Jitteh Dawn (Linux version now up)

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#16 Post by parvenue »

Heh, I played through and got all the endings. This game was an enjoyable play-through for me. Nice choice with the art and music, by the way. there was only one time where I thought the art was a little weird placed (that scene where Sayaka & Ms. Yado are standing next to each other in a certain ending) but that was it.
Like others, I was kind of expecting more of a tie-in with the half-demon thing, however, what was there was good.

Thanks to this game, I'll always remember to drink coffee to avoid sure-fire snake death. Yay for life saving coffee. :D
This game didn't take long for me to fully complete, so anyone reading this should really try it out for themselves. It's not a terrible game by any means. :P


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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#17 Post by Guest »

Fuuuuuuuun. :]

I can't say much, since it's my first VN, but heck, it was fun :]

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#18 Post by ButtercupSaiyan is too lazy to sign in »

Downloaded it, will play.

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#19 Post by mikey »

Whee, I finally played and enjoyed it!

I agree with DaFool's remark on that it somehow really evokes the Japan-feel, well done.
DaFool wrote:this is the first time seeing them in an OELVN.
Well, there was at least one that was used in Senior Year. But it didn't matter that much.


I played through all the endings, and I got the "true" or best ending as well. papillon mentioned this a bit, and I'd say it did have a similar effect on me as well. It just leaves you wanting more, wanting to know all about what happened, and as for me, I wanted to specifically learn more about the secret and how it tied into the global happenings... but again, sometimes this is already a good effect that a game can have - certainly I wasn't disappointed, and I thought about how things might have been for quite a while after playing. :P

Plus, it isn't typical that I finish all the endings in one play-session - but this one was very interesting indeed, so I did. :P

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#20 Post by Sakurazaki »

Well this was my first English VN actually, as I usually play untranslated Japanese VNs. And I have to say I got inspired to make one. :3 The graphics/music fit in well. You captured the feel of Japan nicely as well lol. The story was very interesting. All I have to say:

I want more. :3 Keep it going!
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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#21 Post by Guest again »

That was a pretty good game... I think
I really think with all the plot you had in the begining, you could have gotten a pretty awesome game outta it.

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#22 Post by Ivlivs »

Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yeah, this is the first VN I've ever made. Glad you enjoyed it, though.
Jitteh Dawn --- A VN by Ivlivs

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#23 Post by same guest »

Ivlivs wrote:Thanks for taking the time to respond. Yeah, this is the first VN I've ever made. Glad you enjoyed it, though.
Yup. I thought it was pretty alright. If you ever decide to prolong it, I think it could be great, but other than that...

It was your first? Awesome brah! :D

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#24 Post by storm-and-fire »

I found Jitteh Dawn to have a very interesting premise and be very well written.
Visually, it was very pleasing. These backgrounds were downright awesome.

That's what I think in short. ;) Got the best ending on the second try, but I haven't played more because I need to get down and write my own script~

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#25 Post by Ivlivs »

Glad to hear it.
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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#26 Post by Mirena »

Hmm, just played it. It was a nice game, though I have some criticism as well:
In general, I thought the story was a bit weak and there just wasn't enough suspense for my taste. Even when they were held prisoner in the family's house, and when they were lost in the woods it didn't make me feel particular about what happened.. I mostly felt distached to the events. The secret confused me more than it cleared me up, sorry. And like others have mentioned using the half-demon thing more might have spiced up the story.
I know that just was a load I unloaded on you, I hope you don't take it the wrong way. I generally like getting criticism, since it helps me improve~

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#27 Post by GraMana »

Hmm, I really have mixed feelings about this game; like storm-and-fire said, there is really of potential to be had with this premise you've set up - an interesting world (a modern pseudo-Nippon still in monarch rule) with an interesting conflict (something related to eugenics, which is relatively fresh topic for VNs). It's just that it's really almost impossible to deliver any sort of satisfactory development and conclusion with such a short story (even in the "best" end, very little things change and you still only a little bit more enlightened when you've began).

On the technical side, I thought the artwork and music was used pretty well, though perhaps a little bit more sprites (for Tatsu, for example) would've been nice. The writing seemed pretty decent for an amateur level. There were some rough transitions between the narration and dialogue sequences, and maybe one or two instances of unnecessary repetition within the protagonist's internal monologue and his dialogue. But overall, it was an entertaining read with characters of character.

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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#28 Post by x__sinister »

Woah woah. Weird coincidence.

You used the same music for the intro scene as I was going to use for an intro scene in my VN.
Awesome, though.
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Re: Jitteh Dawn (Mac OS X version now up)

#29 Post by Mikan »

I'm only 15 minutes into this game, but already I have a list of things that are going on in my mind.
1. Why are all their names in Japanese? Why are all the location names in Japanese? Couldn't the game have worked just as well with proper English names? If not, why?
2. The main character's motivation comes from reading a novel? What got him to read that book? Why is he interested in history? He needs a better motivation than this.
3. Is that the kitchen from Rozen Maiden?
4. If so, does suiseiseki feature in it sometime?
and while you may not have any control over this last one:
5. The way the let picture cuts off at the neck is sort of odd. I wish it had their head and a bit of their shoulders.


Hi, your version works with Linux?

#30 Post by Barz »

Hi, your version works with Linux?

send me a Mail if yes or when you developed


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