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Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 10:41 am
by Ghost of Crux
///gets down to one knee
CAN I MARRY BRIAR? pretty please
She's so cool

My immediate split second ginormous crush aside I'm loving all the characters here. Kree is really likeable based on the descriptions, and I love her thing with Folke. They sound adorable. The premise also sounds really interesting-- I'm really looking forward to Kree's interactions with Briar and Ulfr, preferably the three of them in the same room LOL

The art is both distinct and pretty, and the sepia palette looks really great here! It ties the overall composition p well so far, especially in the main menu. I really like it. I think it also fits the art style?? So good.

This definitely will be a project I'm really looking forward to.

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2017 5:25 pm
by Glitterbark
@Ghost of Crux


You're killing Briar. You're slaying her. She's a nice person, but very emotionally distant, so sincere love confessions would leave her really embarrassed because oh wow u sweetie.

anyway, thank you so much, ahhhh!! your project is one I'm really looking forward to, so that's a huge compliment! I'm super duper hoping Kree will be as fun to play as you're expecting. (Here are a few choice quotes from some of the sections I wrote today to show her off a little more.)

Kree: But I can do this! It’s just a puzzle. Sure, I might die if I get it wrong, but nothing gets the old mental gears turning like the threat of certain death.

What kind of shitty apology was that?!
I’m sorry. About before. Shouldn’t he also be adding, I’m an impulsive jerk, I'm sorry I took my emotional issues out on you, and please forgive me, even though I’m stupid and awful and smell like a horse’s butt'?
Does he really think he can get off so easily?
What, he’ll take me shopping? Who in their right mind would think that's a good peace accord?
I can go shopping on my damn well own, thank you!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:41 pm
by Glitterbark
*deep breath*

Midterms are over!!! Spring break is here!! I can finally devote the entirety of my time to this instead of having to do a juggling act between studying and working.

I have actually really putting the game together, although, admittedly, with WIP placeholder images, as you can see. I.......... have far surpassed my allotted time to work on a GUI with nothing substantial that I like to show for it, but oh well, it's NaNo. The default will do me fine.


I hope everyone's projects are going well!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:34 pm
by Glitterbark

Code: Select all


The game contains 897 dialogue blocks, containing 14,910 words and 80,603
characters, for an average of 16.6 words and 90 characters per block.

The game contains 11 menus, 18 images, and 23 screens.
h-haha... haha... i initially thought this game was going to be 20k words in total... I've still got a ton to write for "Briar's Ruins Exploring Adventure" and I'm pushing against 15k...

Oh well. I'm still going strong!

I've been doing everybody's expressions (which is the bit I find the most fun, ehe) so for an art update, I'll show off a couple of Kree's!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 11:00 pm
by nooroodle
This art style is absolutely lovely <3 Can't wait to see the final game!!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:03 am
by Zelan
Oh my gosh, I love that elated expression on the far left. Knee is so cute. <3

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Tue Mar 21, 2017 8:49 pm
by Glitterbark
Thank you both so much for the compliments! I'm glad to know you think Kree is cute, and that you like the art style. ^^

Code: Select all

Ren'Py lint report, generated at: Tue Mar 21 20:35:44 2017


The game contains 1,273 dialogue blocks, containing 20,083 words and 108,425
characters, for an average of 15.8 words and 85 characters per block.

The game contains 15 menus, 18 images, and 23 screens.
I'm clipping away at the script, and I started sketches for some backgrounds today. I'm sort of regretting making an adventure game that involves a lot of different locations, oh-ho-ho. Oh well. It's good practice!

I have a few more locations to do, which I'm hoping to get sketched out tonight.

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:43 am
by Ghost of Crux
FoxTrotMuffin wrote:@Ghost of Crux

You're killing Briar. You're slaying her. She's a nice person, but very emotionally distant, so sincere love confessions would leave her really embarrassed because oh wow u sweetie.

anyway, thank you so much, ahhhh!! your project is one I'm really looking forward to, so that's a huge compliment! I'm super duper hoping Kree will be as fun to play as you're expecting. (Here are a few choice quotes from some of the sections I wrote today to show her off a little more.)

Kree: But I can do this! It’s just a puzzle. Sure, I might die if I get it wrong, but nothing gets the old mental gears turning like the threat of certain death.

What kind of shitty apology was that?!
I’m sorry. About before. Shouldn’t he also be adding, I’m an impulsive jerk, I'm sorry I took my emotional issues out on you, and please forgive me, even though I’m stupid and awful and smell like a horse’s butt'?
Does he really think he can get off so easily?
What, he’ll take me shopping? Who in their right mind would think that's a good peace accord?
I can go shopping on my damn well own, thank you!
//crawls out of hard-commission and homework hell sobbing

briar is so great......,, sobs //slaps fanart of her in to-do list

but anyway
AAH! Kree is definitely my kinda protagonist xD In general I like protagonists who have character, but with the writer not taking them as seriously if they're like, boisterous and over the top? It's always so easy and fun to read, those characters. Sample no. 1 especially-- YA GO MY GIRL. That's how I do it too. You never know till you try!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 6:35 am
by Harliqueen
It's all looks so amazing... but, Briar is just getting more amazing the more you reveal about her :D

And Kree, those expressions... so cute. Ah, I cannot wait for this, I'm so excited!

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2017 11:19 pm
by Glitterbark
//crawls out of hard-commission and homework hell sobbing

briar is so great......,, sobs //slaps fanart of her in to-do list

but anyway
AAH! Kree is definitely my kinda protagonist xD In general I like protagonists who have character, but with the writer not taking them as seriously if they're like, boisterous and over the top? It's always so easy and fun to read, those characters. Sample no. 1 especially-- YA GO MY GIRL. That's how I do it too. You never know till you try!
om...fg.... if you drew fanart.... i would die...

Kree is absolutely a huge, boisterous, over the top goober. though there is some more serious stuff to her that i'm hoping people will find interesting! there's a reason she wants to be the ultimate shonen action hero in viking town, despite being a teeny, tiny little elf.

anyway. GANBATTE, you can do it!!!! i believe in your power to conquer your work!! ra ra fight the power!
Harliqueen wrote:It's all looks so amazing... but, Briar is just getting more amazing the more you reveal about her :D

And Kree, those expressions... so cute. Ah, I cannot wait for this, I'm so excited!
can i just eat your compliments to rejuvenate my power. they're all so lovely!! I'm super glad you're excited, haha. i'm working pretty hard to get at least a demo playable by the end of the month.

As you can see...

Code: Select all

Ren'Py lint report, generated at: Wed Mar 22 23:13:24 2017


The game contains 1,459 dialogue blocks, containing 24,485 words and 132,085
characters, for an average of 16.8 words and 91 characters per block.

The game contains 15 menus, 25 images, and 23 screens.
i'm getting a decent bit written per day, and funnily enough, a good bit of that was a scene where Briar does some Pretty Dope Stuff. In honor of her achievements, here are a few of her expressions along with the WIP of her fighty-sprite. Since she's kind of, uh, stoic, I also threw in one of Ulfr's five different "yelling" sprites. (i want to give him a different pose for when he's all shouty, but we'll see if I have time.)

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:09 pm
by Alcor
oh my gosh the sprites and backgrounds and everything look FANTASTIC
How do you manage to do sprites+backgrounds and still have so much writing done? Please teach me your ways <3 <3

I'm just super excited for this! I am so looking forward to playing as Kree and discovering all the possibilities for messing up. (Not sure why I enjoy seeing characters mess up in entertaining ways, but hey, you've got the possibilities and I'm totally down for it.) Also, GUARANTEED FIST FIGHT WITH GIANT ROBOT YES. Not sure when you added that to the features list (I might've just missed it in the past), but that is GREAT and I LOVE IT.

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:06 pm
by Glitterbark
ALCOR_etc wrote:oh my gosh the sprites and backgrounds and everything look FANTASTIC
How do you manage to do sprites+backgrounds and still have so much writing done? Please teach me your ways <3 <3

I'm just super excited for this! I am so looking forward to playing as Kree and discovering all the possibilities for messing up. (Not sure why I enjoy seeing characters mess up in entertaining ways, but hey, you've got the possibilities and I'm totally down for it.) Also, GUARANTEED FIST FIGHT WITH GIANT ROBOT YES. Not sure when you added that to the features list (I might've just missed it in the past), but that is GREAT and I LOVE IT.
A combination of caffeine, obsession, and an ability to watch my medical dramas while simultaneously working on art stuff. It's honestly been pretty hard juggling this and my school stuff, otherwise I'd have a lot more done. Right now I'm looking at the features I have to cut for the demo...

...Luckily, the giant robot fight isn't going to be one of them! I'll probably get that written on Sunday. (And yep, it's always been up there. UNFORTUNATELY getting arrested won't make it in, along with some other of the bad ends I wanted, but that just means that the full game with have ~even more ways to fail~ to discover. And also succeed. This is also a game about succeeding in interesting ways.) I'm guessing that the demo will include four bad ends, three "good" ends, and one "to be continued" end that'll get elaborated on in the full version of Best Wishes.

Thanks for your interest, and I'm glad you're excited!!! i just hope it lives up to your expectations.

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sat Mar 25, 2017 5:56 am
by Ghost of Crux
I don't think I did the hair right BUT IT'S ONLY ONE OF AT LEAST TWO BRIAR ARTS I'M DOING SOO,,, I've got time to learn
(refs would be super, though--)

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:05 pm
by Zelan
FoxTrotMuffin, I hope you know that you have been blessed by Namio's art.

Re: Best Wishes [Romance | Fantasy | Adventure] GxB NaNo2017

Posted: Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:27 pm
by Glitterbark



so i've managed to catch myself the flu and i've been pressing on despite popping nyquil like candy BUT THIS HAS GIVEN ME THE STRENGTH TO PERSEVERE. THIS HAS BEEN A GREAT THING TO CHECK LEMMASOFT AND SEE.

THANK YOU NAMIO U ARE A HUGE SWEETIE I LOVE HER. Also you did get her hair right! but even if you didn't it'd be okay because Briar is a normal human being who changes her hairstyle occasionally (unlike Ulfr who's a lazy gremlin and always has it in a ponytail and Kree who will bite you if you bring a brush anywhere near her hair.)

Code: Select all


The game contains 1,982 dialogue blocks, containing 33,030 words and 177,745 characters, for an average of 16.7 words and 90 characters per block.

The game contains 19 menus, 25 images, and 23 screens.
Wordcount update! I've got 2 bad endings fully written out, one good end, and the "to be continued" end. I'm working on a third bad end right now, then I'll write another branch that will have another good end and (two?) more bad ends.

Getting the flu has sort of upset my plans, but oh well, I can do this!