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Re: [Group Play 2] Go! Magical Boy

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:06 am
by Egressus
Auro-Cyanide wrote:How do people feel about false choices? Are there exceptions to their use or do you pretty much feel ripped off by them all the time?
Will write my thoughts once the game finished downloading, but here's my two cents.

It really depends. If a choice is obviously stupid, well, no one could really expect it to be followed through. But when the choices are do or don't, I feel cheated if it's false and just set for an illusion of control.

I somehow got reminded of Hatoful Boyfriend, where
you get killed and when asked by fatbird, the only choice you have are yes, yes, and yes.

Uuuhh, why is the download taking forever...

Re: [Group Play 2] Go! Magical Boy

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:30 pm
by Funnyguts
Finished! It was alright, but not amazing. I wish I could have had a bit more interactivity in the fight scenes, just to be interesting. Maybe a few more ways to bluff or use your powers, and other ways to follow through on the assertion that Guardians are supposed to avoid fighting whenever possible.
It also skipped out on one of the biggest, most important cliches of any good magical girl thing: The uniform! I can get not seeing it while the protagonist is transformed, but there should have been a shot of one of the other girls wearing it!

Re: [Group Play 2] Go! Magical Boy

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 5:24 am
by Egressus
[ + ]
I actually rather like the MC and his voice. Very casual.
The guy in the stall! And the "I do not like this form of communication".
I'm not disappointed with him fainting during the fight. I mean, he's supposed to be a temporary holder, right?

[ c ]
My only comment is.. some arts are a bit distracting somehow, with its strange diagonal placement. When I see the
dying woman with purple hair,
I can't help but tilt my head. Not sure others experience that, but anyway.
The story picked up with the speed that leaves me a bit confused.
Like the Lara part.
The MC's thoughts jumped everywhere, although it was probably due to lack of transitions.
At times MC walks into a conversation in a new place without mentioning it. Gets a bit confusing since everyone's pretty much staring at you and you expect them talking to you.

[ overall ]
It was okay. The story sometimes confused me, but I enjoyed the casual interaction.
I'd say it's a nice read, but not something I'd read twice?

Re: [Group Play 2] Go! Magical Boy

Posted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 8:31 am
by cuttlefish
Many things I liked and disliked about this game were already mentioned by previous posters. I enjoyed much of the writing, and the references to/parodies of the "magical girl" and "save the world" genres,
especially how the lady in the beginning dies or disappears before explaining everything.
I had sensed there were pseudo choices in the beginning, which put me off a little, but knowing intuitively that those earlier choices did not affect the ending, I pressed on to the actual choices. For me, it was too easy to get the good endings, though.

I think how much you enjoy this game depends on how seriously you take it. I wasn't expecting the story to make much sense ("magical boy"?), although there are some parts with fuzzy logic that detract a tad from the story.
It seemed like Lara was being targeted before the protagonist first meets her, and he comes to the conclusion later that the Shadows only target people he knows?
Overall, it was nice playing it.

Re: [Group Play 2] Go! Magical Boy

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:30 am
by ZinniaAuRevoir
8) It's good for the first project. I don't really care when it comes to the art style, because I've seen worse than this. The important thing for a novel is its story. The story is good overall. I don't have a good eye on it because I'm not very good in English but as long as it's interesting, it won't hurt much. Unfortunately I don't feel like playing over and over again. :cry: