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Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:28 pm
by CaesMRaenes
Counter Arts wrote:Why not just skip class RP unless there is some interesting plot point about it? Like a big announcement or a new transfer student.
We could but there were problems with certain people not being on and they had an event going on during class. Either that or a teacher was trying to hold class while the other would skip it so the times end up uncoordinated. It's usually noted when one student enters the class of the other. Well, anyways, it's usually a mess. XD

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 2:50 pm
by Taroku
Heh, why not? I used to Role Play with my friends back when we used to get together. The things we did were the most hilarious stuff I've ever experienced! :)

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:13 pm
by Meems
Ooh, this looks fun - count me in.
I'm more interested in settings with some sort of fantasy or science fiction element, but I'm not super-picky.

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:32 pm
by mysterialize
Holy crap, this is getting a lot more interest than I expected it to. I definitely approve.

Also on the topic of things that I approve of, I'm glad that so many people seem interested in a cyberpunk/Sci-fi setting, since that's kind of what I've had the most ideas for lately. Although I'm also all for setting up a forum with multiple RPs and settings in it. The only problem with that would be keeping it all active and controlled. Though we do seem to be getting enough people for it.

I'm rather busy this weekend, so I won't be able to do much as far as getting things up go before Monday, but I'll definitely try to look into a place to put this all together in (I don't know much about google wave, but I'll see what it's like). Ideally I'd have something ready partway through the week. Feel free to keep tossing ideas around until then though, and if anyone with experience wants to help moderate the whole thing, please, please, speak up, because this is getting pretty big. XD I don't think I can manage it on my own if it gets much larger.

Edit: Also, I'm thinking that this will wind up being pretty freeform, since we have a lot of newcomers jumping in. I may implement a simple skill system, or something similar, but that would be about it. Anything else would just be too hard to start on. Don't worry though, there will be rules to keep things reasonable. I'll make absolutely sure people don't cause permanent changes to the setting or other people's characters without permission.

About the ren'py code idea, while that would have really cool results in theory, it seems far too complicated. Not all of us are able to program particularly well, and it would take some really serious collaboration to make sure that everything goes together properly. If we would wind up turning it into a VN, which I agree would be nice, it would probably be best done after the actual RP happened, as an adaptation.

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:40 pm
by Ghurdrich
I'm up for this, though as a warning, I haven't RPed in years. That said, I still like to consider myself a competent writer, so I've probably still got a little juice left. As for setting, I do love me some cyberpunk, though I'm pretty much the opposite of picky these days.
I'd also be up for moderating it, to a degree. I've got a bunch of experience behind me from a few years back. It all depends on the medium, I guess. As long as it's something I have experience in (Mostly just forum RP), then I've got the time to waste :D Although I'd prefer if someone else was with me. I'm no Lone Ranger.

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:29 am
by lepapillonrouge
XD You bet I'm interested! I roleplay all the time! Actually, Ashes of Memory, my BxG game which...I will hopefully of these days -dies- is based off an RP.
Well, actually my fail Nanoreno project (fail because it's not going to make it) has characters based on people from another RP too...

XD I've never done steampunk before. I usually do fantasy or supernatural types of RPing. :D

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:53 am
by majes
I would love to do this. I greatly enjoy RPing, though so far I've mainly stuck to DnD 3.5 IRL and haven't done much in the way of online RPing. I have about a year's worth of experience as a DM, but I don't know if that would be helpful with moderating an online game. I wouldn't mind giving it a shot though, if you need people.

As for ideas, I'm quite a huge fan of psionics, ESP and psychic-type powers.

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:23 pm
by PrettySammy09
I'd love to play too! I use to RP a lot, but it got to be a huge time commitment I just couldn't make. But if this were a more casual game than I'd love to join up. I'd go along with whatever idea people want to do. :)

(This also reminds me of a great tool for writing... Role-playing a character is a great to get an idea of how to write him or her.)

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 10:55 pm
by mysterialize
You know, it would be entirely possible to mix cyberpunk and supernatural elements. I actually really like the idea. Psychics almost kind of come with the territory, and I'm pretty sure technology hasn't wiped all of the ghosts and such off the planet. It has really good potential plotwise, as well. Yay or Nay from the rest of you?

Ghurdrich, your help would definitely be appreciated. As long as you can help with forum running, plot, and things like that, you'll probably be fine. Honestly, you may even have a better idea than I do. XD I've never run anything this big before. *Probably shouldn't have said that now that a bunch of people signed up*

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:19 am
by Deviot
Where would we be rping?

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:32 am
by IonicMomo
mysterialize wrote:You know, it would be entirely possible to mix cyberpunk and supernatural elements.
Sounds good to me. :D

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:26 am
by Ghurdrich
Well, obviously we don't want to clog up the boards here. I'm sure it would be easy to set up a free forum. I'm too tired to find something right now, but google is friend to the people :p
And yeah, I'm a bit experienced in large-scale projects, moderating, directing, coming up with plot, etc (I've moderated an RP forum before :oops: ) but like I said, it isn't something I'd want to do alone again (It was a little bit of hell managing so many people by myself.) But if you were going to spearhead it, Mysterialize, then I'd be more than happy to help out. Seems like we got lots of interested people. Although I assume the sooner we stop talking about it on these forums, the better :p

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:17 am
by Voight-Kampff
Ah...I have fond memories of RPing on TF2K5.

While I don't have the time or inclination to RP any more, if you want to use a phpBB forum to for this little endeavor, I've got a board that's just sitting fallow for now. I certainly have no qualms about setting up some space for this, if you'd like.

Mysterialize, drop me a PM if you're interested.

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:14 am
by luminarious
I have little faith in forum-based RP'ing. They just take too long to get anywhere. Like play-by-snail-mail chess.

Re: Anyone Interested in Online RPing?

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 10:52 am
by Meems
I think a cyberpunk/supernatural storyline sounds really interesting. :)
luminarious wrote:I have little faith in forum-based RP'ing. They just take too long to get anywhere. Like play-by-snail-mail chess.
Well, the only alternatives I can think of are play-by-email, which is just as slow, and chatroom-based RPing, which can get really difficult if your players aren't all in the same time zone.

I used to be part of a role-playing group who were more or less all american, apart from me (I'm british). We were a play-by-email group, but every so often someone would organise a chatroom session, and I always got left out because of the giant time difference.