The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School] [Dropped]

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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#16 Post by Smudgeed »

@Mad Harlequin Thank you for the input :) I consulted an artist friend of mine and it seems the issue is simply that I am not skilled enough to try and make the art I want. This has nothing to do with the game, however, and just means I need to practice more. And you're right! Those proportions do look odd....

I re-did Maya's sprite, changing it back to the old version. Now Maya looks much better..but also much better than anyone else in the game...oops...

Well, the goal now is to focus on writing! I've re-done the art too many times.

The game will have a definite 8 endings. Ending 7 (which is the non-romantic ending, also known as the "base game") is 50% done.
Ellen path - 30%, Maya - 20%, Sara - 10%, Ending 8 - 10%.
attached is current Maya sprite and a new screenshot featuring current Jennifer and Jason art

Steamy Beard
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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#17 Post by Steamy Beard »

Are you guys interested in this? Based on what you see, would you play this?
i'm interesting as long as it's not GxB (have no interest in plyaing hetero girl while hetero boy myself)
This is my first project, is there anything I should know?
don't scew the dough,bake it good.
Based on what you have seen, how can I improve?
not enuff minerals information for that.
I am horrible at code, is there any useful things I should know to make this better?
don't ask me on that1,things will be much worse.
Other than that, please hit me with questions and criticisms.

hope that helps.

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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#18 Post by Smudgeed »

@SteamyBeard Thank you for your comment :) The bat made me laugh much more than it should have. Nice way to raise my spirits on this cold Saturday. So, thank you!

I also get to use this as an opportunity to drop some info.
ESTIMATED RELEASE - Sometime mid-feb. (I am aiming for Valentines' day so it fits the game but a more realistic day would be sometime around the 18th. Exams are currently bogging me down but I should be good to finish this up soon.)

CURRENT GOAL - write up all the story, edit it, release it.

POSSIBLE GAME UPDATES - (after release) basic typo editing that I didn't catch the first 12893712 times, trying to code something that lets players know what endings they've completed (might code this into the game before it's released if I have enough time)

SLIGHTLY LESS POSSIBLE GAME UPDATE - Adding more content to the story

GAME UPDATES THAT I WANT TO DO BUT MOST LIKELY WON'T HAPPEN - Art re-vamp. Adding CGs. Customizing the game, getting rid of base Ren'py interface in the game and adding something unique.

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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#19 Post by Seigetsu »

I love GxG games, and you're right, we certainly don't have enough of them! I'd be happy to see a completed game. The art isn't so bad currently, and you can always go back and edit the art later (as a separate 2.0 or something...)

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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#20 Post by Smudgeed »

@Seigetsu Yes, thank you for your comment! And it makes me very happy to know you are looking forward to this game! Hearing you say this makes me want to work even harder, and yes, as it goes now updated art will probably be in a 2.0 version or something.
GAME UPDATE: I can confidently say the game is 1/3 done! Maybe even a bit more. Yay!

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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#21 Post by Smudgeed »

I hate to reply to this this all the time but I am excited to update on the game!

The game is 1/3 done. There is another ending, so now there are 9 endings instead of 8. I added in a bad ending. Also there's a random CG in the Ellen path. It's the only one. Don't ask.

Currently, my favorite path might be Maya's, Sara is really cute and Ellen is a lot of fun.

Since this may or may not be spoiler-y I'll put it under a spoiler tag. This might be more for me than for anyone else but it also might give a good view at what the choices in this game might be like! This is a generic walk-through for the game! It's not a "choose this, choose that" walk-through but just general guidelines on what to do! There are much more options and menus in each path, this is only a simplification! I personally feel that the endings are not very hard to get, which is good! Ending 8 is my personal surprise ending (though it might be pretty obvious what it is) so there is no walk-through for it here.
ELLEN - Choose to paint her. Choose her for the English assignment. Talk to Rebecca about Ellen. Attend all your classes. On the 3rd day, skip gym and math.
SARA - Choose to paint her. Don't ignore the number. Choose her for the English assignment. Agree to help her. Always skip math class.
MAYA - Talk to her about her friends. Choose to paint her. Skip gym and English. Always accept her offers. On the 3rd day, only skip English.
BAD END - skip all your classes.
NORMAL END - Be an ass so that no one loves you. Authentic Highschool life experience.
and here are some new caps!

Thank you to everyone who is looking forward to this game! You keep me going :)
Look, there are different outfits for the game! These are the gym ones. Yay for me.
Look, there are different outfits for the game! These are the gym ones. Yay for me.

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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#22 Post by Needy »

Wow, this looks to be an interproject draft, story seems quite interesting. I'll be looking forward to this project. Good luck :D

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Re: The Valentine [GxG, Romance, Comedy, High School]

#23 Post by Smudgeed »

@Needy Hey! Thank you for saying so! :)

EDIT: I deeply apologize for having to do this but this project has been dropped. This is unfortunate because I did have more than 50% of this game done but somewhere along the line I realized it was bad.The way I had written the game made it hard to write scenes and additionally the characters seemed flat and the writing suffered as a result. I really do want my first completed game to be the best of my ability and this game clearly was not. I apologize to anyone that was looking forward to it! I did learn a lot from this experience and now I know that I can create the game I wanted to all along.

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