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Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Tue Sep 23, 2014 9:31 pm
by Apius
Hmm. Well, I don't want to make things overly complicated. But I'm about to.

I think that sometimes there's a difference between a show that you personally really enjoy watching, and a show that's well-crafted. For instance, I'm a big fan of Hajime No Ippo, but overall I think it has some major problems and I don't necessarily think it's one of the best anime ever. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, I personally kind of really hated the two Ghost In The Shell movies, but I can try to look at them neutrally and I'd say that there was definitely a lot of thought and planning put into them and overall they are well-crafted. If that makes any sense. Sorry, all that stuff was just a random side-thought.

Anyways, here are some random anime I really liked:
  • Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War In The Pocket
  • Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory
  • Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS Team
  • Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
  • Cowboy Bebop
  • Puella Magi Madoka Magica
  • Fate/Zero
  • Kaiji
  • Gunslinger Girl
  • Baccano!
  • Spirited Away
  • Perfect Blue
  • Paranoia Agent
  • Gungrave
Wow, that's already way too long of a list. Oops

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:10 pm
by breadslam
I actually haven't watched much anime since my high school days, which are best left forgotten.

That being said, I do enjoy any and all Studio Ghibli movies. There's always something of value in each one. I think my first one might've been Castle in the Sky, which really impressed me as a kid for some reason with its sense of size. There was just something inherently airy and huge about the movie.

My favorite thing, however, about any Ghibli movie is the music. Up until just a few years ago, I'm pretty sure I could name nearly every movie they've produced as a studio from the main theme alone.

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:32 pm
by kitsubasa
Haven't watched any new shows right through in about... three years or so (though I occasionally watch the first few episodes of something to try and get into it), but my favourite for a good 5-6 years now has been Gankutsuou: The Count of Monte Cristo anyway.

Gankutsuou has everything... a unique art style, solid voicework in English AND Japanese (though Jamieson Price's Count is my preference-- he's my favourite VA), a cool setting and an interesting adaptive take on a great book. Shifting the perspective from The Count to Albert gave the series a really unique perspective on an old story, and it did an awesome job of conveying the breakdown of Albert's world. There are plenty of stories about revenge plots, so taking the classic one and remixing it to be about watching a revenge plot from the outside with no way of intervening... that was a brilliant idea on the part of the team. I also liked the treatment of homosexuality/homoeroticism/homosocial desire, and the way it portrayed Albert's precocious crush on The Count.

Most of all, though, I liked the fact that when we did cut back to the novel's execution of the revenge scheme, we could see how little Albert mattered to it. It was this nifty juxtaposition of Albert's story segments-- literally half the dialogue being 'Count this Count that COUNT COUNT COUNT'-- against The Count's story segments, where he methodically takes down the people who wronged him, no mention of Albert. It highlighted Albert's isolation really effectively and gave a heartbreaking sense that not only is the one person he thought he could depend on utterly unfazed by his treatment, but not even factoring Albert in as a part of things. Cool exploration of the roll-on effect wrongdoing has on people, and a nice parallel to the way the novel explored how Edmond's absence hurt his friends+family+associates.

There are faults (some of the detours concerning Albert's friends are pretty boring, animation can be TOO dizzying at times...) but Gankutsuou easily takes out my favourite spot anyway. Structurally and conceptually awesome all the way through and I wish there were more shows like it. It needs more looove. Everyone go watch it (if you can tolerate the art style, haha-- I know someone who threw up watching it).

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2014 10:38 pm
by sei.chan
candy candy
death note
code geass
monster :o

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 12:39 am
by BottledAnime

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2014 4:13 pm
by TheChris
Here are a few animes that I would consider to be among the best:

Clannad (including Clannad After Story)
FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Welcome to the NHK
Code Geass

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:49 am
by Chauncelle
Gundam Unicorn
Studio Ghibli movies
Death Note
and definitely Monster - I'm really attached to this anime.
I've been having depression on and off, and watching Monster is quite comforting. I know I'm weird...

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:13 pm
by dorne
Fate Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works (2014). I know it's still airing, but it's that good! :lol:

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:45 pm
by Morhighan
.hack//SIGN - My favorite series of all time. The music is amazing, I love the art and character design, and I connect with every character on some level.
Kill la Kill - I thought I wouldn't like it because it was obviously "sexist and trashy." Boy, did it surprise me! Engaging story, likeable characters, Also the music was killer. (Killa? XD) Also nudity for dudes in equal amounts to chicks!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Amazing music, engaging story. Blah blah blah.
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Music, plot. Yum.

Runner ups:
Attack on Titan, Kino's Journey, Baccano!/Durarara, Gunslinger Girl, Trigun, Hellsing

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2015 11:24 pm
by ibukichan
Death Note and Toyko Ghoul.

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 6:11 pm
by enterfic
Don't worry. It's spoiler free :wink:

Steins;Gate: the change of pace after chapter 12 and the plot twist left a great impression on me. Also, Okabe and Kurisu are very entertaining together.
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou: the way they keep a straight face while pulling their shenanigans make me lol so hard.
RWBY: I loved Rooster Teeth's take on anime. The dialogues are fresh and the fighting scenes are breathtaking.

The following are some of my favorite scenes, respectively:

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:04 pm
by nichijoe
Samurai Flamenco anyone? (Has a little bit of everything for everyone!)

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:25 am
by darkrchaos
My top 5 series and subbed only series.

Top 5 Animes
1. Strike Witches
2. Madoka Magica
3. K-ON!
4. Attack on Titan
5. Upotte!!

Top 5 Sub-Only Animes
1. Seikon no Qwaser
2. Mitsudomoe
3. Seitokai Yakuindomo
4. Yuru Yuri
5. Yuyushiki

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 6:21 am
by Angelee
Apius wrote:Hmm. Well, I don't want to make things overly complicated. But I'm about to.

I think that sometimes there's a difference between a show that you personally really enjoy watching, and a show that's well-crafted. For instance, I'm a big fan of Hajime No Ippo, but overall I think it has some major problems and I don't necessarily think it's one of the best anime ever.
Hajime no Ippo! I practically turned into a corpse waiting for the third season to come out. And now I'm waiting again. *bawls eyes out*

That being said there's a certain thing that happened in...wait I forgot there was spoiler tags: *One Piece spoilers*
Ace's death. It was SO SO sad. SOSOSOSOSOSOSOSO sad. I literally wept like a baby and moped around the house for weeks in a dark funk after I saw that. And that was AFTER I had been spoiled and I knew it was coming. But...even though it was a real bummer, I knew then that no anime had ever affected me like that and it shot One Piece up in my mind from being a good anime to a really freaking fantastic one.
EDIT: Okay I'm back again to add a clear list since I posted this originally at like 2 in the morning. This is in the order I think of them because I'd probably fuss for days if you asked me to put them in a least-to-most like order.

One Piece (love love love), DragonBall Z (I know I know but I still love it), Hajime no Ippo (gah come out already!), Shingeki no Kyojin (aka Attack on Titan), Death Note, Gundam 00, Kuroko no Basuke, Prince of Tennis, Initial D, Bleach, Yu yu Hakusho (longtime fan).

As you can see, I really, really love shounen series. Also sports series (which is a type of shounen series). There have been a few that I've tried and skipped because I didn't like them as much but I have watched almost every sports anime that has ever existed. (No, I don't like Free!).

...and I'm also a longtime fan of Beyblade, Yu-Gi-Oh, Digimon, and the freaking Super Sentai series. Yes, I still watch these kind of shows even though I'm in college. No, I'm not ashamed to admit that.

Re: Best Anime Ever Watched?

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2015 6:44 am
by LunarVN
If we're counting movies? Spirited Away is my favorite movie of all time. So there's that. I love every single Studio Ghibli movie as well though.

In terms of shows... that's tough. Death Note would probably be my pick. But I really love FMA (both series), Samurai Champloo, and DBZ.