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Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 2:22 am
by TeeGee
Thanks, guys! I'm glad you like it so much and that you enjoy the non-linearity. At some point we were afraid we actually overdid the amount of choices.
lemuel wrote:I pre-ordered it, downloaded and installed the first version, but was unable to update the game. Do I just download and unlock a demo, or is the process more complicated?
You can re-download the game from the same email and it's going to be the latest version. If it says that the password is expired or blocked, just send let me know (and give me your email address or order ID) and I will reset it for you :).

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 12:19 pm
by Velistra
Tried the demo and really liked it a lot! Already bought it and trying out the full game now. Just wanted to say thanks for such a interesting game/vn. :mrgreen:

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:28 pm
by lemuel
Thanks! I PMed you.

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 3:00 pm
by ririruetoo
Just bought the full game, I'll write my comments on it when I'm done! But I have to say I really loved the demo! I spent so long last night playing it. :)

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:10 pm
by jack_norton
So 1 day after release and your game was both on RPS and Kotaku! At this point Steam is practically guaranteed. You can already answer all those emails "will YOU (hehe) put the game on Steam" with "yes, of course"! :lol:

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:26 pm
by papillon
There are still a few proofreading niggles lurking... just downloaded the demo and one of the first things I ran into was

"Maybe I could have prevent this family from falling in to the state it's now?"

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:44 pm
by TeeGee
Yeah, gonna correct that, thanks.

But really, holy shit, Kotaku. Nice.

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 6:53 pm
by papillon
It looks great overall and I didn't really notice anything after that, it was only because that was so early on that it drew attention to itself. :) Hope it's all going well for you!

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:16 pm
by Luxtizer42
Played the demo, then bought it immediately. Very polished and impressive. Both the writing and the art are of exceptional quality so far.

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2012 10:52 pm
by Obscura
We're considering doing an iOS port anyway though, depending on how well it does on Mac/PC.
Thank you for the response! Here's hoping you guys kick ass and sell a zillion copies. Just so I can have the iOS version. *evil laughter* :twisted:

No matter what though, you and your entire team should be beaming with pride. Beautiful game.

And congrats on Kotaku.

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Fri Jun 22, 2012 1:24 am
by Cinnamoon
I just played the demo, and all I can say is : O_O
It is amazing. The art is wonderful, and everything is animated \(@_@)/
I'll definitely buy this one, I'm really curious about the whole story ^^ (when I have some money, that's another thing though).

Congratulation on this release~ ^^

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:12 am
by TeeGee
Thanks everyone :). So far the game does pretty well. If it doesn't stop suddenly, we should be able to keep at it and release more games.

A guy on another forums is doing an absolutely amazing Let's Play of Cinders. Feels so great to read it. It's like the closest thing I can have to actually experiencing the game as a player. Here's the link if anyone's interested: LINK.

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:26 pm
by LateWhiteRabbit
Just wanted to say, I've been through the game twice now, and it is magnificent. Aside from a few typos like what Papillon pointed out, the quality is top notch. As an artist, this is what I've been pushing for in terms of VN design - the interface, menus, backgrounds, and sprites are all of uniform design and do a wonderful job of setting atmosphere. I love the branching symbol that pops up in the corner letting you know a scene could have gone differently with different choices - and speaking of the choices, I loved the balance and pay off of each set - I never had time to get antsy waiting to make another choice.

The story is an excellent piece of writing - you all clearly had a theme, knew what you wanted to say, and made everything flow through and into that motif. I won't spoil anything, but the fact you were able to make each character so well-rounded is fantastic. Oh, and a sincere thank you for starting 'in media res'. Straight to the point and not a wasted sentence in the script. The pacing is brisk and exciting. My new favorite version of Cinderella.

And all of us with high definiton monitors are appreciative of the high res graphic settings available.

P.S. Team Sofia! Image

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:04 am
by in-bl00m
Absolutely AMAZING so far. I really love the story. Oh, and the artwork. Cinders is so beautiful. c':

Re: Cinders - a serious take on a fairytale

Posted: Sun Jun 24, 2012 5:55 am
by fantasygeeki
At this point, I've played the story a few times (played the demo then bought the game the next day). I'll admit I wasn't expecting to enjoy the game before playing the demo. I was worried that Madame Ghede's character would involve some ridiculously wrong interpretations of the Haitian Vodou culture. I was also worried that while Cinders would be well rounded, she'd be surrounded by one-sided characters only meant to be the evil to her good or her helpers. And of course there is the fact that I've heard many versions of Cinderella.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that all the character had depth (and it was nice to see someone not botch up the 'Vodou' bits, too).
The other thing I really loved was the concept of Fate v. Ambition, or rather the idea that life is a bit of both. Something that I like to see are villains that, true to human nature, are the product of their environments but with a bit of understanding can prove to be really decent people.

I also liked the fact that we could have a Cinders that had goals but still was allowed to dream a little.
In terms of design, I loved the fact that we were alerted to when we are seeing our choices play out. This, and the fact that there are so many variables in the game, really made me feel as though I was investing in a story I could really get enjoyment out of more than once. Of course, I also loved the game's art (a major appeal when I was making my purchase).

I think the one thing I found kinda funny was that the sound effect used for the party/inn scenes. It sounds like someone is saying "she got the bling bling" over and over again.

Great story and I look forward to seeing more in the future.