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Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 1:09 am
by Nyanko
Well, the error won't trigger if you don't use Lucia's certain magic skill when fighting so it doesn't matter.
I'm missing ending 3 and 6. Can you give me some tips? :D
There's something wrong when I click "Drake" as one of the party member too. I'm not sure whose ending was it, but I think it was his'.
If you click "Drake" three times as your party member, it just automatically switch to the main menu. Not to mention that you can choose Drake as all of your party member...Maybe it's just my computer with the problem?
Can you tell me which ending is the true ending? I have a feeling that it's ending 7...?

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:02 pm
by azureXtwilight
Nyanko wrote:Well, the error won't trigger if you don't use Lucia's certain magic skill when fighting so it doesn't matter.
I'm missing ending 3 and 6. Can you give me some tips? :D
There's something wrong when I click "Drake" as one of the party member too. I'm not sure whose ending was it, but I think it was his'.
If you click "Drake" three times as your party member, it just automatically switch to the main menu. Not to mention that you can choose Drake as all of your party member...Maybe it's just my computer with the problem?
Can you tell me which ending is the true ending? I have a feeling that it's ending 7...?
Thanks for playing! I don't know what caused the error but I will try to fix it.

Here's how to get the true ending :
Episode 3 True Ending Guide:

Don't raise too much of Gerald's dependency, by choosing "I've got to suck it up" and "He'll be fine" at the beginning
Be generally nice with River, such as telling him he did his best and when Dio appears, be worried about River
Go search gerald and co. instead of going with neo when Lucia asks where Mike should go
Vote for Akane when Arthur ask Gerald who they should investigate
Tell Drake about Akane
When confronting River, pick:
"No, someone told me"
"Which means you're the only one who could've mistaken Tom for Ian!{/b}" >> Present River
Input the word formed : canivor
Input the word formed : River Coan
Choose "His bodyguards could've said something either!"
Choose "He knew too much"
Present Evelyn

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:42 am
by Arshya
So in fact this ending was true ^^ Heh so i got the real ending during the first play :D
Mike is so funny, she's one of my favourite female characters in games
It's very nice to see characters from "Doppleganger" It's like seeing old friends But at first i didn't recognize Arthur he changed a lot (especially his hair XD)
I can't wait to see who will be next
And btw I've got all CG except the first one, when you can get it?

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:07 pm
by frederic09
hi azure, a little error i got while i was playing the game

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/confrontsethdrakepath.rpy", line 612, in script
ScriptError: could not find label 'endingone'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "T:\dl2014\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 288, in run
  File "T:\dl2014\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 1376, in execute
    rv =
  File "T:\dl2014\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 547, in lookup
    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(label))
ScriptError: could not find label 'endingone'.

A Ren'Py Game 0.0

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 10:54 am
by azureXtwilight
frederic09 wrote:hi azure, a little error i got while i was playing the game

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/confrontsethdrakepath.rpy", line 612, in script
ScriptError: could not find label 'endingone'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "T:\dl2014\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 288, in run
  File "T:\dl2014\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 1376, in execute
    rv =
  File "T:\dl2014\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 547, in lookup
    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(label))
ScriptError: could not find label 'endingone'.

A Ren'Py Game 0.0
Can you tell me when you got that error?

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:32 pm
by frederic09
I was in Neo's and Lucia's home, there were Arthur, River, and Blaze.

It was near the ending because he was giving his deductions, telling that he saw evelyn, her father and Derek.

Since Arthur thought something was off in Blaze's speech, i had to do the detective part, but i didn't answered correctly.

So Blaze said it was irrelevant, he continue to talk, and then i got the error.

I can provide the save if necessary.
By the way, i'm unable to unlock the endings 1,2 and 3, any hint about that ?

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2014 9:00 am
by whiteserenity
I've been enjoying the game so far and trying to unlock all the endings. I'm having trouble, though, with the part where Arthur has to get River to trust him. It's the part where Arthur asks him questions and such after the party realizes that River's Gluttony. I can't seem to find the right combination of questions/statements to ask River without Arthur meeting a bad fate so I end up getting Ending 4 instead of Ending 3. I could use some help on this, please.

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:29 am
by xxxSakura
I don't always leave comments, but here's one dropping by to tell you how excited I am whenever a new episode comes out! I'm trying to tone the fangirl in me but I can't help commenting even before the download has finished. Thanks for these wonderful games all the time, Azure, I've been following them ever since the very first Fantasia game, and I really love the little cameos the Doppelganger characters make in Re:Set! ;w; It makes me want to replay Doppelganger to revisit them.

Speaking of replaying, I think I'll need to do Episodes 1 and 2 again because I can't remember who made cameos and etc. I'll edit this comment or post a reply after I finish playing this episode. :wink:

EDIT: Whoa. I didn't see that coming (as always)! By the way, it's just something trivial, but there doesn't seem to be a "return to main menu" button after you accessed the bonus page from the main page. Also, the "clues" button is sometimes covering the enemies' HP stats. Thought you might wanna know that. I encountered some technical issues halfway through the game as well, and using Mike's Charm will end the battle immediately as if you've defeated the enemies, but I believe that's already been brought up by others.

It was so fun playing this episode! I need some help with the combination for the confrontation scene as well T-T After getting ending 4 I tried a couple of other combinations until one led me to ending 6, but I still can't find the right one for the true ending?
I got a shock at the start when Gerald was having his session with the psychologist and all. Didn't think he'd go that far xD I got what I assume is the worst end on my first try, since it didn't address many issues such as Phil, Drake and Evelyn ;_; The one with Gerald leaving Mike and protecting her from afar. I thought Akane's real identity might be Evelyn at first, but after several playthroughs I think I'm wrong :lol: The plot was engaging and great as per usual with that amazing twist with River (should had seen it coming though, he did look pretty creepy in that stairway scene) who was being such a cute little boy!

The only thing that seemed a little off might be the trust issues between Mike and Gerald. It's been some time since I played the last episode, and even more since the first, but from what I could recall I'd assumed those two are past the doubting stage. Then again, I don't know how much time has passed in-game ^^;
P.S. BLUSHING GERALD IS THE BEST <3 I may have mentioned these but I love it when you reference previous episodes! I laughed when Gerald reminded Mike of the results the last time he won a lottery... xD

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Mediafi

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 12:05 am
by azureXtwilight
Sorry about the errors, guys. My beta-testers bailed on me so I didn't get enough feedback for those. I have released a patch for it.

About getting the true ending, it's ending 6. It's supposed to be the true ending. Hints are on the post above.
I think Mike and Gerald are still having trust issues and they are still quite awkward with each other, but I think this episode ends it.
whiteserenity wrote:I've been enjoying the game so far and trying to unlock all the endings. I'm having trouble, though, with the part where Arthur has to get River to trust him. It's the part where Arthur asks him questions and such after the party realizes that River's Gluttony. I can't seem to find the right combination of questions/statements to ask River without Arthur meeting a bad fate so I end up getting Ending 4 instead of Ending 3. I could use some help on this, please.
Download the patch on 1st page and replace script.rpy in your game folder. After taking River home, when the monster appear with the taxi driver, you should worry about him. When he asks much much later, pick "It's all right".

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Patch

Posted: Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:52 am
by whiteserenity
Thanks. I downloaded and installed the patch and I got ending 6. XD

I know that others have asked this but I'm wondering what endings 1 and 2 are. Could we got some hints on what they are and/or how to get them? I've gotten all the other endings and I'm missing a couple of CGs, a couple of music tracks, and an epilogue so I think they're related to endings 1 and/or 2. I'm writing a walkthrough so it'll be easier for others to get certain endings and such but I can't seem to get the first two. Any help would be great. ^^

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Patch

Posted: Sun Sep 21, 2014 3:01 am
by SadFairyLovers
Hey, so i was playing and recieved an error and now i can't continue playing :( tried the patch but it didn't work

Code: Select all

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:
  File "game/normaldrakepath.rpy", line 746, in script
ScriptError: could not find label 'drktestiA6'.

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:
  File "C:\Users\Sanja\Desktop\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 288, in run
  File "C:\Users\Sanja\Desktop\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 1376, in execute
    rv =
  File "C:\Users\Sanja\Desktop\ReSet_episode_3-1.1-all\renpy\", line 547, in lookup
    raise ScriptError("could not find label '%s'." % str(label))
ScriptError: could not find label 'drktestiA6'.

A Ren'Py Game 0.0

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Patch

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:03 am
by rin966
yay, for the new episode of this series. Neo is still as awesome as usual. I found how he and Lucia get all fu~fu~ interesting as hell.

anyway, I have a difficulty on unlocking ending 1 and 3. Could someone point me how to get there? I hope it wasn't an ending where I should get killed lol

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Patch

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:15 am
by whiteserenity
rin966 wrote:yay, for the new episode of this series. Neo is still as awesome as usual. I found how he and Lucia get all fu~fu~ interesting as hell.

anyway, I have a difficulty on unlocking ending 1 and 3. Could someone point me how to get there? I hope it wasn't an ending where I should get killed lol
I have no idea how to get ending 1 (or 2, for that matter) so I can't help there, unfortunately. I did get all the other endings, though, including ending 3. I'm holding off on posting a specific walkthrough since I'd like to know at least what endings 1 and 2 are but I can give a clue on ending 3.

Basically, you have to choose to be nice to River but instead of seeing Akane when Gerald has to decide who they should go see, go with Seth and then when River says that he'd rather stay behind (he doesn't want to see Seth), then agree to let him. I think that should trigger ending 3.

And if anyone knows what endings 1 or 2 are and/or how to get them, I'd appreciate any hints. :)

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Patch

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2014 6:34 pm
by Baldarhion
One of the biggest pleasure in life is to play the newest Re:Set episode :)

You make my day joyful many thanks, can't wait for the next episode !

(Great great job as usual)

Re: Re:Set Episode 3 : It's Raining Acid [RPG+VN] -- Patch

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 10:12 am
by Kagura
Woop woop~~!! It's purrfet~~ ; v; It's finally here but.. I got an error while doing something detective for that River Conan sumthing D:
Here's the pic of the error, while doing this game D:

It's weird tho, it let me picks 1 at every 8 errors then blah. ;-; Can you halp?