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Re: Locked Heart (GxB)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 12:51 pm
by Sitraxis
Mad Harlequin wrote: True. But all of them have ties, and most people would look at a bear wearing one and assume it is male---women do wear ties, but generally speaking I think society (regrettably) still views the tie as a male accessory. This is why I thought personality dictated their roles in the Goldilocks story: Papa Bear is grumpy, Mama Bear is good-natured and graceful, and Baby Bear is fun-loving and childish.
Wow, I never knew. :o Well, I only have seen lots of male bears in my lifetime. :lol: Anyway, that is an interesting take on how they are assigned to their nicknames.
It's actually explained in the first few scenes of the game. :) I'll see what riiko08 has to say since I told myself not to spill too much. >u<;;

Re: Locked Heart (GxB)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:22 pm
by Kyra10
1. Is the story interesting enough? Will you play it once it's finished?
Yes, the story is absolutely interesting! I'd love to play it when it's done!
2. Which route will you pursue first based on the character descriptions? (I'm one of those otome players who choose a route based on a guy's looks so I'm curious about this one ^^)
Deon~ \(^_^)/
3. Do you have any questions? Critiques? Feedback?
I just want to say that I'm really looking forward to this game and best of luck!

Re: Locked Heart (GxB)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 1:34 pm
by Sitraxis
Kyra10 wrote:1. Is the story interesting enough? Will you play it once it's finished?
Yes, the story is absolutely interesting! I'd love to play it when it's done!
2. Which route will you pursue first based on the character descriptions? (I'm one of those otome players who choose a route based on a guy's looks so I'm curious about this one ^^)
Deon~ \(^_^)/
3. Do you have any questions? Critiques? Feedback?
I just want to say that I'm really looking forward to this game and best of luck!
Wow, Deon is leading with 3 points now while Royal and Sol are on a tie! :lol: Thanks so much for you've interest, as well! :D We'll have the demo up soon. ^7^

Re: Locked Heart (GxB)

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 4:19 pm
by LucaMadison
Great work! It looks fantastic! I keep an eye in this project! ^^

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Fairy Tale Re-telling)

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 11:58 am
by iiStarCandy
This looks so cute! The story's a great one even though it's based off another. Is the MC's name changeable?

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Fairy Tale Re-telling)

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 6:04 am
by Sitraxis
LucaMadison wrote:Great work! It looks fantastic! I keep an eye in this project! ^^
Thank you~ :D We'll do our very best. :')
iiStarCandy wrote:This looks so cute! The story's a great one even though it's based off another. Is the MC's name changeable?
Thank you very much. :') Koori made the bears are really adorable~ XD

The MC's name was changeable for a while but we decided not to implement it. :o We'll just see what riiko08 has to say. ;)

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Fairy Tale Re-telling)

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:55 am
by LovetteSakura
Wow the game looks great and really cute I can't wait till it is finished ^^

Re: Locked Heart (GxB)

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 9:32 pm
by riiko08
aquantinar wrote:...Oh? O_o
Do my eyes decieve me...?
I feel like I've seen your beautiful art somewhere in these forums ^^
(Correct me if I'm wrong >///< but your art really is magnificient)

Okay, let me start by answering your questions :)
1. Are you kidding me? Really? A story based on the story of Goldilocks...?
..THAT IS SO AWESOME! I love it, I love it, I love it~~ D'aww, it feels like I'm reading one of my old fairytale books again, brings back so much memories O__Q *Sniffles* I just love VNs like this~ I'm sure going to play this! Yes'ir, I will! TTATT *sallutes*
2. Hrmh, tough call there... '-')a
Who to pick, who...? I usually like to pick the grumpy bachelors first when dealing with games like this, but... Since you put a prankster here... I'm kinda torn apart ;___; (You big meanie youuu- *cries* <--- Just kidding ^^;;)
But, yeah... I'd pick Royal LeBlanc first.. ^^)b I like tragic stories where there are people dying~ (That sounds wrong right there --" please don't think weird of me! ==") And I really like the idea of hiding (?) the male sprites so that we could give you better judgement for who is the most attractive! :D I wouldn't have thought of that ;)
3. Um... What should I ask? Do I have to ask you something this instant?! O__O
Hmmm..... Uh, does her (MC) ability to cook have some sort of power that could break the curse?
(Okay.... That question was weird TT_TT I'm sorry.. I'll think of a better one)
So that's all ^^
I'll be looking forward to this games progress! Good luck for the team :)

Fheeww.. I typed a lot *wipes sweat*
Welp, toodles~
Lol! I do have some of my art somewhere in here *w*

I'm so glad Royal's story interest you. We'll do our best to make it worth playing >w<
(don't worry, I shall post the human sprites soon)
Mad Harlequin wrote: My only question so far is related to the bears' "titles"---am I right in assuming they're assigned based on personality? (Sol is "Mama Bear" but he's obviously male.)
I did assigned them knowing the bears' personality, but the reason why they were called that, you'll have to find out by playing. I don't want to spoil too much ^_^
iiStarCandy wrote:This looks so cute! The story's a great one even though it's based off another. Is the MC's name changeable?
It was originally planned to be changeable but I decided not to pursue it anymore. (since Locked heart was also originally meant to be a really simple and super short game but then we expanded it. Probably in our future games, we'll definitely include a name change)

Thank you so much for the wonderful comments everyone! It really motivated us to work faster (without compromising the quality of course!) We'll definitely do our best to provide a good game XD

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Fairy Tale Re-telling)

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 12:14 pm
by pickle131
1. Is the story interesting enough? Will you play it once it's finished?
I'm personally a huge fan of classic children's stories with a unique twist, so this looks really interesting to me. I also like how you chose a story like Goldilocks since it isn't overdone and it's nice to see someone making their own rendition of it! The plush toys idea is also adorable haha.

2. Which route will you pursue first based on the character descriptions? (I'm one of those otome players who choose a route based on a guy's looks so I'm curious about this one ^^)
I'm actually one to follow a route based on personality, and from the descriptions I'd likely go for Deon haha.

3. Do you have any questions? Critiques? Feedback?
The art looks lovely so far! I'm also curious what the animated sections will be, as well as the chibi theatre haha.

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Fairy Tale Re-telling)

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 3:48 pm
by CatyCats
1. Is the story interesting enough? Will you play it once it's finished?
Yep! Who doesn't love dating bears! :D (Well, I saw pigeons, but that's not cute..)

2. Which route will you pursue first based on the character descriptions? (I'm one of those otome players who choose a route based on a guy's looks so I'm curious about this one ^^)

Ill take the cold-attitude butler (the cold ones are the interesting ones)
3. Do you have any questions? Critiques? Feedback?
hmm~ Love the art, orignal story, love fantasy and idk, it's like a fairytail :D
But when will be the demo out?

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Fairy Tale Re-telling)

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 4:18 pm
by ririruetoo
When I read this post, I was very excited to play it. Then I realized it was a work-in-progress. While I realize real life troubles trump any priorities to finish a VN, there have been a ton of VN's throughout the years with tons of potential and they are never finished. So, yes I will play this game in a heart-beat should it ever be completed. Until that day though, I shall not hold my breath in anticipation.

I realize this sounds sort of pessimistic, and for that I apologize, but I hope with all sincerity you finish this. Good luck and know that I along with many others will enjoy it immensely.

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Fairy Tale Re-telling)

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 10:09 pm
by riiko08
pickle131 wrote:1. Is the story interesting enough? Will you play it once it's finished?
I'm personally a huge fan of classic children's stories with a unique twist, so this looks really interesting to me. I also like how you chose a story like Goldilocks since it isn't overdone and it's nice to see someone making their own rendition of it! The plush toys idea is also adorable haha.

2. Which route will you pursue first based on the character descriptions? (I'm one of those otome players who choose a route based on a guy's looks so I'm curious about this one ^^)
I'm actually one to follow a route based on personality, and from the descriptions I'd likely go for Deon haha.

3. Do you have any questions? Critiques? Feedback?
The art looks lovely so far! I'm also curious what the animated sections will be, as well as the chibi theatre haha.
That's actually one of the reasons why I chose Goldilocks since I've never seen a re-telling of this story before so I thought that it might be very interesting. I'm a big fan of fairytales so making re-tellings of them are fun!
//hints when we finish this, the next one is actually another fairytale re-telling
Yay! Another point for Deon~ <3
The animations are more like animated chibis like the one @sitraxis posted on the first page (they're really cute!) Thank you so much! We'll do our best to finish this asap!
CatyCats wrote:1. Is the story interesting enough? Will you play it once it's finished?
Yep! Who doesn't love dating bears! :D (Well, I saw pigeons, but that's not cute..)

2. Which route will you pursue first based on the character descriptions? (I'm one of those otome players who choose a route based on a guy's looks so I'm curious about this one ^^)

Ill take the cold-attitude butler (the cold ones are the interesting ones)
3. Do you have any questions? Critiques? Feedback?
hmm~ Love the art, orignal story, love fantasy and idk, it's like a fairytail :D
But when will be the demo out?
Teddy bears to be exact! >w< Oohhh!! I love serious types of characters as well XD
I'm glad that you liked what we have so far! Sitraxis is still coding the demo and she's working hard on it. We actually already have the alpha ^^ Probably this month or next month, we'll have the demo!
ririruetoo wrote:When I read this post, I was very excited to play it. Then I realized it was a work-in-progress. While I realize real life troubles trump any priorities to finish a VN, there have been a ton of VN's throughout the years with tons of potential and they are never finished. So, yes I will play this game in a heart-beat should it ever be completed. Until that day though, I shall not hold my breath in anticipation.

I realize this sounds sort of pessimistic, and for that I apologize, but I hope with all sincerity you finish this. Good luck and know that I along with many others will enjoy it immensely.
Don't worry. I feel the same way as well with wip games with potentials. It's sad that most of them was never finished that's why I told myself that I WILL finish this no matter what. (I've been working on this for more than a year already and I'm not putting all those efforts to waste)

Till then, I hope that you'll patiently wait for the complete game. Thank you! XD

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome) Human Sprites updated

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:42 pm
by riiko08
The Human sprites of the 3 bears have been posted! :D

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome) Human Sprites updated

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 3:41 am
by Chasing Summer
They all look really great. *cough cough* Especially Royal. >_>

Re: Locked Heart (GxB) (VN/Otome) Human Sprites updated

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 5:58 pm
by aquantinar
riiko08 wrote:The Human sprites of the 3 bears have been posted! :D
...Yup, I'm not dissapointed at my choice of men... *w*
I just love how you drew them, it's exactly how I had pictured them too! XD Oh, what I meant was their facial expressions,

(I really like the stern expression Royal has, it really captures his grumpy side that you had planned for him ^^ and somehow through his sprite, I feel that he looks rather... Cold. Which is deffinately fine :3 I kinda think that you drew him as a rather cold character as to match ot with his traumatic fathers death :/ But yeahh.. what do I know? --;; Ohh, and really love his eyes~~ It looks empty with the color grey, which complete his perfect look ;__;

As for Sol and Deon, I really felt Sols kind hearted feel just by looking at him, His soft expression is well done :') *tears of joy* And Deon throws a strong flirt aura! I think that his strong description would be the "flirt" one? Well, according to how he looks I mean.. '-')a Just look at his devious eyes and neck accesory. FLIRT ALLERT XD

All in all, I really think that you've done an excellent job ;9 And the others would think so too)

I'm not a fortune teller that I could've thought how they'd completely look ;D I didn't expect Royal to have dark skin!! Gosh, I love him even more now TTvTT

P.s: I knew it!! There's no way I could've forgotten you art :P

That's enough coming out of me xD
Welp, toodles~