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Re: The Death of Mrs. Macey [Drama][Family][Free][Demo]

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 3:11 am
by Broodelin
They're coming along so well that the game should be ready for its big debut by the end of this week. It's pretty exciting! :)

Re: The Death of Mrs. Macey [Drama][Family][Free][Demo]

Posted: Sun May 25, 2014 3:15 am
by Googaboga
Great. I'm looking forward to it ^v^.

Re: The Death of Mrs. Macey [Drama][Family][Free][Demo]

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 5:37 am
by Broodelin
I'm going through a final time, trying to catch as many bugs and typos as I can. The game will be going live tomorrow (May 31st) after I stop shaking in excitement.

Re: The Death of Mrs. Macey [Drama][Family][Free][Demo]

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 6:20 am
by Angie
Hehe, good luck~~ I think we all are looking forward to it :)

Re: The Death of Mrs. Macey [Drama][Family][Free][Demo]

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 7:24 pm
by Broodelin
There's going to be a bit of a delay on the release date of Mrs. Macey, as I recently found a code problem that caused the game to crash and burn. It should be easy enough to fix, just tedious.

Look for this project in the Completed Games forum within the next week or so.

My apologies!

Re: The Death of Mrs. Macey [Drama][Family][Hiatus][Demo]

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2014 12:04 pm
by Broodelin
Guess whose computer just got fried beyond repair during a thunderstorm?

Anyways, all of my stuff was on what is now a $500 piece of junk, and it'll take some time to recreate anything close to what I had VN wise. Thank goodness I had a demo uploaded of Mrs. Macey so I don't have to work entirely from scratch on that front.

Long story short, The Death of Mrs. Macey (plus all my other projects) is going to be on hiatus for a bit.