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Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 8:49 pm
by Lee_Hitsugaya
Ren'Py commited suicide when it plays my game?! :shock:

Wow....and I thought it was good. XD. guess even the code hates itself. heehee. Anyway. I'm sorry it dies. If you want i think the code isn't obfsucated so u can try to fix it. It's probably an issue with the timing. Anyway.

In reguards to the 2nd episode i dunno how contriversial its gonna b but hey, i've never been 1 to turn down controversial subjects b4. So y start now? :twisted: Anyway. I'll send u an updated script with about 1-2 new pages of work.

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:11 pm
by Lee_Hitsugaya
Oh. and also. For the battle scenes. I'm debating weather to make them Linear or interactive. Which would you prefer



Player: RED ALERT!

Tactical: Firing torpedos

(bridge shake)]


Player: RED ALERT!

(choice: Fire phasers, Torpedoes, evasive manuevers, attack vector)

(go to cutscene specially made from Bridge Commander) ]

Which do you like better? I'd be using NanoFX and Kobyashi Maru. Along with BCS.

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 5:35 am
by Der Tor
Kobyashi Maru? So that means the player has no chance of winning? :mrgreen:

I would suggest letting the player choose what tactic he want's to use (also let him raise the shilds, and don't tell him if he forgets it, but just let him get blown to pieces :-) )Also if the battle is going badly, you could let him choose to try some old tricks like wenting plasma and ejecting debrie so that the enemy thinks he is crippled and comes closer, or let him choose to do the "picard manouver" (of course that will only work if the other ship has crappy sensors, so the succes of the battle should depend on whether the player is able to correctly evaluate the situation).

Regarding the coversation with Volron, don't let the player speak to the president directly, it makes it more realistic if he speaks with his representative.

"Tom Paris: Never even said goodbye."

If some of the senior staff like Tom and B'lana are still on board, why aren't they in command? besdies they act like the player would outrank them, when in fact they outrank the player (but you could leave Harry Kim on board since the player outraks him :-) )

As for Iraq... i don't know much about it, so i won't make any comments on your political situation (-:

As for the first bad ending... why does closing the plasma injectors cause a warpcore breach?
It should go something like you let the enemy steal your warpcore, cause you figured out a way to get it back later. But than something goes wrong in the transport of the Warpcore and it explodes on THEIR ship. The game is than over with a bad ending, since Voyager has no chance of getting home now, and is stranded on that planet.

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:56 am
by Der Tor
I allready posted the following on the other topic, but since i want to make sure you read it, i am going to post it here as well. I will not have time to read you next chapters or to post again. So i wish you good look and success with ya project.


One of the actors who was the main guest star in one of the Voyager episodes, is a personal friend of mine. Now i am not telling you that because i want to boast, but because this guy later went on to become a Writer and Producer an all of the movies and plays he produces or writes allways have a very strong moral messege. But at the same time they also have intresting stories, deep characters, suspense and funny scenes.

He also wrote and produced a motion picture that was an extremely deep moral tale and he won dozens of prizes for it from all over the world.

The point is that (as long as you are a good writer) wanting to convey a strong moral messege as your main intention for your piece, is not going to be a hinderance but plus. It also DOES NOT take away from your characters, or from the romance, or the suspense, but it will ad to it if you do it the right way.

Of course the point is that you really have to believe in what you want to get across. If you only superficialy and on the sidetracks have a character do moral preaching... of course your story is gonna suck majorly. You don't go and have the chracters preach at the audiance, but you do it like in Shakespeare where the downfall of your protagonist is connected to the moral mistakes he made.

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 12:37 pm
by Lee_Hitsugaya
It's not a warp core breach persay. the Ankari ship took the warp core and left the plasma storage containers. So when the core is taken, plasma flows into the ship itself melting anything in its path.

And Kobyashi Maru is just a kick @$$ mod 4 BC

EDIT: In reguards to ranks tom and B'llana both are/were maquis making them less trust worthy. Plus i mean a female Klingon the best person 2 have as captain during PEACE talks?

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:01 am
by Lee_Hitsugaya
Ok. I got a question. Do you think it's a good idea to get the cast of voyager for the original stories

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 11:32 am
by Der Tor
I lost the job i just started again )-:

So i now have time to read ya scripts again (-:

As for the cast... sure... if it fits you can mix it... (i allways wanted Q and Trilane to meet each other... or are they actually the same person?)

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 1:29 pm
by Lee_Hitsugaya
Oh, sorry about ur job, and mkay. I still am lookin for artists so I'm kinda at a standstill.

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 5:16 pm
by Der Tor
I hope your project will be realized... i would so much love to see Kes in anime style (-: (had a huge crush on her when the series came out... still do actually :-)

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 11:21 am
by Lee_Hitsugaya
lol, so far 3 ppl were like "Sure! I can draw!" as soon as they saw Star Trek

"ur on ur own pal"


Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 12:27 pm
by Der Tor
yeah... that's gonna be a problem... cause trekkies don't know jack about drawing, and those who CAN draw don't know jack about Star Trek (that in itself wouldn't be a problem, they could draw it even without ever having seen Star Trek, but the problem is that they don't understand what Star Trek is about... for them it's just a stupid Science-Fiction show... so naturaly somebody who doesn't understand, won't help you )-:

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:08 pm
by Lee_Hitsugaya
I totally agree, I'm about ready to give then character pics and say a "Sci-Fi" game cuz ppl don't care about Sci-Fi. Hopefully they won't recognize the uniforms. ^^

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 5:11 pm
by Der Tor

If everything falls apart you can allways make Voyager a Navy ship and replace the planets with islands :mrgreen:

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:43 pm
by Lee_Hitsugaya
:cry: but i wub my phwazers.....

lol, yea, i think i got some1 on it. not to sure though. Also, you think you know anyone who would want to help out in the coding department? I dunno how to get the game to remeber what the player has done.

Re: Star Trek: Voyager NOW RECRUITING

Posted: Thu Sep 20, 2007 8:27 pm
by Der Tor
Best ask in the ren'py section.

When i open a new threat asking for help in the ren'py section, i get help within minutes.

When i ask for help in the thread for my game - nobody EVER answers it (still haven't gotten a reply... say you don't happen to know the reason why ren'py refuses to play any music in my game?) :mrgreen: