That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#196 Post by Himekinori »

uah Q^Q very awesome Q^Q

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#197 Post by lynnblack81 »

Awesome story. Please make a sequel, but leave out the sad ending :(. I hate sad endings, but you left some hope in the ending. Your art was beautiful and the grammar was good as well. Thanks for an enjoyable read :)

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#198 Post by Vynuxys »

That was so amazing. I didn't cry or anything (I don't mean that in a bad way btw, I never cry playing games etc so xD), but I did feel moved. I loved all the characters, Jude especially. A sequel, or even prequel, would be awesome, but I won't pressure you.. can't wait for the other game you're making though :'D

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#199 Post by Crusher »

Read the whole thing yesterday (first VN from here, yay!).


I was really wondering whether I should answer here or not. It seems usually only praising is posted here and I'm in no position to criticize others, but not saying anything would probably be worse.

To me there was a big problem with this novel: There was just not enough time to feel for the characters and things felt too rushed for me. The many comments here and your 1st competition prize (congrats for that!) already prove that many people saw that different, so I guess it comes down to how easily the reader gets into the "I feel for the MC!" status.
At least for me there should have been more time to get to know the relationship and the thoughts of Autumn better. Or maybe they just didn't hit my nerve, I don't know.
Another thing I was wondering about were her friends: In general their only role was to give her the present and giving a little bit of background information about the world. I expected them to be a little more important for the whole story since everyone got individual sprites. For example it seemed like the green guy (I'm so sorry, I just can't remember names :D) had a crush on Autumn and I was expecting a little side-story that deals with the conflict that she only thinks of Elly although she has a human who actually cares for her. I didn't expect that I would never see anything from all the friends again.
Another thing was Jude: Absolutely everything he did seemed really strange, and you gave a little hint that every android seems to act that way when it comes to Autumn. Although there are cases where leaving things in the dark can be fitting, I didn't think this was one of those. That way everything just seemed kind of strange to me because Autumn wasn't doing anything that could have made him love her so much.
However, I liked the general idea about the whole thing. It's not really something new, but hell, how many storys are that today? I liked the idea of a human getting so close to an android that it is worth more than any human ever would and I liked the perspective of Jude as a little contrast who sacrifices himself for that. In fact I'm totally into cyber-stories in general. I just didn't find a connection to everything.

Apart from the story: I didn't like the art first, but somehow that changed while I was reading it and I found it very fitting. Especially the CGs were very good. The music was mostly fitting, although I missed a really tragic track. But I have issues as well to find something like that.

However, although this one wasn't something for me: I just read through your blog and can definitely say that you have your heart in the right place. I guess I would feel exactly like you during all the phases of creating a game. I definitely will read your other stuff as well because I know there is a mind behind it who wants to express something that I can relate to.

I hope this is not too disappointing!

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#200 Post by carosene »

@Himekinori, lynnblack81, Vynuxys
Thank you guys for the love and encouragement! :D So glad you played and left comments!

Sorry you didn't like the first VN you read here, there's a fair amount of variety, hopefully you'll find something you enjoy. :)

Psht, nah, TCAST has it's share of critics (I've been grateful that everyone, including you, has been fair with it.) They just haven't been able to congregate. XD
Criticism is absolutely fine. :) I can't learn as much from praise. I feel grateful for the love the game has recieved and I don't take it for granted at all.

And you make good points. XD I'm logging away your thoughts and contemplating them. I'm not going to challenge or defend anything. XD You're being very fair.

Wait, you read my blog? XD And that convinced you to read my future stuff when TCAST didn't? That amazes me! Which parts or thoughts did you like? What do you mean you can relate to?
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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#201 Post by Crusher »

carosene wrote: Wait, you read my blog? XD And that convinced you to read my future stuff when TCAST didn't? That amazes me! Which parts or thoughts did you like? What do you mean you can relate to?
Well, I wouldn't say the novel did not because, as already stated, there were parts that I liked and chances are I like the execution of other projects more. I can't say "I liked this sentence", you just make a very likeable impression and seem like someone who has much potential when it comes to creating stories. In my opinion it's very important which person is behind all the ideas. And the story about your "angel" was sooo sweet :D. I hope she shows a sign of life sometime!

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#202 Post by carosene »

Oh that's good to hear. ^-^;; I'm new to blogging and have only gotten a couple comments so I have no idea how I'm doing.
Lol, thanks! XD I hope she does too!
*cough* That would make the decision about the TCAST sequel a lot easier, *cough*
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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#203 Post by try10 »


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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#204 Post by lonewolf1 »

FANTASTIC! story line was incredible, even though it was sad. i would LOVE a sequel!

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#205 Post by cosmo »

This game moved me, too… maybe like after a visit in the cinema!

I already asked carosene by PM for possible redistribution and got this answer:
carosene wrote:I allow redistribution of TCAST under the terms of the Creative Commons by-nc-nd License 3.0.

In this post I just want to make this public :)
Maybe a deeper review will follow later :)

All the best to you! :o)
And: Good luck!
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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#206 Post by altaira »

I am with archia in the fact that I registered with the sole intent on stating what a novel/game you've created. It made me cry (as I noticed others have done as well). I am usually pretty picky about things I read- I always find something to criticize (including my own work- having studied creative writing in college), but I was very pleased with this story. I like it just as it is. I am SO grateful that Autumn includes Jude on the backup disc. I would have cried even harder if he'd disappeared after the sacrifice he made for her. And yes, I recognized and appreciated the AI references, but I agree that you made this story unique enough to call it all your own. What work is not inspired by others anymore? "What was once old, now is new..."
I am interested in a potential sequel to this piece, but if there isn't, that's okay too. This was a good story on its own. :)

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#207 Post by carosene »

Thanks for going out of your way to leave comments! :D I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

What! XD I'm sure you can find something to criticize! I've got a handful of complaints myself!
Just kidding. :D Very glad you liked it!
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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#208 Post by RainingRipples »

I don't like visual novels, but luckily I was bored enough to try this one and it completely changed my opinion of them !
Your story is amazing, and the art is good too, not exactly my style, but again, it grew on me.

...I started wanted Elly to go away though, she hogged all of Jude's time ! D; Hahahaha.
Hope one day there will be a sequel. ^^

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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#209 Post by carosene »

Really? XD I'm amazed that you don't like visual novels and you're on this forum! Do you mean kinetic novels/aka the ones without choices?

I'm glad you liked it! :D And thanks for leaving a nice comment!

Psht, what's wrong with Elly. XD
Elly-in-Jude is totally boss. *sage nod*
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Re: That Cheap and Sacred Thing - Drama/Sci-fi

#210 Post by RainingRipples »

Whoops, wrong wording, I did mean kinetic novels. hahahaha. Was too excited after playing. (8
As wonderful as Elly is, I was biased towards Jude. AHAHHA,
His amazing selflessness and love combined with good looks was asdfghjkl. hehe. (;

-If there is a sequel though, would there be an option for, not as er, strong ? adult content ? or just implied or something, cause yea, I don't really do adult content.


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