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Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 4:28 am
by dizzcity
Hehe... sorry. :) I have a tendency to get obsessive about problems I can't solve. The more complex a system is, the more I like trying to tinker with it. (My favourite genre of games are the complex civilization-building / management sim type games, if that's any insight into my personality. :P)

Now that you've explained how the key works, I can understand it. I didn't notice the little icon there at first. ^_^ I thought it did something completely different.

Now, as to comments.

In retrospect, as usual, the true explanation only comes right at the end, with the twist I've come to expect from you. The trouble is, as expected, some of the choices only make sense in light of the revealed ending, not in light of what was known to the user beforehand. Now that I've seen the ending, I can understand why some choices lead towards the ending and some don't. But without that additional information provided by the ending, my entire logical train of thought was heading in the opposite direction.
Case in point: the "time" thing. Based on all the story told previously about Etsuya keeping track of time, the clock tower, and everything beforehand, it was logical for me to assume that what was going on was a closed space separated from the rest of the world by some sort of time barrier and different flows of time. All the foreshadowing pointed to that. Thus, when faced with something like choices 17 - 21, I would take the sci-fi route, based on that assumption, and attempt to find a solution to get out of the closed space, rather than protesting that it was illogical.

Had I known it was a dream-illusion, I would have had no problem saying it was illogical, and then attempting to break myself out of the dream. But since it was not revealed to me until the end that it was a dream, I kept on working on the time anomaly angle, and thought the problem had to lie somewhere else. It was actually the "Time" sequence (Q's 17-21) that led me astray.

But maybe that's because I just read too much science fiction, where anything is possible, instead of being grounded in the "real world", where anything that is impossible has to be a dream. :P
Nevertheless, I liked the good ending, of course, and its realism. I also liked the background artwork effect, and how that provides a subtle clue as to what the situation really is (though I didn't notice that at first). Maybe I'm just not suited to this type of story. :? I don't notice the atmosphere at all when I've got a problem to solve, unlike Choark. My philosophy has always been "solve the problem first, then go back and enjoy the atmosphere".

Still, congratulations and well-done on this short piece. :)


Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:36 am
by monele
with all these weird settings of fantasy and sci-fi, you can't really make simple isolated strange things stand out well.
This alone is enough for me ^^. Very good point.

Well, I'll have to try again tonight (and I think I'll use what you gave to Dizz ^^;... I just don't want to run more than one time through it now).

Wanted to add that I love the "darn! something isn't right" music ^.^

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:53 am
by mikey
dizzcity wrote:My favourite genre of games are the complex civilization-building / management sim type games, if that's any insight into my personality.
Actually, it's good to know - I often read a lot of reviews for games, competently written, but then it's still hard for me to understand why the reviewer/blogger feels that the story isn't delivering, or why he/she feels that something is too stereotypical and so on. Reviews rarely describe whether the reviewer has participated in pre-release hype, whether he has played games like those before, or more generally, what kind of games he plays usually. This often leads to ranking a game that leaves me informed, but not really able to understand the emotional side.

And when you're personally involved (I'm not going to be hypocritical about this), it's never pleasant to receive criticism. I don't wave my hands at negative comments - of course I have a negative feeling - just as positive comments make me happy. But when I know that for instance a game isn't the right cup of tea for some of the players from the start, it's considerably easier to understand their comments and take it less personally. Sure everyone knows that any given game can't work for everyone, but somehow I would like the game to appeal to everyone who is interested enough to download or play it. Yes, I know it can't really be done, but I guess that's not enough to screen yourself from the slight disappointment if you couldn't really reach a person, even if you know you weren't going to be able to do so from the start anyway.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:42 pm
by Watercolorheart
Downloading it, will review later.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 3:40 pm
by DaFool
I too also liked the return of O3 backgrounds. The music was a very memorable combination of styles from River Trap (which sounded awfully familiar) and Sony's Legend of Dragoon, so I couldn't help but recall the pleasure of being in an immersive RPG, all while playing a Visual Novel.

The story is sensible and well-plotted.

The only gripe I have is the strange pointage system. Even with the cheat enabled, I was still scratching my head at some of the choices. It's a complaint not only limited to this ATP game in particular.

The atmosphere works best on first run-through, but when it comes time to exhaust the choices its a bit frustrating.

Then again, that is the style, so I can take it or leave it. Just like the wonderful pervasive mysterious atmosphere of all ATP games.

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 9:30 pm
by Blue Lemma
DaFool wrote:OMG ATP's 11th release.
You should write a book or something called "How to pump out Ren'ai Games like crazy".
I think it's because he's living a ren'ai game, so he has good firsthand experience (and a willing artist! :wink: )

Will need to play this weekend! 8)

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2006 11:30 pm
by musical74
ARGH!!!! 7 tries and keep getting the BAD ending!!! It's so unfair!

OK now that I've vented...time for Pros and Cons!

PRO: Music...definitely the music. The music is totally top notch, love the *what's going on?!* music. The writing is very well done, and very in-character. Yumiko shows as a scientist, and it's very well thought out and it's clear this took some thinking to solve it =) I like that she responds to your answers and reacts accordingly. The backgrounds are well done. =)

CON: A minor one...I never really connected with Yumiko. She's a sweet girl. and she's very helpful, just...she seemed pretty passive and didn't seem to really like the main character as a person, the way the main character likes Yumiko.

Congrats are in order, mikey, yet another great game :D

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 2:13 am
by mikey
Thanks for all your comments, and really, don't hesitate to use the "cheat" (unless it's a matter of principle for you ^_^), after several playthroughs, it's perfectly fine IMO. Access the playing help ("cheat") like this:
Press Shift+K for an indicator at the top of the screen.
Blue Lemma wrote:I think it's because he's living a ren'ai game, so he has good firsthand experience (and a willing artist!)
Hmmm, I'd say I have a "supportive environment" at home, which helps immensely. Over the 10 or so years, I've become quite used to it, but it doesn't change the fact that it's a huge reason for me being able to finish games, and when you can rely on that support, life is easier - but I suppose this isn't incredibly different with other people. So it's motivation and inspiration, mostly. It doesn't make a huge difference in planning and technicalities.


Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:04 am
by chisa-chan
I've downloaded and played this game. I like the background artwork so much, but the character artwork seems a bit......unusual for me (perhaps because the coloring?)

NOTE: 12 times got the bad ending.... :x

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:26 pm
by Glasskitten
I look forward to playing this after all my school projects are out of the way, but until then...where do I get one of those supportive environment thingies??????????????? =^;_;^=

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:42 pm
by mikey
chisa-chan wrote:I've downloaded and played this game. I like the background artwork so much, but the character artwork seems a bit......unusual for me (perhaps because the coloring?)
Perhaps more specifically it's the lighting, we made a bit of an experiment with it. Hmmm...
Anyway, please do use the cheat so that you don't get frustrated... 12x bad ending would make me want to smash something. Playing help:
Press Shift+K for an indicator at the top of the screen.

Glasskitten >> suportive environment thingy?

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 4:04 pm
by monele
Well I decided it was time I saw this true ending XD. I really wouldn't have done it without the "gaming help". Some things you considered as being nice to the girl just weren't forcefully nice, depending on how you thought about it. But ya, it's got to happen with these very subjective things ^^.
I liked the ending. Rather cute ^^. And yay for the previous game reference :3.

Too bad the game suffered from this subjective choice problem, it was really great otherwise ^^

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 10:08 am
by Alessio
Nice! A bit different, but nice. Liked it. Although I must say I had to use the cheat to get to the good ending. And congrats for inventing a new "time passes" display (-----|-----), that was a good one. ^_^

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 4:09 pm
by mikey
Alessio wrote:And congrats for inventing a new "time passes" display (-----|-----), that was a good one. ^_^
This "effect" was actually done for O3 and used in the test version, but we then removed it and used the ~~~~~~~ tildes instead. It's not everyone's cup of tea, though I like it more and more now. O3's primary plan was a lengthy VN with lots of passing time, so that's why the (----|-----) was invented, instead of the usual set of ellipses (.........)

Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2007 5:36 pm
by Ayato Vu
Hm Very nice, it looks very... movie like.
The music is pretty hypnotising, good for keeping us all in.

I like it, tell you my 2 cent after im done ^_^

Edit 2
Woah.... 7 times and still failing...
After rereading the topic, im still fuzzy, but in redoing everything ^_^

Good bomb squad training btw ^_^
"If you fail, you DIE. Have fun on your final test ^_^"

Edit 3
10th time.
Could there possibly a certain number u must get for each, rather than a right or wrong choice? I recall u did say you can mess up a bit.
Edit 4
20 times.
Homicidal feelings rising. Must find outlet for anger... be back later...