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Re: Dragon Souls (GxG, Yuri)

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2011 2:17 am
by ra-nyan
Pretty cool that you're continuing the other game that you started before. I liked the older version of this already and now I like it even more because of the yuri lol.

Looking forward to the updates!

Re: Dragon Souls (GxG, Yuri)

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 5:07 pm
by Zatch
I didn't abandon this I swear! Sorry, for no updates..

Long time no see peoples. I just want to let you know that this game isn't abandon. We just want silent keeping to ourselves. Mwahaha!

I'm going to be honest about this and say I have been working with the beginning starting over a lot of time *fails*. I want it to me awesome. T.T

I will give you a proper update in couple of days as changes I made so far..

Re: Dragon Souls (GxG, Yuri)

Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2012 9:59 pm
by distorsion
Commercial? Damn. >_<
Oh well. Annie looks like she'll be the most fun so far. Hurray for the cute and clumsy assassin with an attitude!
Also... *sees Maria* O___O I think the image of those boobs just burned out my retinas...

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2012 9:00 pm
by Maltagliati
Go Zatch! P: Sounds like the game is coming along really well, art-wise and plot-wise. Joe and Annie sound very interesting.

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Mon May 14, 2012 4:36 pm
by Zatch
Bzzt! Update for you fellow stalkers!

Well, we will probably restart the project sadly.. I haven't gotten to talk to Rideka so we might use someone else.. I do have something to show you guys.. It's been a while since show you art.. :lol:

I have a tag line for the game.. Finish the fight.. It will have to do something in the war. 8)

Take a look and tell me what you think at the bottom!

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:55 am
by Zatch
Wow.. No new comments on the background.. That is kind of sad.. No more backgrounds for you :lol:

I have talk to Rideka and she is still on board with the game so yay! So, no rebooting everything! I will be moving everything over to new wip soon! I don't know if people care or not..

I just commission the new protagonist and will show her soon. :3

Just look at other yuri games then

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:36 pm
by Zatch
Alright guys! This game is back in action but we have one problem! We need funds to get this completed! <--- Visit and spread the word out! If you can contribute then that is awesome too. We will update this thread when we have time!

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:29 pm
by gekiganwing
Zatch wrote:We need funds to get this completed!
I made sure to look at your Indiegogo page. I'm glad that you clearly stated, "The money get split between the team of artists, programmer and musican during the production of the game. Sprite cost $15 per sprite, backgrounds cost around $60 each and music costing around $50 per song."

If you want people to believe enough in your project to donate up to $6000 US by early September 2012, then here is what I would add:

* Ensure people that writing and coding are going well. Sprites, backgrounds, and music are great... but writing is probably what will make your VN memorable. If you have text samples, or even a demo with few/no graphics, seriously consider making it available.

* Make sure people understand what they're investing in. Tell them what they can expect. (Are you creating a story with choices, or will there be mandatory gameplay? Is the focus on general plot, is it a love story between girls, or somewhere in between? What level of content will exist?)

* Finally, check your Indiegogo campaign for typos and grammar errors.

Anyone have other suggestions?

For a point of comparison, look at the Devil Gene R episode one project on Kickstarter. As of this writing, $2828 of 3000 has been pledged, with ten days left.

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 9:27 am
by Zatch
Thanks for the tip gekiganwing! I will go ahead and edit it then. :P

I'm thinking of making this game 18+ instead of the all age version. Maybe I will do both.. I'm holding off my other projects until this one is close to be completed.. :D

I'm going to switch to a new artist that will handle this greatly. :D *sigh* switching artist....

So many thing I have to do with this! Don't know where to do start... Well, I do the story but yeah.. XD I'm going to back revise the plot and characters abit and then open a new thread.

Stay tune for updates!

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2012 12:42 am
by michi 18
WOow ! Who drewthe art?

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 11:35 pm
by Razz
Yeah who's the new artist? :D

Re: Dragon Souls ( Fantasy, sci-fi, and GxG)

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 7:04 pm
by Zatch
Razz wrote:Yeah who's the new artist? :D
I'm leaving that a secret right now since I'm organize things right now. I'm hoping that everything will be back on track in March. ^^;;

The project isn't dead if you are wondering we just have a couple of problems and some drama that happen. Since it's a new year, we are going work hard and have new material that will hopeful entertain you. :D I will repost stuff on the opening stuff on the topic soon.

I will leave this note for you guys... Not every land is light skin tone. ;D