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Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Fantasy] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 11:18 pm
by ririruetoo
God I loved this story! It was absolutely perfect in every sense of the word. The story, the music, the characters, everything! It was exactly what I've needed lately, and I'm so so so so glad you wrote this and that I played it. Thank you, thank you thank you so much! I'm in a such a good mood because of this, a giggly girly hopelessly romantic, sort of mood. <3

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Fantasy] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:04 am
by KittyKatStar
Omigosh, okay I only finished one route but I want to say congrats~

I love the art, and the adorable dialogue/story. I loved the mother/sister/daughter dynamic. <3 (Boys were nice too =,D )

You did amazing! Glad to see a troll getting her fairy tale. <3

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Fantasy] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:08 am
by Chibichann
i loved the scenario of the game-play you totally did a fantastic job making a simple fairy tale story theme to a spicy one,but i was a little upset with Damian's path i felt it was kind of incomplete but on the other hand edavine's path was perfect with all the connection and all between all the characters,but i am still kind of curious what happened to acacia's father after he left with that fairy and how did that fairy suddenly show up without even having a back-story about it.

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Fantasy] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 9:28 am
by DragoonHP
Congratulations on the release!

Also, "All Version" and "Windows" links go to the same url >

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Fantasy] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Thu Apr 04, 2013 11:04 am
by Morishita
ririruetoo wrote:God I loved this story! It was absolutely perfect in every sense of the word. The story, the music, the characters, everything! It was exactly what I've needed lately, and I'm so so so so glad you wrote this and that I played it. Thank you, thank you thank you so much! I'm in a such a good mood because of this, a giggly girly hopelessly romantic, sort of mood. <3
I'm really happy to know that you liked the story and that it had such a positive effect on you ^^ I really wanted to do something simple, light hearted and fluffy this year and I think with the response from you and a lot of other's; I was able to achieve that with this story :3 Thank you so much for reading through my story! I know it's kind of on the long side but thank you for reading through it all <3

KittyKatStar wrote:Omigosh, okay I only finished one route but I want to say congrats~

I love the art, and the adorable dialogue/story. I loved the mother/sister/daughter dynamic. <3 (Boys were nice too =,D )

You did amazing! Glad to see a troll getting her fairy tale. <3
The story is a little on the long side ^^; but I'm really glad you were able to get through one of the path's first ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed the art and the dynamic's between the troll family, I based it off of me and my mothers and sisters ^^; of course were a lot more crazy and a little less considerate then that. We yell and argue to show our affection and we yell and argue when we get mad.....we kind of are like a troll family now that I think about it....
Either ways I feel very privileged to have so many people and you read through my story and give me such kind feedback. Thank you so much! I'm happy that my crazy haired troll finally got a fairy tale ending too <3

Chibichann wrote:i loved the scenario of the game-play you totally did a fantastic job making a simple fairy tale story theme to a spicy one,but i was a little upset with Damian's path i felt it was kind of incomplete but on the other hand edavine's path was perfect with all the connection and all between all the characters,but i am still kind of curious what happened to acacia's father after he left with that fairy and how did that fairy suddenly show up without even having a back-story about it.
Thank you for reading through the story. Forgive me for making Damien's path upsetting ^^; my intentions kind of were to have his be the light harted story opener with a few small plot holes but a sweet and simple ending to try to pull those who might not be to interested in the story into reading more of the story.
Damien was kind of the one to hook people in and Edavine's path was the one to finish it all but I'll have to study up some more to try to do a better job at relaying that ^^ I'm really gald that you were still able to enjoy the story though. Both paths kind of finish each other that's why I suggest that people play Damien's first then Edavine's <3 Also you bring up a very good question that I never though about addressing within the story. I kind of wanted to hint at it but I later deleted it in the script because I thought it was too harsh but I guess I should have left it in ^^; Basically what had happened with the bad fairy and the dad was:
They ran off leaving Acacia and her family and then the dad runs out of money and hits rock bottom and the fairy drops him like a hot potatoes and after a few years *like 20 ^^;* she comes to her other fairy friends house *Edavine's mom* for a place to crash, since she has nothing to her name and that is why Edavine's Mom *Violet* and Dad *Clarance* are in an argument because they know her past history and the damage that she's done to their neighboring trolls.
In Damien's path I was kind of hinting to the point that other's knew about Acacia's families past history when that old female troll got snippy with mama troll during the little tea party and mama troll kicked her out. Then in Edavine's path you find out why mama troll got so mad and about their family past history.
I didn't want to go to much into the bad fairy and the dad because I wasn't sure if it would taint the story a little too much so I kind of left it with an open ending. She can still have a chance to meet up with her dad if she wants or run into the bad fairy if she wants but with that part of her story there might not be a happy ending but with the love life part of her story I wanted it to happy and fluffy and leave a good feeling in the end. So I decided against going into further detail on the issues with her family and I'll just leave it open for now ^^
There are certain parts in the story that are based off of true life events but I won't say which one's and there are a few things that were exaggerated ^^;
DragoonHP wrote:Congratulations on the release!

Also, "All Version" and "Windows" links go to the same url >
Thank you! It really took a lot out of me and I'm still recovering from some of the pain in my hand but I'm glad because so many people seem to be enjoying it so it feels that all of my pain and hard work is really paying off <3
Also thank you for the head's up about the link. I went ahead and fixed that right up.

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:57 am
by SakanaTonic
I'm actually not sure what I was expecting when I downloaded this, but it was really great!! It was so girly, so full of cheese and mush, but really great???

I started off with Damien's path, which didn't have much of Aeron in it until the end, but something about him rubbed me the wrong way? In a sort of wtf kind of way? And I didn't really notice it until I did Edavine's path, but when I started picking up on it, it just felt really... :U.

I guess that came off as more of an aeron rant?? but what I really meant to say was that I really loved this! I really loved Damien's path for all the cheese and fluff it was worth, but I also really liked Edavine's path because he was great too, although there was the bonus of everything feeling a little more complete.

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:02 am
by khnachi
looks interesting
so many pretty games this year... :mrgreen:

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:26 am
by Skyefrost
XD I love this story so much.
The thing I like the most is how you displayed Aeron. He's a not a typical nice guy but a bastard and I like how realistic you wrote him and how in Damian's path, his character is sort of hinted out. (I totally didn't catch it, until I took the other path)

I actually know people who is like him, people who wants to control another. Who looks like a nice guy but isn't!! I ended up being mad/happy at the part when he turn their conversation in to a trust issue to make Acacia look like jerk. Because seriously that was so hypocritical!!! I raged at him.
I love love Acacia so much. XD! Her toughness and her secret obsession is so adorable.
Oh and I made some fanart. :D

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:14 am
by Morishita
SakanaTonic wrote:I'm actually not sure what I was expecting when I downloaded this, but it was really great!! It was so girly, so full of cheese and mush, but really great???

I started off with Damien's path, which didn't have much of Aeron in it until the end, but something about him rubbed me the wrong way? In a sort of wtf kind of way? And I didn't really notice it until I did Edavine's path, but when I started picking up on it, it just felt really... :U.

I guess that came off as more of an aeron rant?? but what I really meant to say was that I really loved this! I really loved Damien's path for all the cheese and fluff it was worth, but I also really liked Edavine's path because he was great too, although there was the bonus of everything feeling a little more complete.
YAY! I'm happy to see another person who's a fan of Damien ^^ I'm glad everyone was able to catch on to Aeron's subtle bad habits so quickly! Also I'm glad that you enjoyed Damien's path. I really wanted his path to be like the opener and just a fluffy, lovey dovey path to help people feel better that might need a pick me up ^^ But I'm also glad that you enjoyed Edavine's path also! It's so rewarding to see all the hard work through out the month paid off by these response <3
khnachi wrote:looks interesting
so many pretty games this year... :mrgreen:
Thank you! There really are! I hope you'll be able to enjoy them! ^^
Skyefrost wrote:XD I love this story so much.
The thing I like the most is how you displayed Aeron. He's a not a typical nice guy but a bastard and I like how realistic you wrote him and how in Damian's path, his character is sort of hinted out. (I totally didn't catch it, until I took the other path)

I actually know people who is like him, people who wants to control another. Who looks like a nice guy but isn't!! I ended up being mad/happy at the part when he turn their conversation in to a trust issue to make Acacia look like jerk. Because seriously that was so hypocritical!!! I raged at him.
I love love Acacia so much. XD! Her toughness and her secret obsession is so adorable.
Oh and I made some fanart. :D
With Aeron it was really kind of easy coming up with Aeron's lines:
I wanted him to appear like the perfect prince but then have him not be the perfect prince at all ^^ I wouldn't feel bad about not noticing it until Edavine's path because that's what happened with my proofreader *Narah~* Aeron really seemed sweet at first but then his true colors showed in the end and he kind of killed his chance's of getting his own separate path because of his passive aggressive ways ^^ I totally understand the raging part, I think while I was typing that argument up I was also getting mad ^^; I've had so many arguments in the past with people that I had a lot of material to pull from :lol:
I've always loved the Disney princess movies so it was a lot of fun doing that contrast of personalities with Acacia ^^ A tough girl who was actually crazy about being a princess <3 I'm really glad that her appearance didn't scare to many people away and I'm even more happy that her personality helped win over so many people as well!

Also that fanart IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! May I be allowed to post it on my site? I want to make a fanart page especially for it, if that's okay? Do you have a website that I could possibly link to as well so that others can find more of your beautiful art? Oh!! Just look at my Acacia!! You did such a great job on her hair and her eyes and EVERYTHING!!!! Thank you so much!!! *I'm extremely happy right now!! I'm not use to getting fan art!!!!* Q^Q Thank youuuuu~ *Continues to stare at the drawing* You did such a good job! Go ahead with your talented self Skyefrost!<3

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:12 pm
by Skyefrost
Morishita wrote: I've always loved the Disney princess movies so it was a lot of fun doing that contrast of personalities with Acacia ^^ A tough girl who was actually crazy about being a princess <3 I'm really glad that her appearance didn't scare to many people away and I'm even more happy that her personality helped win over so many people as well!

Also that fanart IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! May I be allowed to post it on my site? I want to make a fanart page especially for it, if that's okay? Do you have a website that I could possibly link to as well so that others can find more of your beautiful art? Oh!! Just look at my Acacia!! You did such a great job on her hair and her eyes and EVERYTHING!!!! Thank you so much!!! *I'm extremely happy right now!! I'm not use to getting fan art!!!!* Q^Q Thank youuuuu~ *Continues to stare at the drawing* You did such a good job! Go ahead with your talented self Skyefrost!<3
Acacia is really pretty and tough and wayyy better then the regular otome girl. I wished for more protagonist like her. XD

Yes you may! Thank you for liking it! :D I'm glad that someone like my terrible messy art thingy. I was actually thinking that it wasn't so great, cause it was the best out of three pictures I actually did. But since you like this, you might want to see the others. The other two is sort of related like comic book style. I actually don't have any website cause usually I lurk and never comment on here> My da is really old etc.

Happy B-Day Acacia!
Acacia: What are you planning? .... She's problably going to surprised me with a hairnet because she thinks it's funny...
Then she sees! it's a Limited edition Once upon a time princess dress!
Then she sees! it's a Limited edition Once upon a time princess dress!
.......XD Sorry I had to!

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:19 pm
by CherryBombWizard
I had to create an account when I finished playing this game. I just had to compliment it. Not only is the art beautiful but the writing is amazing. I really felt drawn into and captivated by the story. I absolutely fell in love with all the characters and they all felt really fleshed out and real. And I loved Acacia. I love how she is a tough girl but she also a romantic at heart and she's so damn clueless; it's great! I also adored how the romance moved along in both of the romance routes.

In conclusion, wonderful characters, amazing art, and very enjoyable story. Definitely one of my my favorite VNs!

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:29 pm
by Arelune
This is my favourite NanoRenO game out of the ones I played yet. Both writing and art were great!

I don't really have a favourite character, nor path. I did find Damien's romance -not path- more interesting, but Edavine was much sweeter. If they were real people, I'd choose Edavine.
I also really like how you've written Aeron, even though he really makes me uncomfortable... I thought he was nice in Damien's, but I just wanted him to get away in Edavine's path.

I don't actually have anything constructive and meaningful to say, hah.
You've just gained a fan. :)

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:39 pm
by GreyLadyHelenaR
I'm fangirling so hard right now~
I absolutely love Acacia, and her mom and sister. Damien's route was funny and cute, but good lord, Edavine killed me. The man is just perfect! You did a marvellous job with the story and the characters, A++ for you!! :D I look forward to your future projects! ♥

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:16 pm
by Morishita
Skyefrost wrote:
Acacia is really pretty and tough and wayyy better then the regular otome girl. I wished for more protagonist like her. XD

Yes you may! Thank you for liking it! :D I'm glad that someone like my terrible messy art thingy. I was actually thinking that it wasn't so great, cause it was the best out of three pictures I actually did. But since you like this, you might want to see the others. The other two is sort of related like comic book style. I actually don't have any website cause usually I lurk and never comment on here> My da is really old etc.

[ttachment]size=150]Happy B-Day Acacia![/size]
Acacia: What are you planning? .... She's problably going to surprised me with a hairnet because she thinks it's funny...

.......XD Sorry I had to!
This is just to wonderful to describe in words! I've never received fanart like this so quickly!!! Thank you!! I'm so touched!! I made an extra special page to post them all on my website at S.K.Y. Art and Design so that everyone can see the beautiful drawings because I love them!! These mean so much to me that I'm getting all emotional! Q^Q These are just tooooo cute X3 You really captured their realtionship so well!! Thank you again!!
CherryBombWizard wrote:I had to create an account when I finished playing this game. I just had to compliment it. Not only is the art beautiful but the writing is amazing. I really felt drawn into and captivated by the story. I absolutely fell in love with all the characters and they all felt really fleshed out and real. And I loved Acacia. I love how she is a tough girl but she also a romantic at heart and she's so damn clueless; it's great! I also adored how the romance moved along in both of the romance routes.

In conclusion, wonderful characters, amazing art, and very enjoyable story. Definitely one of my my favorite VNs!
Wow! Thank you very much! I'm really touched that you went out of your way to do all of that and thank you so much for reading my work! I'm really happy that you enjoyed it!! It's so reassuring to see that all my worrying was for nothing because the writing was one of the things I was so worried about but I'm so relieved and feel very reassured now!! Thank you so much!

Arelune wrote:This is my favourite NanoRenO game out of the ones I played yet. Both writing and art were great!

I don't really have a favourite character, nor path. I did find Damien's romance -not path- more interesting, but Edavine was much sweeter. If they were real people, I'd choose Edavine.
I also really like how you've written Aeron, even though he really makes me uncomfortable... I thought he was nice in Damien's, but I just wanted him to get away in Edavine's path.

I don't actually have anything constructive and meaningful to say, hah.
You've just gained a fan. :)

That's okay! What you said was meaningful enough ^^ Thank you so much for playing it! It's kind of hard to just pick one that you might like all the way. I don't really have a solid favorite. Of course I do like Damien and Edavine more then Aeron but I still like Aeron because he's just so goofy ^^ I'm really glad that you enjoyed it =D
GreyLadyHelenaR wrote:I'm fangirling so hard right now~
I absolutely love Acacia, and her mom and sister. Damien's route was funny and cute, but good lord, Edavine killed me. The man is just perfect! You did a marvelous job with the story and the characters, A++ for you!! :D I look forward to your future projects! ♥
Thank you so much! I hope to not disappoint with my next project. This one was a lot of fun to do and I'm so glad that my work is paying off by seeing how well the story is liked because I was extremely worried about that ;^; Thank you so much for your kind comment!! It really does make me so happy! All of these comments just really make me feel so much joy! I could just turn in to one of those disney princess and start singing....but to bad my singing isn't that great so I would probably kill the mood ^^; Either way Thank you so much for reading it!

Re: A Troll's Fairy Tale [Otome] [GxB] [NaNoRenO 2013]

Posted: Fri Apr 05, 2013 11:42 pm
by Aseret
This game was simply amazing <3 Honestly, words can’t even describe how much fun I had playing it. The dialogue was awesome and I experienced so many emotions. I found myself shedding a few tears at times, laughing like crazy since it was so hilarious at other times, then blushing like a “hopeless romantic” and just felt so giddy the entire time I was playing it. It took me more than 3 hours, I think around 4 hours, since I was so busy laughing and squealing xD

The story had an interesting premise and I felt myself drawn to their magical world. Moreover, the art was beautiful – the character sprites, backgrounds, layout, etc were all breathtaking. You are an incredible artist. I also loved the different expressions all the characters had; it was really well done.

All the characters had great depth. I adored the mother and sister. Acacia’s family had a really good dynamic. I LOVED the main character; so much better than most otome MCs! She had tons of spunk and I really admired her strong, tough character. Yet, at the same time, she was someone who dreamt of finding true love that was like a fairy tale, just like any other girl.

The two main guys were simply incredible, not to mention gorgeous ;) I love how they like and accept Acacia for who she is (unlike Aeron *cough cough*). I liked Aeron at the beginning in Damien’s path and thought he was pretty cute.
However, I hated him in Edavine’s path. He changed from some shy cute guy in one path to a controlling self-righteous freak in the other path. I didn’t like how he kept on passively, yet aggressively tried changing Acacia. Like how Edavine put it, Aeron’s like “this irritating, cynical little gerbil with a weird twitch” LOL.
Anyways, I honestly can’t decide whether I liked Damien or Edavine more, since I loved both of them to pieces. They both had their great respective qualities that made me fall in love with both of them. For example, Damien was fiery passionate, while Edavine was heart-warmingly sweet. AHH my heart can’t take it anymore <3 For the poll, I’m extremely stuck picking between the two (why are you doing this to me lol, I wish you would do a special end scene for BOTH of them). I’ll pick Damien since there was more romance throughout his route. On the other hand, Edavine had most of his romance only at the end, since his path covered more background story. Plus, Edavine’s leading in the votes anyway. Still, for me, it really is an extremely close tie between the both of them :)

The music selection was perfect for the game and played at the right moments. The types of music you chose really fit with the different atmospheres of the game. P.S. You listed the name of the people who did the songs, but do you mind pm-ing me the names of all the songs you used, it’s taking me a while to find them and I enjoyed them :P Thanks!

If I had to make some criticism too… well, there were a quite a few typos and the like. However, truthfully, it didn’t matter to me at all – since the game was literally perfect anyway :D
Another teensy-weensy thing, I liked the 2 CGs in the game, but for Edavine’s CG, Acacia looks a bit too young and different from her sprite. Still, that’s a nitpicky thing and isn’t a big deal or anything. Also, I know you’re tired, and you need a well-deserved break. When you’re all “recharged” (*wink wink*), I hope you’ll update the game with the CGs you weren’t able to complete, and then add a CG gallery. I know I’m being greedy, but it’s your fault for making this exquisite game ;) I still can’t get over the fact that you created such a lovely gem in just a month.

Overall, this was such a FANTASTIC visual novel and I have officially become a huge fan of yours. Even more than before, I really can’t wait for your future works! Thank you for making this wonderful game!