs has 4 suitors! Amazing number of bishies hmm? Ladies? *cough*

They're 86% funded, so help them make it 100%! x'D

Lastly, the extension of Bermuda's campaign will not affect the original deadline, updates, or the original plans I have for it so please be at ease.

Thanks for reading & see you at Monday!


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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#144 Post by kawaiinekochama »

I've just finished the demo today like at 12:30 a.m. lol. The story is so interesting and the events like when Mawar wore the MC's sweater really loled me! XD But I literally rolled on the floor when Guntur said 'Bangsat' XD The characters are also interesting and lively(esp Kahlil cause he's so cute wearing that hoodie >w<) If I have the money and the game's out, I will definitely buy it! Good luck to you and your team!

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Re: [IndieGoGo LIVE] Nusantara:Bermuda Triangle [GxB]

#145 Post by SweetChiel »

kawaiinekochama wrote:I've just finished the demo today like at 12:30 a.m. lol. The story is so interesting and the events like when Mawar wore the MC's sweater really loled me! XD But I literally rolled on the floor when Guntur said 'Bangsat' XD The characters are also interesting and lively(esp Kahlil cause he's so cute wearing that hoodie >w<) If I have the money and the game's out, I will definitely buy it! Good luck to you and your team!
Hi kawaiinekochama!
Thanks for visiting & telling me your thoughts! x'D
I hope you didn't push yourself too hard finishing the demo at 12:30AM >< and lol, glad to see someone who understands my local language! x'D some words are quite similar with Malay's language so I'm glad to see you enjoyed it!
Thank you for supporting & hope to see you again in the future~ :'3


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UPDATE 07/03/2017

#146 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! I've just realized I mistype last week's update date x'D (07/26/2017 >>> it should be 06/26/2017 lol).

Anyways, last week's progress is quite good! I finished quite a bit:
- 2 background sketch
- Finished 3 background line-art
- Edited script again
- Edited Spring village's background

More building backgrounds... *sobs* Oh dear, I'm going to spend a lot of time coloring them :'D and I still have 1 more to sketch!

I also started sketching a SuperBacker's original character just now. I have at least 6 character sprites to do (with addition of minor-important characters), but I hope I can finish them this month ><; Every minor-character I make won't have any alternative pose, but SuperBacker's OC will get 1 alternative hand pose so it shouldn't take long.

Other than that... I think I got a cold ^^; I went to an amusement park with my big family last Saturday & went home quite late. Then I got a great headache, stiff limbs, + stomach ache until now hahahah. I will take it easy this week, but I'll at least do the character sketches!

Now, as usual, here's today's sneak peek!


I'm sure you guys know who this is lol... it's one of the creature sprites I made x'D next week, I'll show you the full view! I'm quite satisfied with this one so I'm sure you'll like it too <3

As for my patrons, they will get a background sketch sneak peek!

That's it for now, see you again next week :'3


P.S : 5 days left until the campaign is over! Spread the words and help an artist's living! x'D

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This is it!

#147 Post by SweetChiel »

Thank you for the heart-throbbing journey guys :'D This campaign's total fund is $2757!

I have to admit that it saddens me that the main goal is not reached -but I will make it enough! I still have itch.io & Patreon helping me fill in the blanks. Oh and my Paypal Shop is still open if there are any 'late backers'!

I'm forever grateful to my 91 indiegogo backers & 16 paypal backers! I will definitely continue to work hard for you! The updates will still be posted weekly but I'll hold off some sneak peeks later to save for when my script writing occurs or I won't have any sneak peeks to show you x'D

It's really pleasant to know I can still post updates here, so rest assured!

See you next Monday, my darlings!


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UPDATE 07/10/2017

#148 Post by SweetChiel »

Happy Monday! I'm here again! x'D

A small revision about yesterday, we have 91 indiegogo backers AND 16 paypal backers! Sorry I forgot to write it down ><

Now without further ado, here's what I did last week:
- Finished 1 SuperBacker character sprite
- 1 background WIP (40%)
- 2 character sprite WIPs (50% and 40%)
- 3 very rough character sprite sketch

I have to say that last week's harvest is poor u.u; so here's what happened:

When I was resting from post-cold, I stumbled upon a website >> novelupdates.com. They translate chinese, korean, & japanese novels and then hell break loose when I got addicted reading them :'))

First, I catch up with a novel titled 'Meow Meow Meow' about a cat got reincarnated into a thousand year old cat demon in another universe. The next day, I struggled with a background texture -I made another mistake when I found another novel called 'The Demonic King Chases His Wife' in my resting time T^T

This is an old habit of mine -I can't stop reading once I got immersed in them OTL please forgive me. The chinese novels are so refreshing once you understand their alternate worlds >< I beseech you NOT to go to that website if you have lots of work to do... once you go in, there's no way out T_T

I somehow managed to catch up to the newest chapters last week... but heck, this might affect future updates too. Pray so I don't give in to temptation u.u;

Anyways! Enough ranting, here's what I promised last week!


I wonder if he's too dark or still too fluffy O.O; I revised him once, but I think I will do some small adjusting later?

Meanwhile, my patrons today will get to see what texture I'm struggling with today.

I'm sorry that my old habit acting up again, but I think my avid-reader disease will clear up sometime this week or next week ^^; until then I hope you guys will forgive the lack of results T^T


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UPDATE 07/17/2017

#149 Post by SweetChiel »

Today is the lucky 777! I hope you guys get lucky sometime this week and smile more :'3
Last week is... adequate? Hmm, I'm not sure about this one since I spent a lot of time revising character designs + making line arts ><

- Finished 2nd SuperBacker's character basic sprite (I think I might tweak him again later when I notice something that can be improved/small details)
- Finished 1 minor-important character sprite. This one is complicated and Jesus, I spent a lot of time revising on him -a lot more than the others. I still need to tweak him a bit, but I think I will leave him for awhile until my eyes refreshed :'D they're becoming dull from staring at him for too long.
- 2 minor- important character sprites WIPs (line arts are finished + basic coloring, only needs to shade them)
- 1 very rough character sprite sketch is still going to be revised & polished later.

I don't know about other artists, but believe it or not, I spent more time making line arts than coloring them :')) this is true for CG/BG/Character Sprites with small details. This is why I like to make forest/nature backgrounds lol -'cause they don't need line arts! x'D

But I'll be lying if I didn't say that the progress is a little slow because I binged-read some novels... *cough*

Anyways! The SuperBackers' character sprites are well on their journey to finish line! I still have some minor-important character sprites to do though. Curious? Welp, here is today's sneak peek! x'D


I have obtained permission to show this sneak peek from Livia, one of the SuperBackers~ A small insight about what's to come in game :'3

As usual, my patrons will get to see her full-sneak peek early (today) but she will be revealed for public next week.

Meanwhile, my friend started her indiegogo campaign too yesterday! It's a BL fantasy visual novel, fair warning that it has some dark themes and rated R18 x'D

>>>> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bl-l ... x/16687918#/


Let's share the words to your friends who like BL!

That's it for this week and see you again, guys!


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UPDATE 07/24/2017!

#150 Post by SweetChiel »

Hi guys! I'm happy to say that this week's progress is better than last week's! The only downside is my internet is down again & I have to borrow my mom's wifi for today's updates x_x

- Revised last week's character designs.
- Finished 3 minor important character sprites.
- 1 WIP minor important character sprite (Applied basic color + tidied the line art).
- Made 1 very rought minor important character sprite sketch. Tbh, I'm a little stuck with this character's clothes design...
- 2 silhouettes are finished! (1 creature, 1 minor character)
- Finished 1 Queen's Crown's CG (2 left and I'll be finished working on their CGs x'D)

I hope I can finish the minor important character sprites at the end of this month since I plan to focus on finishing basic backgrounds next month.

Anyways, as promised, here is the SuperBacker's OC full view!


Here is Livia's OC (Her name is Livia not Olivia, sorry for the typo ><)! Her name is Damaris and she's a female Satyr; one of the new races that is going to be introduced in game :D

Her occupation is a White Mage, but she focused more on medicines than magic spells. Her passion is to study herbs and her lifetime goal is to develop a book covering medical issues that various species on the island face due to their unique physiology.

You will know more about her later in game ;)

Today, I will also show a background that appears in the winter area for my patrons. This is a special one & I won't show this in public ><

That's it for today & thanks for reading!


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