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Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:58 am
by Cera L. Hendry
pwisaguacate > You really REALLY want to read the old version? XD Luckily I still have it up on DeviantART: ... -286049993
(Cringes at artwork) Still... I guess it's not as dated at the original manga version I started illustrating from many years ago ^^; This story has been kicking around with me for far too long...

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:19 am
by Aisserium

I just played it and... I love it. I like how the characters are, hoy realistic they seem, and everything. Every time I read a book or something with a "new world" I think that it will be difficult to know the countries, and who is the enemy of who... things like that, but in Ex Astris is well explained.

It's interesting, and I enjoyed it. I will wait to read the next chapter.

Ah, one thing (maybe you already said it), will you release the second chapter next, or all the game together?

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:56 am
by bunnyhug
I've never played LINEAR, so I'm not able to draw any comparisons, but!! WOW!!!!!! There were so many things I loved about this VN I don't even know where to begin!!!!!

I LOVED Lanis!! What a refreshing main character! She's so assertive and unique, but also playful and charming. It was an absolute delight to experience the world through her perspective – great work investing the reader in such a strong and confident female lead!! ;v;

One of my absolute favourite parts of this story was the communication between Lanis and Zarah at the start of the VN – it was really refreshing to see the relationship between the main character and their family exhibited within the story itself!! Too often, it seems like the MC's family is completely disregarded in favour of the progression of the story, but the way you used Lanis and Zarah's relationship to exhibit their personalities and begin building up Lanis' personality was really wonderful. It was so casual and fun and REAL and I very much enjoyed reading their conversation! nvn Excellent character development, and a really sweet way to open the story.

I really love the treatment of psychic powers in this story – the government's desire to closely control and monitor them is really realistic and a nice departure from the usual tropes surrounding the subject. It's easy to see there was a lot of research and thought put into the system by which things are run, and it's wonderful! It's so nice to experience such a strictly defined system, free of nagging loopholes or glaring inaccuracies. It's really refreshing, and I commend your hard work! *o* Also, I really appreciated the map that was shown partway into the story, too! nvn Seeing the exact way Loenn, E'Sehet, Xian, etc. are layed out in regards to each other makes picturing the geography significantly easier, and allowed me to focus on the story (the wonderful story!!! ;u;) instead of trying to picture this map without any outside assistance.

I'm not usually a fan of sound effects being used in visual novels, but I found them to really add to the immersion, here! I'm so glad they were used. I particularly loved the SE used for the vehicle elevator in the military base. It added a lot to the atmosphere of the environment, and I commend you for your wonderful choice in sounds!!

Additionally, I'm a big fan of the way Lanis' full sprite was shown on-screen. Not that I'm not a fan of side-image sprites, it's just that it really allowed me to get a good feel for her mannerisms and style, and it really helped with the way the reader was placed in the story - more of a bystander than a surrogate for Lanis. I liked that a lot!
The scene with the visions from Ash was done so well!! You really captured the disorientation Lanis felt extremely accurately. It was confusing and mystifying and shjfkl I can't even gather together the words to describe how much I loved it! Really really well done.
The ending of the chapter left me with so many questions but also with so much anticipation!!! *-* I can't begin to explain how excited I am for the next chapter! Absolutely amazing work! You are a really talented storyteller, and an amazing artist! The story and graphics complimented each other so well and created such a thoroughly compelling VN <33 Thank you for this wonderful work! I eagerly await your next release!

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:01 pm
by philip
@pwisaguacate: CERA posted in the "Linear" thread, the following:

Well considering it was exported as an .swf, the only downloadable version I can offer you that self-contained .swf file on DeviantART. ... 9#/d4qb1l5
You'll see the Download File link to the right? You'll need a basic Flash player to play the file outside a browser window though.

So feel free to save it to your computer but if you extend the window beyond it's 800 x 600 constraints you might see some 'off-stage' stuff ^^; I should mask that all out in later releases if more people are going to download the raw SWF.

So you can get a flash version of it there.

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:42 am
by pwisaguacate
Well, the read was enjoyed; I will be waiting for the next chapter.

@phillip: I know how to deal with it; thanks though.

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Tue Jul 09, 2013 12:10 pm
by Rainbow Colors
Just played it, and I can't wait for the next chapter to come out >u>

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:29 am
by frederic09
Cera L. Hendry wrote:frederic09 > It's nice to hear you liked the old artwork. XD Believe me, it was a HARD decision to allow Lanis to lose the glasses. They were so iconic for her. But I thought, in an era where they're producing artificial humans... would people REALLY still wear glasses? We already have decent laser eye surgery today... I'm thinking about it too much aren't I? Yes I am... I really need to stop listening to my 'unfun logic'. This is a world of fantasy after all. XD
Who knows? Even if the technology can do laser surgery, there still can be people who could wear glasses "for the fun".

Because, you know, there are people buying lenses just to change their eye's color, so it might be the same too in the game; but for the the glasses :P

And even if you says she was iconic, she had a scientific "wibe" with her glasses, specially when she was wearing the lab coat x) It really looks like she was made for that job. At least it's what i think ^_^

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 6:40 am
by effenelle
just asking, Xian and E'Sehet look a lot like Malaysia. Was it intentional? I'm from Malaysia, btw. :)

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Sun Jul 14, 2013 7:25 am
by Cera L. Hendry
@effenelle The likeliness to Malaysia is technically unintentional but I was pulling my inspiration for the island layouts and map from that region. So well caught! ;)

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:48 pm
by mklinsao
Oh! I remember playing Linear Vol. 1 ages ago and wondering what had happened to it. Gonna play this!

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2013 10:35 am
by distorsion
Such a good game! The art, the characters, the worldbuilding and of course the story are really well done. I can't wait for the next part, and I'm sure once I've played it I won't be able to wait for the one after it!

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 4:09 am
by Mamihlapinatapai
AH! Now I remember why this looked so familiar! Linear used to be a webcomic a long time ago wasn't it?!
:mrgreen: I'm glad you're turning your comic into vn form, I loved it a lot!

The story is different and I remember Ash as being more of a jerk ( :lol: ) but it's still really good.
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

You don't know how happy this makes me~~


Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 5:39 am
by Cera L. Hendry
@Mamihlapinatapai ~ Oh wow! You really are a fan from a long way back! :D Yes, it is Linear in its newest form. It's only been... how many years? Too many! I try not to think about it.

I think Ash has probably changed the most, his character is pretty complex in this version. (I struggle with him) Although don't pass him off as a 'nice' guy just yet. XD

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Mon Aug 19, 2013 12:29 am
by Lesleigh63
This had a very polished feel to it. I commend you for not rushing it and getting everything spot on. Very nice writing and I liked the pacing. I like the artwork using a blend of the sprites and CG to help 'pinpoint' the story. Sorry when it ended - will definitely look out for Chapter 2. Ash is a very interesting character.

Re: Ex Astris [GxB][Light Sci-fi/Supernatural]

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:05 pm
by trooper6
Just finished this. I was hoping for a bit more meaningful player choice...but that really is the only nit pick I have.

The story is very interesting, the first chapter compelling, I love the Britishisms in the language. The world clearly had a lot of thought put into it, and I really appreciate that. The cultures have a feel of being real, and I really like all the characters we met. This is really well done and I'm looking forward to the next installment!