Neglected WIP Threads

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Re: Neglected WIP Threads

#211 Post by Funnyguts »

Perhaps for the new "Demo Forum", I wonder how hard it would be to create a master Launcher that you can upload your demo to, and when you start it it will auto-update to show the newest or a random assortment of WIPs. If something catches your interest, you click on it and it will download then launch.
Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but I'm not sure what this would accomplish beyond automating having the OP of a thread edit the thread title to point out a major update.

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Re: Neglected WIP Threads

#212 Post by Voight-Kampff »

I'm thinking out loud again. Just toss this on the pile-o-ideas to consider...

So, one of the key issues at hand is that some people believe that otome/GxB games are garnering too much attention on LSF. Consequently, other genres aren't getting an equal shake at visibility/promotion. Correct? There seem to be more people commenting on otome/GxB than others. Thus, they float to the top of the list more often.

That makes me wonder. Are otome/GxB games really getting more attention than other genres? Or are the people who are interested in otome games simply more vocal, thus making more posts? Perhaps BxG enthusiasts simply don't like to comment. If those assumptions are true, then I don't think there's any way to encourage an equal balance of comments across all genres.

However, there might still be a way to balance the scales, as it were.

The way in which posts are ordered on PHPBB generally lists new posts first, in descending order by date. Well, what if the order in which posts are listed isn't by date, but by page views? In theory, if people are really interested in a title, the page views will bear that out, thus keeping a title visible for longer.

I'm not sure just how PHPBB keeps track of page views. If it just registers page reloads from the same IP, then it wouldn't work at all, since people could easily manipulate the system. All a person would have to do is hit reload, like, 1,000 times and a post would climb to the top. But, if PHPBB keeps track of unique IPs that visit, lets say, every 24 hours, then I suspect it might work.

But, this idea still might be too close to the "popularity contest" angle. Well, like I said, it's just another idea to throw on the pile.

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Re: Neglected WIP Threads

#213 Post by Doomfest »

DaFool wrote:
PyTom wrote:But something needs to be done, in the hopes that old creators will return, current ones won't leave, and new creators will feel welcome.
I don't think new categorization will do anything much to remedy this.

Veteran EVN creators tend to become very bitter. It's just the frustrating nature of the hobby. If you've gone through a lot of projects you tend to meet not just reliable people, but unreliable ones too. You also tend to get into a lot of disagreements.

The Teacup forum, which used to be active by LSF old-timers, is also waning. So it's just that people are getting burned out and getting busier. The 'older male demographic' which used to make BxG here... e.g. Chronoluminaire, Alessio: Married. With children.

I'm a "Wizard" that's why I'm still here. But should I one day manage to express all that I need to express, like mikey, I will retire.

The new BxG creators, what are they up against? Katawa Shoujo. Cradle Song. Shock Cocoon. All of these works prioritized high quality art first, before writing. Need I remind you how every time a new EVN is given mention outside LSF, the usual comment is "Why is this shitty OELVN even given a spotlight? I can't wait for Katawa Shoujo."

So if you're a BxG or non-renai creator, even if you're a good writer, if you can't get the shiny art, why even bother? So what you end up doing is working on all sorts of experiments, trying out different styles and methodologies.

I think with the advent of Mangagamer and the better titles being licensed by JAST, BxG became the 'AAA' equivalent of the VN industry. And when an industry becomes AAA, all the B-players (such as Japanese developers) get pushed aside. Otome is not yet at that stage so EVN devs have a near monopoly on satisfying the demographic... but it too won't be long if Aksys finds success.

So if ever I'm going to be making a BxG, it's just for myself to masturbate. (That's actually in line with the true doujin spirit, come to think of it).

Also, I'm actually surprised that I'm still one of the few people not earning anything from this fandom. Just losing money until I have something I'm confident enough to sell. Most of the games with shiny art have alternate revenue streams, such as artbooks being sold at conventions, or attracting donations. So if you look at why BxG and non-renai creators are not motivated, well there is literally nothing for them now. No artbooks to sell and few comments of encouragement. Why bother indeed.

I noticed the problem affects JVNs just as much. When you can fan-patch the most popular VN around, no one bothers with the small fry doujin VNs. Al|together which introduced us to little gems is dead since it doesn't serve a purpose anymore.
There is no such thing as prioritizing art, writing, or music in Cradle Song.

First, Dani and Swiffeh work to the best of their ability to write the plot. I've lost track of how many edits they have made to the script. The git is constantly being updated with edits. Even the sections of the preview that are already out have already been edited after the release. There are endless discussions about plot. Katawa Shoujo also gets edited to hell and back.

Second of all, I'm not being paid. In fact, none of the core developers are being paid. If there are any potential royalties, I get paid as much as the other developers. The only reason we have ever outsourced artists is when a critical missing asset is not going to be done in reasonable time. And even then, we don't really have a 'budget' to be prioritizing things. It's just that writing and music is already miles ahead of art, so art sometimes needs the budget boost to catch up. Also, no one on Katawa-Shoujo is being paid, how can they priotize anything?

Third, why would I join a project with weak writing? I had enough of weak writing from my own writing. If Cradle Song had weak writing and another project had strong writing, which one do you think I would have joined? I joined Dischan because I liked their idea. I didn't join it to make a shitty project more marketable. In addition, Katawa-Shoujo has what, six writers and three editors? Their dedicated art team is nowhere near that size.

P.S.: I'm not doing this to earn money, I'm doing this because I love it. Haven't earned anything from this in the five years I've tried making visual novels, either. If I wanted to earn money I'd be spamming commissions and I'd probably be able to afford that cintiq already.

P.S.S.: You can still make a good VN with shit art. Just make up for it with good writing. Look at all that ryukishi07 nonsense.

Sorry for bringing this up again, I just couldn't help but point out your silly notion of priorities in c-s.
Dysfunctional Systems
Juniper's Knot
Cradle Song, a visual novel in development
Memo, a visual novel

[02:49] <Komi> How is Dysfunctional Systems coming along?
[02:52] <Doomfest> have you seen prince of egypt
[02:53] <Doomfest> do you remember that scene with the storm of bugs
[02:54] <Komi> I know what you are talking about, but I can't remember the scene.
[02:54] <Doomfest> that is what it feels like
[02:55] <Komi> Personality conflicts on the team, I take it?
[02:56] <Doomfest> no
[02:56] <Doomfest> just bugs
[02:56] <Doomfest> storm of bugs

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Re: Neglected WIP Threads

#214 Post by Taosym »

Doomfest wrote: P.S.S.: You can still make a good VN with shit art. Just make up for it with good writing.
Just look at Umineko. It's held up by it's story telling ability. The art is fairly sub-par but if the other parts are good enough. They can carry the game. Though realistically you'd want the whole thing to be polished.

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Re: Neglected WIP Threads

#215 Post by LadyAvori »

Aleema wrote:
Mink wrote:...I realize I may be like the only girl who generally haaates anything for girls. 8| (And I'm okay with that)
I wouldn't say that. I think we all hate to be pandered to and to be completely misunderstood or misrepresented. I wouldn't want a GameStop guy suggesting Barbie Pony World or something to me. The problem is what is defined as "for girls".
I don't like most games geared for girls either but I do like having a woman protagonist, so I do lean more towards GXB in regards to VN. And what can I say? I can devour a romance novel in one night. But give me a murder mystery with a woman protagonist and I'd probably be just as interested.

I only comment on a few WIP that I'm really waiting for. And if I do comment it's only once or twice. But I've viewed many of the WIPs and I do so often. So I wouldn't worry about not having a lot of comments you're probably getting more views then you expect.

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Re: Neglected WIP Threads

#216 Post by kara24601 »

I'd post in every WIP thread if I had anything meaningful to say other than "hey I'm looking forward to this" or (something along those lines)

I'd offer to help with anything if I was a better artist and programmer. Right now I'm not in good position to be of much help artwise and stuff anyway due to some compute related issues I need to take care of (after cleaning off the area and getting my butt back to work on making backups, of course...then the other important computer things that shoul'dve already been done by now *sigh* *facepalm*)

I could try to help with web coding and maybe some other things but you'd probably be better off asking somebody else for that .....just saying.

I can't really help with graphics now due to my own still current computer situation and issues...

I've been dowloading demos and games like crazy today and playing them. Especially the new stuff like Magical Diary and Hired Gun, ect.

With my dad's help I'm buying a couple of games too. I wanted to buy more but of course things add up and it would've cost a lot more and dad's like "whoa girl just get three today" lol

For those that care, I will play just about any game genre. My favorites are fantasy , adventure, and rpg. Even ones I'm not a huge fan of (FPS and other stuff)
I like things like Harvest Moon, Animal Crossing, Princess Maker (well mixed feelings about that one), Wandering Willows, Zombie Pandemic, Rebuild (flash game where you have to be careful when making decisions and fighting against the zombies) , I like "goth" and "cute" stuff but I get annoyed with stereotypical goth stuff. I will even sometimes play girly girl games like anything with cooking, dressing up, being a princess, cosmetics, shopping, ect. but they usually annoy me as well.
I usually hate pink and "save the princess" / "why are dresses default and pants are expensive optional choice if you're a female?" that sort of thing (which I will rant about in another thread that I made over in general or wherever)
I love Black, Purple, Blue, Red, and Gold.

I hate zombies, I like to play games that let me kill zombies. I don't understand the people who are zombie "omg zombies are so awesome" type fans
I love games with ninjas, pirate theme games, vampire, holiday games (of course most beloved holiday is halloween) , ummm....female knight, female queen (but usually not in the traditional way) , being allowed to play as a somewhat girly bishounen, SPAAAACE! , unicorns, rainbows, skulls, female pirate captain, boxing, ect.

I'm a wannabe game creator myself. I have tried my hand before at it. I will be trying to get back into the swing of things after I stop being lazy and take care of some computer issues I'll be having to deal with. Games aren't my only obsession. I am the kind of person who will play and want to make both "adult" projects and "kid's stuff" or whatever. Whatever I'm in the mood for. I'm a huge anime/manga style fan but I'll play games that are in different style too.

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