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Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Fantasy)

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:27 am
by Mad_Scientist
This looks fun, and the artwork is very cute. I have to admit I have become something of a fan of yuri lately, so I am definitely looking forward to this.

One thing: I noticed music is the only thing left before the game is finished, and in the thread for your last game you said you suck at making music. Well, if you're looking for a source of free music to use, there have been some great resources posted in the Creative Commons board. One recently posted site consists of 500 tracks: over 19 hours worth of CC-BY-3.0 music. Don't know if it would be of any help to you as I don't know precisely what you're looking for music-wise, but I figured I'd mention it.

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Fantasy)

Posted: Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:58 pm
by SilverHyena
@Ophelia: That's a-okay! If I thought I saw a thread with Magikarp in the title I most likely would have clicked on it too! (It's one of my favorite pokemon after all :mrgreen: ) Anyway, thank you for the kind comments! I hope it will meet all your expectations when I finally finish it!

@silverpikachu99: I feel bad about torturing you with my lack of work ethic. (In all fairness though, it is only a hobby for me at this point so it's not high on my priorities list) Anyway, I'm going to try to get it out before the year ends. Hopefully you won't have to wait for it too much longer. (A couple of months still seems like a long time though, huh?)

@Alopex: I'm glad! I think I've improved a lot since Sacred Sand! Hopefully it will show in this vn even though it's a less ambitious one. I will say that there is only a little bit of kissing. I got tired of drawing kissing scenes. (I think that's Sacred Sand's fault actually. I drew so many cgs and a good chunk of them were kissing. Gah.)

@Mad_Scientist: Oooh! Thank you so much for the link! It looks like it'll be very useful! That was super thoughtful of you! I need as much help as I can get on the whole music thing. So yes, you've been super helpful! Thank you!

Update time: Well, I've honestly been distracted this month. Rune Factory 4, Beyond Two Souls, Pokemon, Nicole, and Hometown story all came out so my free time has been dedicated to playing the crud out of all those games. So, nothing has gotten done-- until today! I finished putting together the first scene which is probably the longest one. I'm going to try and get at least one scene done a day so I'll actually get some stuff done. Aaaanyway, I'm going to do my very best to get this game done before the end of the year so look forward to it.

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Fantasy)

Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 12:18 pm
by silverpikachu99
SilverHyena wrote: @silverpikachu99: I feel bad about torturing you with my lack of work ethic. (In all fairness though, it is only a hobby for me at this point so it's not high on my priorities list) Anyway, I'm going to try to get it out before the year ends. Hopefully you won't have to wait for it too much longer. (A couple of months still seems like a long time though, huh?)
Nah don't worry! I'm a very patient person- so of course I would definitely wait until this is done! Sacred sand was adorable- and I'm sure this one will be too! Good luck ♪───O(≧∇≦)O────♪

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Fantasy)

Posted: Tue Nov 12, 2013 6:52 am
by SilverHyena
@silverpikachu99: Thanks for being so patient! I think part of my slowness is because I keep wanting to work on bxb stuff. :shock: But I am determined to get this done! And I'm pretty close anyway since I'm at the point where I just need music and some touch up work here and there. Yaaaay!

Updates: I have just finished putting in all the sprites and backgrounds and what not! Now I just need to put in music and playtest it to make sure everything works okay. Progress! :D It will get done eventually!

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Fantasy)

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2013 4:12 pm
by neenbean
I cannot even wait for this. I just registered to this site to tell you so. :D I am such a huge fan of Sacred Sands, and being a lesbian myself, I saw this and did a literal dance of joy. There will be SO many happy dances when I finally get to play this.

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Fantasy)

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 3:47 am
by SilverHyena
@neenbean: Aww! Thanks so much! That makes me really happy! I just hope I do all the gxg stuff justice. It's my first real attempt at it. Hopefully it's okay at least.

Good news everyone! (Read in a Prof. Farnsworth voice. :P)
While the game isn't completely finished, I decided to go ahead and release this version while I'm figuring out the music situation. It's pretty much the complete game without sound and fancy menus. Those things will be added for the final version. Anyway, this is your chance to look it over and give me some feedback-- if you want to of course.

Also, small warning:

It's a bit sexier than my other game. It's still pretty tame, but there are a few images that might make you want to play it when you don't have company. Example: the mermaid is topless, but her hair covers up the important bits. Anyway, should be nothing new for people who watch anime all the time. Just thought I'd give you all a heads up.

And now for the download links--

4shared link: ... _Musi.html?

mediafire link: ...

If there is a download site you prefer (that is free) I can try to upload it there. Just let me know.

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 6:25 am
by ShippoK
I've actually been quite excited for this. (Really!)
Let's get to reading this.

Alright, I've gotten a good amount of the NV done.
Time to show off my bad criticism once again.

(I'll put this one issue here because I don't know if this will be fixed in the final version or not.)
-The Text menu makes some of the text hard to read at point. I blame that flower at the end and white lines at the upper and bottom parts of the box; Also, the text is also kind of bland to look at lot of times.
--Some lines feel unnecessary, mostly all those extra "...." lines put in here and there.

-The choices feel wonky. I sometimes end up with a lovers ending when I act like a total jerk to Odette, other times I get the friendship ending when I act all lovey-dovy with her. They could use a bit of work here and there.

-I, myself, really enjoy your art style. The color's you use really pop out to me without coming off too dark or light.
--The characters are a big improvement. They are much more enjoyable to watch and read in this then the characters in Sacred Sand were. But, then again, they were only five characters to work with this time around.
---The relationship that Odette and Mira share is very well done; from then either being lovers or continuing to be good old rivals in the end. Strangely, I think I enjoyed the friendly co-worker ending the most out of all of the endings the two had.

It's a sweet game in all, even if it's short. If anything, it's a great improvement from Sacred sand to say the least.

Also, I think one of the endings with Prof won't activate.
I've tried every method I could think of but, I can't get her (03 - Bathing buddies) end at all.

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 1:35 pm
by bellice
Gonna go ahead and play this right the f now. (Even though I should be writing a term paper whoops.)

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 9:46 pm
by silverpikachu99
jsrblwukwj OHMYGOSH *downloads now* 0^0

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Sun Dec 08, 2013 10:52 pm
by cladinpink
Well, I was gonna go to bed since it's pretty late early, but.... *INSTANT DOWNLOAD*

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Thu Dec 12, 2013 10:06 pm
by neenbean

So excited!! *downloads fast*

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:29 pm
by Mad_Scientist
Ok, I played through the VN and had fun! The game was very cute and sweat, and the artwork was also cute.

The main issues I have with the game are all technical ones, most of them minor. The critical issue is that, as ShippoK found out, it's impossible to get ending 3 (I looked at the script to double check, more on that later). There were a few other technical quirks you may want to fix though.

I noticed that:

* The scene changes are a bit inconsistent: in some cases you use dissolve or fade when going to a new background or CG, in other cases you don't use a transition at all.

* Also, the first time they go to the forest, the shop background fades out during the transition but Odette's sprite remains until the new BG shows up, and then it disappears instantly, which looks kind of odd.

* Shortly after this, when Odette sees the pixie, the textbox vanishes for a moment, like it does when a sprite is appearing or disappearing, but nothing happens. When I looked at the script to figure out if ending 03 was possible, I decided to check here and see what is happening, and it looks like the Odette sprite is supposed to still be visible after going to the forest, and she's supposed to run off during this scene.

Looking at the code, I'm not even sure why the Odette sprite behaves the way it does during the first shop-to-forest transition, and disappears at all. I guess it has something to do with the way this function works.

Code: Select all

$ express =
But I've never used that before and I don't know how it works.

* When Sybelle shows up in the shop near the end of the game, she has some extra dialogue if you saw her earlier at the hot springs. When this dialogue is spoken, it causes Sybelle's sprite to instantly vanish and then fade back in.

* Like ShippoK mentioned, some of the choice results seem odd. For example,
being nice to Odette about the bed actually doesn't have a result on the ending, despite effecting the dialogue quite a bit in a way that seems like it should have an effect on the ending.
* And most importantly, i's impossible to get ending 03. In order to get that ending, these conditions need to be fulfilled.
1) Mira has to tell Sybelle about what happened so the ending scenes where Sybelle is present occur.
2) The "earlysybelle" flag must be true. This is achieved by seeing Sybelle at the hot springs.
3) The "opoints" flag must be false. This flag is set to true if you pursue Odette in the forest rather than trying to catch a pixie.

Since you never get the option to go to the hot springs unless you first pursue Odette, this means it's impossible to get the earlysybelle flag without also getting the opoints flag. Thus, there is no way to get the Bathing Buddies ending.
Despite the list of issues above, I liked the VN quite a bit. Most of those are all minor issues, and the only real frustration was trying to get ending 03. I definitely look forward to seeing the release with music and the fixed ending.

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2013 5:54 pm
by CBanana
Overall, I definitely like it. It's short but sweet and has a sense of fun about it.

One thing I noticed is that ending 3 is impossible to get to. I looked at the script and apparently the variable that makes ending 3 possible by going to the hot springs also requires, by the previous choice to set opoints to true which overrides ending 3.

Although when fixing these this, you'll need to be careful to make sure ending 2 & 6 don't become impossible. :)

Edit: Ninja'd. I took too long looking at the code. :wink:

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:58 am
by SilverHyena
Long time no see. My bad. Sometimes when you take a small break it just kind of turns into a really long one... (Or is that just me and my lazy bum?) On the plus side, I'll be able to take a fresh look at the script without going insane and hopefully correct some errors I missed before.

Anyway, thank you to everyone who downloaded and gave it a shot. Special thanks to the people who gave me some feedback. You all had some seriously helpful stuff to say. I can't promise I'll fix everything. It kind of just depends on how long my willpower lasts. Anyway, the list below is stuff I feel NEEDS to be fixed before releasing the final version. (It's kind of more for my own organization purposes, but hey, you might find it interesting)

Things to do/fix/mess with:

- Music
- Transitions
- Make sure all the endings are accessible (a.k.a. pound head on desk wondering what I was thinking when I messed with the conditions)
- Credits (Forgot to do this earlier... :oops: )
- Fix the sprite appearance problems and what not Mad_Scientist pointed out (Thank you!)

Oh, and just a warning, the final version might still take awhile since I'm seriously considering trying out the NaNoRenO thing. If I do end up doing it, that will end up occupying my time next month. If not, well, I'll get around to fixing stuff a little faster.

NOW! Onto Replies! (To keep the post a little shorter I'm just going to reply to the longer comments, but thank you again to everyone who downloaded the game)

@ShippoK: Your nitpicks are actually really helpful! I made the textbox darker right after reading your comment so rest easy knowing that you have protected the eyesight of future players. Since I spent so much time away from this game I'm going to take another look at the script and see if I can cut down on some of those "..." lines. The more I think about it the more I think you're right. And yeah, I agree about the choices too. I thought the choices in Sacred Sand might have been too obvious so I think I overcompensated for that in this one. Anyway, I probably won't change it for this game, but I will keep it in mind for future games! Anyway, thank you for taking the time to give me all the great pointers!

@Mad_Scientist: You pointed out a lot of great stuff. Well, it's not great that they're there, but it's great that you pinpointed them and I can fix them. Hah. Thank you! I was having issues with the transitions so in a ragequit type move I tried to take them all out at the last minute. I think I've got a solution now so hopefully everything will go smoothly in that department. And yeah, I'll see what I can do about the coding. My knowledge is veeeeeeeery limited as far as that goes, but I can probably figure something out. They seem like quick fixes anyway. Anyway, thank you again! The feedback you gave me is really helpful!

@CBanana: Haha, yeah. I actually made it impossible to access when I was trying to make it possible to access another ending. Thus, I thought all the endings were obtainable when I released it. I'm so sorry. I can already tell that this is going to be the most annoying thing to fix. Ah well. I'll figure it out somehow. Thank you for your kind comment!

Re: Mira's Magical Mishap (GxG) (Non-final version available

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:45 am
by Sidji972
I don't know why but i love your style ! :roll: GL with your project :)

Odette et Cybelle <3

Lee :'(((((((((