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Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:28 am
by Didules
Heiden wrote:I like the Bartender, he seems like a gloomy guy.
So many people like him, maybe we should have given him the main character role :lol:
Thanks a lot for answering, Heiden!!! ^o^)/

And now it's update time!
Though there isn't much to tell, haha :lol:
The owner's sprite is finished, there are still the expressions left to do though, but at least the longest part has been done!
Also, all of Asmodée's expressions are done so the sprite has been put into the game, yay! Only 4 characters left to do! Here is a sneak peek of one of his expressions:
Asmodee-hey.png (92.51 KiB) Viewed 2457 times
As for the Bartender, he really is the worst character to draw. His skin and stains are really hard to do. in the end we went for purple stains rather than green ones, but his skin still lacks something :|
That's all for this week... It's a bit hard to focus on both studying and the game, so it progresses slowly :(

Have a good week and thanks to everyone for their support ^o^)/

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Sun Nov 16, 2014 2:52 pm
by rock_an9el

Hello there! Sadly, we don't have much to say, but we're working our behinds off to keep those updates comin'!

Despite the fact that the progress is slow, we managed to finish the Bartender's sprite with all the expressions. Since most people like him, we've put a lot of love into making his sprite. :D

We also started working on the CG's, so here's a small teaser!

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 4:07 pm
by Gabylc
The more I see Asmodee, the more hypnotizing he looks! I bet he can read in the dark with those eyes :lol:

The bartender sprite is great, I love the subtle details of his skin ^^

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:29 pm
by Godline
- Does it sound interesting so far? Why?

Mmm. Doesn't sound particularly original to me. A 'magic' cafe, just because? I really hope it has some twist to it!

- Which character do you prefer?

The bartender intrigues me.

- Do you want the game to have a galery? (Since it's quite short...)

Depends on the CGs in the game.

- Anything you want to know? Anything you want us to know?

Good luck on the release! :)

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2014 8:14 am
by Didules
@ Gabylc: Thanks a lot! Indeed Asmodée is eye catching and his eyes are probably his main séduction tool (because otherwise he has a bad character XD )
The bartender 's skin was awful to do, he took at least 9 layers only for his skin, so thanks a lot :D

@Godline: thanks a lot for the answers! If it can somehow reassure you, there won't be anything "just because" mostly because some people in our team have made a religion out of coherence and Logic :lol:
Thanks a lot for the luck, we'll definitely need it....

Bad News time!
There hasn't been any update recently, some may wonder why... The answer is simple: My computer (were all data are saved) has died. Bad news, right?
Some better news: all data may be lost...apart from the hard drive where the game was. Happy coïncidence isn't it? When learning this I almost cried :lol:
But Bad News are back: it'll be at least one week before I can access to old datas (such as the psd for the sprites, CGS, background) and two weeks before I have a real computer back. Sad, since we had enough to actually show a screenshot of the game 8'D

So for the Time being....wait and see =/ but we'll definitely make it though! :) Nothing has been irremedialy lost (apart from Mr. Computer, R.I.P)

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2014 1:07 pm
by Didules
My computer is back and NO data has been lost. So we can resume our work! CHAMPAGNE! :lol:

An eloquent sentence in the Café
An eloquent sentence in the Café
Let's make an honest list of what still lacks though:
BG: 2/4 done, still 2 to go! BNackgrounds are awful to do :(
Sprites 3/5 completely done, the others are still being worked on. This is the next task to finish :D
CG: 2/8 Done, that's the saddest part 8'D

See you later everyone!!!! :D :D :D

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 3:10 pm
by Didules
Merry christmas!

And now, what about some progress?
Even if it's holidays, we're still working on it and have a few improvments to show.
First of all, all sprites are definitely finished and added into the game. :)
Sorry, the background here is just temporary, there will be another one for this scene :)
Sorry, the background here is just temporary, there will be another one for this scene :)
The backgrounds are the next target, I'm struggling with vanishing points and Hausmann-typed building for now ^^"
Dirty looking draft ><
Dirty looking draft ><
Once the BGs are over, there will still be some CGs left (the CGs may still be simplified in order to finish one day :lol: ) AND the most important and frightening and tiresome and not motivating thing: the GUI >_<

Thank you for reading and see you later! :)

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:43 pm
by Gabylc
Good luck with the CGs ! And I think you can do something not too complicated but nice enough for the GUI. As long as it's simple to use for the player and it doesn't clash with the tone of the game, it will be good ^^

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2015 5:54 pm
by Didules
Oops, it's been a while, sorry for the delay ><

Gabylc wrote:Good luck with the CGs ! And I think you can do something not too complicated but nice enough for the GUI. As long as it's simple to use for the player and it doesn't clash with the tone of the game, it will be good ^^
Thanks a lot! Actually that's our plan: simple yet in the same mood than the rest of the game ^^ As for now the design looks good :)

Update time?
All sprites are added, of course, and we've decided to make a few changes, just so we'd use the whole possibilities of having a silly artist that does everything way too big ;)
Also another BG is over, the only outdoor background that is! Only one to go!
Two CGs are done and coded, still 4 to go (yay!) :)
The GUI is designed, though a few things are still being discussed (we are very cautious on the graphic aspect I guess XD)
The translation into french hasn't started (of course it's not that needed here, but we'd like to release the game in both language at the same time é_è)

As for the next update... It'll probably be in a while, because exams are coming for the three of us :oops: Though we're not really on hiatus, just slower :lol:

See you in a while for another update, and if you have any question, feel free to comment :D

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 3:54 pm
by Didules
Aaaand we're back to work!

Exams are over and we're back on trail!
Thanks for waiting!
A lil screen of one of the CG!
A lil screen of one of the CG!
All backgrounds are done! There are only 3 CGs left, one of which only needs inking and coloring! And we still need the GUi to be fully coded!
To motivate people we may also add a few more CGs (because drawing is better when you actually like it, ya know? ;) )
If we look at it, it'll be a short game but it may contain around 10 CG, I promise we'll control ourselves next time :oops:
We expect a peak of productivity next week and we hope to actually finish all CGs then.
After passing through a bunch of tests, the game should be ready at the beginning of september ^^ I'll exactly be a year after the production began and the one year anniversary of the team!

I guess everyone had forgotten about us, haha :lol: Sorry we're not dead yet! And thank you if you read this or hadn't forgotten about us ^^

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2015 3:11 pm
by Didules
Hi there!!

A little update, and maybe the last one before the actual release, who knows? 8)
In fact, everything is done apart from the gallery, implementing the french translation and some testing. All CG are done, and there are also some sort of doodles for the 2 bonus stories you'll have (if you get one ending in particular that is).
This game is somehow rich when it comes to bonus, the bonus stories amount to around 3.000 words!
Well, then, I'll go back to finding how to code a nice gallery and my last work on this game will be done! :)
Here are some teaser of some of the CGs! ;)
sans titre.png
I'd like to thank all people who have been following us and supproting us, and I promise our next game won't take as long to be developped 8'D

See you later lovely people!

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 11:47 am
by Didules
Everyone probably has forgotten all about us, but the game will be released tomorrow! In the end we decided to add yet another scene, to make some endings a bit easier to get, and so on and so on.
From a 10.000 words-game, it became 15.000 in English (17.000 in French :shock: ), from 5 CG planned at first it now has 10 CGs, the only thing that didn't change is the number of endings X'D
There are just a few last-day check, so stay tuned? :)

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:14 pm
by Baky
- Does it sound interesting so far? Why?
I'm a sucker for cafe plots so yes, it does sound interesting 8)

- Which character do you prefer?

The bartender. I dig mopey characters.

- Do you want the game to have a galery? (Since it's quite short...)

- Anything you want to know? Anything you want us to know?
I really enjoy diving head on into games with out really knowing anything about the plot or chracters since I like finding out everything on my own! Keep up the good work, and I'm looking forward to see how your project will turn out :D

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:35 pm
by minilys
Baky : Thanks for you answers !

You won't have to wait long since tomorrow is the big day !! (Sorry kind of drunk on all this happiness to see this project completed)
I hope you'll find our game to your liking ^^

Re: Midnight's Café [GxB] [Urban Fantasy, Friendship, Romanc

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2016 2:47 pm
by Didules
Thanks a lot for your answers Baky! :D

And at last, here it is:
New topic in the "completed game" part of the forum