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Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 4:28 am
by Nymphaedra
I've just started watching Gosick, despite it being on my list since it came out earlier this year.

It's like if Sherlock Holmes was a Victorian-looking doll and Watson a Japanese exchange student.
They go around solving mysterious crimes and getting into unusual situations.

So far 14 episodes are out (of 24), available online, and I'm really enjoying it ^_^
There is also a short story collection of GosickS books.

Madoka is next on my list xD

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 6:14 am
by SilverxBlue
Nymphaedra wrote:I've just started watching Gosick, despite it being on my list since it came out earlier this year.

It's like if Sherlock Holmes was a Victorian-looking doll and Watson a Japanese exchange student.
They go around solving mysterious crimes and getting into unusual situations.

So far 14 episodes are out (of 24), available online, and I'm really enjoying it ^_^
There is also a short story collection of GosickS books.

Madoka is next on my list xD
Oh wow this one looks interesting, I can't believe I haven't heard of this one yet, thanks for putting it up. :)

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sun Apr 24, 2011 9:50 am
by Silvere
LVUER wrote:And the protagonist is a bit unique/original... for a harem manga, that is... he is clearly not Urashima Keitaro or his clone incarnation.
1) The Mech-Battles are getting worse as the show goes on. Still, the final battle is a nice one :3
2) The protagonist is the typical Harem Idiot who just doesn´t realize that everyone likes him. + He´s the typical Harem Hero who tries to solve every problem with their believe in justice. So... yeah :P

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 3:54 am
sake-bento wrote: From the reviews I've read so far, I see a whole lot of eye-rolling and "ANOTHER visual novel adaptation?" comments, especially for the first two. Seems like we still have a ways to go before we can escape the stereotype of all visual novels being H games with lousy plots. Has anyone actually watched these yet? I haven't had the time, but I am curious.
Most visual novel adaptations are extremely low quality, so I can understand where the stereotype comes from. In general, the anime industry doesn't care for these projects, so they tend to go to less reputable studios and directors (who phone the work in).

Higher profile titles tend to get positive buzz though, so it isn't like all visual novel adaptations are disliked.
Anyone watching Infinite Stratos? Another big boobs and high-school harem situation, but what makes this anime unique is the mecha (or power suit, to be exact) battle >_<
I've seen the first half. Mecha scenes are great, and the show excels in terms of pacing and balance (harem antics, action, plot development). Animation is also very good. However, I find the story, dialogue, and general premise to be pretty bad.

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 2:38 am
by MaiMai
I tried watching Oretachi. Boobs, underwear, boobs, bounce, and VAs who are forcing themselves to sound moe and adorable. So yeah, not gonna go for it again.

I did try watching Gosick when it was released, but I was too spoiled by good mystery shows like BBC Sherlock to really like the characters and stories and invest in them emotionally. The mysteries aren't very interesting and the male protagonist really irritates me.

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:05 am
by Nymphaedra
This past holiday weekend, I watched all of the available Gosick, and all of Mahou Shojo Madoka Magika.

I find Gosick becomes more and more intriguing as the series go on. The characters were a bit vague at first, but I've really come to like them. I found that the mysteries in the first few episodes were quite easy to figure out, and really weren't anything special. But after the anime leaves that sort of "introductory" phase, I was actually able to get into it.
My only qualm now is that I have to wait for more episodes -_-

MSMM... Where to begin? I'm going to have to watch this series again, I believe, to fully understand what happened. Madoka's character started to irritate me up until I found out about Homura's past. Then things were a lot more clear as to why Madoka was so hesitant the whole time. The art (especially with the witches) was intriguing/interesting and I found the characters to be really well rounded (except maybe Sayaka >_> ). All in all I really enjoyed it.
I also liked that Kyubey was so deceptively cute while doing what he was doing ^_^

Anyhow, those are just some of my thoughts.

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 3:09 am
Not a new anime, but right now I'm watching Inazuma Eleven season 1. My local TV station is airing the second season, so I guess that's why I want to watch the first season (again).

Inazuma Eleven is originally DS games. US/Europe only have IE1 while Japan already have IE3 (and there's already trailer for IE4).

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 4:34 am
by EzzyAlpha
Uh...The only anime I watch is One Piece...I'm really more of a manga geek...

To be honest, the only "recent" anime I wanted to watch was Durarara!! and the new Digimon series, but I'm so busy I never have time...

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:19 am
by Camille
My friends keep bugging me to watch Tiger&Bunny, so I'll be watching that soon, but at the moment I'm only watching Starry Sky (the anime is awful, but I love this franchise so I have to watch it on principle), Beelzebub, and Sket-Dance.

Generally I think for some reason that most anime series based off of otome games/visual novels tend to either be AMAZING or just plain awful. And even if the game has great artwork, they always have second-rate animators for the anime, so there's a huge contrast there, leading to inevitable disappointment. ):

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2011 12:55 am
Hehehe... Tiger and Bunny. My bro just watched those and tell me to watch it too. Don't have time to watch it yet though...

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:05 pm
Sorry for double posting (though officially it's not since there's already quite sometime since my last post).

Speaking about Infinite Stratos, do you know other anime where people (especially girls ^_^ ) wear oversized power-armor like that? I think I've seen several ones like Infinite Stratos but I just can't really remember.

The only anime I remember that resembles "girls wearing over-sized power suit" is Galaxy Fraulein Yuna. But I'm pretty sure there are others...

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:07 pm
by Samu-kun
Sky Girls and Strike Witches (second season) are your closest bets.

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 9:13 pm
by Suikama
Does Cosmic Break count? :V

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:25 am
by OtomeWeekend
Isn't cosmic break an rpg? Or did it finally have an animation? *puzzled*

Re: Currently Airing Anime

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 2:25 pm
by sake-bento
Some of the chicks in My Otome wind up in power armor.

I started watching Control, and it's been interesting so far. The story intrigues me and I love the music, but the quality of the animation keeps bugging me. They've rigged 3D models of the main cast, and they use those some of the time, and sometimes they mix them with 2D animation of other characters. It's so distracting. >_<