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Re: [Accepting Prompts] Writing Thread

#16 Post by Geckos »

Woo! Thanks for the snippet. I rather enjoy your writing :D Keep it up!
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Re: [Accepting Prompts] Writing Thread

#17 Post by destiny_921 »

RunicV wrote:Ohh, for some reason, your writing is just so adorable. I don't know why I like it so much, but it's so light and fluffy to me. It's like seeing the basics? Thanks for accepting my writing request, too.
Aw, thanks! Haha! That's the first time I've heard someone said my writing was light and fluffy. You're welcome :)
RunicV wrote:You seem to like writing romance, so...
Wait, real - *sees other posts*
.....That's the last time I listen to emotional music while writing for prompts, I swear...
specialtantei wrote:O: That was really nice. I enjoyed every bit of it. Maybe he really was in an incestous cheating relationship with his sister :lol: ? And the Medusa story was great, too :)
You're welcomeeeeeee :3 That we will never know :D Well, you and others won't know anyway :lol: Thanks! ^-^
Geckos wrote:Woo! Thanks for the snippet. I rather enjoy your writing :D Keep it up!
No problem! :) Sure~! I've actually started on my own books...

RunicV wrote:She woke me up at 3 am in the morning.

When I asked her why she did so, her response was simple.

"I want to hug something fluffy."
"So you sneak into my room, again?" I rose my eyebrow in bemusement.

Wide blue eyes were aimed at me and her lips curled into a trembling pout.

I sighed in both amusement and exasperation. If I were anyone else, I'd oblige her request in a heart-beat. But I wasn't. I was immune to it seeing as we had grown up together and lived in the same house.


"But brother, you're fluffy." Ariel pouted even more as she clambered onto my lap. For a six-year-old fairy who was supposed to be the most reserved child in the village, she was completely different when interacting with family. Namely, me as our parents were dead.

Having gotten the genes from our father, I was a Fyrir, a fox being though I did have a bit of fairy magic abilities as well. Us Fyrir looked like humans, but only with the "foxy" features so to speak. Furry ears, tail, claws...well, you get the point. One of the Fyrir's abilities were being able to take on different appearances, the maximum limit being six. I was currently in my full fox form, hence the "furry" remark.

Ariel was a full-fledged fairy, though with a couple of Fyrir abilities. Our mother had been a fairy, so...yeah. On the other hand, Ariel had 'the most devastating' blue eyes in the village, according to practically the whole village itself who had been victims of her puppy-eyed look hundreds of times. I was secretly proud of her for that, not that I would ever admit it out loud.

"I'm well-aware of that," I quipped with an amused grin as I tickled her sides - her childish laughter resounding throughout the room. "But you, young lady," I continued sternly as she struggled to push me away through her giggles. "Are supposed to be in bed already. It's late."

"B - but - " She attempted to wriggle away uselessly as I tickled her even more. "I - can't - sleep!" Ariel managed as I finally stopped, deciding that she'd had enough for now.

"And why not?" I asked.

When Ariel bit her lip and averted her eyes, I frowned as I understood. Mom and Dad had been killed in front of her when she was four. I had been thirteen and out at that time, with the hunter forces deep inside the forest - gathering supplies and doing some training practice. It took a long time before Ariel started opening up, and even then she was skittish sometimes. She still got nightmares, and it seemed that tonight had been a bad one.

With a sigh, I shifted positions and tucked both of us under the blanket.

I ruffled her hair. "Now, go to sleep."

Ariel snuggled up beside me.

"Thank you, brother."

D'aw, family love.

And more onwards... :lol:

Hi ho, here we go,
into the forest of ghouls!
Trees, trees everywhere, did ya' know
Dementia's the trend?

Ghouls are bound to be a-dancin'
While wild-life play some groovy music
So take an axe, and chop them leaves
While joining in the dancin'!

Three steps front and three steps back!
Oops, hey, there goes the axe!
And then there's the sound of a crack!
A ghoul skull your axe gave a thwack!

Hi ho, here we go,
Into the forest of ghouls!

xD Happy New Year's Eve! ^-^
“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try”
– Dr. Seuss

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::WIPs:: The Universal Hope

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Re: [Accepting Prompts] Writing Thread

#18 Post by destiny_921 »

Wow. So, no. I'm not dead. Still alive. Am I accepting prompts? Not for the moment. This thread will be on temporary hiatus as I focus on Universal Hope, A Twist of Fantasy and RL.

Much hugs,

“Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try”
– Dr. Seuss

::Completed:: Closure (KN)
::WIPs:: The Universal Hope

Writing Guide

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